/* * BIRD -- OSPF Configuration * * (c) 1999--2004 Ondrej Filip * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/ospf/ospf.h" CF_DEFINES #define OSPF_CFG ((struct ospf_config *) this_proto) #define OSPF_PATT ((struct ospf_iface_patt *) this_ipatt) static struct ospf_area_config *this_area; static struct nbma_node *this_nbma; static list *this_nets; static struct area_net_config *this_pref; static struct ospf_stubnet_config *this_stubnet; static inline int ospf_cfg_is_v2(void) { return OSPF_CFG->ospf2; } static inline int ospf_cfg_is_v3(void) { return ! OSPF_CFG->ospf2; } static void ospf_iface_finish(void) { struct ospf_iface_patt *ip = OSPF_PATT; if (ip->deadint == 0) ip->deadint = ip->deadc * ip->helloint; if (ip->waitint == 0) ip->waitint = ip->deadc * ip->helloint; ip->passwords = get_passwords(); if (ospf_cfg_is_v2() && (ip->autype == OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT) && (ip->helloint < 5)) cf_warn("Hello or poll interval less that 5 makes cryptographic authenication prone to replay attacks"); if ((ip->autype == OSPF_AUTH_NONE) && (ip->passwords != NULL)) cf_warn("Password option without authentication option does not make sense"); if (ip->passwords) { struct password_item *pass; WALK_LIST(pass, *ip->passwords) { if (pass->alg && (ip->autype != OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT)) cf_error("Password algorithm option requires cryptographic authentication"); /* Set default OSPF crypto algorithms */ if (!pass->alg && (ip->autype == OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT)) pass->alg = ospf_cfg_is_v2() ? ALG_MD5 : ALG_HMAC_SHA256; if (ospf_cfg_is_v3() && ip->autype && (pass->alg < ALG_HMAC)) cf_error("Keyed hash algorithms are not allowed, use HMAC algorithms"); } } } static void ospf_area_finish(void) { if ((this_area->areaid == 0) && (this_area->type != OPT_E)) cf_error("Backbone area cannot be stub/NSSA"); if (this_area->summary && (this_area->type == OPT_E)) cf_error("Only stub/NSSA areas can use summary propagation"); if (this_area->default_nssa && ((this_area->type != OPT_N) || ! this_area->summary)) cf_error("Only NSSA areas with summary propagation can use NSSA default route"); if ((this_area->default_cost & LSA_EXT3_EBIT) && ! this_area->default_nssa) cf_error("Only NSSA default route can use type 2 metric"); } static void ospf_proto_finish(void) { struct ospf_config *cf = OSPF_CFG; struct ospf_area_config *ac; struct ospf_iface_patt *ic; /* Define default channel */ if (! proto_cf_main_channel(this_proto)) { uint net_type = this_proto->net_type = ospf_cfg_is_v2() ? NET_IP4 : NET_IP6; channel_config_new(NULL, net_label[net_type], net_type, this_proto); } /* Propagate global instance ID to interfaces */ if (cf->instance_id_set) { WALK_LIST(ac, cf->area_list) WALK_LIST(ic, ac->patt_list) if (!ic->instance_id_set) { ic->instance_id = cf->instance_id; ic->instance_id_set = 1; } WALK_LIST(ic, cf->vlink_list) if (!ic->instance_id_set) { ic->instance_id = cf->instance_id; ic->instance_id_set = 1; } } if (ospf_cfg_is_v3()) { uint ipv4 = (this_proto->net_type == NET_IP4); uint base = (ipv4 ? 64 : 0) + (cf->af_mc ? 32 : 0); /* RFC 5838 - OSPFv3-AF */ if (cf->af_ext) { /* RFC 5838 2.1 - instance IDs based on AFs */ WALK_LIST(ac, cf->area_list) WALK_LIST(ic, ac->patt_list) { if (!ic->instance_id_set) ic->instance_id = base; else if (ic->instance_id >= 128) cf_warn("Instance ID %d from unassigned/private range", ic->instance_id); else if ((ic->instance_id < base) || (ic->instance_id >= (base + 32))) cf_error("Instance ID %d invalid for given channel type", ic->instance_id); } /* RFC 5838 2.8 - vlinks limited to IPv6 unicast */ if ((ipv4 || cf->af_mc) && !EMPTY_LIST(cf->vlink_list)) cf_error("Vlinks not supported in AFs other than IPv6 unicast"); } else { if (ipv4 || cf->af_mc) cf_error("Different channel type"); } } if (EMPTY_LIST(cf->area_list)) cf_error("No configured areas in OSPF"); int areano = 0; int backbone = 0; int nssa = 0; WALK_LIST(ac, cf->area_list) { areano++; if (ac->areaid == 0) backbone = 1; if (ac->type == OPT_N) nssa = 1; } cf->abr = areano > 1; /* Route export or NSSA translation (RFC 3101 3.1) */ cf->asbr = (proto_cf_main_channel(this_proto)->out_filter != FILTER_REJECT) || (nssa && cf->abr); if (cf->abr && !backbone) { struct ospf_area_config *ac = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_area_config)); ac->type = OPT_E; /* Backbone is non-stub */ add_head(&cf->area_list, NODE ac); init_list(&ac->patt_list); init_list(&ac->net_list); init_list(&ac->enet_list); init_list(&ac->stubnet_list); } if (!cf->abr && !EMPTY_LIST(cf->vlink_list)) cf_error("Vlinks cannot be used on single area router"); if (cf->asbr && (areano == 1) && (this_area->type == 0)) cf_error("ASBR must be in non-stub area"); } static inline void ospf_check_defcost(int cost) { if ((cost <= 0) || (cost >= LSINFINITY)) cf_error("Default cost must be in range 1-%u", LSINFINITY-1); } static inline void ospf_check_auth(void) { if (ospf_cfg_is_v3()) cf_error("Plaintext authentication not supported in OSPFv3"); } CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(OSPF, V2, V3) CF_KEYWORDS(AREA, NEIGHBORS, RFC1583COMPAT, STUB, TICK, COST, COST2, RETRANSMIT) CF_KEYWORDS(HELLO, TRANSMIT, PRIORITY, DEAD, TYPE, BROADCAST, BCAST, DEFAULT) CF_KEYWORDS(NONBROADCAST, NBMA, POINTOPOINT, PTP, POINTOMULTIPOINT, PTMP) CF_KEYWORDS(NONE, SIMPLE, AUTHENTICATION, STRICT, CRYPTOGRAPHIC, TTL, SECURITY) CF_KEYWORDS(ELIGIBLE, POLL, NETWORKS, HIDDEN, VIRTUAL, CHECK, LINK, ONLY, BFD) CF_KEYWORDS(RX, BUFFER, LARGE, NORMAL, STUBNET, HIDDEN, SUMMARY, TAG, EXTERNAL) CF_KEYWORDS(WAIT, DELAY, LSADB, ECMP, LIMIT, WEIGHT, NSSA, TRANSLATOR, STABILITY) CF_KEYWORDS(GLOBAL, LSID, ROUTER, SELF, INSTANCE, REAL, NETMASK, TX, PRIORITY, LENGTH) CF_KEYWORDS(MERGE, LSA, SUPPRESSION, MULTICAST, RFC5838, VPN, PE, ADDRESS) CF_KEYWORDS(GRACEFUL, RESTART, AWARE, TIME) %type lsadb_args %type ospf_variant ospf_af_mc nbma_eligible %type ospf_channel_start ospf_channel CF_GRAMMAR proto: ospf_proto '}' { ospf_proto_finish(); } ; ospf_variant: OSPF { $$ = 1; } | OSPF V2 { $$ = 1; } | OSPF V3 { $$ = 0; } ; ospf_proto_start: proto_start ospf_variant { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_ospf, $1); this_proto->net_type = $2 ? NET_IP4 : 0; init_list(&OSPF_CFG->area_list); init_list(&OSPF_CFG->vlink_list); OSPF_CFG->ecmp = rt_default_ecmp; OSPF_CFG->tick = OSPF_DEFAULT_TICK; OSPF_CFG->ospf2 = $2; OSPF_CFG->af_ext = !$2; OSPF_CFG->gr_mode = OSPF_GR_AWARE; OSPF_CFG->gr_time = OSPF_DEFAULT_GR_TIME; }; ospf_proto: ospf_proto_start proto_name '{' | ospf_proto ospf_proto_item ';' ; ospf_af_mc: { $$ = 0; } | MULTICAST { $$ = 1; } ; /* We redefine proto_channel to add multicast flag */ ospf_channel_start: net_type ospf_af_mc { /* TODO: change name for multicast channels */ $$ = this_channel = channel_config_get(NULL, net_label[$1], $1, this_proto); /* Save the multicast flag */ OSPF_CFG->af_mc = $2; }; ospf_channel: ospf_channel_start channel_opt_list channel_end; ospf_proto_item: proto_item | ospf_channel { this_proto->net_type = $1->net_type; } | RFC1583COMPAT bool { OSPF_CFG->rfc1583 = $2; } | RFC5838 bool { OSPF_CFG->af_ext = $2; if (!ospf_cfg_is_v3()) cf_error("RFC5838 option requires OSPFv3"); } | VPN PE bool { OSPF_CFG->vpn_pe = $3; } | STUB ROUTER bool { OSPF_CFG->stub_router = $3; } | GRACEFUL RESTART bool { OSPF_CFG->gr_mode = $3; } | GRACEFUL RESTART AWARE { OSPF_CFG->gr_mode = OSPF_GR_AWARE; } | GRACEFUL RESTART TIME expr { OSPF_CFG->gr_time = $4; if (($4 < 1) || ($4 > 1800)) cf_error("Graceful restart time must be in range 1-1800"); } | ECMP bool { OSPF_CFG->ecmp = $2 ? OSPF_DEFAULT_ECMP_LIMIT : 0; } | ECMP bool LIMIT expr { OSPF_CFG->ecmp = $2 ? $4 : 0; } | MERGE EXTERNAL bool { OSPF_CFG->merge_external = $3; } | TICK expr { OSPF_CFG->tick = $2; if($2 <= 0) cf_error("Tick must be greater than zero"); } | INSTANCE ID expr { OSPF_CFG->instance_id = $3; OSPF_CFG->instance_id_set = 1; if ($3 > 255) cf_error("Instance ID must be in range 0-255"); } | ospf_area ; ospf_area_start: AREA idval { this_area = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_area_config)); add_tail(&OSPF_CFG->area_list, NODE this_area); this_area->areaid = $2; this_area->default_cost = OSPF_DEFAULT_STUB_COST; this_area->type = OPT_E; this_area->transint = OSPF_DEFAULT_TRANSINT; init_list(&this_area->patt_list); init_list(&this_area->net_list); init_list(&this_area->enet_list); init_list(&this_area->stubnet_list); } ; ospf_area: ospf_area_start '{' ospf_area_opts '}' { ospf_area_finish(); } ; ospf_area_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_area_opts ospf_area_item ';' ; ospf_area_item: STUB bool { this_area->type = $2 ? 0 : OPT_E; /* We should remove the option */ } | NSSA { this_area->type = OPT_N; } | SUMMARY bool { this_area->summary = $2; } | DEFAULT NSSA bool { this_area->default_nssa = $3; } | DEFAULT COST expr { this_area->default_cost = $3; ospf_check_defcost($3); } | DEFAULT COST2 expr { this_area->default_cost = $3 | LSA_EXT3_EBIT; ospf_check_defcost($3); } | STUB COST expr { this_area->default_cost = $3; ospf_check_defcost($3); } | TRANSLATOR bool { this_area->translator = $2; } | TRANSLATOR STABILITY expr { this_area->transint = $3; } | NETWORKS { this_nets = &this_area->net_list; } '{' pref_list '}' | EXTERNAL { this_nets = &this_area->enet_list; } '{' pref_list '}' | STUBNET ospf_stubnet | INTERFACE ospf_iface | ospf_vlink ; ospf_stubnet: ospf_stubnet_start '{' ospf_stubnet_opts '}' | ospf_stubnet_start ; ospf_stubnet_start: net_ip { this_stubnet = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_stubnet_config)); add_tail(&this_area->stubnet_list, NODE this_stubnet); this_stubnet->prefix = $1; this_stubnet->cost = COST_D; } ; ospf_stubnet_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_stubnet_opts ospf_stubnet_item ';' ; ospf_stubnet_item: HIDDEN bool { this_stubnet->hidden = $2; } | SUMMARY bool { this_stubnet->summary = $2; } | COST expr { this_stubnet->cost = $2; } ; ospf_vlink: ospf_vlink_start ospf_instance_id '{' ospf_vlink_opts '}' { ospf_iface_finish(); } | ospf_vlink_start ospf_instance_id { ospf_iface_finish(); } ; ospf_vlink_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_vlink_opts ospf_vlink_item ';' ; ospf_vlink_item: | HELLO expr { OSPF_PATT->helloint = $2 ; if (($2<=0) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Hello interval must be in range 1-65535"); } | RETRANSMIT expr { OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Retransmit int must be greater than one"); } | TRANSMIT DELAY expr { OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = $3 ; if (($3<=0) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("Transmit delay must be in range 1-65535"); } | WAIT expr { OSPF_PATT->waitint = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Wait interval must be greater than one"); } | DEAD expr { OSPF_PATT->deadint = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Dead interval must be greater than one"); } | DEAD COUNT expr { OSPF_PATT->deadc = $3 ; if ($3<=1) cf_error("Dead count must be greater than one"); } | AUTHENTICATION NONE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_NONE; } | AUTHENTICATION SIMPLE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_SIMPLE; ospf_check_auth(); } | AUTHENTICATION CRYPTOGRAPHIC { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT; } | password_list ; ospf_vlink_start: VIRTUAL LINK idval { if (this_area->areaid == 0) cf_error("Virtual link cannot be in backbone"); this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_iface_patt)); add_tail(&OSPF_CFG->vlink_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); OSPF_PATT->voa = this_area->areaid; OSPF_PATT->vid = $3; OSPF_PATT->helloint = HELLOINT_D; OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = RXMTINT_D; OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = INFTRANSDELAY_D; OSPF_PATT->deadc = DEADC_D; OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_VLINK; init_list(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list); reset_passwords(); } ; ospf_iface_item: COST expr { OSPF_PATT->cost = $2 ; if (($2<=0) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Cost must be in range 1-65535"); } | HELLO expr { OSPF_PATT->helloint = $2 ; if (($2<=0) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Hello interval must be in range 1-65535"); } | POLL expr { OSPF_PATT->pollint = $2 ; if ($2<=0) cf_error("Poll int must be greater than zero"); } | RETRANSMIT expr { OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Retransmit int must be greater than one"); } | WAIT expr { OSPF_PATT->waitint = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Wait interval must be greater than one"); } | DEAD expr { OSPF_PATT->deadint = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Dead interval must be greater than one"); } | DEAD COUNT expr { OSPF_PATT->deadc = $3 ; if ($3<=1) cf_error("Dead count must be greater than one"); } | TYPE BROADCAST { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_BCAST ; } | TYPE BCAST { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_BCAST ; } | TYPE NONBROADCAST { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_NBMA ; } | TYPE NBMA { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_NBMA ; } | TYPE POINTOPOINT { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_PTP ; } | TYPE PTP { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_PTP ; } | TYPE POINTOMULTIPOINT { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_PTMP ; } | TYPE PTMP { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_PTMP ; } | REAL BROADCAST bool { OSPF_PATT->real_bcast = $3; if (!ospf_cfg_is_v2()) cf_error("Real broadcast option requires OSPFv2"); } | PTP NETMASK bool { OSPF_PATT->ptp_netmask = $3; if (!ospf_cfg_is_v2()) cf_error("PtP netmask option requires OSPFv2"); } | PTP ADDRESS bool { OSPF_PATT->ptp_address = $3; if (!ospf_cfg_is_v2()) cf_error("PtP address option requires OSPFv2"); } | TRANSMIT DELAY expr { OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = $3 ; if (($3<=0) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("Transmit delay must be in range 1-65535"); } | PRIORITY expr { OSPF_PATT->priority = $2 ; if ($2>255) cf_error("Priority must be in range 0-255"); } | STRICT NONBROADCAST bool { OSPF_PATT->strictnbma = $3 ; } | STUB bool { OSPF_PATT->stub = $2 ; } | CHECK LINK bool { OSPF_PATT->check_link = $3; } | ECMP WEIGHT expr { OSPF_PATT->ecmp_weight = $3 - 1; if (($3<1) || ($3>256)) cf_error("ECMP weight must be in range 1-256"); } | LINK LSA SUPPRESSION bool { OSPF_PATT->link_lsa_suppression = $4; if (!ospf_cfg_is_v3()) cf_error("Link LSA suppression option requires OSPFv3"); } | NEIGHBORS '{' nbma_list '}' | AUTHENTICATION NONE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_NONE; } | AUTHENTICATION SIMPLE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_SIMPLE; ospf_check_auth(); } | AUTHENTICATION CRYPTOGRAPHIC { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT; } | RX BUFFER NORMAL { OSPF_PATT->rx_buffer = 0; } | RX BUFFER LARGE { OSPF_PATT->rx_buffer = OSPF_MAX_PKT_SIZE; } | RX BUFFER expr { OSPF_PATT->rx_buffer = $3; if (($3 < OSPF_MIN_PKT_SIZE) || ($3 > OSPF_MAX_PKT_SIZE)) cf_error("Buffer size must be in range 256-65535"); } | TX tos { OSPF_PATT->tx_tos = $2; } | TX PRIORITY expr { OSPF_PATT->tx_priority = $3; } | TX LENGTH expr { OSPF_PATT->tx_length = $3; if (($3 < OSPF_MIN_PKT_SIZE) || ($3 > OSPF_MAX_PKT_SIZE)) cf_error("TX length must be in range 256-65535"); } | TTL SECURITY bool { OSPF_PATT->ttl_security = $3; } | TTL SECURITY TX ONLY { OSPF_PATT->ttl_security = 2; } | BFD bool { OSPF_PATT->bfd = $2; cf_check_bfd($2); } | password_list ; pref_list: /* empty */ | pref_list pref_item ; pref_item: pref_base pref_opt ';' ; pref_base: net_ip { this_pref = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct area_net_config)); add_tail(this_nets, NODE this_pref); this_pref->prefix = $1; } ; pref_opt: /* empty */ | HIDDEN { this_pref->hidden = 1; } | TAG expr { this_pref->tag = $2; } ; nbma_list: /* empty */ | nbma_list nbma_item ; nbma_eligible: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | ELIGIBLE { $$ = 1; } ; nbma_item: ipa nbma_eligible ';' { this_nbma = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct nbma_node)); add_tail(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list, NODE this_nbma); this_nbma->ip=$1; this_nbma->eligible=$2; } ; ospf_iface_start: { this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_iface_patt)); add_tail(&this_area->patt_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); OSPF_PATT->cost = COST_D; OSPF_PATT->helloint = HELLOINT_D; OSPF_PATT->pollint = POLLINT_D; OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = RXMTINT_D; OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = INFTRANSDELAY_D; OSPF_PATT->priority = PRIORITY_D; OSPF_PATT->deadc = DEADC_D; OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_UNDEF; init_list(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list); OSPF_PATT->check_link = 1; OSPF_PATT->ptp_netmask = 2; /* not specified */ OSPF_PATT->ptp_address = 2; /* not specified */ OSPF_PATT->tx_tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL; OSPF_PATT->tx_priority = sk_priority_control; reset_passwords(); } ; ospf_instance_id: /* empty */ | INSTANCE expr { OSPF_PATT->instance_id = $2; OSPF_PATT->instance_id_set = 1; if ($2 > 255) cf_error("Instance ID must be in range 0-255"); } ; ospf_iface_patt_list: iface_patt_list { if (ospf_cfg_is_v3()) iface_patt_check(); } ospf_instance_id ; ospf_iface_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_iface_opts ospf_iface_item ';' ; ospf_iface_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' ospf_iface_opts '}' ; ospf_iface: ospf_iface_start ospf_iface_patt_list ospf_iface_opt_list { ospf_iface_finish(); } ; CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW OSPF, ..., [[Show information about OSPF protocol]]); CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF, optproto, [], [[Show information about OSPF protocol]]) { PROTO_WALK_CMD($3, &proto_ospf, p) ospf_sh(p); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF NEIGHBORS, optproto opttext, [] [\"\"], [[Show information about OSPF neighbors]]) { PROTO_WALK_CMD($4, &proto_ospf, p) ospf_sh_neigh(p, $5); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF INTERFACE, optproto opttext, [] [\"\"], [[Show information about interface]]) { PROTO_WALK_CMD($4, &proto_ospf, p) ospf_sh_iface(p, $5); }; CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW OSPF TOPOLOGY, [all] [], [[Show information about OSPF network topology]]) CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF TOPOLOGY, optproto opttext, [], [[Show information about reachable OSPF network topology]]) { ospf_sh_state(proto_get_named($4, &proto_ospf), 0, 1); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF TOPOLOGY ALL, optproto opttext, [], [[Show information about all OSPF network topology]]) { ospf_sh_state(proto_get_named($5, &proto_ospf), 0, 0); }; CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW OSPF STATE, [all] [], [[Show information about OSPF network state]]) CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF STATE, optproto opttext, [], [[Show information about reachable OSPF network state]]) { ospf_sh_state(proto_get_named($4, &proto_ospf), 1, 1); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF STATE ALL, optproto opttext, [], [[Show information about all OSPF network state]]) { ospf_sh_state(proto_get_named($5, &proto_ospf), 1, 0); }; CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW OSPF LSADB, ..., [[Show content of OSPF LSA database]]); CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF LSADB, lsadb_args, [global | area | link] [type ] [lsid ] [self | router ] [], [[Show content of OSPF LSA database]]) { if (!$4->proto) $4->proto = (struct ospf_proto *) proto_get_named(NULL, &proto_ospf); ospf_sh_lsadb($4); }; CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB GLOBAL) CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB AREA, ) CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB LINK) CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB TYPE, ) CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB LSID, ) CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB SELF) CF_CLI_OPT(SHOW OSPF LSADB ROUTER, ) lsadb_args: /* empty */ { $$ = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct lsadb_show_data)); } | lsadb_args GLOBAL { $$ = $1; $$->scope = LSA_SCOPE_AS; } | lsadb_args AREA idval { $$ = $1; $$->scope = LSA_SCOPE_AREA; $$->area = $3; } | lsadb_args LINK { $$ = $1; $$->scope = 1; /* hack, 0 is no filter */ } | lsadb_args TYPE NUM { $$ = $1; $$->type = $3; } | lsadb_args LSID idval { $$ = $1; $$->lsid = $3; } | lsadb_args SELF { $$ = $1; $$->router = SH_ROUTER_SELF; } | lsadb_args ROUTER idval { $$ = $1; $$->router = $3; } | lsadb_args CF_SYM_KNOWN { cf_assert_symbol($2, SYM_PROTO); $$ = $1; $$->proto = (struct ospf_proto *) proto_get_named($2, &proto_ospf); } ; CF_CODE CF_END