/* * BIRD -- Statistics Protocol Configuration * * (c) 2022 Vojtech Vilimek * (c) 2022 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/snmp/snmp.h" CF_DEFINES #define SNMP_CFG ((struct snmp_config *) this_proto) #define SNMP_CC ((struct snmp_channel_config *) this_channel) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(SNMP, TABLE, PROTOCOL, BPG) CF_GRAMMAR proto: snmp_proto '}' { this_channel = NULL; } ; snmp_proto: snmp_proto_start '{' | snmp_proto proto_item ';' | snmp_proto snmp_bgp_bond ';' | snmp_proto LOCAL PORT expr ';' { SNMP_CFG->local_port = $4; if (($4<1) || ($4>65535)) cf_error("Invalid port number"); } | snmp_proto REMOTE PORT expr ';' { SNMP_CFG->remote_port = $4; if (($4<1) || ($4>65545)) cf_error("Invalid port number"); } | snmp_proto LOCAL ipa ';' { SNMP_CFG->local_ip = $3; } | snmp_proto REMOTE ipa ';' { SNMP_CFG->remote_ip = $3; if(!ipa_nonzero($3)) cf_error("Invalid remote ip address"); } ; snmp_proto_start: proto_start SNMP { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_snmp, $1); init_list(&SNMP_CFG->bgp_entries); SNMP_CFG->local_ip = IPA_NONE; SNMP_CFG->remote_ip = ipa_build4(127,0,0,1); SNMP_CFG->local_port = 0; SNMP_CFG->remote_port = 705; SNMP_CFG->timeout = 15; } proto_name ; snmp_bgp_bond: BGP symbol { struct snmp_bond *this_bond = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct snmp_bond)); this_bond->type = SNMP_BGP; struct proto_config *pc; WALK_LIST(pc, this_proto->global->protos) if (!strcmp(pc->name, $2->name) && pc->protocol == &proto_bgp && !ipa_zero(((struct bgp_proto *) pc)->remote_ip)) this_bond->proto = pc; if (!this_bond->proto) cf_error("BGP protocol %s not found", $2->name); add_tail(&SNMP_CFG->bgp_entries, (node *) this_bond); } CF_CODE CF_END