/* * BIRD Library -- Logging Functions * * (c) 1998--2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ /** * DOC: Logging * * The Logging module offers a simple set of functions for writing * messages to system logs and to the debug output. Message classes * used by this module are described in |birdlib.h| and also in the * user's manual. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "nest/bird.h" #include "nest/cli.h" #include "nest/mrtdump.h" #include "lib/string.h" #include "lib/lists.h" #include "lib/unix.h" static FILE *dbgf; static list *current_log_list; static char *current_syslog_name; /* NULL -> syslog closed */ bird_clock_t rate_limit_time = 5; int rate_limit_count = 5; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG #include <sys/syslog.h> static int syslog_priorities[] = { LOG_DEBUG, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERR, LOG_ERR, LOG_CRIT, LOG_CRIT }; #endif static char *class_names[] = { "???", "DBG", "TRACE", "INFO", "RMT", "WARN", "ERR", "AUTH", "FATAL", "BUG" }; #define LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 static char log_buffer[LOG_BUFFER_SIZE]; static char *log_buffer_pos; static int log_buffer_remains; const char *log_buffer_ptr = log_buffer; /** * log_reset - reset the log buffer * * This function resets a log buffer and discards buffered * messages. Should be used before a log message is prepared * using logn(). */ void log_reset(void) { log_buffer_pos = log_buffer; log_buffer_remains = LOG_BUFFER_SIZE; log_buffer[0] = 0; } /** * log_commit - commit a log message * @class: message class information (%L_DEBUG to %L_BUG, see |lib/birdlib.h|) * * This function writes a message prepared in the log buffer to the * log file (as specified in the configuration). The log buffer is * reset after that. The log message is a full line, log_commit() * terminates it. * * The message class is an integer, not a first char of a string like * in log(), so it should be written like *L_INFO. */ void log_commit(int class) { struct log_config *l; WALK_LIST(l, *current_log_list) { if (!(l->mask & (1 << class))) continue; if (l->fh) { if (l->terminal_flag) fputs("bird: ", l->fh); else { byte tbuf[TM_DATETIME_BUFFER_SIZE]; tm_format_datetime(tbuf, &config->tf_log, now); fprintf(l->fh, "%s <%s> ", tbuf, class_names[class]); } fputs(log_buffer, l->fh); fputc('\n', l->fh); fflush(l->fh); } #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG else syslog(syslog_priorities[class], "%s", log_buffer); #endif } cli_echo(class, log_buffer); log_reset(); } static void log_print(const char *msg, va_list args) { int i; if (log_buffer_remains == 0) return; i=bvsnprintf(log_buffer_pos, log_buffer_remains, msg, args); if (i < 0) { bsprintf(log_buffer + LOG_BUFFER_SIZE - 100, " ... <too long>"); log_buffer_remains = 0; return; } log_buffer_pos += i; log_buffer_remains -= i; } static void vlog(int class, const char *msg, va_list args) { log_reset(); log_print(msg, args); log_commit(class); } /** * log - log a message * @msg: printf-like formatting string with message class information * prepended (%L_DEBUG to %L_BUG, see |lib/birdlib.h|) * * This function formats a message according to the format string @msg * and writes it to the corresponding log file (as specified in the * configuration). Please note that the message is automatically * formatted as a full line, no need to include |\n| inside. * It is essentially a sequence of log_reset(), logn() and log_commit(). */ void log_msg(char *msg, ...) { int class = 1; va_list args; va_start(args, msg); if (*msg >= 1 && *msg <= 8) class = *msg++; vlog(class, msg, args); va_end(args); } /** * logn - prepare a partial message in the log buffer * @msg: printf-like formatting string (without message class information) * * This function formats a message according to the format string @msg * and adds it to the log buffer. Messages in the log buffer are * logged when the buffer is flushed using log_commit() function. The * message should not contain |\n|, log_commit() also terminates a * line. */ void logn(char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); log_print(msg, args); va_end(args); } void log_rl(struct rate_limit *rl, char *msg, ...) { int class = 1; va_list args; bird_clock_t delta = now - rl->timestamp; if ((0 <= delta) && (delta < rate_limit_time)) { rl->count++; } else { rl->timestamp = now; rl->count = 1; } if (rl->count > rate_limit_count) return; va_start(args, msg); if (*msg >= 1 && *msg <= 8) class = *msg++; vlog(class, msg, args); if (rl->count == rate_limit_count) vlog(class, "...", args); va_end(args); } /** * bug - report an internal error * @msg: a printf-like error message * * This function logs an internal error and aborts execution * of the program. */ void bug(char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vlog(L_BUG[0], msg, args); abort(); } /** * bug - report a fatal error * @msg: a printf-like error message * * This function logs a fatal error and aborts execution * of the program. */ void die(char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vlog(L_FATAL[0], msg, args); exit(1); } /** * debug - write to debug output * @msg: a printf-like message * * This function formats the message @msg and prints it out * to the debugging output. No newline character is appended. */ void debug(char *msg, ...) { va_list args; char buf[1024]; va_start(args, msg); if (dbgf) { if (bvsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), msg, args) < 0) bsprintf(buf + sizeof(buf) - 100, " ... <too long>\n"); fputs(buf, dbgf); } va_end(args); } static list * default_log_list(int debug, int init, char **syslog_name) { static list init_log_list; init_list(&init_log_list); *syslog_name = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG if (!debug) { static struct log_config lc_syslog = { mask: ~0 }; add_tail(&init_log_list, &lc_syslog.n); *syslog_name = bird_name; if (!init) return &init_log_list; } #endif static struct log_config lc_stderr = { mask: ~0, terminal_flag: 1 }; lc_stderr.fh = stderr; add_tail(&init_log_list, &lc_stderr.n); return &init_log_list; } void log_switch(int debug, list *l, char *new_syslog_name) { if (!l || EMPTY_LIST(*l)) l = default_log_list(debug, !l, &new_syslog_name); current_log_list = l; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG if (current_syslog_name && new_syslog_name && !strcmp(current_syslog_name, new_syslog_name)) return; if (current_syslog_name) closelog(); if (new_syslog_name) openlog(new_syslog_name, LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON); current_syslog_name = new_syslog_name; #endif } void log_init_debug(char *f) { if (dbgf && dbgf != stderr) fclose(dbgf); if (!f) dbgf = NULL; else if (!*f) dbgf = stderr; else if (!(dbgf = fopen(f, "a"))) log(L_ERR "Error opening debug file `%s': %m", f); if (dbgf) setvbuf(dbgf, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } void mrt_dump_message(struct proto *p, u16 type, u16 subtype, byte *buf, u32 len) { /* Prepare header */ put_u32(buf+0, now_real); put_u16(buf+4, type); put_u16(buf+6, subtype); put_u32(buf+8, len - MRTDUMP_HDR_LENGTH); if (p->cf->global->mrtdump_file != -1) write(p->cf->global->mrtdump_file, buf, len); }