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"\n\n" + "\\begin{itemize}" + + "\\end{itemize}" + + "\\begin{enumerate}" + + "\\end{enumerate}" + + "\\begin{list}{}{}\n" + + "\\end{list}" + + "\\begin{description}" + + "\\end{description}" + + "\\item " + "\\item\[{\\ttfamily " "}\] \\hfil\\break\n" + + "\\item\[ " "\] \\hfil\\break\n" + "\\cite{[ID]" "}" "\\cite\[[NOTE]\]{[ID]" "}" "\\idx{" "}" "\\cdx{" "}" "\\nidx{" "}" "\\ncdx{" "}" % The idea here is to automatically insert soft hyphens after every slash in % the filename, so long filenames will break naturally. The url{} macro is % a kluge but it works, "\\url{" "}" "\\footnote{" "}" "``" "''" + "\\begin{quotation}\n" + + "\n\\end{quotation}\n\n" + "{\\it " "\\/}" "{\\it " "\\/}" "{\\bf " "}" "{\\it " "\\/}" "{\\sf " "}" "{\\sl " "}" "{\\rm " "}" "{\\tt " "}" "{\\tt " "}" "{\\tt " "}" "{\\it " "\\/}" "{\\tt " "}" "{\\it " "\\/}" "{\\rm " "}" "{\\it " "\\/}" "{\\function " "}\n\n" "\n\\funcsect{" "}" "\\hrule" % Added by mdw "\\cparam{" "}" "\\ref{[ID]} {([NAME])}" "\\pageref{[ID]}" %url added by HG "\\nameurl{[URL]}{[NAME]}" "\\onlynameurl{[NAME]}" + "\\bibliographystyle{[STYLE]}\n" "\\bibliography{[FILES]}\n" "\\addbibtoc{}" + % + "\\macro{[ID]}{\\qw[ID]}" % %
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