/* * BIRD -- UNIX Configuration * * (c) 1999--2000 Martin Mares * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "sysdep/unix/unix.h" #include CF_DEFINES static struct log_config *this_log; CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(LOG, SYSLOG, ALL, DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, REMOTE, WARNING, ERROR, AUTH, FATAL, BUG, STDERR, SOFT, UDP, PORT) CF_KEYWORDS(NAME, CONFIRM, UNDO, CHECK, TIMEOUT, DEBUG, LATENCY, LIMIT, WATCHDOG, WARNING, STATUS) CF_KEYWORDS(GRACEFUL, RESTART, FIXED) %type log_mask log_mask_list log_cat cfg_timeout %type cfg_name %type timeformat_which %type syslog_name CF_GRAMMAR conf: log_config ; log_begin: { this_log = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct log_config)); }; log_config: LOG log_begin log_file log_mask ';' { this_log->mask = $4; add_tail(&new_config->logfiles, &this_log->n); } ; syslog_name: NAME text { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = bird_name; } ; log_limit: /* empty */ | expr text { this_log->limit = $1; this_log->backup = $2; } ; log_file: text log_limit { if (!parse_and_exit) { this_log->rf = rf_open(new_config->pool, $1, RF_APPEND, this_log->limit); if (!this_log->rf) cf_error("Unable to open log file '%s': %m", $1); } this_log->filename = $1; } | FIXED text expr { if (!parse_and_exit) { this_log->rf = rf_open(new_config->pool, $2, RF_FIXED, this_log->limit = $3); if (!this_log->rf) cf_error("Unable to open log file '%s': %m", $2); } this_log->filename = $2; } | SYSLOG syslog_name { this_log->rf = NULL; new_config->syslog_name = $2; } | STDERR { this_log->rf = &rf_stderr; this_log->terminal_flag = 1; } | UDP log_udp_host log_udp_port { this_log->rf = NULL; } ; log_udp_host: text_or_ipa { if ($1.type == T_STRING) this_log->udp_host = $1.val.s; else if ($1.type == T_IP) this_log->udp_ip = $1.val.ip; else bug("Bad text_or_ipa"); }; log_udp_port: /* empty */ { this_log->udp_port = 514; } | PORT NUM { check_u16($2); this_log->udp_port = $2; } ; log_mask: ALL { $$ = ~0; } | '{' log_mask_list '}' { $$ = $2; } ; log_mask_list: log_cat { $$ = 1 << $1; } | log_mask_list ',' log_cat { $$ = $1 | (1 << $3); } ; log_cat: DEBUG { $$ = L_DEBUG[0]; } | TRACE { $$ = L_TRACE[0]; } | INFO { $$ = L_INFO[0]; } | REMOTE { $$ = L_REMOTE[0]; } | WARNING { $$ = L_WARN[0]; } | ERROR { $$ = L_ERR[0]; } | AUTH { $$ = L_AUTH[0]; } | FATAL { $$ = L_FATAL[0]; } | BUG { $$ = L_BUG[0]; } ; conf: mrtdump_base ; mrtdump_base: MRTDUMP PROTOCOLS mrtdump_mask ';' { new_config->proto_default_mrtdump = $3; } | MRTDUMP text ';' { if (!parse_and_exit) { struct rfile *f = rf_open(new_config->pool, $2, RF_APPEND, 0); if (!f) cf_error("Unable to open MRTDump file '%s': %m", $2); new_config->mrtdump_file = f; } } ; conf: THREADS expr { if ($2 < 1) cf_error("Number of threads must be at least one."); new_config->thread_count = $2; } conf: debug_unix ; debug_unix: DEBUG LATENCY bool { new_config->latency_debug = $3; } | DEBUG LATENCY LIMIT expr_us { new_config->latency_limit = $4; } | WATCHDOG WARNING expr_us { new_config->watchdog_warning = $3; } | WATCHDOG TIMEOUT expr_us { new_config->watchdog_timeout = ($3 + 999999) TO_S; } ; /* Unix specific commands */ CF_CLI_HELP(CONFIGURE, ..., [[Reload configuration]]) CF_CLI(CONFIGURE, cfg_name cfg_timeout, [\"\"] [timeout []], [[Reload configuration]]) { cmd_reconfig($2, RECONFIG_HARD, $3); } ; CF_CLI(CONFIGURE SOFT, cfg_name cfg_timeout, [\"\"] [timeout []], [[Reload configuration and ignore changes in filters]]) { cmd_reconfig($3, RECONFIG_SOFT, $4); } ; /* Hack to get input completion for 'timeout' */ CF_CLI_CMD(CONFIGURE TIMEOUT, [], [[Reload configuration with undo timeout]]) CF_CLI_CMD(CONFIGURE SOFT TIMEOUT, [], [[Reload configuration with undo timeout]]) CF_CLI(CONFIGURE CONFIRM,,, [[Confirm last configuration change - deactivate undo timeout]]) { cmd_reconfig_confirm(); } ; CF_CLI(CONFIGURE UNDO,,, [[Undo last configuration change]]) { cmd_reconfig_undo(); } ; CF_CLI(CONFIGURE STATUS,,, [[Show configuration status]]) { cmd_reconfig_status(); } ; CF_CLI(CONFIGURE CHECK, cfg_name, [\"\"], [[Parse configuration and check its validity]]) { cmd_check_config($3); } ; CF_CLI(DOWN,,, [[Shut the daemon down]]) { cmd_shutdown(); } ; CF_CLI_HELP(GRACEFUL, restart, [[Shut the daemon down for graceful restart]]) CF_CLI(GRACEFUL RESTART,,, [[Shut the daemon down for graceful restart]]) { cmd_graceful_restart(); } ; CF_CLI(SHOW THREADS,,, [[Write out thread information]]) { cmd_show_threads(0); } ; CF_CLI(SHOW THREADS ALL,,, [[Write out thread and IO loop information]]) { cmd_show_threads(1); } ; cfg_name: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | TEXT ; cfg_timeout: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | TIMEOUT { $$ = UNIX_DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_TIMEOUT; } | TIMEOUT expr { $$ = $2; } ; CF_CODE CF_END