/* * BIRD Client -- Command Handling * * (c) 1999--2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "nest/bird.h" #include "lib/resource.h" #include "lib/string.h" #include "client/client.h" struct cmd_info { char *command; char *args; char *help; int is_real_cmd; }; static struct cmd_info command_table[] = { #include "conf/commands.h" }; struct cmd_node { struct cmd_node *sibling, *son, **plastson; struct cmd_info *cmd, *help; int len; char token[1]; }; static struct cmd_node cmd_root; void cmd_build_tree(void) { unsigned int i; cmd_root.plastson = &cmd_root.son; for(i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(command_table); i++) { struct cmd_info *cmd = &command_table[i]; struct cmd_node *old, *new; char *c = cmd->command; old = &cmd_root; while (*c) { char *d = c; while (*c && !isspace(*c)) c++; for(new=old->son; new; new=new->sibling) if (new->len == c-d && !memcmp(new->token, d, c-d)) break; if (!new) { int size = sizeof(struct cmd_node) + c-d; new = xmalloc(size); bzero(new, size); *old->plastson = new; old->plastson = &new->sibling; new->plastson = &new->son; new->len = c-d; memcpy(new->token, d, c-d); } old = new; while (isspace(*c)) c++; } if (cmd->is_real_cmd) old->cmd = cmd; else old->help = cmd; } } static void cmd_do_display_help(struct cmd_info *c) { char buf[strlen(c->command) + strlen(c->args) + 4]; sprintf(buf, "%s %s", c->command, c->args); printf("%-45s %s\n", buf, c->help); } static void cmd_display_help(struct cmd_info *c1, struct cmd_info *c2) { if (c1) cmd_do_display_help(c1); else if (c2) cmd_do_display_help(c2); } static struct cmd_node * cmd_find_abbrev(struct cmd_node *root, char *cmd, int len, int *pambiguous) { struct cmd_node *m, *best = NULL, *best2 = NULL; *pambiguous = 0; for(m=root->son; m; m=m->sibling) { if (m->len == len && !memcmp(m->token, cmd, len)) return m; if (m->len > len && !memcmp(m->token, cmd, len)) { best2 = best; best = m; } } if (best2) { *pambiguous = 1; return NULL; } return best; } static void cmd_list_ambiguous(struct cmd_node *root, char *cmd, int len) { struct cmd_node *m; for(m=root->son; m; m=m->sibling) if (m->len > len && !memcmp(m->token, cmd, len)) cmd_display_help(m->help, m->cmd); } void cmd_help(char *cmd, int len) { char *end = cmd + len; struct cmd_node *n, *m; char *z; int ambig; n = &cmd_root; while (cmd < end) { if (isspace(*cmd)) { cmd++; continue; } z = cmd; while (cmd < end && !isspace(*cmd)) cmd++; m = cmd_find_abbrev(n, z, cmd-z, &ambig); if (ambig) { cmd_list_ambiguous(n, z, cmd-z); return; } if (!m) break; n = m; } cmd_display_help(n->cmd, NULL); for (m=n->son; m; m=m->sibling) cmd_display_help(m->help, m->cmd); } static int cmd_find_common_match(struct cmd_node *root, char *cmd, int len, int *pcount, char *buf) { struct cmd_node *m; int best, i; *pcount = 0; best = -1; for(m=root->son; m; m=m->sibling) { if (m->len < len || memcmp(m->token, cmd, len)) continue; (*pcount)++; if (best < 0) { strcpy(buf, m->token + len); best = m->len - len; } else { i = 0; while (i < best && i < m->len - len && buf[i] == m->token[len+i]) i++; best = i; } } return best; } int cmd_complete(char *cmd, int len, char *buf, int again) { char *start = cmd; char *end = cmd + len; char *fin; struct cmd_node *n, *m; char *z; int ambig, cnt = 0, common; /* Find the last word we want to complete */ for(fin=end; fin > start && !isspace(fin[-1]); fin--) ; /* Find the context */ n = &cmd_root; while (cmd < fin && n->son) { if (isspace(*cmd)) { cmd++; continue; } z = cmd; while (cmd < fin && !isspace(*cmd)) cmd++; m = cmd_find_abbrev(n, z, cmd-z, &ambig); if (ambig) { if (!again) return -1; input_start_list(); cmd_list_ambiguous(n, z, cmd-z); input_stop_list(); return 0; } if (!m) return -1; n = m; } /* Completion of parameters is not yet supported */ if (!n->son) return -1; /* We know the context, let's try to complete */ common = cmd_find_common_match(n, fin, end-fin, &cnt, buf); if (!cnt) return -1; if (cnt == 1) { buf[common++] = ' '; buf[common] = 0; return 1; } if (common > 0) { buf[common] = 0; return 1; } if (!again) return -1; input_start_list(); cmd_list_ambiguous(n, fin, end-fin); input_stop_list(); return 0; } char * cmd_expand(char *cmd) { struct cmd_node *n, *m; char *c, *b, *args; int ambig; args = c = cmd; n = &cmd_root; while (*c) { if (isspace(*c)) { c++; continue; } b = c; while (*c && !isspace(*c)) c++; m = cmd_find_abbrev(n, b, c-b, &ambig); if (!m) { if (!ambig) break; puts("Ambiguous command, possible expansions are:"); cmd_list_ambiguous(n, b, c-b); return NULL; } args = c; n = m; } if (!n->cmd) { puts("No such command."); return NULL; } b = malloc(strlen(n->cmd->command) + strlen(args) + 1); sprintf(b, "%s%s", n->cmd->command, args); return b; }