/* * BIRD - filters * * Copyright 1998--2000 Pavel Machek * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. * FIXME: priority of ! should be lower */ CF_HDR #include "filter/f-inst.h" #include "filter/data.h" CF_DEFINES static inline u32 pair(u32 a, u32 b) { return (a << 16) | b; } static inline u32 pair_a(u32 p) { return p >> 16; } static inline u32 pair_b(u32 p) { return p & 0xFFFF; } static struct f_method_scope { struct f_inst *object; } f_method_scope_stack[32]; static int f_method_scope_pos = -1; #define FM (f_method_scope_stack[f_method_scope_pos]) static inline void f_push_method_scope(struct f_inst *object) { if (++f_method_scope_pos >= (int) ARRAY_SIZE(f_method_scope_stack)) cf_error("Too many nested method calls"); FM = (struct f_method_scope) { .object = object, }; } static inline void f_pop_method_scope(void) { ASSERT_DIE(f_method_scope_pos >= 0); f_method_scope_pos--; } static int f_new_var(struct sym_scope *s) { /* * - A variable is an offset on vstack from vbase. * - Vbase is set on filter start / function call. * - Scopes contain (non-frame) block scopes inside filter/function scope * - Each scope knows number of vars in that scope * - Offset is therefore a sum of 'slots' up to filter/function scope * - New variables are added on top of vstk, so intermediate values cannot * be there during FI_VAR_INIT. I.e. no 'var' inside 'term'. * - Also, each f_line must always have its scope, otherwise a variable may * be defined but not initialized if relevant f_line is not executed. */ int offset = s->slots++; while (s->block) { s = s->next; ASSERT(s); offset += s->slots; } if (offset >= 0xff) cf_error("Too many variables, at most 255 allowed"); return offset; } /* * Sets and their items are during parsing handled as lists, linked * through left ptr. The first item in a list also contains a pointer * to the last item in a list (right ptr). For convenience, even items * are handled as one-item lists. Lists are merged by f_merge_items(). */ static int f_valid_set_type(int type) { switch (type) { case T_INT: case T_PAIR: case T_QUAD: case T_ENUM: case T_IP: case T_EC: case T_LC: case T_RD: return 1; default: return 0; } } static inline struct f_tree * f_new_item(struct f_val from, struct f_val to) { struct f_tree *t = f_new_tree(); t->right = t; t->from = from; t->to = to; return t; } static inline struct f_tree * f_merge_items(struct f_tree *a, struct f_tree *b) { if (!a) return b; a->right->left = b; a->right = b->right; b->right = NULL; return a; } static inline struct f_tree * f_new_pair_item(int fa, int ta, int fb, int tb) { check_u16(fa); check_u16(ta); check_u16(fb); check_u16(tb); if ((ta < fa) || (tb < fb)) cf_error( "From value cannot be higher that To value in pair sets"); struct f_tree *t = f_new_tree(); t->right = t; t->from.type = t->to.type = T_PAIR; t->from.val.i = pair(fa, fb); t->to.val.i = pair(ta, tb); return t; } static inline struct f_tree * f_new_pair_set(int fa, int ta, int fb, int tb) { check_u16(fa); check_u16(ta); check_u16(fb); check_u16(tb); if ((ta < fa) || (tb < fb)) cf_error( "From value cannot be higher that To value in pair sets"); struct f_tree *lst = NULL; int i; for (i = fa; i <= ta; i++) lst = f_merge_items(lst, f_new_pair_item(i, i, fb, tb)); return lst; } #define CC_ALL 0xFFFF #define EC_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF #define LC_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF static struct f_tree * f_new_ec_item(u32 kind, u32 ipv4_used, u32 key, u32 vf, u32 vt) { u64 fm, to; if ((kind != EC_GENERIC) && (ipv4_used || (key >= 0x10000))) { check_u16(vf); if (vt == EC_ALL) vt = 0xFFFF; else check_u16(vt); } if (kind == EC_GENERIC) { fm = ec_generic(key, vf); to = ec_generic(key, vt); } else if (ipv4_used) { fm = ec_ip4(kind, key, vf); to = ec_ip4(kind, key, vt); } else if (key < 0x10000) { fm = ec_as2(kind, key, vf); to = ec_as2(kind, key, vt); } else { fm = ec_as4(kind, key, vf); to = ec_as4(kind, key, vt); } struct f_tree *t = f_new_tree(); t->right = t; t->from.type = t->to.type = T_EC; t->from.val.ec = fm; t->to.val.ec = to; return t; } static struct f_tree * f_new_lc_item(u32 f1, u32 t1, u32 f2, u32 t2, u32 f3, u32 t3) { struct f_tree *t = f_new_tree(); t->right = t; t->from.type = t->to.type = T_LC; t->from.val.lc = (lcomm) {f1, f2, f3}; t->to.val.lc = (lcomm) {t1, t2, t3}; return t; } static inline struct f_inst * f_const_empty(struct f_dynamic_attr dyn) { struct f_val empty; switch (dyn.type) { case EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH: case EAF_TYPE_INT_SET: case EAF_TYPE_EC_SET: case EAF_TYPE_LC_SET: empty = (struct f_val) { .type = dyn.f_type, .val.ad = &null_adata, }; break; default: cf_error("Can't empty that attribute"); } return f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, empty); } #define f_dummy_dynattr(_type, _f_type) ((struct f_dynamic_attr) { .type = _type, .f_type = _f_type, }) #define f_const_empty_path f_const_empty(f_dummy_dynattr(EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH, T_PATH)) #define f_const_empty_clist f_const_empty(f_dummy_dynattr(EAF_TYPE_INT_SET, T_CLIST)) #define f_const_empty_eclist f_const_empty(f_dummy_dynattr(EAF_TYPE_EC_SET, T_ECLIST)) #define f_const_empty_lclist f_const_empty(f_dummy_dynattr(EAF_TYPE_LC_SET, T_LCLIST)) /* * Remove all new lines and doubled whitespaces * and convert all tabulators to spaces * and return a copy of string */ char * assert_copy_expr(const char *start, size_t len) { /* XXX: Allocates maybe a little more memory than we really finally need */ char *str = cfg_alloc(len + 1); char *dst = str; const char *src = start - 1; const char *end = start + len; while (++src < end) { if (*src == '\n') continue; /* Skip doubled whitespaces */ if (src != start) { const char *prev = src - 1; if ((*src == ' ' || *src == '\t') && (*prev == ' ' || *prev == '\t')) continue; } if (*src == '\t') *dst = ' '; else *dst = *src; dst++; } *dst = '\0'; return str; } /* * assert_done - create f_instruction of bt_assert * @expr: expression in bt_assert() * @start: pointer to first char of test expression * @end: pointer to the last char of test expression */ static struct f_inst * assert_done(struct f_inst *expr, const char *start, const char *end) { return f_new_inst(FI_ASSERT, expr, (end >= start) ? assert_copy_expr(start, end - start + 1) : "???"); } static struct f_inst * assert_assign(struct f_lval *lval, struct f_inst *expr, const char *start, const char *end) { struct f_inst *setter, *getter, *checker; switch (lval->type) { case F_LVAL_VARIABLE: setter = f_new_inst(FI_VAR_SET, expr, lval->sym); getter = f_new_inst(FI_VAR_GET, lval->sym); break; case F_LVAL_SA: setter = f_new_inst(FI_RTA_SET, expr, lval->sa); getter = f_new_inst(FI_RTA_GET, lval->sa); break; case F_LVAL_EA: setter = f_new_inst(FI_EA_SET, expr, lval->da); getter = f_new_inst(FI_EA_GET, lval->da); break; default: bug("Unknown lval type"); } checker = f_new_inst(FI_EQ, expr, getter); setter->next = checker; return assert_done(setter, start, end); } CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(FUNCTION, PRINT, PRINTN, UNSET, RETURN, ACCEPT, REJECT, ERROR, INT, BOOL, IP, TYPE, PREFIX, RD, PAIR, QUAD, EC, LC, SET, STRING, BGPMASK, BGPPATH, CLIST, ECLIST, LCLIST, IF, THEN, ELSE, CASE, FOR, IN, DO, TRUE, FALSE, RT, RO, UNKNOWN, GENERIC, FROM, GW, NET, MASK, PROTO, SOURCE, SCOPE, DEST, IFNAME, IFINDEX, WEIGHT, GW_MPLS, ONLINK, PREFERENCE, ROA_CHECK, ASN, SRC, DST, IS_V4, IS_V6, LEN, MAXLEN, DATA, DATA1, DATA2, DEFINED, ADD, DELETE, RESET, PREPEND, FIRST, LAST, LAST_NONAGGREGATED, MIN, MAX, EMPTY, FILTER, WHERE, EVAL, ATTRIBUTE, BT_ASSERT, BT_TEST_SUITE, BT_CHECK_ASSIGN, BT_TEST_SAME, FORMAT) %nonassoc THEN %nonassoc ELSE %type cmds_int cmd_prep %type term cmd cmd_var cmds cmds_scoped constant constructor print_list var var_init var_list function_call symbol_value bgp_path_expr bgp_path bgp_path_tail method_cmd method_term %type dynamic_attr %type static_attr %type filter where_filter %type filter_body function_body %type lvalue %type type function_vars %type function_argsn function_args %type ec_kind %type break_command %type cnum %type pair_item ec_item lc_item set_item switch_item set_items switch_items switch_body %type fprefix_set %type set_atom switch_atom fipa %type fprefix %type get_cf_position %type for_var CF_GRAMMAR conf: filter_def ; filter_def: FILTER symbol { $2 = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_FILTER, filter, NULL); cf_push_scope( $2 ); } filter_body { struct filter *f = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct filter)); *f = (struct filter) { .sym = $2, .root = $4 }; $2->filter = f; cf_pop_scope(); } ; conf: filter_eval ; filter_eval: EVAL term { f_eval_int(f_linearize($2, 1)); } ; conf: custom_attr ; custom_attr: ATTRIBUTE type symbol ';' { cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_ATTRIBUTE, attribute, ca_lookup(new_config->pool, $3->name, $2)->fda); }; conf: bt_test_suite ; bt_test_suite: BT_TEST_SUITE '(' symbol_known ',' text ')' { cf_assert_symbol($3, SYM_FUNCTION); struct f_bt_test_suite *t = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct f_bt_test_suite)); t->fn = $3->function; t->fn_name = $3->name; t->dsc = $5; add_tail(&new_config->tests, &t->n); } ; conf: bt_test_same ; bt_test_same: BT_TEST_SAME '(' symbol_known ',' symbol_known ',' NUM ')' { cf_assert_symbol($3, SYM_FUNCTION); cf_assert_symbol($5, SYM_FUNCTION); struct f_bt_test_suite *t = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct f_bt_test_suite)); t->fn = $3->function; t->cmp = $5->function; t->result = $7; t->fn_name = $3->name; t->dsc = $5->name; add_tail(&new_config->tests, &t->n); } ; type: INT { $$ = T_INT; } | BOOL { $$ = T_BOOL; } | IP { $$ = T_IP; } | RD { $$ = T_RD; } | PREFIX { $$ = T_NET; } | PAIR { $$ = T_PAIR; } | QUAD { $$ = T_QUAD; } | EC { $$ = T_EC; } | LC { $$ = T_LC; } | STRING { $$ = T_STRING; } | BGPMASK { $$ = T_PATH_MASK; } | BGPPATH { $$ = T_PATH; } | CLIST { $$ = T_CLIST; } | ECLIST { $$ = T_ECLIST; } | LCLIST { $$ = T_LCLIST; } | type SET { switch ($1) { case T_INT: case T_PAIR: case T_QUAD: case T_EC: case T_LC: case T_RD: case T_IP: $$ = T_SET; break; case T_NET: $$ = T_PREFIX_SET; break; default: cf_error( "You can't create sets of this type." ); } } ; function_argsn: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | function_argsn type symbol ';' { if ($3->scope->slots >= 0xfe) cf_error("Too many declarations, at most 255 allowed"); $$ = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_arg)); $$->arg = cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_VARIABLE | $2, offset, sym_->scope->slots++); $$->next = $1; } ; function_args: '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '(' function_argsn type symbol ')' { $$ = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_arg)); $$->arg = cf_define_symbol($4, SYM_VARIABLE | $3, offset, sym_->scope->slots++); $$->next = $2; } ; function_vars: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = 0; } | function_vars type symbol ';' { cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_VARIABLE | $2, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope)); $$ = $1 + 1; } ; filter_body: function_body ; filter: symbol_known { cf_assert_symbol($1, SYM_FILTER); $$ = $1->filter; } | { cf_push_scope(NULL); } filter_body { struct filter *f = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct filter)); *f = (struct filter) { .root = $2 }; $$ = f; cf_pop_scope(); } ; where_filter: WHERE term { /* Construct 'IF term THEN { ACCEPT; } ELSE { REJECT; }' */ $$ = f_new_where($2); } ; function_body: function_vars '{' cmds '}' { $$ = f_linearize($3, 0); $$->vars = $1; } ; conf: function_def ; function_def: FUNCTION symbol { DBG( "Beginning of function %s\n", $2->name ); $2 = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_FUNCTION, function, NULL); cf_push_scope($2); } function_args { /* Make dummy f_line for storing function prototype */ struct f_line *dummy = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct f_line)); $2->function = dummy; /* Revert the args */ while ($4) { struct f_arg *tmp = $4; $4 = $4->next; tmp->next = dummy->arg_list; dummy->arg_list = tmp; dummy->args++; } } function_body { $6->args = $2->function->args; $6->arg_list = $2->function->arg_list; $2->function = $6; cf_pop_scope(); } ; /* Programs */ cmds: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | cmds_int { $$ = $1.begin; } ; cmds_scoped: { cf_push_soft_scope(); } cmds { cf_pop_soft_scope(); $$ = $2; } ; cmd_var: var | cmd ; cmd_prep: cmd_var { $$.begin = $$.end = $1; if ($1) while ($$.end->next) $$.end = $$.end->next; } ; cmds_int: cmd_prep | cmds_int cmd_prep { if (!$1.begin) $$ = $2; else if (!$2.begin) $$ = $1; else { $$.begin = $1.begin; $$.end = $2.end; $1.end->next = $2.begin; } } ; /* * Complex types, their bison value is struct f_val */ fipa: IP4 %prec PREFIX_DUMMY { $$.type = T_IP; $$.val.ip = ipa_from_ip4($1); } | IP6 %prec PREFIX_DUMMY { $$.type = T_IP; $$.val.ip = ipa_from_ip6($1); } ; /* * Set constants. They are also used in switch cases. We use separate * nonterminals for switch (set_atom/switch_atom, set_item/switch_item ...) * to elude a collision between symbol (in expr) in set_atom and symbol * as a function call in switch case cmds. */ set_atom: NUM { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = $1; } | fipa { $$ = $1; } | VPN_RD { $$.type = T_RD; $$.val.ec = $1; } | ENUM { $$.type = pair_a($1); $$.val.i = pair_b($1); } | '(' term ')' { if (f_eval(f_linearize($2, 1), cfg_mem, &($$)) > F_RETURN) cf_error("Runtime error"); if (!f_valid_set_type($$.type)) cf_error("Set-incompatible type"); } | symbol_known { cf_assert_symbol($1, SYM_CONSTANT); if (!f_valid_set_type(SYM_TYPE($1))) cf_error("%s: set-incompatible type", $1->name); $$ = *$1->val; } ; switch_atom: NUM { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = $1; } | '(' term ')' { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = f_eval_int(f_linearize($2, 1)); } | fipa { $$ = $1; } | ENUM { $$.type = pair_a($1); $$.val.i = pair_b($1); } ; cnum: term { $$ = f_eval_int(f_linearize($1, 1)); } pair_item: '(' cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item($2, $2, $4, $4); } | '(' cnum ',' cnum DDOT cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item($2, $2, $4, $6); } | '(' cnum ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item($2, $2, 0, CC_ALL); } | '(' cnum DDOT cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_set($2, $4, $6, $6); } | '(' cnum DDOT cnum ',' cnum DDOT cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_set($2, $4, $6, $8); } | '(' cnum DDOT cnum ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item($2, $4, 0, CC_ALL); } | '(' '*' ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_set(0, CC_ALL, $4, $4); } | '(' '*' ',' cnum DDOT cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_set(0, CC_ALL, $4, $6); } | '(' '*' ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item(0, CC_ALL, 0, CC_ALL); } | '(' cnum ',' cnum ')' DDOT '(' cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item($2, $8, $4, $10); } ; ec_kind: RT { $$ = EC_RT; } | RO { $$ = EC_RO; } | UNKNOWN NUM { $$ = $2; } | GENERIC { $$ = EC_GENERIC; } ; ec_item: '(' ec_kind ',' cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_ec_item($2, 0, $4, $6, $6); } | '(' ec_kind ',' cnum ',' cnum DDOT cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_ec_item($2, 0, $4, $6, $8); } | '(' ec_kind ',' cnum ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_ec_item($2, 0, $4, 0, EC_ALL); } ; lc_item: '(' cnum ',' cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $2, $4, $4, $6, $6); } | '(' cnum ',' cnum ',' cnum DDOT cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $2, $4, $4, $6, $8); } | '(' cnum ',' cnum ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $2, $4, $4, 0, LC_ALL); } | '(' cnum ',' cnum DDOT cnum ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $2, $4, $6, 0, LC_ALL); } | '(' cnum ',' '*' ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $2, 0, LC_ALL, 0, LC_ALL); } | '(' cnum DDOT cnum ',' '*' ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $4, 0, LC_ALL, 0, LC_ALL); } | '(' '*' ',' '*' ',' '*' ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item(0, LC_ALL, 0, LC_ALL, 0, LC_ALL); } | '(' cnum ',' cnum ',' cnum ')' DDOT '(' cnum ',' cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_lc_item($2, $10, $4, $12, $6, $14); } ; set_item: pair_item | ec_item | lc_item | set_atom { $$ = f_new_item($1, $1); } | set_atom DDOT set_atom { $$ = f_new_item($1, $3); } ; switch_item: pair_item | ec_item | lc_item | switch_atom { $$ = f_new_item($1, $1); } | switch_atom DDOT switch_atom { $$ = f_new_item($1, $3); } ; set_items: set_item | set_items ',' set_item { $$ = f_merge_items($1, $3); } ; switch_items: switch_item | switch_items ',' switch_item { $$ = f_merge_items($1, $3); } ; fprefix: net_ip_ { $$.net = $1; $$.lo = $1.pxlen; $$.hi = $1.pxlen; } | net_ip_ '+' { $$.net = $1; $$.lo = $1.pxlen; $$.hi = net_max_prefix_length[$1.type]; } | net_ip_ '-' { $$.net = $1; $$.lo = 0; $$.hi = $1.pxlen; } | net_ip_ '{' NUM ',' NUM '}' { $$.net = $1; $$.lo = $3; $$.hi = $5; if (($3 > $5) || ($5 > net_max_prefix_length[$1.type])) cf_error("Invalid prefix pattern range: {%u, %u}", $3, $5); } ; fprefix_set: fprefix { $$ = f_new_trie(cfg_mem, 0); trie_add_prefix($$, &($1.net), $1.lo, $1.hi); } | fprefix_set ',' fprefix { $$ = $1; if (!trie_add_prefix($$, &($3.net), $3.lo, $3.hi)) cf_error("Mixed IPv4/IPv6 prefixes in prefix set"); } ; switch_body: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | switch_body switch_items ':' cmds_scoped { /* Fill data fields */ struct f_tree *t; for (t = $2; t; t = t->left) t->data = $4; $$ = f_merge_items($1, $2); } | switch_body ELSECOL cmds_scoped { struct f_tree *t = f_new_tree(); t->from.type = t->to.type = T_VOID; t->right = t; t->data = $3; $$ = f_merge_items($1, t); } ; bgp_path_expr: symbol_value { $$ = $1; } | '(' term ')' { $$ = $2; } ; bgp_path: PO bgp_path_tail PC { $$ = $2; } ; bgp_path_tail: NUM bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .asn = $1, .kind = PM_ASN, }, }); $$->next = $2; } | NUM DDOT NUM bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .from = $1, .to = $3, .kind = PM_ASN_RANGE }, }); $$->next = $4; } | '[' ']' bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .set = NULL, .kind = PM_ASN_SET }, }); $$->next = $3; } | '[' set_items ']' bgp_path_tail { if ($2->from.type != T_INT) cf_error("Only integer sets allowed in path mask"); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .set = build_tree($2), .kind = PM_ASN_SET }, }); $$->next = $4; } | '*' bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .kind = PM_ASTERISK }, }); $$->next = $2; } | '?' bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .kind = PM_QUESTION }, }); $$->next = $2; } | '+' bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .kind = PM_LOOP }, }); $$->next = $2; } | bgp_path_expr bgp_path_tail { $$ = $1; $$->next = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; constant: NUM { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_INT, .val.i = $1, }); } | TRUE { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_BOOL, .val.i = 1, }); } | FALSE { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_BOOL, .val.i = 0, }); } | TEXT { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_STRING, .val.s = $1, }); } | fipa { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, $1); } | VPN_RD { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_RD, .val.ec = $1, }); } | net_ { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_NET, .val.net = $1, }); } | '[' ']' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_SET, .val.t = NULL, }); } | '[' set_items ']' { DBG( "We've got a set here..." ); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_SET, .val.t = build_tree($2), }); DBG( "ook\n" ); } | '[' fprefix_set ']' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PREFIX_SET, .val.ti = $2, }); } | ENUM { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = $1 >> 16, .val.i = $1 & 0xffff, }); } ; constructor: '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PAIR_CONSTRUCT, $2, $4); } | '(' ec_kind ',' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EC_CONSTRUCT, $4, $6, $2); } | '(' term ',' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LC_CONSTRUCT, $2, $4, $6); } | bgp_path { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PATHMASK_CONSTRUCT, $1); } ; /* This generates the function_call variable list backwards. */ var_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | term { $$ = $1; } | var_list ',' term { $$ = $3; $$->next = $1; } function_call: symbol_known '(' var_list ')' { if ($1->class != SYM_FUNCTION) cf_error("You can't call something which is not a function. Really."); /* Revert the var_list */ struct f_inst *args = NULL; while ($3) { struct f_inst *tmp = $3; $3 = $3->next; tmp->next = args; args = tmp; } $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CALL, args, $1); } ; symbol_value: symbol_known { switch ($1->class) { case SYM_CONSTANT_RANGE: $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, *($1->val)); break; case SYM_VARIABLE_RANGE: $$ = f_new_inst(FI_VAR_GET, $1); break; case SYM_ATTRIBUTE: $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EA_GET, *$1->attribute); break; default: cf_error("Can't get value of symbol %s", $1->name); } } ; static_attr: FROM { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_IP, SA_FROM, 0); } | GW { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_IP, SA_GW, 0); } | NET { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_NET, SA_NET, 1); } | PROTO { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_STRING, SA_PROTO, 1); } | SOURCE { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_ENUM_RTS, SA_SOURCE, 1); } | SCOPE { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_ENUM_SCOPE, SA_SCOPE, 0); } | DEST { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_ENUM_RTD, SA_DEST, 0); } | IFNAME { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_STRING, SA_IFNAME, 0); } | IFINDEX { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_INT, SA_IFINDEX, 1); } | WEIGHT { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_INT, SA_WEIGHT, 0); } | PREFERENCE { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_INT, SA_PREF, 0); } | GW_MPLS { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_INT, SA_GW_MPLS, 0); } | ONLINK { $$ = f_new_static_attr(T_BOOL, SA_ONLINK, 0); } ; method_term: IS_V4 { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_IS_V4, FM.object); } | TYPE { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_TYPE, FM.object); } | IP { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_IP, FM.object); } | RD { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_ROUTE_DISTINGUISHER, FM.object); } | LEN { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LENGTH, FM.object); } | MAXLEN { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_ROA_MAXLEN, FM.object); } | ASN { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_ASN, FM.object); } | SRC { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_NET_SRC, FM.object); } | DST { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_NET_DST, FM.object); } | MASK '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_IP_MASK, FM.object, $3); } | FIRST { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_AS_PATH_FIRST, FM.object); } | LAST { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_AS_PATH_LAST, FM.object); } | LAST_NONAGGREGATED { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_AS_PATH_LAST_NAG, FM.object); } | DATA { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PAIR_DATA, FM.object); } | DATA1 { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LC_DATA1, FM.object); } | DATA2 { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LC_DATA2, FM.object); } | MIN { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_MIN, FM.object); } | MAX { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_MAX, FM.object); } ; method_cmd: EMPTY { $$ = f_const_empty(FM.object->i_FI_EA_GET.da); } | PREPEND '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PATH_PREPEND, FM.object, $3 ); } | ADD '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CLIST_ADD, FM.object, $3 ); } | DELETE '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CLIST_DEL, FM.object, $3 ); } | FILTER '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CLIST_FILTER, FM.object, $3 ); } ; term: '(' term ')' { $$ = $2; } | term '+' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_ADD, $1, $3); } | term '-' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_SUBTRACT, $1, $3); } | term '*' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_MULTIPLY, $1, $3); } | term '/' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_DIVIDE, $1, $3); } | term AND term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_AND, $1, $3); } | term OR term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_OR, $1, $3); } | term '=' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EQ, $1, $3); } | term NEQ term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_NEQ, $1, $3); } | term '<' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LT, $1, $3); } | term LEQ term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LTE, $1, $3); } | term '>' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LT, $3, $1); } | term GEQ term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_LTE, $3, $1); } | term '~' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_MATCH, $1, $3); } | term NMA term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_NOT_MATCH, $1, $3); } | '!' term { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_NOT, $2); } | DEFINED '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_DEFINED, $3); } | symbol_value { $$ = $1; } | constant { $$ = $1; } | constructor { $$ = $1; } | static_attr { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_RTA_GET, $1); } | dynamic_attr { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EA_GET, $1); } | term '.' { f_push_method_scope($1); } method_term { f_pop_method_scope(); $$ = $4; } | '+' EMPTY '+' { $$ = f_const_empty_path; } | '-' EMPTY '-' { $$ = f_const_empty_clist; } | '-' '-' EMPTY '-' '-' { $$ = f_const_empty_eclist; } | '-' '-' '-' EMPTY '-' '-' '-' { $$ = f_const_empty_lclist; } | PREPEND '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PATH_PREPEND, $3, $5); } | ADD '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CLIST_ADD, $3, $5); } | DELETE '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CLIST_DEL, $3, $5); } | FILTER '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CLIST_FILTER, $3, $5); } | ROA_CHECK '(' rtable ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_ROA_CHECK_IMPLICIT, $3); } | ROA_CHECK '(' rtable ',' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_ROA_CHECK_EXPLICIT, $5, $7, $3); } | FORMAT '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_FORMAT, $3); } | function_call ; break_command: ACCEPT { $$ = F_ACCEPT; } | REJECT { $$ = F_REJECT; } | ERROR { $$ = F_ERROR; } ; print_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | term { $$ = $1; } | term ',' print_list { ASSERT($1); ASSERT($1->next == NULL); $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; } ; var_init: /* empty */ { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { }); } | '=' term { $$ = $2; } ; var: type symbol var_init ';' { struct symbol *sym = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_VARIABLE | $1, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope)); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_VAR_INIT, $3, sym); } for_var: type symbol { $$ = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_VARIABLE | $1, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope)); } | CF_SYM_KNOWN { $$ = $1; cf_assert_symbol($1, SYM_VARIABLE); } ; cmd: '{' cmds_scoped '}' { $$ = $2; } | IF term THEN cmd { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONDITION, $2, $4, NULL); } | IF term THEN cmd ELSE cmd { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONDITION, $2, $4, $6); } | FOR { /* Reserve space for walk data on stack */ cf_push_block_scope(); conf_this_scope->slots += 2; } for_var IN /* Parse term in the parent scope */ { conf_this_scope->active = 0; } term { conf_this_scope->active = 1; } DO cmd { cf_pop_block_scope(); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_FOR_INIT, $6, $3); $$->next = f_new_inst(FI_FOR_NEXT, $3, $9); } | symbol_known '=' term ';' { switch ($1->class) { case SYM_VARIABLE_RANGE: $$ = f_new_inst(FI_VAR_SET, $3, $1); break; case SYM_ATTRIBUTE: $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EA_SET, $3, *$1->attribute); break; default: cf_error("Can't assign to symbol %s", $1->name); } } | RETURN term ';' { DBG( "Ook, we'll return the value\n" ); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_RETURN, $2); } | dynamic_attr '=' term ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EA_SET, $3, $1); } | static_attr '=' term ';' { if ($1.readonly) cf_error( "This static attribute is read-only."); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_RTA_SET, $3, $1); } | UNSET '(' dynamic_attr ')' ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EA_UNSET, $3); } | break_command print_list ';' { struct f_inst *breaker = f_new_inst(FI_DIE, $1); if ($2) { struct f_inst *printer = f_new_inst(FI_PRINT, $2); struct f_inst *flusher = f_new_inst(FI_FLUSH); printer->next = flusher; flusher->next = breaker; $$ = printer; } else $$ = breaker; } | PRINT print_list ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PRINT, $2); $$->next = f_new_inst(FI_FLUSH); } | PRINTN print_list ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_PRINT, $2); } | function_call ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_DROP_RESULT, $1); } | CASE term '{' switch_body '}' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_SWITCH, $2, $4); } | dynamic_attr '.' { f_push_method_scope(f_new_inst(FI_EA_GET, $1)); } method_cmd ';' { f_pop_method_scope(); $$ = f_new_inst(FI_EA_SET, $4, $1); } | BT_ASSERT '(' get_cf_position term get_cf_position ')' ';' { $$ = assert_done($4, $3 + 1, $5 - 1); } | BT_CHECK_ASSIGN '(' get_cf_position lvalue get_cf_position ',' term ')' ';' { $$ = assert_assign(&$4, $7, $3 + 1, $5 - 1); } ; get_cf_position: { $$ = cf_text; }; lvalue: CF_SYM_KNOWN { cf_assert_symbol($1, SYM_VARIABLE); $$ = (struct f_lval) { .type = F_LVAL_VARIABLE, .sym = $1 }; } | static_attr { $$ = (struct f_lval) { .type = F_LVAL_SA, .sa = $1 }; } | dynamic_attr { $$ = (struct f_lval) { .type = F_LVAL_EA, .da = $1 }; }; CF_END