/* * BIRD - filters * * Copyright 1998 Pavel Machek * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "nest/bird.h" #include "lib/resource.h" #include "lib/socket.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "nest/protocol.h" #include "nest/iface.h" #include "nest/route.h" CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(FUNCTION, PRINT, CONST, ACCEPT, REJECT, ERROR, QUITBIRD, INT, BOOL, IP, PREFIX, PAIR, SET, STRING, IF, THEN, ELSE, TRUE, FALSE, RTA, FROM, GW, NET, LEN, IMPOSSIBLE, FILTER ) %type <x> term block cmds cmd function_body ifthen constant print_one print_list %type <f> filter filter_body %type <i> type break_command %type <e> set_item set_items %type <v> set_atom CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(conf, filter_def) filter_def: FILTER SYM filter_body { if ($2->class != SYM_VOID) cf_error("Symbol already defined" ); $2->class = SYM_FILTER; $2->def = $3; $3->name = $2->name; printf( "We have new filter defined (%s)\n", $2->name ) } ; type: INT { $$ = T_INT; } | BOOL { $$ = T_BOOL; } | IP { $$ = T_IP; } | PREFIX { $$ = T_PREFIX; } | PAIR { $$ = T_PAIR; } | STRING { $$ = T_STRING; } | type SET { switch ($1) { default: cf_error( "You can not create sets of this type\n" ); case T_INT: case T_IP: case T_PREFIX: case T_PAIR: } $$ = $1 | T_SET; } ; decls: /* EMPTY */ | type SYM ';' decls { if ($2->class != SYM_VOID) cf_error("Symbol already defined, can not use as variable\n" ); $2->class = SYM_VARIABLE | $1; printf( "New variable %s type %x\n", $2->name, $1 ); } ; filter_body: function_body { struct filter *f = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct filter)); f->name = NULL; f->root = $1; $$ = f; } ; filter: SYM { if ($1->class != SYM_FILTER) cf_error("No such filter"); $$ = $1->def; } | filter_body ; function_params: '(' decls ')' { printf( "Have function parameters\n" ); } ; function_body: decls '{' cmds '}' { $$ = $3; } ; CF_ADDTO(conf, function_def) function_def: FUNCTION SYM function_params function_body { extern struct f_inst *startup_func; if ($2->class != SYM_VOID) cf_error("Symbol already defined" ); $2->class = SYM_FUNCTION; $2->def = $4; if (!strcasecmp($2->name, "startup")) startup_func = $4; printf("Hmm, we've got one function here - %s\n", $2->name); } ; /* Programs */ cmds: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | cmd cmds { if ($1) { $1->next = $2; $$ = $1; } else $$ = $2; } ; block: cmd { $$=$1; } | '{' cmds '}' { $$=$2; } ; set_atom: NUM { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = $1; } | IPA { $$.type = T_IP; $$.val.ip = $1; } ; set_item: set_atom { $$ = f_new_tree(); $$->from = $$->to = $1 } | set_atom '.' '.' set_atom { $$ = f_new_tree(); $$->from = $1; $$->to = $4; } ; set_items: set_item { $$ = $1; } | set_items ',' set_item { $$ = $3; $$->left = $1; } ; constant: CONST '(' expr ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->a1.i = T_INT; $$->a2.i = $3; } | NUM { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->a1.i = T_INT; $$->a2.i = $1; } | TRUE { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->a1.i = T_BOOL; $$->a2.i = 1; } | FALSE { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->a1.i = T_BOOL; $$->a2.i = 0; } | TEXT { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->a1.i = T_STRING; $$->a2.p = $1; } | IPA { struct f_val * val; val = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_val)); $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'C'; $$->a1.p = val; val->type = T_IP; val->val.ip = $1; } | '[' set_items ']' { printf( "We've got a set here..." ); $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->a1.i = T_SET; $$->a2.p = build_tree($2); printf( "ook\n" ); } ; term: term '+' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '+'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term '=' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '=='; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term '!' '=' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '!='; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $4; } | term '<' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '<'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term '<' '=' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '<='; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $4; } | term '>' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '<'; $$->a1.p = $3; $$->a2.p = $1; } | term '>' '=' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '<='; $$->a1.p = $4; $$->a2.p = $1; } | term '~' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '~'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | SYM { $$ = f_new_inst(); switch ($1->class) { case SYM_VARIABLE | T_INT: $$->code = 'i'; $$->a1.i = T_INT; $$->a2.p = &($1->aux); break; default: cf_error("Can not use this class of symbol as variable" ); } } | constant { $$ = $1; } | RTA '.' FROM { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->a1.i = T_IP; $$->a2.i = OFFSETOF(struct rta, from); } | RTA '.' GW { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->a1.i = T_IP; $$->a2.i = OFFSETOF(struct rta, gw); } | RTA '.' NET { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->a1.i = T_PREFIX; $$->a2.i = 0x12345678; } | term '.' IP { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'cp'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.i = T_IP; } | term '.' LEN { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'cp'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.i = T_INT; } ; break_command: QUITBIRD { $$ = F_QUITBIRD } | ACCEPT { $$ = F_ACCEPT } | REJECT { $$ = F_REJECT } | ERROR { $$ = F_ERROR } | PRINT { $$ = F_NOP } ; ifthen: IF term THEN block { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '?'; $$->a1.p = $2; $$->a2.p = $4; } ; print_one: term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'p'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = NULL; } ; print_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | print_one print_list { if ($1) { $1->next = $2; $$ = $1; } else $$ = $2; } ; cmd: ifthen { $$ = $1; } /* FIXME: this leads to shift/reduce conflict. */ | ifthen ELSE block { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '?'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | SYM '=' term ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(); printf( "Ook, we'll set value\n" ); if (($1->class & ~T_MASK) != SYM_VARIABLE) cf_error( "You may only set variables, and this is %x.\n", $1->class ); $$->code = 's'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | break_command print_list ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'p,'; $$->a1.p = $2; $$->a2.i = $1; } ; CF_END