/* * BIRD -- I/O and event loop * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #ifndef _BIRD_SYSDEP_UNIX_IO_LOOP_H_ #define _BIRD_SYSDEP_UNIX_IO_LOOP_H_ #include "lib/rcu.h" #include <pthread.h> struct pipe { int fd[2]; }; void pipe_new(struct pipe *); void pipe_pollin(struct pipe *, struct pollfd *); void pipe_drain(struct pipe *); void pipe_kick(struct pipe *); struct birdloop { node n; pool *pool; struct timeloop time; event_list event_list; list sock_list; int sock_num; uint ping_pending; uint links; _Atomic u32 flags; struct birdloop_flag_handler *flag_handler; void (*stopped)(void *data); void *stop_data; struct birdloop *prev_loop; struct bird_thread *thread; struct pollfd *pfd; u64 total_time_spent_ns; }; struct bird_thread { node n; struct pollfd *pfd; uint pfd_max; _Atomic u32 ping_sent; _Atomic u32 run_cleanup; _Atomic u32 poll_changed; struct pipe wakeup; event_list priority_events; pthread_t thread_id; pthread_attr_t thread_attr; struct rcu_thread rcu; list loops; pool *pool; event cleanup_event; }; #endif