/* * BIRD -- Aggregator configuration * * (c) 2023 Igor Putovny <igor.putovny@nic.cz> * (c) 2023 Maria Matejka <mq@ucw.cz> * (c) 2023 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/aggregator/aggregator.h" CF_DEFINES #define AGGREGATOR_CFG ((struct aggregator_config *) this_proto) #define AGGR_ITEM_ALLOC ((struct aggr_item_node *) cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct aggr_item_node))) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(AGGREGATOR, PEER, AGGREGATE, ON, MERGE, BY) %type <ai> aggr_item aggr_list CF_GRAMMAR proto: aggregator_proto ; aggregator_proto_start: proto_start AGGREGATOR { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_aggregator, $1); this_channel = AGGREGATOR_CFG->src = channel_config_new(NULL, "source", 0, this_proto); AGGREGATOR_CFG->dst = channel_config_new(NULL, "destination", 0, this_proto); AGGREGATOR_CFG->src->ra_mode = AGGREGATOR_CFG->dst->ra_mode = RA_ANY; }; aggregator_proto_item: proto_item | channel_item_ | PEER TABLE rtable { AGGREGATOR_CFG->dst->table = $3; } | AGGREGATE ON aggr_list { if (AGGREGATOR_CFG->aggr_on) cf_error("Only one aggregate on clause allowed"); _Bool net_present = 0; int count = 0; for (const struct aggr_item_node *item = $3; item; item = item->next) { // log(L_WARN "type %d sacode %d", item->i.type, item->i.sa.sa_code); if (item->i.type == AGGR_ITEM_STATIC_ATTR && item->i.sa.sa_code == SA_NET) net_present = 1; count++; } if (!net_present) cf_error("'NET' must be present"); AGGREGATOR_CFG->aggr_on = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct aggr_item) * count); int pos = 0; for (const struct aggr_item_node *item = $3; item; item = item->next) { if (item->i.type == AGGR_ITEM_DYNAMIC_ATTR) AGGREGATOR_CFG->aggr_on_da_count++; AGGREGATOR_CFG->aggr_on[pos++] = item->i; } AGGREGATOR_CFG->aggr_on_count = pos; } | MERGE BY { cf_push_block_scope(new_config); cf_create_symbol(new_config, "routes", SYM_VARIABLE | T_ROUTES_BLOCK, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope)); } function_body { cf_pop_block_scope(new_config); $4->args++; AGGREGATOR_CFG->merge_by = $4; } ; aggregator_proto_opts: /* empty */ | aggregator_proto_opts aggregator_proto_item ';' ; aggregator_proto: aggregator_proto_start proto_name '{' aggregator_proto_opts '}' ; aggr_list: aggr_item | aggr_list ',' aggr_item { if ($3 == NULL) { $$ = $1; } else { $$ = $3; $$->next = $1; } } ; aggr_item: '(' term ')' { $$ = AGGR_ITEM_ALLOC; $$->i.type = AGGR_ITEM_TERM; $$->i.line = f_linearize($2, 1); } | CF_SYM_KNOWN { switch ($1->class) { case SYM_ATTRIBUTE: $$ = AGGR_ITEM_ALLOC; $$->i.type = AGGR_ITEM_DYNAMIC_ATTR; $$->i.da = *$1->attribute; break; case SYM_CONSTANT_RANGE: $$ = NULL; break; default: cf_error("Can't aggregate on symbol type %s.", cf_symbol_class_name($1)); } } | dynamic_attr { $$ = AGGR_ITEM_ALLOC; $$->i.type = AGGR_ITEM_DYNAMIC_ATTR; $$->i.da = $1; } | static_attr { $$ = AGGR_ITEM_ALLOC; $$->i.type = AGGR_ITEM_STATIC_ATTR; $$->i.sa = $1; } ; CF_CODE CF_END