/* * BIRD - filters * * Copyright 1998,1999 Pavel Machek * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. * FIXME (nonurgent): define keyword FIXME (for BGP): whole system of paths, path ~ string, path.prepend(), path.originate FIXME: create community lists FIXME: IP addresses in ipv6 FIXME: check messages for \n at the end (1) Cesty AS paths budtez interne reprezentovany stejne jako v BGP (viz RFC 1771), to znamena jako posloupnost segmentu, z nichz kazdy je budto posloupnost nebo mnozina cisel ASu. Na cestach nadefinuji nasledujici operace: - zformatovani do stringu - append dalsiho AS k ceste Filtry by mely podporovat: - operator pridani AS k ceste [bgppath_prepend] - matchovani na pritomnost podposloupnosti v ceste (pricemz vyskytne-li se tam mnozina, tak si ji lze predstavit prerovnanou v libovolnem poradi) - operator zjisteni delky cesty (pro vypocet metrik) Byl bych rad, kdyby se samotne matchovaci funkce objevily v proto/bgp/attrs.c. Jsou v sitove endianite. [lib/unaligned.h] (2) Community-listy posloupnost 32bitovych cisel s delkou. Community list budiz interne reprezentovan jako posloupnost 32-bitovych cisel. Filtry by se mely na communities divat jako na usporadane dvojice 16-bitovych cisel (prvni je cislo AS, ktery community definoval, druhe pak community ID v ramci AS) a melo by byt mozne definovat si konstanty typu community. K dispozici by mely byt nasledujici operace: - zjisteni pritomnosti community v listu [linearni pruchod] - pridani community do listu [s kopii] - odebrani community z listu [s kopii] - zresetovani listu Pro operace na cestach i na community listech by se mela pouzivat `teckova' notace pouzita v mem puvodnim navrhu syntaxe. */ CF_HDR #define P(a,b) ((a<<8) | b) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(FUNCTION, PRINT, PRINTN, UNSET, RETURN, ACCEPT, REJECT, ERROR, QUITBIRD, INT, BOOL, IP, PREFIX, PAIR, SET, STRING, BGPMASK, BGPPATH, CLIST, IF, THEN, ELSE, CASE, TRUE, FALSE, FROM, GW, NET, MASK, SOURCE, LEN, DEFINED, ADD, DELETE, CONTAINS, RESET, PREPEND, MATCH, EMPTY, FILTER, WHERE) %nonassoc THEN %nonassoc ELSE %type <x> term block cmds cmd function_body constant print_one print_list var_list var_listn dynamic_attr function_call %type <f> filter filter_body where_filter %type <i> type break_command pair %type <e> set_item set_items switch_body %type <v> set_atom prefix prefix_s ipa %type <s> decls declsn one_decl function_params %type <h> bgp_path %type <i> bgp_one CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(conf, filter_def) filter_def: FILTER SYM { cf_push_scope( $2 ); } filter_body { cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_FILTER, $4); $4->name = $2->name; DBG( "We have new filter defined (%s)\n", $2->name ); cf_pop_scope(); } ; type: INT { $$ = T_INT; } | BOOL { $$ = T_BOOL; } | IP { $$ = T_IP; } | PREFIX { $$ = T_PREFIX; } | PAIR { $$ = T_PAIR; } | STRING { $$ = T_STRING; } | BGPMASK { $$ = T_PATH_MASK; } | BGPPATH { $$ = T_PATH; } | CLIST { $$ = T_CLIST; } | type SET { switch ($1) { default: cf_error( "You can not create sets of this type\n" ); case T_INT: case T_IP: case T_PREFIX: case T_PAIR: } $$ = $1 | T_SET; } ; one_decl: type SYM { cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_VARIABLE | $1, NULL); DBG( "New variable %s type %x\n", $2->name, $1 ); $2->aux = 0; { struct f_val * val; val = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_val)); val->type = $1; $2->aux2 = val; } $$=$2; } ; /* Decls with ';' at the end */ decls: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | one_decl ';' decls { $$ = $1; $$->aux = (int) $3; } ; /* Declarations that have no ';' at the end. */ declsn: one_decl { $$ = $1; } | declsn ';' one_decl { $$ = $1; $$->aux = (int) $3; } ; filter_body: function_body { struct filter *f = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct filter)); f->name = NULL; f->root = $1; $$ = f; } ; filter: SYM { if ($1->class != SYM_FILTER) cf_error("No such filter"); $$ = $1->def; } | filter_body ; where_filter: WHERE term { /* Construct 'IF term THEN ACCEPT; REJECT;' */ struct filter *f = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct filter)); struct f_inst *i, *acc, *rej; acc = f_new_inst(); /* ACCEPT */ acc->code = P('p',','); acc->a1.p = NULL; acc->a2.i = F_ACCEPT; rej = f_new_inst(); /* REJECT */ rej->code = P('p',','); rej->a1.p = NULL; rej->a2.i = F_REJECT; i = f_new_inst(); /* IF */ i->code = '?'; i->a1.p = $2; i->a2.p = acc; i->next = rej; f->name = NULL; f->root = i; $$ = f; } ; function_params: '(' declsn ')' { DBG( "Have function parameters\n" ); $$=$2; } | '(' ')' { $$=NULL; } ; function_body: decls '{' cmds '}' { $$ = $3; } ; CF_ADDTO(conf, function_def) function_def: FUNCTION SYM { DBG( "Begining of function %s\n", $2->name ); cf_push_scope($2); } function_params function_body { extern struct f_inst *startup_func; cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_FUNCTION, $5); if (!strcasecmp($2->name, "startup")) startup_func = $5; $2->aux = (int) $4; $2->aux2 = $5; DBG("Hmm, we've got one function here - %s\n", $2->name); cf_pop_scope(); } ; /* Programs */ cmds: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | cmd cmds { if ($1) { if ($1->next) bug("Command has next already set\n"); $1->next = $2; $$ = $1; } else $$ = $2; } ; block: cmd { $$=$1; } | '{' cmds '}' { $$=$2; } ; /* * Simple types, their bison value is int */ pair: '(' NUM ',' NUM ')' { $$ = $2 << 16 | $4; } ; /* * Complex types, their bison value is struct f_val */ prefix_s: IPA '/' NUM { $$.type = T_PREFIX; $$.val.px.ip = $1; $$.val.px.len = $3; if (ipa_nonzero(ipa_and($$.val.px.ip, ipa_not(ipa_mkmask($$.val.px.len))))) cf_error( "%I/%d is not really prefix\n", $$.val.px.ip, $$.val.px.len ); } ; prefix: prefix_s { $$ = $1; } | prefix_s '+' { $$ = $1; $$.val.px.len |= LEN_PLUS; } | prefix_s '-' { $$ = $1; $$.val.px.len |= LEN_MINUS; } | prefix_s '{' NUM ',' NUM '}' { $$ = $1; $$.val.px.len |= LEN_RANGE | ($3 << 16) | ($5 << 8); } ; ipa: IPA { $$.type = T_IP; $$.val.px.ip = $1; } ; set_atom: NUM { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = $1; } | pair { $$.type = T_PAIR; $$.val.i = $1; } | ipa { $$ = $1; } | prefix { $$ = $1; } ; set_item: set_atom { $$ = f_new_tree(); $$->from = $1; if ($1.type != T_PREFIX) $$->to = $1; else { $$->to = $1; $$->to.val.px.ip = ipa_or( $$->to.val.px.ip, ipa_not( ipa_mkmask( $$->to.val.px.len ) )); } } | set_atom '.' '.' set_atom { $$ = f_new_tree(); $$->from = $1; $$->to = $4; if (($1.type == T_PREFIX) || ($4.type == T_PREFIX)) cf_error( "You can not use prefixes for range" ); } ; set_items: set_item { $$ = $1; } | set_items ',' set_item { $$ = $3; $$->left = $1; } ; switch_body: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | set_item ':' cmds switch_body { $$ = $1; $$->data = $3; $$->left = $4; } | ELSE ':' cmds { $$ = f_new_tree(); $$->from.type = T_VOID; $$->to.type = T_VOID; $$->data = $3; } ; /* CONST '(' expr ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_INT; $$->a2.i = $3; } */ bgp_one: NUM { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = PM_ANY; } ; bgp_path: bgp_one { $$ = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_path_mask)); $$->next = NULL; $$->val = $1; } | bgp_one bgp_path { $$ = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_path_mask)); $$->next = $2; $$->val = $1; } ; constant: NUM { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_INT; $$->a2.i = $1; } | TRUE { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_BOOL; $$->a2.i = 1; } | FALSE { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_BOOL; $$->a2.i = 0; } | TEXT { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_STRING; $$->a2.p = $1; } | pair { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_PAIR; $$->a2.i = $1; } | ipa { NEW_F_VAL; $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'C'; $$->a1.p = val; *val = $1; } | prefix_s {NEW_F_VAL; $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'C'; $$->a1.p = val; *val = $1; } | '[' set_items ']' { DBG( "We've got a set here..." ); $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_SET; $$->a2.p = build_tree($2); DBG( "ook\n" ); } | ENUM { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = $1 >> 16; $$->a2.i = $1 & 0xffff; } | '/' bgp_path '/' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'c'; $$->aux = T_PATH_MASK; $$->a2.p = $2; } ; /* * Maybe there are no dynamic attributes defined by protocols. * For such cases, we force the dynamic_attr list to contain * at least an invalid token, so it's syntantically correct. */ CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, INVALID_TOKEN { $$ = NULL; }) rtadot: /* EMPTY, we are not permitted RTA. prefix */ ; function_call: SYM '(' var_list ')' { struct symbol *sym; struct f_inst *inst = $3; if ($1->class != SYM_FUNCTION) cf_error("You can not call something which is not function. Really."); DBG("You are calling function %s\n", $1->name); $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('c','a'); $$->a1.p = inst; $$->a2.p = $1->aux2; sym = (void *) $1->aux; while (sym || inst) { if (!sym || !inst) cf_error("wrong number of arguments for function %s.", $1->name); DBG( "You should pass parameter called %s\n", sym->name); inst->a1.p = sym; sym = (void *) sym->aux; inst = inst->next; } } ; term: '(' term ')' { $$ = $2; } | term '+' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '+'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term '=' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('=','='); $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term NEQ term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('!','='); $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term '<' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '<'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term LEQ term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('<','='); $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | term '>' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '<'; $$->a1.p = $3; $$->a2.p = $1; } | term GEQ term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('<','='); $$->a1.p = $3; $$->a2.p = $1; } | term '~' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '~'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | '!' term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '!'; $$->a1.p = $2; } | DEFINED '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('d','e'); $$->a1.p = $3; } | constant { $$ = $1; } | SYM { $$ = f_new_inst(); switch ($1->class) { case SYM_VARIABLE | T_INT: case SYM_VARIABLE | T_PAIR: case SYM_VARIABLE | T_PREFIX: case SYM_VARIABLE | T_IP: case SYM_VARIABLE | T_PATH_MASK: case SYM_VARIABLE | T_PATH: case SYM_VARIABLE | T_CLIST: $$->code = 'C'; $$->a1.p = $1->aux2; break; default: cf_error("Can not use this class of symbol (%s,%x) as variable.", $1->name, $1->class ); } } | rtadot FROM { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->aux = T_IP; $$->a2.i = OFFSETOF(struct rta, from); } | rtadot GW { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->aux = T_IP; $$->a2.i = OFFSETOF(struct rta, gw); } | rtadot NET { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->aux = T_PREFIX; $$->a2.i = 0x12345678; } | rtadot SOURCE { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'a'; $$->aux = T_ENUM_RTS; $$->a2.i = OFFSETOF(struct rta, source); } | rtadot dynamic_attr { $$ = $2; $$->code = P('e','a'); } | term '.' IP { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('c','p'); $$->a1.p = $1; $$->aux = T_IP; } | term '.' LEN { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'L'; $$->a1.p = $1; } | term '.' MASK '(' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('i','M'); $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $5; } /* Communities */ /* This causes one shift/reduce conflict | rtadot dynamic_attr '.' ADD '(' term ')' { } | rtadot dynamic_attr '.' DELETE '(' term ')' { } | rtadot dynamic_attr '.' CONTAINS '(' term ')' { } | rtadot dynamic_attr '.' RESET{ } */ /* Paths */ | term '.' PREPEND '(' term ')' { } | term '.' RESET { } | '+' EMPTY '+' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'E'; $$->aux = T_PATH; } | '-' EMPTY '-' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'E'; $$->aux = T_CLIST; } | PREPEND '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('A','p'); $$->a1.p = $3; $$->a2.p = $5; } | ADD '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('C','a'); $$->a1.p = $3; $$->a2.p = $5; $$->aux = 'a'; } | DELETE '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('C','a'); $$->a1.p = $3; $$->a2.p = $5; $$->aux = 'd'; } /* | term '.' LEN { $$->code = P('P','l'); } */ /* function_call is inlined here */ | SYM '(' var_list ')' { struct symbol *sym; struct f_inst *inst = $3; if ($1->class != SYM_FUNCTION) cf_error("You can not call something which is not function. Really."); DBG("You are calling function %s\n", $1->name); $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('c','a'); $$->a1.p = inst; $$->a2.p = $1->aux2; sym = (void *) $1->aux; while (sym || inst) { if (!sym || !inst) cf_error("wrong number of arguments for function %s.", $1->name); DBG( "You should pass parameter called %s\n", sym->name); inst->a1.p = sym; sym = (void *) sym->aux; inst = inst->next; } } ; break_command: QUITBIRD { $$ = F_QUITBIRD } | ACCEPT { $$ = F_ACCEPT } | REJECT { $$ = F_REJECT } | ERROR { $$ = F_ERROR } | PRINT { $$ = F_NOP } | PRINTN { $$ = F_NONL } ; print_one: term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 'p'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = NULL; } ; print_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | print_one { $$ = $1; } | print_one ',' print_list { if ($1) { $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; } else $$ = $3; } ; var_listn: term { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 's'; $$->a1.p = NULL; $$->a2.p = $1; $$->next = NULL; } | term ',' var_listn { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = 's'; $$->a1.p = NULL; $$->a2.p = $1; $$->next = $3; } ; var_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } | var_listn { $$ = $1; } ; cmd: IF term THEN block { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '?'; $$->a1.p = $2; $$->a2.p = $4; } | IF term THEN block ELSE block { struct f_inst *i = f_new_inst(); i->code = '?'; i->a1.p = $2; i->a2.p = $4; $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = '?'; $$->a1.p = i; $$->a2.p = $6; } | SYM '=' term ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(); DBG( "Ook, we'll set value\n" ); if (($1->class & ~T_MASK) != SYM_VARIABLE) cf_error( "You may only set variables, and this is %x.\n", $1->class ); $$->code = 's'; $$->a1.p = $1; $$->a2.p = $3; } | RETURN term ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(); DBG( "Ook, we'll return the value\n" ); $$->code = 'r'; $$->a1.p = $2; } | rtadot dynamic_attr '=' term ';' { $$ = $2; $$->code = P('e','S'); $$->a1.p = $4; } | UNSET '(' rtadot dynamic_attr ')' ';' { $$ = $4; $$->aux = EAF_TYPE_UNDEF | EAF_TEMP; $$->code = P('e','S'); $$->a1.p = NULL; } | break_command print_list ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('p',','); $$->a1.p = $2; $$->a2.i = $1; } | function_call ';' { $$ = $1; } | CASE term '{' switch_body '}' { $$ = f_new_inst(); $$->code = P('S','W'); $$->a1.p = $2; $$->a2.p = build_tree( $4 ); } ; CF_END