/* * BIRD -- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) * * (c) 2022 Vojtech Vilimek * (c) 2022 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. * */ #include "lib/unaligned.h" #include "subagent.h" #include "snmp_utils.h" #include "bgp_mib.h" #include "snmp_internal.h" /* ============================================================= * Problems * ------------------------------------------------------------ * * change of remote ip -> no notification, no update * same ip, different ports * distinct VRF (two interfaces with overlapping private addrs) * posible link-local addresses in LOCAL_IP * */ static int parse_response(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size); static int snmp_stop_ack(sock *sk, uint size); static void do_response(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size); static uint parse_get_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size); static uint parse_gets_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size); static byte *prepare_response(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size); static void response_err_ind(byte *buf, uint err, uint ind); static struct oid *search_mib(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o_start, struct oid *o_end, struct oid *o_curr, u8 mib_class, uint contid); static inline byte *find_n_fill(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o, byte *buf, uint size, uint contid, int byte_ord); static const char * const snmp_errs[] = { #define SNMP_ERR_SHIFT 256 [AGENTX_RES_OPEN_FAILED - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Open failed", [AGENTX_RES_NOT_OPEN - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Not open", [AGENTX_RES_INDEX_WRONG_TYPE - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Index wrong type", [AGENTX_RES_INDEX_ALREADY_ALLOC - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Index already allocated", [AGENTX_RES_INDEX_NONE_AVAIL - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Index none availlable", [AGENTX_RES_NOT_ALLOCATED - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Not allocated", [AGENTX_RES_UNSUPPORTED_CONTEXT - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Unsupported contex", [AGENTX_RES_DUPLICATE_REGISTR - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Duplicate registration", [AGENTX_RES_UNKNOWN_REGISTR - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Unknown registration", [AGENTX_RES_UNKNOWN_AGENT_CAPS - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Unknown agent caps", [AGENTX_RES_PARSE_ERROR - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Parse error", [AGENTX_RES_REQUEST_DENIED - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Request denied", [AGENTX_RES_PROCESSING_ERR - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT] = "Processing error", }; static void open_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *oid) { sock *sk = p->sock; byte *buf, *pkt; buf = pkt = sk->tbuf; uint size = sk->tbsize; // should be configurable const char *str = "bird"; //uint pkt_size = 0; if (size > AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE + snmp_oid_size(oid) + snmp_str_size(str)) { log(L_INFO "open_pdu()"); struct agentx_header *h; SNMP_CREATE(pkt, struct agentx_header, h) SNMP_B_HEADER(h, AGENTX_OPEN_PDU) STORE(h->session_id, 1); STORE(h->transaction_id, 1); STORE(h->packet_id, 1); pkt = snmp_put_fbyte(pkt, p->timeout); pkt = snmp_put_oid(pkt, oid); pkt = snmp_put_str(pkt, str); SNMP_UPDATE(h, snmp_pkt_len(buf, pkt)); int ret = sk_send(sk, pkt - buf); if (ret == 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send sleep"); else if (ret < 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send err %d", ret); else log(L_INFO "sk_send ok !!! "); } else log(L_INFO "open_pdu() insufficient size, %u <= %u ", size, AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE + snmp_oid_size(oid) + snmp_str_size(str)); } /* index allocate / deallocate pdu * / static void de_allocate_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *oid, u8 type) { sock *sk = p->sock; byte *buf, *pkt; buf = pkt = sk->tbuf; uint size = sk->tbsize; if (size > AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE + ) { log(L_INFO "de_allocate_pdu()"); struct agentx_header *h; SNMP_CREATE(pkt, struct agentx_header, h); SNMP_B_HEADER(h, type); SNMP_SESSION(h,p); struct agentx_varbind *vb = (struct agentx_varbind *) pkt; STORE_16(vb->type, AGENTX_OBJECT_ID); STORE(vb->oid, } else log(L_INFO "de_allocate_pdu(): insufficient size"); } */ /* register / unregister pdu */ static void un_register_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *oid, uint index, uint len, u8 type) { sock *sk = p->sock; byte *buf, *pkt; buf = pkt = sk->tbuf; uint size = sk->tbsize; /* conditional +4 for upper-bound */ if (size > AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE + snmp_oid_size(oid) + ((len > 1) ? 4 : 0)) { log(L_INFO "un_register_pdu()"); struct agentx_un_register_pdu *ur; SNMP_CREATE(pkt, struct agentx_un_register_pdu, ur); struct agentx_header *h = &ur->h; // FIXME correctly set INSTANCE REGISTRATION bit SNMP_HEADER(h, type, AGENTX_FLAG_INSTANCE_REGISTRATION); SNMP_SESSION(h, p); /* do not override timeout */ STORE(ur->timeout, 0); /* default priority */ STORE(ur->priority, AGENTX_PRIORITY); STORE(ur->range_subid, (len > 1) ? index : 0); pkt = snmp_put_oid(pkt, oid); log(L_INFO "pkt - buf : %lu sizeof %u", pkt -buf, AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE); /* place upper-bound if needed */ if (len > 1) { STORE_PTR(pkt, len); pkt += 4; } log("size of pkt: %u", snmp_pkt_len(buf,pkt)); SNMP_UPDATE(h, snmp_pkt_len(buf, pkt)); for (uint i = 0; i < pkt - buf; i++) log(L_INFO "%p: %02X", buf+i, *(buf + i)); log(L_INFO "sending (un)register %d", type); int ret = sk_send(sk, pkt - buf); if (ret == 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send sleep"); else if (ret < 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send err %d", ret); else log(L_INFO "sk_send ok !!"); } else log(L_INFO "un_register_pdu() insufficient size"); } /* register pdu */ static void snmp_register(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *oid, uint index, uint len) { un_register_pdu(p, oid, index, len, AGENTX_REGISTER_PDU); } /* unregister pdu */ static void UNUSED snmp_unregister(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *oid, uint index, uint len) { un_register_pdu(p, oid, index, len, AGENTX_UNREGISTER_PDU); } static void close_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, u8 reason) { sock *sk = p->sock; byte *buf, *pkt; buf = pkt = sk->tbuf; uint size = sk->tbsize; log(L_INFO "close_pdu() size: %u %c %u", size, (size > AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE + 4) ? '>':'<', AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE); /* +4B for reason */ if (size > AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE + 4) { struct agentx_header *h; SNMP_CREATE(pkt, struct agentx_header, h) SNMP_B_HEADER(h, AGENTX_CLOSE_PDU) SNMP_SESSION(h, p) pkt = snmp_put_fbyte(pkt, reason); SNMP_UPDATE(h, snmp_pkt_len(buf, pkt)); log(L_INFO "preparing to sk_send()"); int ret = sk_send(sk, pkt - buf); if (ret == 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send sleep"); else if (ret < 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send err"); else log(L_INFO, "sk_send ok !!"); } } static inline void refresh_ids(struct snmp_proto *p, struct agentx_header *h) { int byte_ord = h->flags & AGENTX_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER; p->transaction_id = LOAD(h->transaction_id, byte_ord); p->packet_id = LOAD(h->packet_id, byte_ord); } static int parse_pkt(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size) { if (size < AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; uint len = 0; struct agentx_header *h = (void *) buf; log(L_INFO "parse_pkt got type %u", h->type); switch (h->type) { case AGENTX_RESPONSE_PDU: return parse_response(p, buf, size); /* case AGENTX_GET_PDU: refresh_ids(p, h); return parse_get_pdu(p, buf, size); */ case AGENTX_GET_PDU: case AGENTX_GET_NEXT_PDU: case AGENTX_GET_BULK_PDU: refresh_ids(p, h); len = parse_gets_pdu(p, buf, size); break; /* should not happen */ default: die("unknown packet type %u", h->type); } log(L_INFO "parsed, sending ... to addr %I:%u -> %I:%u", p->sock->saddr, p->sock->sport, p->sock->daddr, p->sock->dport); if (len && p->state != SNMP_ERR) { p->to_send = len; int ret = sk_send(p->sock, len); log(L_INFO "message sent"); if (ret == 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send sleep"); else if (ret < 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send err no: %d '%s'", ret, strerror(ret)); else log("sk_send OK ! !!"); } return len; } static int parse_response(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size) { if (size < sizeof(struct agentx_response)) return 0; struct agentx_response *r = (void *) buf; struct agentx_header *h = &r->h; log(L_INFO "endianity: %s, session %u, transaction: %u", (h->flags & AGENTX_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER) ? "big end": "little end", h->session_id, h->transaction_id); log(L_INFO "sid: %3u\ttid: %3u\tpid: %3u\t", p->session_id, p->transaction_id, p->packet_id); log(L_INFO "size %u", h->payload); log(L_INFO "uptime: %u s", r->uptime); if (r->err == AGENTX_RES_NO_ERROR) do_response(p, buf, size); else log(L_INFO "an error occured '%s'", snmp_errs[get_u16(&r->err) - SNMP_ERR_SHIFT]); return 1; } static void do_response(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size UNUSED) { struct agentx_response *r = (void *) buf; struct agentx_header *h = &r->h; /* TODO make it asynchronous for better speed */ switch (p->state) { case SNMP_INIT: if (h->flags & AGENTX_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER) { p->session_id = get_u32(&h->session_id); p->transaction_id = get_u32(&h->transaction_id); p->packet_id = get_u32(&h->packet_id); } else { memcpy(&p->session_id, &h->session_id, 12); } p->transaction_id++; log(L_INFO "sending register-pdu"); // register whole BGP4-MIB u32 arr_bgp[] = {1, 15, 1}; struct oid *o = mb_allocz(p->p.pool, 4 * sizeof(u32)); put_u8(&o->n_subid, 2); put_u8(&o->prefix, 2); memcpy(o->ids, arr_bgp, 2 * sizeof(u32)); snmp_register(p, o, 0, 1); put_u8(&o->n_subid, 3); STORE(o->ids[2], arr_bgp[2]); snmp_register(p, o, 0, 1); STORE(o->ids[2], 2); snmp_register(p, o, 0, 1); mb_free(o); u32 arr_with_prefix[] = {1, 15, 3, 1, 1}; struct oid *o2 = mb_allocz(p->p.pool, 10 * sizeof(u32)); put_u8(&o2->n_subid, 9); memcpy(o2->ids, arr_with_prefix, 5 * sizeof(u32)); u32 remote_addr[] = {10, 0, 0, 0}; memcpy(o2->ids + 5, remote_addr, 4 * sizeof(u32)); STORE(o2->prefix, 2); // register first line in BGP4-MIB bgpPeerTable // TODO register all bind bgp connections snmp_register(p, o2, 9, 24); log(L_INFO "before hash walk"); HASH_WALK(p->bgp_hash, next, peer) { snmp_oid_ip4_index(o2, 5, ipa_to_ip4(peer->peer_ip)); log(L_INFO ""); log(L_INFO "o2 n_subid %u prefix %u include %u", o2->n_subid, o2->prefix, o2->include); for (int i = 0; i < o2->n_subid; i++) log(L_INFO "%d: %u", i, o2->ids[i]); log(L_INFO ""); snmp_register(p, o2, 9, 24); } HASH_WALK_END; log(L_INFO "after hash walk"); mb_free(o2); p->state = SNMP_REGISTR; //proto_notify_state(&p->p, PS_UP); break; case SNMP_REGISTR: p->state = SNMP_CONN; break; case SNMP_CONN: break; default: die("unkonwn SNMP state"); } } static uint UNUSED parse_get_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size) { log(L_INFO "parse_get_pdu()"); sock *sk = p->sock; byte *res_pkt, *res = sk->tbuf; uint rsize = sk->tbsize; if (size < AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; log(L_INFO "Get-PDU enough room %p", buf); struct agentx_header *h = (void *) buf; ADVANCE(buf, size, AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE); log(L_INFO "advancing %p cause %u", buf, AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE); int byte_ord = h->flags & AGENTX_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER; byte *pkt = buf; uint pkt_size = LOAD(h->payload, byte_ord); log(L_INFO "RX packet size is %u", pkt_size); uint clen; /* context len */ char *context = NULL; SNMP_LOAD_CONTEXT(p, h, pkt, context, clen) log(L_INFO "after context load %p, pkt == buf %d", pkt, pkt == buf); res_pkt = prepare_response(p, res, rsize); log(L_INFO "response header created: %p (%u)", res_pkt, res_pkt - res); /* parsing one search range */ uint ind = 1; int err = 0; /* parsed */ while (!err && pkt - buf < pkt_size) { struct oid *o_start, *o_end; o_start = (struct oid *) pkt; pkt += snmp_oid_size(o_start); o_end = (struct oid *) pkt; // for Get-PDU always null pkt += snmp_oid_size(o_end); log(L_INFO "sizes o_start %lu o_end %lu", snmp_oid_size(o_start), snmp_oid_size(o_end)); log(L_INFO "o_subid: %u o_prefix %u o_include %u ---", o_start->n_subid, o_start->prefix, o_start->include); /* currently unsupported non-default context */ res_pkt = find_n_fill(p, o_start, res_pkt, rsize, 0, byte_ord); /* struct agentx_varbind *vb_start; vb_start = (void *) res_pkt; memcpy(&vb_start->name, o_start, oid_size(o_start)); STORE_16(vb_start->type, AGENTX_INTEGER); STORE_16(vb_start->pad, 0); // padding zeroing res_pkt += vb_size(vb_start); log(L_INFO " vb_size() rpkt %p %u", res_pkt, res_pkt - res); STORE_PTR(res_pkt, 0x1234ABCD); log(L_INFO " STORE_PTR int-value rpkt %p %u", res_pkt, res_pkt - res); res_pkt += 4; log(L_INFO " shift rpkt %p %u", res_pkt, res_pkt - res); */ ind++; } struct agentx_header *rh = (void *) res; SNMP_UPDATE(rh, snmp_pkt_len(res, res_pkt)); if (err) response_err_ind(res, err, ind); log(L_INFO "res->payload %u (loaded) %u, trying to send: %u", rh->payload, LOAD(rh->payload, rh->flags & AGENTX_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER), res_pkt - res + 4); int ret = sk_send(sk, res_pkt - res); log(L_INFO "message sent"); if (ret == 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send sleep"); else if (ret < 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send err no: %d", ret); else log(L_INFO "sk_send OK !!"); return 1; } static u8 get_mib_class(struct oid *oid) { if (oid->prefix != 2 && oid->ids[0] != 1) return SNMP_CLASS_INVALID; switch (oid->ids[1]) { case SNMP_BGP4_MIB: return SNMP_CLASS_BGP; default: return SNMP_CLASS_END; } } static byte * snmp_get_next(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o_start, struct oid *o_end, byte *pkt, uint rsize, uint contid, u8 mib_class, int byte_ord) { log(L_INFO "type GetNext-PDU"); struct oid *o_copy; o_copy = search_mib(p, o_start, o_end, NULL, mib_class, contid); log(L_INFO "search result"); snmp_oid_dump(o_copy); struct snmp_error error = (struct snmp_error) { .oid = o_start, .type = AGENTX_END_OF_MIB_VIEW, }; pkt = snmp_mib_fill( p, o_copy, mib_class, pkt, rsize, &error, contid, byte_ord ); if (o_copy) { mb_free(o_copy); } return pkt; } static byte * snmp_get_bulk(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o_start, struct oid *o_end, byte *pkt, uint size, struct agentx_bulk_state *state, uint contid, int byte_ord) { log(L_INFO "type GetBulk-PDU"); u8 mib_class = get_mib_class(o_start); if (state->index <= state->getbulk.non_repeaters) { return snmp_get_next(p, o_start, o_end, pkt, size, contid, mib_class, byte_ord); } else { u8 mib_class = get_mib_class(o_start); struct oid *o_curr = NULL; struct oid *o_predecessor; uint i = 0; do { o_predecessor = o_curr; o_curr = search_mib(p, o_start, o_end, o_curr, mib_class, contid); mib_class = get_mib_class(o_curr); i++; } while (o_curr != NULL && i < state->repetition); log("bulk search result - repeating"); snmp_oid_dump(o_curr); struct snmp_error error = (struct snmp_error) { .oid = (o_predecessor != NULL) ? o_predecessor : o_start, .type = AGENTX_END_OF_MIB_VIEW, }; return snmp_mib_fill(p, o_curr, mib_class, pkt, size, &error, contid, byte_ord); // REMOVE ME #if 0 last *byte = pkt; if (o_curr) { pkt = snmp_mib_fill(p, o_curr, mib_class, pkt, size, contid, byte_ord); } else if (!o_curr || pkt == last) { state->failed++; if (!o_predecessor) o_predecessor = o_start; struct agentx_varbind *vb = snmp_create_varbind(pkt, o_predecessor); pkt += snmp_varbind_size(vb); vb->type = AGENTX_END_OF_MIB_VIEW; } return pkt; #endif } } /* req is request */ static uint parse_gets_pdu(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *req, uint size) { log(L_INFO "parse_gets_pdu"); sock *sk = p->sock; byte *res_pkt, *res = sk->tbuf; uint rsize = sk->tbsize; if (size < AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; struct agentx_header *h = (void *) req; ADVANCE(req, size, AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE); log(L_INFO "advancing %p cause header", req); byte *pkt = req; int byte_ord = h->flags & AGENTX_NETWORK_BYTE_ORDER; uint pkt_size = LOAD(h->payload, byte_ord); uint clen; char *context; SNMP_LOAD_CONTEXT(p, h, req, context, clen); res_pkt = prepare_response(p, res, rsize); /* used only for state AGENTX_GET_BULK_PDU */ struct agentx_bulk_state bulk_state; if (h->type == AGENTX_GET_BULK_PDU) { struct agentx_getbulk *bulk = (void*) res_pkt; res_pkt += sizeof(struct agentx_getbulk); bulk_state = (struct agentx_bulk_state) { .getbulk.non_repeaters = LOAD(bulk->non_repeaters, byte_ord), .getbulk.max_repetitions = LOAD(bulk->max_repetitions, byte_ord), .index = 1, .repetition = 1, }; } uint ind = 1; int err = 0; while (!err && pkt - req < pkt_size) { /* oids from message buffer */ struct oid *o_start_b, *o_end_b; o_start_b = (struct oid *) pkt; pkt += snmp_oid_size(o_start_b); o_end_b = (struct oid *) pkt; pkt += snmp_oid_size(o_end_b); /* advertised size of oid is greater then size of message */ if (snmp_oid_size(o_start_b) > size || snmp_oid_size(o_end_b) > size) { log(L_INFO "too big o_start or o_end"); err = -1; /* parse error too big n_subid (greater than message) */ continue; } snmp_oid_dump(o_start_b); snmp_oid_dump(o_end_b); /* object identifier (oid) normalization */ struct oid *o_start = snmp_prefixize(p, o_start_b, byte_ord); struct oid *o_end = snmp_prefixize(p, o_end_b, byte_ord); snmp_oid_dump(o_start); snmp_oid_dump(o_end); u8 mib_class = get_mib_class(o_start); log(L_INFO "get mib_class () %d -> next pdu parsing ... ", mib_class); switch (h->type) { case AGENTX_GET_PDU: log(L_INFO "type Get-PDU"); struct snmp_error error = (struct snmp_error) { .oid = o_start, .type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, }; res_pkt = snmp_mib_fill(p, o_start, mib_class, res_pkt, rsize, &error, 0, byte_ord); //res_pkt = find_n_fill(p, o_start, res_pkt, rsize, 0, byte_ord); break; case AGENTX_GET_NEXT_PDU: res_pkt = snmp_get_next(p, o_start, o_end, res_pkt, rsize, 0, mib_class, byte_ord); break; case AGENTX_GET_BULK_PDU: res_pkt = snmp_get_bulk(p, o_start, o_end, res_pkt, rsize, &bulk_state, 0, byte_ord); break; // REMOVE ME #if 0 { log(L_INFO "type GetBulk-PDU"); struct oid *o_curr = NULL; /* TODO add res packet size limiting logic */ while ((o_curr = search_mib(p, o_start, o_end, o_curr, mib_class, 0)) != NULL) { res_pkt = snmp_mib_fill(p, o_curr, mib_class, res_pkt, rsize, 0, byte_ord); //res_pkt = find_n_fill(p, o_curr, res_pkt, rsize, 0, byte_ord); } mb_free(o_curr); /* no item found */ if (res_pkt == res + sizeof(struct agentx_response)) { log(L_INFO "no item found "); err = -2; continue; } break; } #endif } mb_free(o_start); mb_free(o_end); ind++; } switch (err) { case 0: response_err_ind(req, AGENTX_RES_NO_ERROR, 0); err = 1; break; case -1: response_err_ind(req, AGENTX_RES_PARSE_ERROR, ind); break; /* no item found - could it happen? */ case -2: response_err_ind(req, AGENTX_RES_GEN_ERROR, ind); break; } log(L_INFO " pasting size"); struct agentx_header *rh = (void *) res; SNMP_UPDATE(rh, snmp_pkt_len(res, res_pkt)); log(L_INFO "%p %lu", p->sock->ttx, res_pkt - res); log(L_INFO "%p %p", res_pkt, res); for (int i = 0; i < res_pkt - res; i++) log(L_INFO "%p: %02X", res + i, *(res + i)); return res_pkt - res; } void snmp_start_subagent(struct snmp_proto *p) { log(L_INFO "snmp_start_subagent() starting subagent"); /* blank oid means unsupported */ struct oid *o = mb_allocz(p->p.pool, sizeof(struct oid)); open_pdu(p, o); mb_free(o); } void snmp_stop_subagent(struct snmp_proto *p) { log(L_INFO "snmp_stop_subagent()"); sock *sk = p->sock; if (p->state == SNMP_CONN) { close_pdu(p, AGENTX_CLOSE_SHUTDOWN); sk->rx_hook = snmp_stop_ack; } } static inline int oid_prefix(struct oid *o, u32 *prefix, uint len) { for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) if (o->ids[i] != prefix[i]) return 0; // false return 1; // true } int snmp_rx(sock *sk, uint size) { log(L_INFO "snmp_rx()"); struct snmp_proto *p = sk->data; byte *pkt = sk->rbuf; // 1 means all done; 0 means to be continued return parse_pkt(p, pkt, size); /* while (end >= pkt + AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE) { parse_header(p); parse_pkt(p, ); } */ } /* ping pdu */ void snmp_ping(struct snmp_proto *p) { /* this does not support non-default context */ sock *sk = p->sock; byte *pkt = sk->tbuf; uint size = sk->tbsize; if (size > AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE) { log(L_INFO "ping_pdu()"); struct agentx_header *h; log("before dead %p", pkt ); SNMP_CREATE(pkt, struct agentx_header, h); SNMP_B_HEADER(h, AGENTX_PING_PDU); SNMP_SESSION(h, p); /* sending only header => pkt - buf */ int ret = sk_send(sk, AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE); if (ret == 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send sleep"); else if (ret < 0) log(L_INFO "sk_send err %d", ret); else log("sk_send ok ! !"); } else log(L_INFO "ping_pdu() insufficient size"); } static int snmp_stop_ack(sock *sk, uint size) { struct snmp_proto *p = sk->data; byte *buf = sk->rbuf; if (size < AGENTX_HEADER_SIZE) return 0; if (parse_response(p, buf, size)) { p->p.disabled = 1; proto_notify_state(&p->p, PS_DOWN); sk->tx_hook = NULL; sk->rx_hook = NULL; } /* all done */ return 0; } /* void snmp_agent_reconfigure(void) { } static int compare(struct oid *left, struct oid *right) { const u32 INTERNET_PREFIX[] = {1, 3, 6, 1}; if (left->prefix == 0 && right->prefix == 0) goto test_ids; if (right->prefix == 0) { struct oid *temp = left; left = right; right = temp; } if (left->prefix == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (left->ids[i] < INTERNET_PREFIX[i]) return -1; else if (left->ids[i] > INTERNET_PREFIX[i]) return 1; for (int i = 0; i < MIN(left->n_subid - 4, right->n_subid); i++) if (left->ids[i + 4] < right->ids[i]) return -1; else if (left->ids[i + 4] > right->ids[i]) return 1; goto all_same; } if (left->prefix < right->prefix) return -1; else if (left->prefix > right->prefix) return 1; test_ids: for (int i = 0; i < MIN(left->n_subid, right->n_subid); i++) if (left->ids[i] < right->ids[i]) return -1; else if (left->ids[i] > right->ids[i]) return 1; all_same: / * shorter sequence is before longer in lexicografical order * / if (left->n_subid < right->n_subid) return -1; else if (left->n_subid > right->n_subid) return 1; else return 0; } */ static inline int is_bgp4_mib_prefix(struct oid *o) { if (o->prefix == 2 && o->ids[0] == 15) return 1; else return 0; } static inline int has_inet_prefix(struct oid *o) { return (o->n_subid > 4 && o->ids[0] == 1 && o->ids[1] == 3 && o->ids[2] == 6 && o->ids[3] == 1); } /* tree is tree with "internet" prefix . working only with o_start, o_end allocated in heap (not from buffer)*/ static struct oid * search_mib(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o_start, struct oid *o_end, struct oid *o_curr, u8 mib_class, uint contid UNUSED) { log(L_INFO "search_mib()"); if (!o_start) return NULL; if (!o_curr) { o_curr = mb_alloc(p->p.pool, snmp_oid_size(o_start)); memcpy(o_curr, o_start, snmp_oid_size(o_start)); // XXX is it right time to free o_start right now (here) ? } if (o_curr->n_subid > 1 && o_curr->ids[0] == 1) { switch (o_curr->ids[1]) { case SNMP_BGP4_MIB: o_curr = search_bgp_mib(p, o_curr, o_end, 0); if (o_curr != NULL) return o_curr; /* fall through */ /* case SNMP_OSPF_MIB: o_curr = search_bgp_mib(p, o_curr, o_end, 0); if (o_curr != NULL) return o_curr; // fall through */ default: return NULL; } } return NULL; } static byte * find_bgp_one(struct bgp_proto *bp, struct oid *o, byte *pkt, uint size UNUSED, uint contid UNUSED) { struct bgp_conn *b_conn = bp->conn; struct bgp_conn *b_in = &bp->incoming_conn; struct bgp_conn *b_out = &bp->outgoing_conn; struct bgp_stats *b_stats = &bp->stats; const struct bgp_config *b_conf = bp->cf; uint b_state; if (b_conn) b_state = b_conn->state; else if (MAX(b_in->state, b_out->state) == BS_CLOSE && MIN(b_in->state, b_out->state) != BS_CLOSE) b_state = MIN(b_in->state, b_out->state); /* BS_CLOSE is unsupported by BGP4-MIB */ else if (MIN(b_in->state, b_out->state) == BS_CLOSE) b_state = BS_IDLE; else b_state = MAX(b_in->state, b_out->state); struct agentx_varbind *vb = snmp_create_varbind(pkt, o); pkt += snmp_varbind_size(vb); switch (o->ids[4]) { case SNMP_BGP_IDENTIFIER: if (b_state == BS_OPENCONFIRM || b_state == BS_ESTABLISHED) { STORE_PTR(pkt, ipa_to_u32(bp->remote_ip)); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_IP_ADDRESS, pkt); } else { snmp_put_blank(pkt); /* store 4B of zeroes */ BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_IP_ADDRESS, pkt); } break; case SNMP_BGP_STATE: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_state); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_ADMIN_STATUS: if (((struct proto *) bp)->disabled) STORE_PTR(pkt, AGENTX_ADMIN_STOP); else STORE_PTR(pkt, AGENTX_ADMIN_START); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_NEGOTIATED_VERSION: if (b_state == BS_OPENCONFIRM || b_state == BS_ESTABLISHED) STORE_PTR(pkt, 4); else STORE_PTR(pkt, 0); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_LOCAL_ADDR: // TODO XXX bp->link_addr & zero local_ip STORE_PTR(pkt, ipa_to_u32(bp->local_ip)); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_IP_ADDRESS, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_LOCAL_PORT: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conf->local_port); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_REMOTE_ADDR: STORE_PTR(pkt, ipa_to_u32(bp->remote_ip)); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_IP_ADDRESS, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_REMOTE_PORT: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conf->remote_port); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_REMOTE_AS: STORE_PTR(pkt, bp->remote_as); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; /* IN UPDATES */ case SNMP_BGP_RX_UPDATES: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_stats->rx_updates); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_COUNTER_32, pkt); break; /* OUT UPDATES */ case SNMP_BGP_TX_UPDATES: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_stats->tx_updates); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_COUNTER_32, pkt); break; /* IN MESSAGES */ case SNMP_BGP_RX_MESSAGES: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_stats->rx_messages); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_COUNTER_32, pkt); break; /* OUT MESSAGES */ case SNMP_BGP_TX_MESSAGES: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_stats->tx_messages); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_COUNTER_32, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_LAST_ERROR: STORE_PTR(pkt, 2); pkt += 4; /* force network order */ put_u32(pkt, (bp->last_error_code << 8 | bp->last_error_code << 24) & 0xFFFF0000); /* real size is 8 but we already shifted the pkt by 4 */ BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_OCTET_STRING, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_FSM_TRANSITIONS: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_stats->fsm_established_transitions); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_COUNTER_32, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_RETRY_INTERVAL: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conf->connect_retry_time); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_COUNTER_32, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_HOLD_TIME: if (b_conn && b_conf->hold_time) STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conn->hold_time); else STORE_PTR(pkt, 0); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_KEEPALIVE: if (b_conn && b_conf->keepalive_time) STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conn->keepalive_time); else STORE_PTR(pkt, 0); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_HOLD_TIME_CONFIGURED: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conf->hold_time); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_KEEPALIVE_CONFIGURED: STORE_PTR(pkt, b_conf->keepalive_time); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; /* UNSUPPORTED */ /* TODO XXX forbiden value 0 */ case SNMP_BGP_ORIGINATION_INTERVAL: case SNMP_BGP_MIN_ROUTE_ADVERTISEMENT: STORE_PTR(pkt, 0); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED_TIME: case SNMP_BGP_IN_UPDATE_ELAPSED_TIME: vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; /* no default */ } return pkt; } /* contid - context identification number */ static byte * snmp_bgp_record(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o, byte *buf, uint size, uint contid) { struct agentx_varbind *vb = snmp_create_varbind(buf, o); byte *pkt = buf + snmp_varbind_size(vb); switch (o->ids[2]) { case SNMP_BGP_VERSION: STORE_PTR(pkt, 1); // string len pkt += 4; STORE_PTR(pkt, BGP4_VERSIONS); /* real size is 8 but we already shifted the pkt by 4 */ BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_OCTET_STRING, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_LOCAL_AS: // XXX local as to use STORE_PTR(pkt, p->local_as); BGP_DATA(vb, AGENTX_INTEGER, pkt); break; case SNMP_BGP_PEER_TABLE: /* end part of . */ if (o->n_subid < 9 || o->ids[3] != SNMP_BGP_PEER_ENTRY || o->ids[4] == 0 || o->ids[4] > 24) vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; // TODO enumerate range requests ip_addr addr = ipa_build4(o->ids[5], o->ids[6], o->ids[7], o->ids[8]); struct snmp_bgp_peer *pe = HASH_FIND(p->bgp_hash, SNMP_HASH, addr); struct bgp_proto *bp = NULL; if (pe && ((struct proto_config *)pe->config)->proto && ipa_equal(addr, (((struct bgp_proto *) ((struct proto_config *)pe->config)->proto)->remote_ip))) { bp = (void *) ((struct proto_config *) pe->config)->proto; } /* IF WE CONSIDER CHANGES OF REMOTE IP else { struct snmp_bond *b; WALK_LIST(b, p->bgp_entries) if (b->proto->proto && ipa_equal(((struct bgp_proto *) b->proto->proto)->remote_ip, addr)) bp = (struct bgp_proto *) b->proto->proto; } */ if (!bp) { /* pkt += 0; no data inserted into the packet */ vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; return pkt; } return find_bgp_one(bp, o, buf, size, contid); break; default: /* pkt += 0; no data */ vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } return pkt; } /* static byte * find_ospf_record(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o, byte *buf, uint size) { // TODO XXX return NULL; } */ static inline byte * find_prefixed(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o, byte *buf, uint size, uint contid) { log(L_INFO "find_prefixed() - shouldn't be called"); struct agentx_varbind *vb = snmp_create_varbind(buf, o); buf += snmp_varbind_size(vb); /* SNMPv2 mgmt mib-2 */ if (o->n_subid < 2 || (o->prefix != 2 && o->ids[0] != 1)) { vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; return buf; } switch (o->ids[1]) { case SNMP_BGP4_MIB: log(L_INFO "find_prefixed() BGP4"); //return snmp_bgp_record(p, o, buf, size, contid); return buf; case SNMP_OSPFv3_MIB: //return snmp_no_such_object(buf, vb); //return find_ospf_record(p, o, buf, size); return buf; default: vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; return buf; //return snmp_no_such_object(buf, vb); } } /** * snmp_prefixize - return prefixed oid copy if possible * @proto: allocation pool holder * @oid: from packet loaded object identifier * @byte_ord: byte order of @oid * * Returns prefixed (meaning with nonzero prefix field) oid copy of @oid if * possible. NULL otherwise. Returned pointer is always allocated from @proto's * pool not a pointer to recieve buffer (from which is most likely @oid). */ struct oid * snmp_prefixize(struct snmp_proto *proto, struct oid *oid, int byte_ord) { const u32 prefix[] = {1, 3, 6, 1}; if (snmp_is_oid_empty(oid)) { /* allocate new zeroed oid */ struct oid *new = mb_allocz(proto->p.pool, sizeof(struct oid)); return new; } else if (LOAD(oid->n_subid, byte_ord) != 0) { struct oid *new = mb_allocz(proto->p.pool, snmp_oid_size(oid)); memcpy(new, oid, snmp_oid_size(oid)); return new; } if (oid->n_subid < 5) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (LOAD(oid->ids[i], byte_ord) != prefix[i]) return NULL; if (oid->ids[4] >= 256) return NULL; struct oid *new = mb_alloc(proto->p.pool, sizeof(struct oid) + MAX((oid->n_subid - 5) * sizeof(u32), 0)); memcpy(new, oid, sizeof(struct oid)); new->n_subid = oid->n_subid - 5; /* validity check before allocation => ids[4] < 256 and can be copied to one byte new->prefix */ new->prefix = oid->ids[4]; memcpy(&new->ids, &oid->ids[5], new->n_subid * sizeof(u32)); return new; } static inline byte * find_n_fill(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *o, byte *buf, uint size, uint contid, int byte_ord) { struct oid *new; if (!o->prefix && (new = snmp_prefixize(p, o, byte_ord)) != NULL) return find_prefixed(p, new, buf, size, contid); else if (o->prefix) return find_prefixed(p, o, buf, size, contid); return NULL; } /** * snmp_mib_fill - */ static byte *snmp_mib_fill(struct snmp_proto *p, struct oid *oid, u8 mib_class, byte *buf, uint size, struct snmp_error *error, uint contid, int byte_ord) { log(L_INFO "snmp_mib_fill()"); if (oid == NULL) return buf; struct agentx_varbind *vb = snmp_create_varbind(buf, oid); buf += snmp_varbind_size(vb); /* SNMPv2 mgmt mib-2 */ if (oid->n_subid < 2 || (oid->prefix != 2 && oid->ids[0] != 1)) { vb->type = AGENTX_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; return buf; } byte *last = buf; switch (mib_class) { case SNMP_CLASS_BGP: buf = snmp_bgp_fill(p, vb, buf, size, contid, byte_ord); break; } if (last == buf) { buf = snmp_fix_varbind(vb, error->oid); vb->type = error->type; } return buf; } static byte * prepare_response(struct snmp_proto *p, byte *buf, uint size) { log(L_INFO "prepare_response()"); if (size < sizeof(struct agentx_response)) return NULL; struct agentx_response *r = (void *) buf; struct agentx_header *h = &r->h; SNMP_B_HEADER(h, AGENTX_RESPONSE_PDU) SNMP_SESSION(h, p) /* protocol doesn't care about subagent upTime */ STORE(r->uptime, 0); STORE_16(r->err, AGENTX_RES_NO_ERROR); STORE_16(r->index, 0); buf += sizeof(struct agentx_response); return buf; } static void response_err_ind(byte *buf, uint err, uint ind) { log(L_INFO "reponse_err_ind() %u %u", err, ind); struct agentx_response *res = (void *) buf; res->err = err; res->index = ind; } #undef SNMP_ERR_SHIFT