#include "nest/bird.h" #include "conf/conf.h" #include "filter/filter.h" #include "lua.h" #include #include #include /* Docs: http://pgl.yoyo.org/luai/i/luaL_dostring */ static lua_State *global_lua_state = NULL; static inline lua_State * luaB_getstate(void) { if (!global_lua_state) { lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); global_lua_state = L; } return lua_newthread(global_lua_state); } static inline void luaB_close(lua_State *L UNUSED) { lua_pop(global_lua_state, 1); } struct lua_new_filter_writer_data { struct lua_filter_chunk *first, *last; }; static int lua_new_filter_writer(lua_State *L UNUSED, const void *p, size_t sz, void *ud) { struct lua_new_filter_writer_data *d = ud; struct lua_filter_chunk *cur = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct lua_filter_chunk)); cur->size = sz; cur->chunk = cfg_alloc(sz); memcpy(cur->chunk, p, sz); if (d->last) d->last = d->last->next = cur; else d->last = d->first = cur; return 0; } struct filter * lua_new_filter(struct f_inst *inst) { struct filter *f = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct filter)); f->name = NULL; f->type = FILTER_LUA; struct f_val string = f_eval(inst, cfg_mem); if (string.type != T_STRING) { cf_error("Lua filter must be a string"); return NULL; } lua_State *L = luaB_getstate(); int loadres = luaL_loadstring(L, string.val.s); switch (loadres) { case LUA_ERRMEM: luaB_close(L); cf_error("Memory allocation error occured when loading lua chunk"); return NULL; case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: { const char *e = lua_tostring(L, -1); char *ec = cfg_alloc(strlen(e) + 1); strcpy(ec, e); luaB_close(L); cf_error("Lua syntax error: %s", ec); return NULL; } case 0: /* Everything OK */ break; } struct lua_new_filter_writer_data lnfwd = {}; lua_dump(L, lua_new_filter_writer, &lnfwd, 0); /* No error to handle */ luaB_close(L); f->lua_chunk = lnfwd.first; return f; } static const char *lua_interpret_reader(lua_State *L UNUSED, void *ud, size_t *sz) { struct lua_filter_chunk **cptr = ud; if ((*cptr) == NULL) return NULL; *sz = (*cptr)->size; void *out = (*cptr)->chunk; *cptr = (*cptr)->next; return out; } struct f_val lua_interpret(struct lua_filter_chunk *chunk, struct rte **e, struct rta **a, struct ea_list **ea, struct linpool *lp, int flags) { lua_State *L = luaB_getstate(); lua_bird_state *lbs = luaB_init(L, lp); luaB_push_route(L, *e); struct lua_filter_chunk **rptr = &chunk; lua_load(L, lua_interpret_reader, rptr, "", "b"); int le = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); struct f_val out = F_VAL_VOID; if (le && lbs->exception) { out = F_VAL(T_RETURN, i, lbs->exception); } else if (le) { log(L_ERR "bad lua: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); out = F_VAL(T_RETURN, i, F_ERROR); } else if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) { out = F_VAL(T_INT, i, lua_tonumber(L, -1)); } else { log(L_WARN "lua return value is not a number (unimplemented): %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); out = F_VAL(T_RETURN, i, F_ERROR); } luaB_close(L); return out; } int lua_filter_same(struct lua_filter_chunk *new, struct lua_filter_chunk *old) { size_t npos = 0, opos = 0; while (new && old) { size_t nrem = new->size - npos; size_t orem = old->size - opos; size_t rem = MIN(nrem, orem); if (memcmp(new->chunk + npos, old->chunk + opos, rem)) return 0; npos += rem; opos += rem; if (npos == new->size) { new = new->next; npos = 0; } if (opos == old->size) { old = old->next; opos = 0; } } if (!new && !old) return 1; else return 0; }