/* * BIRD -- Border Gateway Protocol Configuration * * (c) 2000 Martin Mares * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/bgp/bgp.h" CF_DEFINES #define BGP_CFG ((struct bgp_config *) ctx->this_proto) #define BGP_CC ((struct bgp_channel_config *) ctx->this_channel) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(BGP, LOCAL, NEIGHBOR, AS, HOLD, TIME, CONNECT, RETRY, KEEPALIVE, MULTIHOP, STARTUP, VIA, NEXT, HOP, SELF, DEFAULT, PATH, METRIC, ERROR, START, DELAY, FORGET, WAIT, ENABLE, DISABLE, AFTER, BGP_PATH, BGP_LOCAL_PREF, BGP_MED, BGP_ORIGIN, BGP_NEXT_HOP, BGP_ATOMIC_AGGR, BGP_AGGREGATOR, BGP_COMMUNITY, BGP_EXT_COMMUNITY, BGP_LARGE_COMMUNITY, SOURCE, ADDRESS, PASSWORD, RR, RS, CLIENT, CLUSTER, ID, AS4, ADVERTISE, IPV4, CAPABILITIES, LIMIT, PASSIVE, PREFER, OLDER, MISSING, LLADDR, DROP, IGNORE, ROUTE, REFRESH, INTERPRET, COMMUNITIES, BGP_ORIGINATOR_ID, BGP_CLUSTER_LIST, IGP, TABLE, GATEWAY, DIRECT, RECURSIVE, MED, TTL, SECURITY, DETERMINISTIC, SECONDARY, ALLOW, BFD, ADD, PATHS, RX, TX, GRACEFUL, RESTART, AWARE, CHECK, LINK, PORT, EXTENDED, MESSAGES, SETKEY, STRICT, BIND, CONFEDERATION, MEMBER, MULTICAST, FLOW4, FLOW6, LONG, LIVED, STALE) %type bgp_afi CF_KEYWORDS(CEASE, PREFIX, LIMIT, HIT, ADMINISTRATIVE, SHUTDOWN, RESET, PEER, CONFIGURATION, CHANGE, DECONFIGURED, CONNECTION, REJECTED, COLLISION, OUT, OF, RESOURCES) %type bgp_cease_mask bgp_cease_list bgp_cease_flag CF_GRAMMAR proto: bgp_proto '}' ; bgp_proto_start: proto_start BGP { ctx->this_proto = proto_config_new(ctx, &proto_bgp, $1); BGP_CFG->local_port = BGP_PORT; BGP_CFG->remote_port = BGP_PORT; BGP_CFG->multihop = -1; /* undefined */ BGP_CFG->hold_time = 240; BGP_CFG->initial_hold_time = 240; BGP_CFG->compare_path_lengths = 1; BGP_CFG->igp_metric = 1; BGP_CFG->connect_delay_time = 5; BGP_CFG->connect_retry_time = 120; BGP_CFG->error_amnesia_time = 300; BGP_CFG->error_delay_time_min = 60; BGP_CFG->error_delay_time_max = 300; BGP_CFG->enable_refresh = 1; BGP_CFG->enable_as4 = 1; BGP_CFG->capabilities = 2; BGP_CFG->interpret_communities = 1; BGP_CFG->default_local_pref = 100; BGP_CFG->gr_mode = BGP_GR_AWARE; BGP_CFG->gr_time = 120; BGP_CFG->llgr_mode = -1; BGP_CFG->llgr_time = 3600; BGP_CFG->setkey = 1; BGP_CFG->check_link = -1; } ; bgp_loc_opts: /* empty */ | bgp_loc_opts PORT expr { BGP_CFG->local_port = $3; if (($3<1) || ($3>65535)) cf_error(ctx, "Invalid port number"); } | bgp_loc_opts AS expr { BGP_CFG->local_as = $3; } ; bgp_nbr_opts: /* empty */ | bgp_nbr_opts PORT expr { BGP_CFG->remote_port = $3; if (($3<1) || ($3>65535)) cf_error(ctx, "Invalid port number"); } | bgp_nbr_opts AS expr { BGP_CFG->remote_as = $3; } ; bgp_cease_mask: /* true -> all except connection collision */ bool { $$ = $1 ? ~(1 << 7) : 0; } | '{' bgp_cease_list '}' { $$ = $2; } ; bgp_cease_list: bgp_cease_flag | bgp_cease_list ',' bgp_cease_flag { $$ = $1 | $3; } ; bgp_cease_flag: CEASE { $$ = 1 << 0; } | PREFIX LIMIT HIT { $$ = 1 << 1; } | ADMINISTRATIVE SHUTDOWN { $$ = 1 << 2; } | PEER DECONFIGURED { $$ = 1 << 3; } | ADMINISTRATIVE RESET { $$ = 1 << 4; } | CONNECTION REJECTED { $$ = 1 << 5; } | CONFIGURATION CHANGE { $$ = 1 << 6; } | CONNECTION COLLISION { $$ = 1 << 7; } | OUT OF RESOURCES { $$ = 1 << 8; } ; bgp_proto: bgp_proto_start proto_name '{' | bgp_proto proto_item ';' | bgp_proto bgp_proto_channel ';' | bgp_proto LOCAL bgp_loc_opts ';' | bgp_proto LOCAL ipa ipa_scope bgp_loc_opts ';' { BGP_CFG->local_ip = $3; if ($4) BGP_CFG->iface = $4; } | bgp_proto NEIGHBOR bgp_nbr_opts ';' | bgp_proto NEIGHBOR ipa ipa_scope bgp_nbr_opts ';' { if (ipa_nonzero(BGP_CFG->remote_ip)) cf_error(ctx, "Only one neighbor per BGP instance is allowed"); BGP_CFG->remote_ip = $3; if ($4) BGP_CFG->iface = $4; } | bgp_proto INTERFACE TEXT ';' { BGP_CFG->iface = if_get_by_name($3); } | bgp_proto RR CLUSTER ID idval ';' { BGP_CFG->rr_cluster_id = $5; } | bgp_proto RR CLIENT bool ';' { BGP_CFG->rr_client = $4; } | bgp_proto RS CLIENT bool ';' { BGP_CFG->rs_client = $4; } | bgp_proto CONFEDERATION expr ';' { BGP_CFG->confederation = $3; } | bgp_proto CONFEDERATION MEMBER bool ';' { BGP_CFG->confederation_member = $4; } | bgp_proto HOLD TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->hold_time = $4; } | bgp_proto STARTUP HOLD TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->initial_hold_time = $5; } | bgp_proto DIRECT ';' { BGP_CFG->multihop = 0; } | bgp_proto MULTIHOP ';' { BGP_CFG->multihop = 64; } | bgp_proto MULTIHOP expr ';' { BGP_CFG->multihop = $3; if (($3<1) || ($3>255)) cf_error(ctx, "Multihop must be in range 1-255"); } | bgp_proto STRICT BIND bool ';' { BGP_CFG->strict_bind = $4; } | bgp_proto PATH METRIC bool ';' { BGP_CFG->compare_path_lengths = $4; } | bgp_proto MED METRIC bool ';' { BGP_CFG->med_metric = $4; } | bgp_proto IGP METRIC bool ';' { BGP_CFG->igp_metric = $4; } | bgp_proto PREFER OLDER bool ';' { BGP_CFG->prefer_older = $4; } | bgp_proto DETERMINISTIC MED bool ';' { BGP_CFG->deterministic_med = $4; } | bgp_proto DEFAULT BGP_MED expr ';' { BGP_CFG->default_med = $4; } | bgp_proto DEFAULT BGP_LOCAL_PREF expr ';' { BGP_CFG->default_local_pref = $4; } | bgp_proto SOURCE ADDRESS ipa ';' { BGP_CFG->local_ip = $4; } | bgp_proto START DELAY TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->connect_delay_time = $5; log(L_WARN "%s: Start delay time option is deprecated, use connect delay time", ctx->this_proto->name); } | bgp_proto CONNECT DELAY TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->connect_delay_time = $5; } | bgp_proto CONNECT RETRY TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->connect_retry_time = $5; } | bgp_proto KEEPALIVE TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->keepalive_time = $4; } | bgp_proto ERROR FORGET TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->error_amnesia_time = $5; } | bgp_proto ERROR WAIT TIME expr ',' expr ';' { BGP_CFG->error_delay_time_min = $5; BGP_CFG->error_delay_time_max = $7; } | bgp_proto DISABLE AFTER ERROR bool ';' { BGP_CFG->disable_after_error = $5; } | bgp_proto DISABLE AFTER CEASE bgp_cease_mask ';' { BGP_CFG->disable_after_cease = $5; } | bgp_proto ENABLE ROUTE REFRESH bool ';' { BGP_CFG->enable_refresh = $5; } | bgp_proto ENABLE AS4 bool ';' { BGP_CFG->enable_as4 = $4; } | bgp_proto ENABLE EXTENDED MESSAGES bool ';' { BGP_CFG->enable_extended_messages = $5; } | bgp_proto CAPABILITIES bool ';' { BGP_CFG->capabilities = $3; } | bgp_proto PASSWORD text ';' { BGP_CFG->password = $3; } | bgp_proto SETKEY bool ';' { BGP_CFG->setkey = $3; } | bgp_proto PASSIVE bool ';' { BGP_CFG->passive = $3; } | bgp_proto INTERPRET COMMUNITIES bool ';' { BGP_CFG->interpret_communities = $4; } | bgp_proto ALLOW LOCAL AS ';' { BGP_CFG->allow_local_as = -1; } | bgp_proto ALLOW LOCAL AS expr ';' { BGP_CFG->allow_local_as = $5; } | bgp_proto ALLOW BGP_LOCAL_PREF bool ';' { BGP_CFG->allow_local_pref = $4; } | bgp_proto GRACEFUL RESTART bool ';' { BGP_CFG->gr_mode = $4; } | bgp_proto GRACEFUL RESTART AWARE ';' { BGP_CFG->gr_mode = BGP_GR_AWARE; } | bgp_proto GRACEFUL RESTART TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->gr_time = $5; } | bgp_proto LONG LIVED GRACEFUL RESTART bool ';' { BGP_CFG->llgr_mode = $6; } | bgp_proto LONG LIVED GRACEFUL RESTART AWARE ';' { BGP_CFG->llgr_mode = BGP_LLGR_AWARE; } | bgp_proto LONG LIVED STALE TIME expr ';' { BGP_CFG->llgr_time = $6; } | bgp_proto TTL SECURITY bool ';' { BGP_CFG->ttl_security = $4; } | bgp_proto CHECK LINK bool ';' { BGP_CFG->check_link = $4; } | bgp_proto BFD bool ';' { BGP_CFG->bfd = $3; BFD_CHECK($3); } | bgp_proto BFD GRACEFUL ';' { BGP_CFG->bfd = BGP_BFD_GRACEFUL; BFD_CHECK(1); } ; bgp_afi: IPV4 { $$ = BGP_AF_IPV4; } | IPV6 { $$ = BGP_AF_IPV6; } | IPV4 MULTICAST { $$ = BGP_AF_IPV4_MC; } | IPV6 MULTICAST { $$ = BGP_AF_IPV6_MC; } | IPV4 MPLS { $$ = BGP_AF_IPV4_MPLS; } | IPV6 MPLS { $$ = BGP_AF_IPV6_MPLS; } | VPN4 MPLS { $$ = BGP_AF_VPN4_MPLS; } | VPN6 MPLS { $$ = BGP_AF_VPN6_MPLS; } | VPN4 MULTICAST { $$ = BGP_AF_VPN4_MC; } | VPN6 MULTICAST { $$ = BGP_AF_VPN6_MC; } | FLOW4 { $$ = BGP_AF_FLOW4; } | FLOW6 { $$ = BGP_AF_FLOW6; } ; bgp_channel_start: bgp_afi { const struct bgp_af_desc *desc = bgp_get_af_desc($1); if (!desc) cf_error(ctx, "Unknown AFI/SAFI"); ctx->this_channel = channel_config_get(ctx, &channel_bgp, desc->name, desc->net, ctx->this_proto); /* New channel */ if (!BGP_CC->desc) { BGP_CC->c.in_filter = FILTER_UNDEF; BGP_CC->c.out_filter = FILTER_UNDEF; BGP_CC->c.ra_mode = RA_UNDEF; BGP_CC->afi = $1; BGP_CC->desc = desc; BGP_CC->gr_able = 0xff; /* undefined */ BGP_CC->llgr_able = 0xff; /* undefined */ BGP_CC->llgr_time = ~0U; /* undefined */ } }; bgp_channel_item: channel_item | NEXT HOP ADDRESS ipa { BGP_CC->next_hop_addr = $4; } | NEXT HOP SELF { BGP_CC->next_hop_self = 1; BGP_CC->next_hop_keep = 0; } | NEXT HOP KEEP { BGP_CC->next_hop_keep = 1; BGP_CC->next_hop_self = 0; } | MISSING LLADDR SELF { BGP_CC->missing_lladdr = MLL_SELF; } | MISSING LLADDR DROP { BGP_CC->missing_lladdr = MLL_DROP; } | MISSING LLADDR IGNORE { BGP_CC->missing_lladdr = MLL_IGNORE; } | GATEWAY DIRECT { BGP_CC->gw_mode = GW_DIRECT; } | GATEWAY RECURSIVE { BGP_CC->gw_mode = GW_RECURSIVE; } | SECONDARY bool { BGP_CC->secondary = $2; } | GRACEFUL RESTART bool { BGP_CC->gr_able = $3; } | LONG LIVED GRACEFUL RESTART bool { BGP_CC->llgr_able = $5; } | LONG LIVED STALE TIME expr { BGP_CC->llgr_time = $5; } | EXTENDED NEXT HOP bool { BGP_CC->ext_next_hop = $4; } | ADD PATHS RX { BGP_CC->add_path = BGP_ADD_PATH_RX; } | ADD PATHS TX { BGP_CC->add_path = BGP_ADD_PATH_TX; } | ADD PATHS bool { BGP_CC->add_path = $3 ? BGP_ADD_PATH_FULL : 0; } | IGP TABLE rtable { if (BGP_CC->desc->no_igp) cf_error(ctx, "IGP table not allowed here"); if ($3->addr_type == NET_IP4) BGP_CC->igp_table_ip4 = $3; else if ($3->addr_type == NET_IP6) BGP_CC->igp_table_ip6 = $3; else cf_error(ctx, "Mismatched IGP table type"); } ; bgp_channel_opts: /* empty */ | bgp_channel_opts bgp_channel_item ';' ; bgp_channel_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' bgp_channel_opts '}' ; bgp_channel_end: { if (!ctx->this_channel->table) cf_error(ctx, "Routing table not specified"); ctx->this_channel = NULL; }; bgp_proto_channel: bgp_channel_start bgp_channel_opt_list bgp_channel_end; dynamic_attr: BGP_ORIGIN { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT, T_ENUM_BGP_ORIGIN, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_ORIGIN)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_PATH { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_AS_PATH, T_PATH, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_AS_PATH)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_NEXT_HOP { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_IP_ADDRESS, T_IP, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_NEXT_HOP)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_MED { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT, T_INT, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_MULTI_EXIT_DISC)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_LOCAL_PREF { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT, T_INT, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_LOCAL_PREF)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_ATOMIC_AGGR { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_OPAQUE, T_ENUM_EMPTY, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_ATOMIC_AGGR)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_AGGREGATOR { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT, T_INT, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_AGGREGATOR)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_COMMUNITY { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT_SET, T_CLIST, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_COMMUNITY)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_ORIGINATOR_ID { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_ROUTER_ID, T_QUAD, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_ORIGINATOR_ID)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_CLUSTER_LIST { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT_SET, T_CLIST, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_CLUSTER_LIST)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_EXT_COMMUNITY { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_EC_SET, T_ECLIST, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_EXT_COMMUNITY)); } ; dynamic_attr: BGP_LARGE_COMMUNITY { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_LC_SET, T_LCLIST, EA_CODE(PROTOCOL_BGP, BA_LARGE_COMMUNITY)); } ; CF_ENUM(T_ENUM_BGP_ORIGIN, ORIGIN_, IGP, EGP, INCOMPLETE) CF_CODE CF_END