 *	BIRD Internet Routing Daemon -- Command-Line Interface
 *	(c) 1999--2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
 *	Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.

#ifndef _BIRD_CLI_H_
#define _BIRD_CLI_H_

#include "lib/resource.h"
#include "lib/lists.h"
#include "lib/event.h"

#define CLI_RX_BUF_SIZE 4096
#define CLI_TX_BUF_SIZE 4096
#define CLI_MAX_ASYNC_QUEUE 4096

#define CLI_MSG_SIZE 500
#define CLI_LINE_SIZE 512

struct cli_out {
  struct cli_out *next;
  byte *wpos, *outpos, *end;
  byte buf[0];

typedef struct cli {
  node n;				/* Node in list of all log hooks */
  pool *pool;
  struct birdsock *sock;		/* Underlying socket */
  byte *rx_buf, *rx_pos;		/* sysdep */
  struct cli_out *tx_buf, *tx_pos, *tx_write;
  event *event;
  void (*cont)(struct cli *c);
  int (*cleanup)(struct cli *c);	/* Return 0 if finished and cli may be freed immediately.
					   Otherwise return 1 and call rfree(c->pool) when appropriate. */
  void *rover;				/* Private to continuation routine */
  int last_reply;
  int restricted;			/* CLI is restricted to read-only commands */
  struct linpool *parser_pool;		/* Pool used during parsing */
  uint log_mask;			/* Mask of allowed message levels */
  uint log_threshold;			/* When free < log_threshold, store only important messages */
  uint async_msg_size;			/* Total size of async messages queued in tx_buf */
} cli;

extern pool *cli_pool;
extern struct cli *this_cli;		/* Used during parsing */

#define CLI_ASYNC_CODE 10000

/* Functions to be called by command handlers */

void cli_printf(cli *, int, char *, ...);
#define cli_msg(x...) cli_printf(this_cli, x)

static inline void cli_separator(cli *c)
{ if (c->last_reply) cli_printf(c, -c->last_reply, ""); };

/* Functions provided to sysdep layer */

cli *cli_new(struct birdsock *);
void cli_init(void);
void cli_free(cli *);
void cli_kick(cli *);
void cli_written(cli *);

static inline int cli_access_restricted(void)
  if (this_cli && this_cli->restricted)
    return (cli_printf(this_cli, 8007, "Access denied"), 1);
    return 0;

/* Functions provided by sysdep layer */

void cli_write_trigger(cli *);
int cli_get_command(cli *);
