/* * BIRD -- The BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) * * (c) 2020 Akamai Technologies, Inc. (Pawel Maslanka, pmaslank@akamai.com) * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/bmp/bmp.h" CF_DEFINES #define BMP_CFG ((struct bmp_config *) this_proto) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(BMP, DESCRIPTION, ENABLED, IN, IP, MONITORING, NAME, PORT, PRE_POLICY, POST_POLICY, RIB, STATION, SYSTEM) CF_GRAMMAR proto: bmp_proto '}' ; bmp_proto_start: proto_start BMP { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_bmp, $1); BMP_CFG->sys_descr = "Not defined"; BMP_CFG->sys_name = "Not defined"; BMP_CFG->tx_pending_limit = (1 << 30) / page_size; } ; bmp_station_address: /* empty */ | bmp_station_address IP ipa { if (ipa_zero($3)) cf_error("Invalid BMP monitoring station IP address"); BMP_CFG->station_ip = $3; } | bmp_station_address PORT expr { if (($3 < 1) || ($3 > 65535)) cf_error("Invalid BMP monitoring station port number"); BMP_CFG->station_port = $3; } ; bmp_proto: bmp_proto_start proto_name '{' | bmp_proto proto_item ';' | bmp_proto LOCAL ADDRESS ipa ';' { BMP_CFG->local_addr = $4; } | bmp_proto STATION ADDRESS bmp_station_address ';' | bmp_proto SYSTEM DESCRIPTION text ';' { if (!$4 || (strlen($4) == 0)) cf_error("String is empty"); else if (strlen($4) > 255) cf_error("Invalid string length"); BMP_CFG->sys_descr = $4; } | bmp_proto SYSTEM NAME text ';' { if (!$4 || (strlen($4) == 0)) cf_error("String is empty"); else if (strlen($4) > 255) cf_error("Invalid string length"); BMP_CFG->sys_name = $4; } | bmp_proto MONITORING RIB IN PRE_POLICY bool ';' { BMP_CFG->monitoring_rib_in_pre_policy = $6; } | bmp_proto MONITORING RIB IN POST_POLICY bool ';' { BMP_CFG->monitoring_rib_in_post_policy = $6; } | bmp_proto TX BUFFER LIMIT expr ';' { BMP_CFG->tx_pending_limit = $5 * (u64) (1 << 20) / page_size; if ($5 < 1) cf_error("BMP TX buffer limit must be at least 1 megabyte"); } ; CF_CODE CF_END