/* * BIRD -- OSPF * * (c) 1999-2000 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "ospf.h" void ospf_dbdes_tx(struct ospf_neighbor *n) { struct ospf_dbdes_packet *pkt; struct ospf_packet *op; struct ospf_iface *ifa=n->ifa; struct ospf_area *oa=ifa->oa; u16 length; struct proto *p; u16 i,j; u8 *aa,*bb; p=(struct proto *)(ifa->proto); switch(n->state) { case NEIGHBOR_EXSTART: /* Send empty packets */ n->myimms.bit.i=1; pkt=(struct ospf_dbdes_packet *)(ifa->ip_sk->tbuf); op=(struct ospf_packet *)pkt; fill_ospf_pkt_hdr(ifa, pkt, DBDES_P); pkt->iface_mtu=htons(ifa->iface->mtu); /* FIXME NOT for VLINK! */ pkt->options= ifa->options; pkt->imms=n->myimms; pkt->ddseq=htonl(n->dds); length=sizeof(struct ospf_dbdes_packet); op->length=htons(length); ospf_pkt_finalize(ifa, op); sk_send_to(ifa->ip_sk,length, n->ip, OSPF_PROTO); OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "DB_DES (I) sent to %I via %s.", n->ip, ifa->iface->name); break; case NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE: n->myimms.bit.i=0; if(oa->rt==NULL) originate_rt_lsa(oa); oa->origrt=0; if(((n->myimms.bit.ms) && (n->dds==n->ddr+1)) || ((!(n->myimms.bit.ms)) && (n->dds==n->ddr))) { snode *sn; /* Send next */ struct ospf_lsa_header *lsa; pkt=n->ldbdes; op=(struct ospf_packet *)pkt; fill_ospf_pkt_hdr(ifa, pkt, DBDES_P); pkt->iface_mtu=htons(ifa->iface->mtu); pkt->options= ifa->options; pkt->ddseq=htonl(n->dds); j=i=(ifa->iface->mtu-sizeof(struct ospf_dbdes_packet)-SIPH)/ sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_header); /* Number of lsaheaders */ lsa=(n->ldbdes+sizeof(struct ospf_dbdes_packet)); if(n->myimms.bit.m) { sn=s_get(&(n->dbsi)); DBG("Number of LSA: %d\n", j); for(;i>0;i--) { struct top_hash_entry *en; en=(struct top_hash_entry *)sn; htonlsah(&(en->lsa), lsa); DBG("Working on: %d\n", i); DBG("\tX%01x %08I %08I %p\n", en->lsa.type, en->lsa.id, en->lsa.rt, en->lsa_body); if(sn==STAIL(n->ifa->oa->lsal)) { i--; break; /* Should set some flag? */ } sn=sn->next; lsa++; } if(sn==STAIL(n->ifa->oa->lsal)) { DBG("Number of LSA NOT sent: %d\n", i); DBG("M bit unset.\n"); n->myimms.bit.m=0; /* Unset more bit */ } else s_put(&(n->dbsi),sn); } pkt->imms.byte=n->myimms.byte; length=(j-i)*sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_header)+ sizeof(struct ospf_dbdes_packet); op->length=htons(length); ospf_pkt_finalize(ifa, op); DBG("%s: DB_DES (M) sent to %I.\n", p->name, n->ip); } case NEIGHBOR_LOADING: case NEIGHBOR_FULL: aa=ifa->ip_sk->tbuf; bb=n->ldbdes; op=n->ldbdes; length=ntohs(op->length); for(i=0; i<length; i++) { *(aa+i)=*(bb+i); /* Copy last sent packet again */ } sk_send_to(ifa->ip_sk,length, n->ip, OSPF_PROTO); OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "DB_DES (M) sent to %I via %s.", n->ip, ifa->iface->name); if(n->myimms.bit.ms) tm_start(n->rxmt_timer,ifa->rxmtint); else { if((n->myimms.bit.m==0) && (n->imms.bit.m==0) && (n->state==NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE)) { ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_EXDONE); if(n->myimms.bit.ms) tm_stop(n->rxmt_timer); else tm_start(n->rxmt_timer,ifa->rxmtint); } } break; default: /* Ignore it */ bug("Bug in dbdes sending"); break; } } void rxmt_timer_hook(timer *timer) { struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct proto *p; struct ospf_neighbor *n; n=(struct ospf_neighbor *)timer->data; ifa=n->ifa; p=(struct proto *)(ifa->proto); DBG("%s: RXMT timer fired on interface %s for neigh: %I.\n", p->name, ifa->iface->name, n->ip); if(n->state<NEIGHBOR_LOADING) ospf_dbdes_tx(n); else { tm_stop(n->rxmt_timer); } } void ospf_dbdes_reqladd(struct ospf_dbdes_packet *ps, struct proto *p, struct ospf_neighbor *n) { struct ospf_lsa_header *plsa,lsa; struct top_hash_entry *he,*sn; struct top_graph *gr; struct ospf_packet *op; int i,j; gr=n->ifa->oa->gr; op=(struct ospf_packet *)ps; plsa=(void *)(ps+1); j=(ntohs(op->length)-sizeof(struct ospf_dbdes_packet))/ sizeof( struct ospf_lsa_header); for(i=0;i<j;i++) { ntohlsah(plsa+i, &lsa); if(((he=ospf_hash_find(gr,lsa.id,lsa.rt,lsa.type))==NULL)|| (lsa_comp(&lsa, &(he->lsa))==1)) { /* Is this condition necessary? */ if(ospf_hash_find(n->lsrqh,lsa.id,lsa.rt,lsa.type)==NULL) { sn=ospf_hash_get(n->lsrqh,lsa.id,lsa.rt,lsa.type); ntohlsah(plsa+i, &(sn->lsa)); s_add_tail(&(n->lsrql), SNODE sn); } } } } void ospf_dbdes_rx(struct ospf_dbdes_packet *ps, struct proto *p, struct ospf_iface *ifa, u16 size) { u32 nrid, myrid; struct ospf_neighbor *n; u8 i; nrid=ntohl(((struct ospf_packet *)ps)->routerid); myrid=p->cf->global->router_id; if((n=find_neigh(ifa, nrid))==NULL) { OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Received dbdes from unknown neigbor! %I.", nrid); return ; } if(ifa->iface->mtu<size) { OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Received dbdes larger than MTU from %I!", n->ip); return ; } OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Received dbdes from %I via %s.", n->ip, ifa->iface->name); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_HELLOREC); switch(n->state) { case NEIGHBOR_DOWN: case NEIGHBOR_ATTEMPT: case NEIGHBOR_2WAY: return; break; case NEIGHBOR_INIT: ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_2WAYREC); if(n->state!=NEIGHBOR_EXSTART) return; case NEIGHBOR_EXSTART: if((ps->imms.bit.m && ps->imms.bit.ms && ps->imms.bit.i) && (n->rid > myrid) && (size == sizeof(struct ospf_dbdes_packet))) { /* I'm slave! */ n->dds=ntohl(ps->ddseq); n->ddr=ntohl(ps->ddseq); n->options=ps->options; n->myimms.bit.ms=0; n->imms.byte=ps->imms.byte; OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "I'm slave to %I.", n->ip); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_NEGDONE); tm_stop(n->rxmt_timer); ospf_dbdes_tx(n); break; } else { if(((ps->imms.bit.i==0) && (ps->imms.bit.ms==0)) && (n->rid < myrid) && (n->dds == ntohl(ps->ddseq))) { /* I'm master! */ n->options=ps->options; n->ddr=ntohl(ps->ddseq)-1; n->imms.byte=ps->imms.byte; OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "I'm master to %I.", nrid); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_NEGDONE); } else { DBG("%s: Nothing happend to %I (imms=%u)\n", p->name, n->ip, ps->imms.byte); break; } } if(ps->imms.bit.i) break; case NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE: if((ps->imms.byte==n->imms.byte) && (ps->options=n->options) && (ntohl(ps->ddseq)==n->ddr)) { /* Duplicate packet */ OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Received duplicate dbdes from %I.", n->ip); if(n->imms.bit.ms==0) { ospf_dbdes_tx(n); } return; } n->ddr=ntohl(ps->ddseq); if(ps->imms.bit.ms!=n->imms.bit.ms) /* M/S bit differs */ { DBG("SEQMIS-BIT-MS\n"); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_SEQMIS); break; } if(ps->imms.bit.i) /* I bit is set */ { DBG("SEQMIS-BIT-I\n"); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_SEQMIS); break; } n->imms.byte=ps->imms.byte; if(ps->options!=n->options) /* Options differs */ { DBG("SEQMIS-OPT\n"); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_SEQMIS); break; } if(n->myimms.bit.ms) { if(ntohl(ps->ddseq)!=n->dds) /* MASTER */ { DBG("SEQMIS-MASTER\n"); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_SEQMIS); break; } n->dds++; DBG("Incrementing dds\n"); ospf_dbdes_reqladd(ps,p,n); if((n->myimms.bit.m==0) && (ps->imms.bit.m==0)) { ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_EXDONE); } else { ospf_dbdes_tx(n); } } else { if(ntohl(ps->ddseq)!=(n->dds+1)) /* SLAVE */ { DBG("SEQMIS-SLAVE\n"); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_SEQMIS); break; } n->ddr=ntohl(ps->ddseq); n->dds=ntohl(ps->ddseq); ospf_dbdes_reqladd(ps,p,n); ospf_dbdes_tx(n); } break; case NEIGHBOR_LOADING: case NEIGHBOR_FULL: if((ps->imms.byte==n->imms.byte) && (ps->options=n->options) && (ps->ddseq==n->dds)) /* Only duplicate are accepted */ { OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Received duplicate dbdes from %I.",n->ip); return; } else { DBG("SEQMIS-FULL\n"); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_SEQMIS); } break; defaut: bug("%s: Received dbdes from %I in undefined state.", p->name, n->ip); break; } }