/* * BIRD Internet Routing Daemon -- MPLS Structures * * (c) 2022 Ondrej Zajicek <santiago@crfreenet.org> * (c) 2022 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "nest/mpls.h" CF_DEFINES static struct mpls_domain_config *this_mpls_domain; static struct mpls_range_config *this_mpls_range; #define MPLS_CC ((struct mpls_channel_config *) this_channel) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(MPLS, DOMAIN, LABEL, RANGE, STATIC, DYNAMIC, START, LENGTH, POLICY, PREFIX, AGGREGATE) %type <i> mpls_label_policy %type <cc> mpls_channel_start mpls_channel CF_GRAMMAR conf: mpls_domain; mpls_domain: mpls_domain_start mpls_domain_opt_list mpls_domain_end; mpls_domain_start: MPLS DOMAIN symbol { this_mpls_domain = mpls_domain_config_new($3); }; mpls_domain_opt: mpls_range ; mpls_domain_opts: /* empty */ | mpls_domain_opts mpls_domain_opt ';' ; mpls_domain_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' mpls_domain_opts '}' ; mpls_domain_end: { mpls_domain_postconfig(this_mpls_domain); this_mpls_domain = NULL; }; mpls_range: mpls_range_start mpls_range_opt_list mpls_range_end; mpls_range_start: LABEL RANGE symbol { if (($3->class == SYM_KEYWORD) && ($3->keyword->value == STATIC)) this_mpls_range = this_mpls_domain->static_range; else if (($3->class == SYM_KEYWORD) && ($3->keyword->value == DYNAMIC)) this_mpls_range = this_mpls_domain->dynamic_range; else this_mpls_range = mpls_range_config_new(this_mpls_domain, $3); }; mpls_range_opt: START expr { this_mpls_range->start = $2; if ($2 >= MPLS_MAX_LABEL) cf_error("MPLS label range start must be less than 2^20"); } | LENGTH expr { this_mpls_range->length = $2; if ($2 >= MPLS_MAX_LABEL) cf_error("MPLS label range length must be less than 2^20"); if (!$2) cf_error("MPLS label range length must be nonzero"); } ; mpls_range_opts: /* empty */ | mpls_range_opts mpls_range_opt ';' ; mpls_range_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' mpls_range_opts '}' ; mpls_range_end: { struct mpls_range_config *r = this_mpls_range; if ((r->start == (uint) -1) || (r->length == (uint) -1)) cf_error("MPLS label range start and length must be specified"); if (r->start + r->length > MPLS_MAX_LABEL) cf_error("MPLS label range end must be less than 2^20"); this_mpls_range = NULL; }; mpls_channel: mpls_channel_start mpls_channel_opt_list mpls_channel_end; mpls_channel_start: MPLS { $$ = this_channel = channel_config_get(&channel_mpls, net_label[NET_MPLS], NET_MPLS, this_proto); if (EMPTY_LIST(new_config->mpls_domains)) cf_error("No MPLS domain defined"); /* Default values for new channel */ if (!MPLS_CC->domain) { MPLS_CC->domain = cf_default_mpls_domain(new_config); MPLS_CC->label_policy = MPLS_POLICY_PREFIX; } }; mpls_label_policy: STATIC { $$ = MPLS_POLICY_STATIC; } | PREFIX { $$ = MPLS_POLICY_PREFIX; } | AGGREGATE { $$ = MPLS_POLICY_AGGREGATE; } ; mpls_channel_opt: channel_item | DOMAIN CF_SYM_KNOWN { cf_assert_symbol($2, SYM_MPLS_DOMAIN); MPLS_CC->domain = $2->mpls_domain; } | LABEL RANGE CF_SYM_KNOWN { cf_assert_symbol($3, SYM_MPLS_RANGE); MPLS_CC->range = $3->mpls_range; } | LABEL RANGE STATIC { MPLS_CC->range = MPLS_CC->domain->static_range; } | LABEL RANGE DYNAMIC { MPLS_CC->range = MPLS_CC->domain->dynamic_range; } | LABEL POLICY mpls_label_policy { MPLS_CC->label_policy = $3; } ; mpls_channel_opts: /* empty */ | mpls_channel_opts mpls_channel_opt ';' ; mpls_channel_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' mpls_channel_opts '}' ; mpls_channel_end: { mpls_channel_postconfig(this_channel); } channel_end; CF_CODE CF_END