/* * BIRD -- BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (L3VPN) * * (c) 2022 Ondrej Zajicek <santiago@crfreenet.org> * (c) 2022 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/l3vpn/l3vpn.h" CF_DEFINES #define L3VPN_CFG ((struct l3vpn_config *) this_proto) static void f_tree_only_rt(struct f_tree *t) { /* Parsed degenerate trees have link to the last node in t->right */ t->right = NULL; while (t) { uint type1 = t->from.val.ec >> 48; uint type2 = t->to.val.ec >> 48; ASSERT(type1 == type2); if (!ec_type_is_rt(type1)) cf_error("Extended community is not route target"); ASSERT(!t->right); t = t->left; } } CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(L3VPN, ROUTE, IMPORT, EXPORT, TARGET, RD, DISTINGUISHER) %type <e> l3vpn_targets %type <cc> l3vpn_channel_start l3vpn_channel CF_GRAMMAR proto: l3vpn_proto; l3vpn_channel_start: net_type_base { /* Redefining proto_channel to change default values */ $$ = this_channel = channel_config_get(NULL, net_label[$1], $1, this_proto); if (!this_channel->copy) { this_channel->out_filter = FILTER_ACCEPT; this_channel->preference = net_val_match($1, NB_IP) ? DEF_PREF_L3VPN_IMPORT : DEF_PREF_L3VPN_EXPORT; } }; l3vpn_channel: l3vpn_channel_start channel_opt_list channel_end; l3vpn_proto_start: proto_start L3VPN { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_l3vpn, $1); }; l3vpn_proto_item: proto_item | l3vpn_channel | mpls_channel | RD VPN_RD { L3VPN_CFG->rd = $2; } | ROUTE DISTINGUISHER VPN_RD { L3VPN_CFG->rd = $3; } | IMPORT TARGET l3vpn_targets { L3VPN_CFG->import_target = $3; } | EXPORT TARGET l3vpn_targets { L3VPN_CFG->export_target = $3; } | ROUTE TARGET l3vpn_targets { L3VPN_CFG->import_target = L3VPN_CFG->export_target = $3; } ; l3vpn_proto_opts: /* empty */ | l3vpn_proto_opts l3vpn_proto_item ';' ; l3vpn_proto: l3vpn_proto_start proto_name '{' l3vpn_proto_opts '}'; l3vpn_targets: ec_item { f_tree_only_rt($1); $$ = $1; } | '[' ec_items ']' { f_tree_only_rt($2); $$ = build_tree($2); } ; CF_CODE CF_END