/* * BIRD -- RIP Configuration * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ /* To add: version1 switch */ CF_HDR #include "proto/rip/rip.h" #include "nest/iface.h" CF_DEFINES #define RIP_CFG ((struct rip_proto_config *) this_proto) #define RIP_IPATT ((struct rip_patt *) this_ipatt) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(RIP, RIPNG, INFINITY, METRIC, PORT, PERIOD, GARBAGE, TIMEOUT, MODE, BROADCAST, MULTICAST, QUIET, NOLISTEN, VERSION1, AUTHENTICATION, NONE, PLAINTEXT, MD5, HONOR, NEVER, NEIGHBOR, ALWAYS, RIP_METRIC, RIP_TAG) %type rip_mode rip_auth CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, rip_cfg '}' { RIP_CFG->passwords = get_passwords(); } ) rip_cfg_start: proto_start RIP { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_rip, sizeof(struct rip_proto_config), $1); rip_init_config(RIP_CFG); RIP_CFG->port = RIP_PORT_V2; } ; ripng_cfg_start: proto_start RIPNG { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_ripng, sizeof(struct rip_proto_config), $1); rip_init_config(RIP_CFG); RIP_CFG->port = RIP_PORT_NG; } ; rip_cfg: rip_cfg_start proto_name '{' | ripng_cfg_start proto_name '{' | rip_cfg proto_item ';' | rip_cfg INFINITY expr ';' { RIP_CFG->infinity = $3; } | rip_cfg PORT expr ';' { RIP_CFG->port = $3; } | rip_cfg PERIOD expr ';' { RIP_CFG->period = $3; } | rip_cfg GARBAGE TIME expr ';' { RIP_CFG->garbage_time = $4; } | rip_cfg TIMEOUT TIME expr ';' { RIP_CFG->timeout_time = $4; } | rip_cfg AUTHENTICATION rip_auth ';' {RIP_CFG->authtype = $3; } | rip_cfg password_list ';' | rip_cfg HONOR ALWAYS ';' { RIP_CFG->honor = HO_ALWAYS; } | rip_cfg HONOR NEIGHBOR ';' { RIP_CFG->honor = HO_NEIGHBOR; } | rip_cfg HONOR NEVER ';' { RIP_CFG->honor = HO_NEVER; } | rip_cfg INTERFACE rip_iface ';' ; rip_auth: PLAINTEXT { $$=AT_PLAINTEXT; } | MD5 { $$=AT_MD5; } | NONE { $$=AT_NONE; } ; rip_mode: BROADCAST { $$=IM_BROADCAST; } | MULTICAST { $$=0; } | QUIET { $$=IM_QUIET; } | NOLISTEN { $$=IM_NOLISTEN; } | VERSION1 { $$=IM_VERSION1 | IM_BROADCAST; } ; rip_iface_item: | METRIC expr { RIP_IPATT->metric = $2; } | MODE rip_mode { RIP_IPATT->mode |= $2; } ; rip_iface_opts: /* empty */ | rip_iface_opts rip_iface_item ';' ; rip_iface_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' rip_iface_opts '}' ; rip_iface_init: /* EMPTY */ { this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct rip_patt)); add_tail(&RIP_CFG->iface_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); RIP_IPATT->metric = 1; } ; rip_iface: rip_iface_init iface_patt_list rip_iface_opt_list ; CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, RIP_METRIC { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_RIP_METRIC); }) CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, RIP_TAG { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_RIP_TAG); }) CF_CODE CF_END