/* * BIRD Library -- Logging Functions * * (c) 1998--2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ /** * DOC: Logging * * The Logging module offers a simple set of functions for writing * messages to system logs and to the debug output. Message classes * used by this module are described in |birdlib.h| and also in the * user's manual. */ #include <stdatomic.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include "nest/bird.h" #include "nest/cli.h" #include "conf/conf.h" #include "lib/string.h" #include "lib/lists.h" #include "sysdep/unix/unix.h" #include "sysdep/unix/io-loop.h" static pool *log_pool; static struct rfile *dbg_rf; static char *current_syslog_name = NULL; /* NULL -> syslog closed */ _Atomic uint max_thread_id = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(1); _Thread_local uint this_thread_id; #include <pthread.h> DEFINE_DOMAIN(logging); static DOMAIN(logging) log_domain; #define log_lock() LOCK_DOMAIN(logging, log_domain); #define log_unlock() UNLOCK_DOMAIN(logging, log_domain); static struct log_channel * _Atomic global_logs; /* Logging flags to validly prepare logging messages */ #define LOGGING_TO_TERMINAL 0x1 #define LOGGING_TO_FILE 0x2 static _Atomic uint logging_flags; static _Atomic uint logging_mask; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H #include <sys/syslog.h> static int syslog_priorities[] = { LOG_DEBUG, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERR, LOG_ERR, LOG_CRIT, LOG_CRIT }; #endif static char *class_names[] = { "???", "DBG", "TRACE", "INFO", "RMT", "WARN", "ERR", "AUTH", "FATAL", "BUG" }; struct log_channel { struct log_channel * _Atomic next; const char *filename; /* Log filename */ const char *backup; /* Secondary filename (for log rotation) */ struct rfile * _Atomic rf; /* File handle */ off_t limit; /* Log size limit */ _Atomic uint mask; /* Classes to log */ uint new_mask; /* Pending new mask */ uint terminal:1; /* Is terminal */ }; struct log_thread_syncer { struct bird_thread_syncer sync; struct log_channel *lc_close; struct rfile *rf_close; const char *name; event lts_event; }; static void lts_done(struct bird_thread_syncer *sync) { struct log_thread_syncer *lts = SKIP_BACK(struct log_thread_syncer, sync, sync); log_lock(); if (lts->lc_close) { lts->rf_close = atomic_load_explicit(<s->lc_close->rf, memory_order_relaxed); mb_free(lts->lc_close); } if (lts->rf_close && lts->rf_close != &rf_stderr) rfree(lts->rf_close); mb_free(lts); log_unlock(); } static void lts_event(void *_lts) { struct log_thread_syncer *lts = _lts; bird_thread_sync_all(<s->sync, NULL, lts_done, lts->name); } static void lts_request(struct log_channel *lc_close, struct rfile *rf_close, const char *name) { struct log_thread_syncer *lts = mb_allocz(log_pool, sizeof *lts); lts->lc_close = lc_close; lts->rf_close = rf_close; lts->name = name; lts->lts_event = (event) { .hook = lts_event, .data = lts, }; ev_send_loop(&main_birdloop, <s->lts_event); } static void log_rotate(struct log_channel *lc) { struct log_thread_syncer *lts = mb_allocz(log_pool, sizeof *lts); if ((rename(lc->filename, lc->backup) < 0) && (unlink(lc->filename) < 0)) return lts_request(lc, NULL, "Log Rotate Failed"); struct rfile *rf = rf_open(log_pool, lc->filename, RF_APPEND, lc->limit); if (!rf) return lts_request(lc, NULL, "Log Rotate Failed"); lts_request(NULL, atomic_load_explicit(&lc->rf, memory_order_relaxed), "Log Rotate Close Old File"); atomic_store_explicit(&lc->rf, rf, memory_order_release); } #define LOG_MSG_OFFSET (TM_DATETIME_BUFFER_SIZE + 64) /** * log_commit - commit a log message * @class: message class information (%L_DEBUG to %L_BUG, see |lib/birdlib.h|) * @buf: message to write * * This function writes a message prepared in the log buffer to the * log file (as specified in the configuration). The log buffer is * reset after that. The log message is a full line, log_commit() * terminates it. * * The message class is an integer, not a first char of a string like * in log(), so it should be written like *L_INFO. */ void log_commit(log_buffer *buf) { if (buf->buf.pos == buf->buf.end) #define TOO_LONG " ... <too long>" memcpy(buf->buf.end - sizeof TOO_LONG, TOO_LONG, sizeof TOO_LONG); #undef TOO_LONG for ( struct log_channel *l = atomic_load_explicit(&global_logs, memory_order_acquire); l; l = atomic_load_explicit(&l->next, memory_order_acquire) ) { uint mask = atomic_load_explicit(&l->mask, memory_order_acquire); if (!(mask & (1 << buf->class))) continue; struct rfile *rf = atomic_load_explicit(&l->rf, memory_order_acquire); if (rf && buf->tm_pos) { *buf->buf.pos = '\n'; byte *begin = l->terminal ? buf->buf.start : buf->tm_pos; off_t msg_len = buf->buf.pos - begin + 1; do { if (rf_write(rf, buf->tm_pos, msg_len)) break; log_lock(); rf = atomic_load_explicit(&l->rf, memory_order_acquire); if (rf_write(rf, buf->tm_pos, msg_len)) { log_unlock(); break; } log_rotate(l); log_unlock(); rf = atomic_load_explicit(&l->rf, memory_order_relaxed); } while (!rf_write(rf, buf->tm_pos, msg_len)); } #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H else { *buf->buf.pos = '\0'; syslog(syslog_priorities[buf->class], "%s", buf->msg_pos); } #endif } buf->msg_pos = buf->tm_pos = NULL; } int buffer_vprint(buffer *buf, const char *fmt, va_list args); void log_prepare(log_buffer *buf, int class) { buf->buf.start = buf->buf.pos = buf->block; buf->buf.end = buf->block + sizeof buf->block; int lf = atomic_load_explicit(&logging_flags, memory_order_acquire); if (lf & LOGGING_TO_TERMINAL) buffer_puts(&buf->buf, "bird: "); if (lf & LOGGING_TO_FILE) { const char *fmt = config ? config->tf_log.fmt1 : "%F %T.%3f"; buf->tm_pos = buf->buf.pos; int t = tm_format_real_time(buf->buf.pos, buf->buf.end - buf->buf.pos, fmt, current_real_time()); if (t) buf->buf.pos += t; else buffer_puts(&buf->buf, "<time format error>"); buffer_print(&buf->buf, " [%04x] <%s> ", THIS_THREAD_ID, class_names[class]); } buf->msg_pos = buf->buf.pos; buf->class = class; } static void vlog(int class, const char *msg, va_list args) { static _Thread_local log_buffer buf; /* No logging at all if nobody would receive the message either */ if (!(atomic_load_explicit(&logging_mask, memory_order_acquire) & (1 << class))) return; log_prepare(&buf, class); buffer_vprint(&buf.buf, msg, args); log_commit(&buf); } /** * log - log a message * @msg: printf-like formatting string with message class information * prepended (%L_DEBUG to %L_BUG, see |lib/birdlib.h|) * * This function formats a message according to the format string @msg * and writes it to the corresponding log file (as specified in the * configuration). Please note that the message is automatically * formatted as a full line, no need to include |\n| inside. * It is essentially a sequence of log_reset(), logn() and log_commit(). */ void log_msg(const char *msg, ...) { int class = 1; va_list args; va_start(args, msg); if (*msg >= 1 && *msg <= 8) class = *msg++; vlog(class, msg, args); va_end(args); } void log_rl(struct tbf *f, const char *msg, ...) { int class = 1; va_list args; /* Rate limiting is a bit tricky here as it also logs '...' during the first hit */ if (tbf_limit(f) && (f->drop > 1)) return; if (*msg >= 1 && *msg <= 8) class = *msg++; va_start(args, msg); vlog(class, (f->drop ? "..." : msg), args); va_end(args); } /** * bug - report an internal error * @msg: a printf-like error message * * This function logs an internal error and aborts execution * of the program. */ void bug(const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vlog(L_BUG[0], msg, args); va_end(args); abort(); } /** * bug - report a fatal error * @msg: a printf-like error message * * This function logs a fatal error and aborts execution * of the program. */ void die(const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vlog(L_FATAL[0], msg, args); va_end(args); exit(1); } static struct timespec dbg_time_start; /** * debug - write to debug output * @msg: a printf-like message * * This function formats the message @msg and prints it out * to the debugging output. No newline character is appended. */ void debug(const char *msg, ...) { #define MAX_DEBUG_BUFSIZE 16384 va_list args; char buf[MAX_DEBUG_BUFSIZE], *pos = buf; int max = MAX_DEBUG_BUFSIZE; va_start(args, msg); if (dbg_rf) { int s = bvsnprintf(pos, max, msg, args); if (s < 0) bug("Extremely long debug output, split it."); rf_write(dbg_rf, buf, s); } va_end(args); } /** * debug_safe - async-safe write to debug output * @msg: a string message * * This function prints the message @msg to the debugging output in a * way that is async safe and can be used in signal handlers. No newline * character is appended. */ void debug_safe(const char *msg) { if (dbg_rf) rf_write(dbg_rf, msg, strlen(msg)); } static list * default_log_list(int initial, const char **syslog_name) { static list log_list; init_list(&log_list); *syslog_name = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H if (!dbg_rf) { static struct log_config lc_syslog; lc_syslog = (struct log_config){ .mask = ~0 }; add_tail(&log_list, &lc_syslog.n); *syslog_name = bird_name; } #endif if (dbg_rf && (dbg_rf != &rf_stderr)) { static struct log_config lc_debug; lc_debug = (struct log_config){ .mask = ~0, .rf = dbg_rf, }; add_tail(&log_list, &lc_debug.n); } if (initial || (dbg_rf == &rf_stderr)) { static struct log_config lc_stderr; lc_stderr = (struct log_config){ .mask = ~0, .terminal_flag = 1, .rf = &rf_stderr, }; add_tail(&log_list, &lc_stderr.n); } return &log_list; } void log_switch(int initial, list *logs, const char *new_syslog_name) { if (initial) { log_domain = DOMAIN_NEW(logging); log_lock(); log_pool = rp_new(&root_pool, log_domain.logging, "Log files"); #if HAVE_SYSLOG_H /* Create syslog channel */ struct log_channel *lc = mb_alloc(log_pool, sizeof *lc); *lc = (struct log_channel) {}; ASSERT_DIE(NULL == atomic_exchange_explicit(&global_logs, lc, memory_order_release)); #endif log_unlock(); } if (!logs || EMPTY_LIST(*logs)) logs = default_log_list(initial, &new_syslog_name); ASSERT_DIE(logs); /* Prepare the new log configuration */ struct log_config *l; WALK_LIST(l, *logs) { int erf = 0; log_lock(); if (l->rf && (l->rf != &rf_stderr)) rmove(l->rf, log_pool); else if (l->filename) { l->rf = rf_open(log_pool, l->filename, RF_APPEND, l->limit); erf = l->rf ? 0 : errno; } log_unlock(); if (erf) log(L_ERR "Failed to open log file '%s': %M", l->filename, erf); } uint total_mask = 0; uint flags = 0; /* Update pre-existing log channels */ for ( struct log_channel * _Atomic *pprev = &global_logs, *ol; ol = atomic_load_explicit(pprev, memory_order_acquire); pprev = &ol->next) { ol->new_mask = 0; if (ol->rf) { WALK_LIST(l, *logs) if (l->rf && rf_same(l->rf, ol->rf)) { /* Merge the mask */ ol->new_mask |= l->mask; total_mask |= l->mask; /* Merge flags */ flags |= LOGGING_TO_FILE; if (l->terminal_flag) { flags |= LOGGING_TO_TERMINAL; ol->terminal = 1; } /* The filehandle is no longer needed */ if (l->rf != &rf_stderr) { log_lock(); rfree(l->rf); log_unlock(); } l->rf = NULL; } } else WALK_LIST(l, *logs) if (!l->filename && !l->rf) { ol->new_mask |= l->mask; total_mask |= l->mask; } /* First only extend masks */ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(&ol->mask, ol->new_mask, memory_order_acq_rel); } atomic_fetch_or_explicit(&logging_mask, total_mask, memory_order_acq_rel); /* Open new log channels */ WALK_LIST(l, *logs) { if (!l->rf) continue; /* Truly new log channel */ log_lock(); struct log_channel *lc = mb_alloc(log_pool, sizeof *lc); log_unlock(); *lc = (struct log_channel) { .filename = l->filename, .backup = l->backup, .rf = l->rf, .limit = l->limit, .new_mask = l->mask, .terminal = l->terminal_flag, }; total_mask |= l->mask; /* Message preparation flags */ flags |= LOGGING_TO_FILE; if (l->terminal_flag) { flags |= LOGGING_TO_TERMINAL; lc->terminal = 1; } /* Now the file handle ownership is transferred to the log channel */ l->rf = NULL; /* Find more */ for (struct log_config *ll = NODE_NEXT(l); NODE_VALID(ll); ll = NODE_NEXT(ll)) if (ll->filename && ll->rf && rf_same(lc->rf, ll->rf)) { /* Merged with this channel */ lc->new_mask |= ll->mask; total_mask |= ll->mask; if (l->rf != &rf_stderr) { log_lock(); rfree(ll->rf); log_unlock(); } ll->rf = NULL; } atomic_store_explicit(&lc->mask, lc->new_mask, memory_order_release); /* Insert into the main log list */ struct log_channel *head = atomic_load_explicit(&global_logs, memory_order_acquire); do atomic_store_explicit(&lc->next, head, memory_order_release); while (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit( &global_logs, &head, lc, memory_order_acq_rel, memory_order_acquire)); } /* Merge overall flags */ atomic_fetch_or_explicit(&logging_flags, flags, memory_order_acq_rel); atomic_fetch_or_explicit(&logging_mask, total_mask, memory_order_acq_rel); /* Close end-of-life log channels */ for (struct log_channel * _Atomic *pprev = &global_logs, *ol = atomic_load_explicit(pprev, memory_order_acquire); ol; ) { /* Store new mask after opening new files to minimize missing log message race conditions */ atomic_store_explicit(&ol->mask, ol->new_mask, memory_order_release); /* Never close syslog channel */ if (ol->new_mask || !ol->rf) { pprev = &ol->next; ol = atomic_load_explicit(pprev, memory_order_acquire); } else { /* This file has no logging set up, remove from list */ struct log_channel *next = atomic_load_explicit(&ol->next, memory_order_acquire); atomic_store_explicit(pprev, next, memory_order_release); /* Free the channel after all worker threads leave the critical section */ log_lock(); lts_request(ol, NULL, "Log Reconfigure Close Old File"); log_unlock(); /* Continue to next */ ol = next; } } /* Set overall flags after files are closed */ atomic_store_explicit(&logging_flags, flags, memory_order_release); atomic_store_explicit(&logging_mask, total_mask, memory_order_release); #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H if ((!current_syslog_name != !new_syslog_name) || bstrcmp(current_syslog_name, new_syslog_name)) { char *old_syslog_name = current_syslog_name; if (new_syslog_name) { current_syslog_name = xstrdup(new_syslog_name); openlog(current_syslog_name, LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON); } else { current_syslog_name = NULL; closelog(); } if (old_syslog_name) xfree(old_syslog_name); } #endif } void log_init_debug(char *f) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &dbg_time_start); if (dbg_rf && dbg_rf != &rf_stderr) rfree(dbg_rf); if (!f) dbg_rf = NULL; else if (!*f) dbg_rf = &rf_stderr; else if (!(dbg_rf = rf_open(&root_pool, f, RF_APPEND, 0))) { /* Cannot use die() nor log() here, logging is not yet initialized */ fprintf(stderr, "bird: Unable to open debug file %s: %s\n", f, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } }