/* * BIRD Internet Routing Daemon -- Semi-global index of nets * * (c) 2023 Maria Matejka * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "lib/birdlib.h" #include "lib/netindex_private.h" #define NETINDEX_INIT_BLOCK_SIZE 128 #define NETINDEX_KEY(n) (n)->hash, (n)->addr #define NETINDEX_NEXT(n) (n)->next #define NETINDEX_EQ(h,n,i,o) ((h == i) && net_equal(n,o)) #define NETINDEX_FN(h,n) (h) #define NETINDEX_ORDER 12 /* Initial */ #define NETINDEX_REHASH netindex_rehash #define NETINDEX_PARAMS /8, *2, 2, 2, 12, 28 static void NETINDEX_REHASH(void *_v) { log(L_TRACE "Netindex rehash: begin"); netindex_spinhash *v = _v; int step; SPINHASH_REHASH_PREPARE(v,NETINDEX,struct netindex,step); log(L_TRACE "Netindex rehash: step=%d", step); if (!step) return; if (step > 0) SPINHASH_REHASH_UP(v,NETINDEX,struct netindex,step); if (step < 0) SPINHASH_REHASH_DOWN(v,NETINDEX,struct netindex,-step); log(L_TRACE "Netindex rehash: time to finish"); SPINHASH_REHASH_FINISH(v,NETINDEX); log(L_TRACE "Netindex rehash: done"); } static void netindex_hash_cleanup(void *netindex_hash); static struct netindex * net_lock_revive_unlock(netindex_hash *h, struct netindex *i) { if (!i) return NULL; lfuc_lock_revive(&i->uc); lfuc_unlock(&i->uc, h->cleanup_list, &h->cleanup_event); return i; } /* * Index initialization */ netindex_hash * netindex_hash_new(pool *sp, event_list *cleanup_target, u8 type) { DOMAIN(attrs) dom = DOMAIN_NEW(attrs); LOCK_DOMAIN(attrs, dom); pool *p = rp_new(sp, dom.attrs, "Network index"); struct netindex_hash_private *nh = mb_allocz(p, sizeof *nh); nh->lock = dom; nh->pool = p; nh->net_type = type; nh->slab = net_addr_length[type] ? sl_new(nh->pool, sizeof (struct netindex) + net_addr_length[type]) : NULL; SPINHASH_INIT(nh->hash, NETINDEX, nh->pool, cleanup_target); atomic_store_explicit(&nh->block_size, NETINDEX_INIT_BLOCK_SIZE, memory_order_release); atomic_store_explicit(&nh->block, mb_allocz(nh->pool, NETINDEX_INIT_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof *nh->block), memory_order_release); hmap_init(&nh->id_map, nh->pool, 128); nh->cleanup_list = cleanup_target; nh->cleanup_event = (event) { .hook = netindex_hash_cleanup, nh }; UNLOCK_DOMAIN(attrs, dom); return SKIP_BACK(netindex_hash, priv, nh); } static uint netindex_hash_cleanup_removed(struct netindex_hash_private *nh, struct netindex * _Atomic *block, struct netindex **removed, uint cnt) { synchronize_rcu(); uint kept = 0; for (uint q = 0; q < cnt; q++) { struct netindex *ni = removed[q]; /* Now no reader can possibly still have the old pointer, * unless somebody found it inbetween and ref'd it. */ if (!lfuc_finished(&ni->uc)) { /* Collision, return the netindex back. */ ASSERT_DIE(NULL == atomic_exchange_explicit(&block[ni->index], ni, memory_order_acq_rel)); SPINHASH_INSERT(nh->hash, NETINDEX, ni); kept++; continue; } /* Now the netindex is definitely obsolete, we can free it */ hmap_clear(&nh->id_map, ni->index); if (nh->slab) sl_free(ni); else mb_free(ni); } return kept; } static void netindex_hash_cleanup(void *_nh) { struct netindex_hash_private *nh = _nh; DOMAIN(attrs) dom = nh->lock; LOCK_DOMAIN(attrs, dom); uint kept = 0; uint bs = atomic_load_explicit(&nh->block_size, memory_order_relaxed); struct netindex * _Atomic *block = atomic_load_explicit(&nh->block, memory_order_relaxed); #define REMOVED_MAX 256 struct netindex *removed[REMOVED_MAX]; uint removed_cnt = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < bs; i++) { struct netindex *ni = atomic_load_explicit(&block[i], memory_order_acquire); if (!ni) continue; /* We may use the acquired netindex pointer as we are * the only process which deletes them */ ASSERT_DIE(i == ni->index); /* Check finished */ if (!lfuc_finished(&ni->uc)) { kept++; continue; } /* Looks finished, try dropping */ ASSERT_DIE(ni == atomic_exchange_explicit(&block[i], NULL, memory_order_acq_rel)); SPINHASH_REMOVE(nh->hash, NETINDEX, ni); /* Store into the removed-block */ removed[removed_cnt++] = ni; /* If removed-block is full, flush it */ if (removed_cnt == REMOVED_MAX) { kept += netindex_hash_cleanup_removed(nh, block, removed, removed_cnt); removed_cnt = 0; } } /* Flush remaining netindexes */ if (removed_cnt) kept += netindex_hash_cleanup_removed(nh, block, removed, removed_cnt); /* Return now unless we're deleted */ if (kept || !nh->deleted_event) { UNLOCK_DOMAIN(attrs, dom); return; } ev_postpone(&nh->cleanup_event); event *e = nh->deleted_event; event_list *t = nh->deleted_target; /* Check cleanliness */ SPINHASH_WALK(nh->hash, NETINDEX, i) bug("Stray netindex in deleted hash"); SPINHASH_WALK_END; /* Cleanup the spinhash itself */ SPINHASH_FREE(nh->hash); /* Pool free is enough to drop everything else */ rp_free(nh->pool); /* And only the lock remains */ UNLOCK_DOMAIN(attrs, dom); DOMAIN_FREE(attrs, dom); /* Notify the requestor */ ev_send(t, e); } void netindex_hash_delete(netindex_hash *h, event *e, event_list *t) { NH_LOCK(h, hp); hp->deleted_event = e; hp->deleted_target = t; ev_send(hp->cleanup_list, &hp->cleanup_event); } /* * Private index manipulation */ static struct netindex * net_find_index_fragile(netindex_hash *nh, const net_addr *n) { ASSERT_DIE(n->type == nh->net_type); u32 h = net_hash(n); return SPINHASH_FIND(nh->hash, NETINDEX, h, n); } static bool net_validate_index(netindex_hash *h, struct netindex *ni) { struct netindex * _Atomic *block = atomic_load_explicit(&h->block, memory_order_relaxed); u32 bs = atomic_load_explicit(&h->block_size, memory_order_relaxed); ASSERT_DIE(ni->index < bs); struct netindex *bni = atomic_load_explicit(&block[ni->index], memory_order_acquire); return (bni == ni); } static struct netindex * net_new_index_locked(struct netindex_hash_private *hp, const net_addr *n) { ASSERT_DIE(!hp->deleted_event); u32 i = hmap_first_zero(&hp->id_map); hmap_set(&hp->id_map, i); struct netindex *ni = hp->slab ? sl_alloc(hp->slab) : mb_alloc(hp->pool, n->length + sizeof *ni); *ni = (struct netindex) { .hash = net_hash(n), .index = i, }; net_copy(ni->addr, n); SPINHASH_INSERT(hp->hash, NETINDEX, ni); struct netindex * _Atomic *block = atomic_load_explicit(&hp->block, memory_order_relaxed); u32 bs = atomic_load_explicit(&hp->block_size, memory_order_relaxed); u32 nbs = bs; while (nbs <= i) nbs *= 2; if (nbs > bs) { struct netindex * _Atomic *nb = mb_alloc(hp->pool, bs * 2 * sizeof *nb); memcpy(nb, block, bs * sizeof *nb); memset(&nb[bs], 0, (nbs - bs) * sizeof *nb); ASSERT_DIE(block == atomic_exchange_explicit(&hp->block, nb, memory_order_acq_rel)); ASSERT_DIE(bs == atomic_exchange_explicit(&hp->block_size, nbs, memory_order_acq_rel)); synchronize_rcu(); mb_free(block); block = nb; hp->block_epoch++; } ASSERT_DIE(i < nbs); atomic_store_explicit(&block[i], ni, memory_order_release); return ni; } /* * Public entry points */ void net_lock_index(netindex_hash *h UNUSED, struct netindex *i) { // log(L_TRACE "Lock index %p", i); lfuc_lock(&i->uc); } void net_unlock_index(netindex_hash *h, struct netindex *i) { // log(L_TRACE "Unlock index %p", i); lfuc_unlock(&i->uc, h->cleanup_list, &h->cleanup_event); } struct netindex * net_find_index(netindex_hash *h, const net_addr *n) { RCU_ANCHOR(u); struct netindex *ni = net_find_index_fragile(h, n); return (ni && net_validate_index(h, ni)) ? net_lock_revive_unlock(h, ni) : NULL; } struct netindex * net_get_index(netindex_hash *h, const net_addr *n) { struct netindex *ni = net_find_index(h, n); if (ni) return ni; NH_LOCK(h, hp); /* Somebody may have added one inbetween */ return net_lock_revive_unlock(h, (net_find_index_fragile(h, n) ?: net_new_index_locked(hp, n))); } struct netindex net_index_out_of_range; struct netindex * net_resolve_index(netindex_hash *h, u32 i) { RCU_ANCHOR(u); struct netindex * _Atomic *block = atomic_load_explicit(&h->block, memory_order_relaxed); u32 bs = atomic_load_explicit(&h->block_size, memory_order_relaxed); if (i >= bs) return &net_index_out_of_range; struct netindex *ni = atomic_load_explicit(&block[i], memory_order_acquire); if (ni == NULL) return NULL; return net_lock_revive_unlock(h, ni); }