# # Lang.pm # # $Id: Lang.pm,v 2001/05/24 15:57:41 sano Exp $ # # Language support. # # © Copyright 1997, Cees de Groot # package LinuxDocTools::Lang; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @Languages $translations); require 5.0004; use Exporter; use LinuxDocTools::Vars; $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(Any2ISO ISO2Native ISO2English Xlat); =head1 NAME LinuxDocTools::Lang - language name and translation functions =head1 SYNOPSIS $isoname = Any2ISO ('deutsch'); $native = ISO2Native ('de'); $engname = ISO2English ('nederlands'); $global->{language} = 'nl'; $dutch = Xlat ('Table of Contents'); =head1 DESCRIPTION B<LinuxDocTools::Lang> gives a simple interface to various forms of language names, and provides a translation service. Languages can be specified in three different ways: by their native name, by their english name, and by their 2-letter ISO code. For example, you can specify the German language as C<deutsch>, as C<german> or as C<de>. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =cut @Languages = qw( en english english de deutsch german nl nederlands dutch fr français french es español spanish da dansk danish no norsk norwegian se svenska swedish pt portuges portuguese ca català catalan it italiano italian ro românã romanian ja japanese japanese pl polski polish ko korean korean fi suomi finnish ); =item Any2ISO Maps any of the three forms of languages to the ISO name. So either of these invocations: Any2ISO ('dutch'); Any2ISO ('nederlands'); Any2ISO ('nl'); will return the string C<"nl">. =cut sub Any2ISO { my $lang = shift (@_); my $i = 0; foreach my $l (@Languages) { ($l eq $lang) && last; $i++; } return $Languages[(int $i / 3) * 3]; } =item ISO2Native Maps the ISO code to the native name of the language. =cut sub ISO2Native { my $iso = shift (@_); my $i = 0; foreach my $l (@Languages) { ($l eq $iso) && last; $i++; } return $Languages[$i + 1]; } =item ISO2English Maps the ISO code to the english name of the language. =cut sub ISO2English { my $iso = shift (@_); my $i = 0; foreach my $l (@Languages) { ($l eq $iso) && last; $i++; } return $Languages[$i + 2]; } =item Xlat Translates its (English) argument to the language specified by the current value of C<$gobal-E<gt>{language}>. The module, in its source file, contains a data structure, indexed by the English strings, that has all available translations. =cut sub Xlat { my ($txt) = @_; return $txt if ($global->{language} eq "en"); return $translations->{$txt}{$global->{language}}; }; # # By the time this grows big, we'll make up something else. # $translations = { "Previous" => { "nl" => "Terug", "de" => "Zurück", "es" => "Página anterior", "fr" => "Page précédente", "da" => "Forrige", "no" => "Forrige", "se" => "Föregående", "pt" => "Página anterior", "ca" => "Pàgina anterior", "it" => "Indietro", "ro" => "Înapoi", "ja" => "Á°¤Î¥Ú¡¼¥¸", "pl" => "Poprzedni", "ko" => "ÀÌÀü", "fi" => "Edellinen" }, "Next" => { "nl" => "Verder", "de" => "Weiter", "es" => "Página siguiente", "fr" => "Page suivante", "da" => "Næste", "no" => "Neste", "se" => "Nästa", "pt" => "Página seguinte", "ca" => "Pàgina següent", "it" => "Avanti", "ro" => "Înainte", "ja" => "¼¡¤Î¥Ú¡¼¥¸", "pl" => "Nastny", "ko" => "´ÙÀ½", "fi" => "Seuraava" }, "Contents" => { "nl" => "Inhoud", "de" => "Inhalt", "es" => "Índice general", "fr" => "Table des matières", "da" => "Indhold", "no" => "Innhold", "se" => "Innehållsförteckning", "pt" => "Índice", "ca" => "Índex", "it" => "Indice", "ro" => "Cuprins", "ja" => "Ìܼ¡¤Ø", "pl" => "Spis Trei", "ko" => "Â÷·Ê", "fi" => "Sisällys" }, "Table of Contents" => { "nl" => "Inhoudsopgave", "de" => "Inhaltsverzeichnis", "es" => "Índice general", "fr" => "Table des matières", "da" => "Indholdsfortegnelse", "no" => "Innholdsfortegnelse", "se" => "Innehållsförteckning", "pt" => "Índice geral", "ca" => "Índex general", "it" => "Indice Generale", "ro" => "Cuprins", "ja" => "Ìܼ¡", "pl" => "Spis Trei", "ko" => "Â÷·Ê", "fi" => "Sisällysluettelo" } }; =back =head1 AUTHOR Cees de Groot, C<E<lt>cg@pobox.comE<gt>> =cut 1;