#!/usr/bin/perl use File::Find; use strict; my %opts = ( 'openssl' => "/usr/local/openssl-ecdsa/bin", 'f' => "\.cer\$", 'i' => "DER", ); LocalGetOptions(\%opts, ['GUI:otherargs', '[input-directory] [output-directory]'], ["GUI:separator", "Processing Configuration"], ["f|file-regexp=s", "Regexp of filenames to select from"], ["s|suffix=s", "Use STRING as the new extension suffix"], ["i|input-format=s", "Input format type of files found"], ["GUI:separator", "Basic Configuration"], ["openssl|openssl-path=s", "Path to OpenSSL install directory with EC support"], ["GUI:separator", "Output Options"], ["v|verbose", "Be verbose about what is being done"], ); my $inputDirectory = $ARGV[0]; my $outputDirectory = $ARGV[1]; my $opensslPath = $opts{'openssl'}; my $fileRegexp = $opts{'f'}; my $inform = $opts{'i'}; # ensure we have input and output if (!defined($inputDirectory) || !defined($outputDirectory)) { print STDERR "Both an input and output directory are required\n"; exit 1; } # add in a separate openssl path if ($opensslPath) { $ENV{'PATH'} = $opensslPath . ":" . $ENV{'PATH'}; } if (! -d $outputDirectory) { Verbose("creating $outputDirectory\n"); mkdir($outputDirectory); } # find and process every file of certain types Verbose("Searching directory $inputDirectory\n"); find({no_chdir => 1, wanted => \&convert_file}, $inputDirectory); sub convert_file { if ($File::Find::name =~ /$fileRegexp/io) { my $ski; # process it... Verbose("Found $File::Find::name\n"); open(SKI, "openssl x509 -inform $inform -in $File::Find::name -text|"); while(<SKI>) { if (/X509v3 Subject Key Identifier/) { $ski = <SKI>; $ski =~ s/\s//g; $ski =~s/://g; last; } } close(SKI); if (defined($ski)) { my $suffix; if ($opts{'s'}) { $suffix = $opts{'s'}; } else { $suffix = $File::Find::name; $suffix =~ s/.*\.//; } Verbose(" linking to $ski.$suffix\n"); symlink($File::Find::name, "$outputDirectory/$ski.$suffix"); } } } ###################################################################### # support functions # sub Verbose { print STDERR @_ if ($opts{'v'}); } ###################################################################### # Getopt bootstrapping # sub LocalGetOptions { if (eval {require Getopt::GUI::Long;}) { import Getopt::GUI::Long; # optional configure call Getopt::GUI::Long::Configure(qw(display_help no_gui no_ignore_case allow_zero)); return GetOptions(@_); } require Getopt::Long; import Getopt::Long; # optional configure call Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(auto_help no_ignore_case)); GetOptions(LocalOptionsMap(@_)); } sub LocalOptionsMap { my ($st, $cb, @opts) = ((ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? (1, 1, $_[0]) : (0, 2)); for (my $i = $st; $i <= $#_; $i += $cb) { if ($_[$i]) { next if (ref($_[$i]) eq 'ARRAY' && $_[$i][0] =~ /^GUI:/); push @opts, ((ref($_[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') ? $_[$i][0] : $_[$i]); push @opts, $_[$i+1] if ($cb == 2); } } return @opts; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME bgpsec-create-hash-dir - creates a SKI-based hash directory =head1 SYNOPSIS bgpsec-create-hash-dir /path/to/rpki-authenticated-dir /path/to/hash-dir =head1 OPTIONS =head2 Processing Configuration =over 4 =item -f STRING =item --file-regexp=STRING Regexp of filenames to select from =item -s STRING =item --suffix=STRING Use STRING as the new extension suffix =item -i STRING =item --input-format=STRING Input format of files found. Defaults to DER. =back =head2 Basic Configuration =over 4 =item --openssl=STRING =item --openssl-path=STRING Path to OpenSSL install directory with EC support =back =head2 Output Options =over 4 =item -v =item --verbose Be verbose about what is being done =back