/* * BIRD -- The BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) * * (c) 2020 Akamai Technologies, Inc. (Pawel Maslanka, pmaslank@akamai.com) * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "proto/bmp/buffer.h" buffer bmp_buffer_alloc(pool *ppool, const size_t n) { buffer buf; buf.start = mb_alloc(ppool, n); buf.pos = buf.start; buf.end = buf.start + n; return buf; } void bmp_buffer_free(buffer *buf) { mb_free(buf->start); buf->start = buf->pos = buf->end = NULL; } static void bmp_buffer_grow(buffer *buf, const size_t n) { const size_t pos = bmp_buffer_pos(buf); buf->start = mb_realloc(buf->start, n); buf->pos = buf->start + pos; buf->end = buf->start + n; } void bmp_buffer_need(buffer *buf, const size_t n) { if (bmp_buffer_avail(buf) < n) { bmp_buffer_grow(buf, n); } } void bmp_put_data(buffer *buf, const void *src, const size_t n) { if (!n) { return; } bmp_buffer_need(buf, n); memcpy(buf->pos, src, n); buf->pos += n; }