Add the RPKI protocol (RFC 6810) using the RTRLib
( that is integrated inside
the BIRD's code.
Implemeted transports are:
- unprotected transport over TCP
- secure transport over SSHv2
The code should work properly with one or more cache servers per protocol.
Example configuration of bird.conf:
roa4 table roatable;
protocol rpki {
table roatable;
cache; # defaults: port 8282, preference 1, no encryption
cache {
preference 1;
port 2222;
ssh encryption {
bird private key "/home/birdgeek/.ssh/id_rsa";
cache public key "/home/birdgeek/.ssh/known_hosts";
user "birdgeek";
cache "" {
preference 2;
but the core routines are there and seem to be working.
o lib/ipv6.[ch] written
o Lexical analyser recognizes IPv6 addresses and when in IPv6
mode, treats pure IPv4 addresses as router IDs.
o Router ID must be configured manually on IPv6 systems.
o Added SCOPE_ORGANIZATION for org-scoped IPv6 multicasts.
o Fixed few places where ipa_(hton|ntoh) was called as a function
returning converted address.
of various callbacks.
Events are just another resource type objects (thus automatically freed
and unlinked when the protocol using them shuts down). Each event can
be linked in at most one event list. For most purposes, just use the
global event list handled by the following functions:
ev_schedule Schedule event to be called at the next event
scheduling point. If the event was already
scheduled, it's just re-linked to the end of the list.
ev_postpone Postpone an already scheduled event, so that it
won't get called. Postponed events can be scheduled
again by ev_schedule().
You can also create custom event lists to build your own synchronization
primitives. Just use:
ev_init_list to initialize an event list
ev_enqueue to schedule event on specified event list
ev_postpone works as well for custom lists
ev_run_list to run all events on your custom list
ev_run to run a specific event and dequeue it