All origin static functions from sysdep/unix/main.c were rewrited to
All origin static global variables from sysdep/unix/main.c was rewrited
to extern.
It is possible create executables bird, birdc and birdcl as well as run
unit tests without mockuping
After remake new BIRD's build system will be this commit reverting...
We need link lib/birdlib.a and remaining */all.o to tests (mockups suck)
Code from sysdep/unix/main.c is moved without 'int main()' function
to the sysdep/unix/main_helper.c
Yes, it is dirty...
After remake new BIRD's build system will be this commit reverting...
Actually it is not possible to build executable bird, birdc nor birdcl
due duplicity of functions in main_helper.o in lib/birdlib.a and