mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 08:17:04 +00:00
RAdv: Change specific route options to be per-interface
And change default values of specific route options to be consistent with values of default router options.
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ radv_proto_start: proto_start RADV
RADV_CFG->route_linger_time = DEFAULT_LINGER_TIME;
@ -64,15 +62,6 @@ radv_proto_item:
RADV_CFG->trigger_valid = 1;
| PROPAGATE ROUTES bool { RADV_CFG->propagate_routes = $3; }
| ROUTE LIFETIME expr radv_sensitive {
RADV_CFG->route_lifetime = $3;
if ($4 != -1) RADV_CFG->route_lifetime_sensitive = $4;
RADV_CFG->route_linger_time = $4;
if (($4 < 0) || ($4 > 3600))
cf_error("Linger time must be in range 0-3600");
@ -96,11 +85,15 @@ radv_iface_start:
RADV_IFACE->min_ra_int = -1; /* undefined */
RADV_IFACE->prefix_linger_time = -1;
RADV_IFACE->route_linger_time = -1;
RADV_IFACE->default_lifetime = -1;
RADV_IFACE->default_lifetime_sensitive = 1;
RADV_IFACE->default_preference = RA_PREF_MEDIUM;
RADV_IFACE->route_lifetime = -1;
RADV_IFACE->route_lifetime_sensitive = 0;
RADV_IFACE->route_preference = RA_PREF_MEDIUM;
@ -112,14 +105,20 @@ radv_iface_item:
| LINK MTU expr { RADV_IFACE->link_mtu = $3; if ($3 < 0) cf_error("Link MTU must be 0 or positive"); }
| REACHABLE TIME expr { RADV_IFACE->reachable_time = $3; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 3600000)) cf_error("Reachable time must be in range 0-3600000"); }
| RETRANS TIMER expr { RADV_IFACE->retrans_timer = $3; if ($3 < 0) cf_error("Retrans timer must be 0 or positive"); }
| LINGER TIME expr { RADV_IFACE->linger_time = $3; if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 3600)) cf_error("Linger time must be in range 0-3600"); }
| CURRENT HOP LIMIT expr { RADV_IFACE->current_hop_limit = $4; if (($4 < 0) || ($4 > 255)) cf_error("Current hop limit must be in range 0-255"); }
| DEFAULT LIFETIME expr radv_sensitive {
RADV_IFACE->default_lifetime = $3;
if (($3 < 0) || ($3 > 9000)) cf_error("Default lifetime must be in range 0-9000");
if ($4 != -1) RADV_IFACE->default_lifetime_sensitive = $4;
| ROUTE LIFETIME expr radv_sensitive {
RADV_IFACE->route_lifetime = $3;
if ($4 != -1) RADV_IFACE->route_lifetime_sensitive = $4;
| DEFAULT PREFERENCE radv_preference { RADV_IFACE->default_preference = $3; }
| ROUTE PREFERENCE radv_preference { RADV_IFACE->route_preference = $3; }
| PREFIX LINGER TIME expr { RADV_IFACE->prefix_linger_time = $4; }
| ROUTE LINGER TIME expr { RADV_IFACE->route_linger_time = $4; }
| PREFIX radv_prefix { add_tail(&RADV_IFACE->pref_list, NODE this_radv_prefix); }
| RDNSS { init_list(&radv_dns_list); } radv_rdnss { add_tail_list(&RADV_IFACE->rdnss_list, &radv_dns_list); }
| DNSSL { init_list(&radv_dns_list); } radv_dnssl { add_tail_list(&RADV_IFACE->dnssl_list, &radv_dns_list); }
@ -142,12 +141,32 @@ radv_iface_finish:
if (ic->default_lifetime == (u32) -1)
ic->default_lifetime = 3 * ic->max_ra_int;
if (ic->route_lifetime == (u32) -1)
ic->route_lifetime = 3 * ic->max_ra_int;
if (ic->prefix_linger_time == (u32) -1)
ic->prefix_linger_time = 3 * ic->max_ra_int;
if (ic->route_linger_time == (u32) -1)
ic->route_linger_time = 3 * ic->max_ra_int;
if ((ic->min_ra_int > 3) &&
(ic->min_ra_int > (ic->max_ra_int * 3 / 4)))
cf_error("Min RA interval must be at most 3/4 * Max RA interval %d %d", ic->min_ra_int, ic->max_ra_int);
if ((ic->default_lifetime > 0) && (ic->default_lifetime < ic->max_ra_int))
cf_error("Default lifetime must be either 0 or at least Max RA interval");
if ((ic->route_lifetime > 0) && (ic->route_lifetime < ic->max_ra_int))
cf_error("Route lifetime must be either 0 or at least Max RA interval");
if ((ic->prefix_linger_time > 0) && (ic->prefix_linger_time < ic->max_ra_int))
cf_error("Prefix linger time must be either 0 or at least Max RA interval");
if ((ic->route_linger_time > 0) && (ic->route_linger_time < ic->max_ra_int))
cf_error("Route linger time must be either 0 or at least Max RA interval");
RADV_CFG->max_linger_time = MAX_(RADV_CFG->max_linger_time, ic->route_linger_time);
@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ radv_prepare_route(struct radv_iface *ifa, struct radv_route *rt,
char **buf, char *bufend)
struct radv_proto *p = ifa->ra;
struct radv_config *cf = (void *) p->p.cf;
u8 px_blocks = (rt->n.pxlen + 63) / 64;
u8 opt_len = 8 * (1 + px_blocks);
@ -96,22 +95,26 @@ radv_prepare_route(struct radv_iface *ifa, struct radv_route *rt,
return -1;
uint preference = rt->preference_set ? rt->preference : ifa->cf->route_preference;
uint lifetime = rt->lifetime_set ? rt->lifetime : ifa->cf->route_lifetime;
uint valid = rt->valid && p->valid && (p->active || !ifa->cf->route_lifetime_sensitive);
struct radv_opt_route *opt = (void *) *buf;
*buf += opt_len;
opt->type = OPT_ROUTE;
opt->length = 1 + px_blocks;
opt->pxlen = rt->n.pxlen;
opt->flags = rt->preference;
if (p->valid && (p->active || !cf->route_lifetime_sensitive) && rt->alive)
opt->lifetime = htonl(rt->lifetime_set ? rt->lifetime : cf->route_lifetime);
opt->lifetime = 0;
opt->flags = preference;
opt->lifetime = valid ? htonl(lifetime) : 0;
/* Copy the relevant part of the prefix */
ip6_addr px_addr = ip6_hton(rt->n.prefix);
memcpy(opt->prefix, &px_addr, 8 * px_blocks);
/* Keeping track of first linger timeout */
if (!rt->valid)
ifa->valid_time = MIN(ifa->valid_time, rt->changed + ifa->cf->route_linger_time);
return 0;
@ -278,6 +281,10 @@ radv_prepare_prefix(struct radv_iface *ifa, struct radv_prefix *prefix,
*buf += sizeof(*op);
/* Keeping track of first linger timeout */
if (!prefix->valid)
ifa->valid_time = MIN(ifa->valid_time, prefix->changed + ifa->cf->prefix_linger_time);
return 0;
@ -316,10 +323,17 @@ radv_prepare_ra(struct radv_iface *ifa)
buf += sizeof (*om);
struct radv_prefix *prefix;
WALK_LIST(prefix, ifa->prefixes)
/* Keeping track of first linger timeout */
ifa->valid_time = TIME_INFINITY;
struct radv_prefix *px;
WALK_LIST(px, ifa->prefixes)
if (radv_prepare_prefix(ifa, prefix, &buf, bufend) < 0)
/* Skip invalid prefixes that are past linger timeout but still not pruned */
if (!px->valid && (px->changed + ic->prefix_linger_time <= now))
if (radv_prepare_prefix(ifa, px, &buf, bufend) < 0)
goto done;
@ -339,9 +353,15 @@ radv_prepare_ra(struct radv_iface *ifa)
if (p->fib_up)
FIB_WALK(&p->routes, rt)
FIB_WALK(&p->routes, n)
if (radv_prepare_route(ifa, (struct radv_route *) rt, &buf, bufend) < 0)
struct radv_route *rt = (void *) n;
/* Skip invalid routes that are past linger timeout but still not pruned */
if (!rt->valid && (rt->changed + ic->route_linger_time <= now))
if (radv_prepare_route(ifa, rt, &buf, bufend) < 0)
goto done;
@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ radv_timer(timer *tm)
RADV_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Timer fired on %s", ifa->iface->name);
if (ifa->valid_time <= now)
if (ifa->prune_time <= now)
@ -117,7 +120,6 @@ static void
radv_prepare_prefixes(struct radv_iface *ifa)
struct radv_proto *p = ifa->ra;
struct radv_iface_config *cf = ifa->cf;
struct radv_prefix *pfx, *next;
/* First mark all the prefixes as unused */
@ -157,20 +159,21 @@ radv_prepare_prefixes(struct radv_iface *ifa)
* Update the information (it may have changed, or even bring a prefix back
* to life).
existing->alive = 1;
existing->valid = 1;
existing->changed = now;
existing->mark = 1;
existing->cf = pc;
WALK_LIST_DELSAFE(pfx, next, ifa->prefixes)
if (pfx->alive && !pfx->mark)
if (pfx->valid && !pfx->mark)
RADV_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Invalidating prefix %I/$d on %s",
pfx->prefix, pfx->len, ifa->iface->name);
pfx->alive = 0;
pfx->expires = now + cf->linger_time;
pfx->valid = 0;
pfx->changed = now;
pfx->cf = &dead_prefix;
@ -181,30 +184,28 @@ radv_prune_prefixes(struct radv_iface *ifa)
struct radv_proto *p = ifa->ra;
bird_clock_t next = TIME_INFINITY;
int changed = 0;
bird_clock_t expires = 0;
struct radv_prefix *px, *pxn;
WALK_LIST_DELSAFE(px, pxn, ifa->prefixes)
if (!px->alive)
if (!px->valid)
if (px->expires <= now)
expires = px->changed + ifa->cf->prefix_linger_time;
if (expires <= now)
RADV_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Removing prefix %I/%d on %s",
px->prefix, px->len, ifa->iface->name);
rem_node(NODE px);
changed = 1;
next = MIN(next, px->expires);
next = MIN(next, expires);
if (changed)
ifa->prune_time = next;
@ -424,6 +425,7 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
struct radv_proto *p = (struct radv_proto *) P;
struct radv_config *cf = (struct radv_config *) (P->cf);
struct radv_route *rt;
eattr *ea;
if (radv_net_match_trigger(cf, n))
@ -455,9 +457,14 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
if (new)
/* Update */
uint preference = ea_get_int(attrs, EA_RA_PREFERENCE, RA_PREF_MEDIUM);
uint lifetime = ea_get_int(attrs, EA_RA_LIFETIME, 0);
uint lifetime_set = !!ea_find(attrs, EA_RA_LIFETIME);
ea = ea_find(attrs, EA_RA_PREFERENCE);
uint preference = ea ? ea->u.data : RA_PREF_MEDIUM;
uint preference_set = !!ea;
ea = ea_find(attrs, EA_RA_LIFETIME);
uint lifetime = ea ? ea->u.data : 0;
uint lifetime_set = !!ea;
if ((preference != RA_PREF_LOW) &&
(preference != RA_PREF_MEDIUM) &&
@ -466,6 +473,7 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
log(L_WARN "%s: Invalid ra_preference value %u on route %I/%d",
p->p.name, preference, n->n.prefix, n->n.pxlen);
preference = RA_PREF_MEDIUM;
preference_set = 1;
lifetime = 0;
lifetime_set = 1;
@ -473,8 +481,9 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
rt = fib_get(&p->routes, &n->n.prefix, n->n.pxlen);
/* Ignore update if nothing changed */
if (rt->alive &&
if (rt->valid &&
(rt->preference == preference) &&
(rt->preference_set == preference_set) &&
(rt->lifetime == lifetime) &&
(rt->lifetime_set == lifetime_set))
@ -482,8 +491,10 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
if (p->routes.entries == 18)
log(L_WARN "%s: More than 17 routes exported to RAdv", p->p.name);
rt->alive = 1;
rt->valid = 1;
rt->changed = now;
rt->preference = preference;
rt->preference_set = preference_set;
rt->lifetime = lifetime;
rt->lifetime_set = lifetime_set;
@ -492,13 +503,16 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
/* Withdraw */
rt = fib_find(&p->routes, &n->n.prefix, n->n.pxlen);
if (!rt || !rt->alive)
if (!rt || !rt->valid)
/* Invalidate the route */
rt->alive = 0;
rt->expires = now + cf->route_linger_time;
p->prune_time = MIN(p->prune_time, rt->expires);
rt->valid = 0;
rt->changed = now;
/* Invalidated route will be pruned eventually */
bird_clock_t expires = rt->changed + cf->max_linger_time;
p->prune_time = MIN(p->prune_time, expires);
radv_iface_notify_all(p, RA_EV_CHANGE);
@ -511,8 +525,9 @@ radv_rt_notify(struct proto *P, rtable *tbl UNUSED, net *n, rte *new, rte *old U
static void
radv_prune_routes(struct radv_proto *p)
struct radv_config *cf = (struct radv_config *) (p->p.cf);
bird_clock_t next = TIME_INFINITY;
int changed = 0;
bird_clock_t expires = 0;
/* Should not happen */
if (!p->fib_up)
@ -526,29 +541,23 @@ again:
struct radv_route *rt = (void *) node;
if (!rt->alive)
if (!rt->valid)
expires = rt->changed + cf->max_linger_time;
/* Delete expired nodes */
if (rt->expires <= now)
if (expires <= now)
FIB_ITERATE_PUT(&fit, node);
fib_delete(&p->routes, node);
changed = 1;
goto again;
next = MIN(next, rt->expires);
next = MIN(next, expires);
if (changed)
struct radv_iface *ifa;
WALK_LIST(ifa, p->iface_list)
p->prune_time = next;
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
#define DEFAULT_MAX_RA_INT 600
@ -55,9 +54,7 @@ struct radv_config
u8 trigger_pxlen; /* Pxlen of a trigger route, if defined */
u8 trigger_valid; /* Whether a trigger route is defined */
u8 propagate_routes; /* Do we propagate more specific routes (RFC 4191)? */
u32 route_lifetime; /* Lifetime for the RFC 4191 routes */
u32 route_lifetime_sensitive; /* Whether route_lifetime depends on trigger */
u32 route_linger_time; /* For how long we advertise dead routes with lifetime = 0 */
u32 max_linger_time; /* Maximum of interface route_linger_time */
struct radv_iface_config
@ -71,8 +68,8 @@ struct radv_iface_config
u32 max_ra_int;
u32 min_delay;
u32 linger_time; /* How long a dead prefix should still be advertised with 0
lifetime */
u32 prefix_linger_time; /* How long we advertise dead prefixes with lifetime 0 */
u32 route_linger_time; /* How long we advertise dead routes with lifetime 0 */
u8 rdnss_local; /* Global list is not used for RDNSS */
u8 dnssl_local; /* Global list is not used for DNSSL */
@ -84,8 +81,11 @@ struct radv_iface_config
u32 retrans_timer;
u32 current_hop_limit;
u32 default_lifetime;
u32 route_lifetime; /* Lifetime for the RFC 4191 routes */
u8 default_lifetime_sensitive; /* Whether default_lifetime depends on trigger */
u8 default_preference; /* Default Router Preference (RFC 4191) */
u8 route_lifetime_sensitive; /* Whether route_lifetime depends on trigger */
u8 default_preference; /* Default Router Preference (RFC 4191) */
u8 route_preference; /* Specific Route Preference (RFC 4191) */
struct radv_prefix_config
@ -132,10 +132,11 @@ struct radv_route
struct fib_node n;
u32 lifetime; /* Lifetime from an attribute */
u8 lifetime_set; /* Is the lifetime set by an attribute? */
u8 lifetime_set; /* Whether lifetime is defined */
u8 preference; /* Preference of the route, RA_PREF_* */
u8 alive;
bird_clock_t expires; /* Time to remove when !alive */
u8 preference_set; /* Whether preference is defined */
u8 valid; /* Whethe route is valid or withdrawn */
bird_clock_t changed; /* Last time when the route changed */
struct radv_proto
@ -154,11 +155,10 @@ struct radv_prefix /* One prefix we advertise */
node n;
ip_addr prefix;
u8 len;
u8 alive; /* Is the prefix alive? If not, we advertise it
u8 valid; /* Is the prefix valid? If not, we advertise it
with 0 lifetime, so clients stop using it */
u8 mark; /* A temporary mark for processing */
bird_clock_t expires; /* The time when we drop this prefix from
advertising. It is valid only if !alive. */
bird_clock_t changed; /* Last time when the prefix changed */
struct radv_prefix_config *cf; /* The config tied to this prefix */
@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ struct radv_iface
struct pool *pool; /* A pool for interface-specific things */
list prefixes; /* The prefixes we advertise (struct radv_prefix) */
bird_clock_t prune_time; /* Next time of prefix list pruning */
bird_clock_t valid_time; /* Cached packet is valid until first linger timeout */
timer *timer;
struct object_lock *lock;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user