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# Lang.pm
# $Id: Lang.pm,v 2001/05/24 15:57:41 sano Exp $
# Language support.
# <20> Copyright 1997, Cees de Groot
package LinuxDocTools::Lang;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @Languages $translations);
require 5.0004;
use Exporter;
use LinuxDocTools::Vars;
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(Any2ISO ISO2Native ISO2English Xlat);
=head1 NAME
LinuxDocTools::Lang - language name and translation functions
$isoname = Any2ISO ('deutsch');
$native = ISO2Native ('de');
$engname = ISO2English ('nederlands');
$global->{language} = 'nl';
$dutch = Xlat ('Table of Contents');
B<LinuxDocTools::Lang> gives a simple interface to various forms of language
names, and provides a translation service. Languages can be specified in
three different ways: by their native name, by their english name, and
by their 2-letter ISO code. For example, you can specify the German
language as C<deutsch>, as C<german> or as C<de>.
=over 4
@Languages = qw(
en english english
de deutsch german
nl nederlands dutch
fr fran<EFBFBD>ais french
es espa<EFBFBD>ol spanish
da dansk danish
no norsk norwegian
se svenska swedish
pt portuges portuguese
ca catal<EFBFBD> catalan
it italiano italian
ro rom<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> romanian
ja japanese japanese
pl polski polish
ko korean korean
fi suomi finnish
=item Any2ISO
Maps any of the three forms of languages to the ISO name. So either of
these invocations:
Any2ISO ('dutch');
Any2ISO ('nederlands');
Any2ISO ('nl');
will return the string C<"nl">.
sub Any2ISO
my $lang = shift (@_);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $l (@Languages)
($l eq $lang) && last;
return $Languages[(int $i / 3) * 3];
=item ISO2Native
Maps the ISO code to the native name of the language.
sub ISO2Native
my $iso = shift (@_);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $l (@Languages)
($l eq $iso) && last;
return $Languages[$i + 1];
=item ISO2English
Maps the ISO code to the english name of the language.
sub ISO2English
my $iso = shift (@_);
my $i = 0;
foreach my $l (@Languages)
($l eq $iso) && last;
return $Languages[$i + 2];
=item Xlat
Translates its (English) argument to the language specified by the
current value of C<$gobal-E<gt>{language}>. The module, in its source
file, contains a data structure, indexed by the English strings, that
has all available translations.
sub Xlat
my ($txt) = @_;
return $txt if ($global->{language} eq "en");
return $translations->{$txt}{$global->{language}};
# By the time this grows big, we'll make up something else.
$translations = {
"Previous" => {
"nl" => "Terug",
"de" => "Zur<75>ck",
"es" => "P<>gina anterior",
"fr" => "Page pr<70>c<EFBFBD>dente",
"da" => "Forrige",
"no" => "Forrige",
"se" => "F<>reg<65>ende",
"pt" => "P<>gina anterior",
"ca" => "P<>gina anterior",
"it" => "Indietro",
"ro" => "<22>napoi",
"ja" => "<22><><EFBFBD>Υڡ<CEA5><DAA1><EFBFBD>",
"pl" => "Poprzedni",
"ko" => "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>",
"fi" => "Edellinen"
"Next" => {
"nl" => "Verder",
"de" => "Weiter",
"es" => "P<>gina siguiente",
"fr" => "Page suivante",
"da" => "N<>ste",
"no" => "Neste",
"se" => "N<>sta",
"pt" => "P<>gina seguinte",
"ca" => "P<>gina seg<65>ent",
"it" => "Avanti",
"ro" => "<22>nainte",
"ja" => "<22><><EFBFBD>Υڡ<CEA5><DAA1><EFBFBD>",
"pl" => "Nastny",
"ko" => "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>",
"fi" => "Seuraava"
"Contents" => {
"nl" => "Inhoud",
"de" => "Inhalt",
"es" => "<22>ndice general",
"fr" => "Table des mati<74>res",
"da" => "Indhold",
"no" => "Innhold",
"se" => "Inneh<65>llsf<73>rteckning",
"pt" => "<22>ndice",
"ca" => "<22>ndex",
"it" => "Indice",
"ro" => "Cuprins",
"ja" => "<22>ܼ<EFBFBD><DCBC><EFBFBD>",
"pl" => "Spis Trei",
"ko" => "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>",
"fi" => "Sis<69>llys"
"Table of Contents" => {
"nl" => "Inhoudsopgave",
"de" => "Inhaltsverzeichnis",
"es" => "<22>ndice general",
"fr" => "Table des mati<74>res",
"da" => "Indholdsfortegnelse",
"no" => "Innholdsfortegnelse",
"se" => "Inneh<65>llsf<73>rteckning",
"pt" => "<22>ndice geral",
"ca" => "<22>ndex general",
"it" => "Indice Generale",
"ro" => "Cuprins",
"ja" => "<22>ܼ<EFBFBD>",
"pl" => "Spis Trei",
"ko" => "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>",
"fi" => "Sis<69>llysluettelo"
=head1 AUTHOR
Cees de Groot, C<E<lt>cg@pobox.comE<gt>>