2023-12-06 08:40:40 +01:00
import cbor
import json
import sys
import os
import socket, struct
import datetime
class Command:
num = -1
def addr_to_str(self, addr):
2023-12-07 10:28:44 +01:00
return '.'.join(str(c) for c in addr.value)
def prefix_to_str(self, addr):
str_addr = '.'.join(str(c) for c in addr.value[1])
str_addr = str_addr + "/" +addr.value[0]
return str_addr
2023-12-06 08:40:40 +01:00
def print_answer(self, answer):
class Memory(Command):
num = 1
def nums_to_str(self, answer, key):
e = answer["show_memory:message"]["body"][key]["effective"]
o = answer["show_memory:message"]["body"][key]["overhead"]
j_e = " B"
j_o = " B"
if e > 9999:
e = e/1000
j_e = "kB"
if o > 9999:
o = o/1000
j_o = "kB"
return f"{e:>7} {j_e} {o:>7} {j_o}"
def print_answer(self, answer):
print("BIRD memory usage")
keys = answer["show_memory:message"]["body"].keys()
first_column_width = len("route attributes ")
print(" " * (first_column_width+4), "Effective ", "Overhead")
for key in keys:
name = key.replace("_", " ")
print(name,":", " "*(first_column_width - len(name)), self.nums_to_str(answer, key))
class Status(Command):
num = 0
def print_answer(self, answer):
print("BIRD", answer["show_status:message"]["version"])
for key in answer["show_status:message"]["body"].keys():
name = key.replace("_", " ")
if key == "router_id":
print(name, self.addr_to_str( answer["show_status:message"]["body"][key]))
elif key in "server_time last_reboot last_reconfiguration":
print(name, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(answer["show_status:message"]["body"][key]))
print(name, answer["show_status:message"]["body"][key])
class Symbols(Command):
num = 2
def print_answer(self, answer):
for item in answer["show_symbols:message"]["table"]:
print(f"{item['name']:<15} {item['type']}")
class Ospf(Command):
num = 3
def print_lsa_router(self, area):
print ("\trouter", self.addr_to_str(area['router']))
print("\t\tdistance", area['distance'])
if ('vlink' in area.keys()):
for vlink in area['vlink']:
print(f"\t\tvlink {self.addr_to_str( vlink['vlink'])} metric {vlink['metric']}")
if ('router_metric' in area.keys()):
for router in area['router_metric']:
print(f"\t\trouter {self.addr_to_str( router['router'])} metric {router['metric']}")
for network in area['network']:
addr = self.addr_to_str(network['network'])
if('nif' in network):
print(f"\t\tnetwork [{addr}-{network['nif']}] metric {network['metric']}")
elif('len' in area.keys()):
print(f"\t\tnetwork {addr}/{network['len']} metric {network['metric']}")
print(f"\t\tnetwork [{addr}] metric {network['metric']}")
if ('stubnet' in area.keys()):
for stubnet in area['stubnet']:
print(f"\t\tstubnet {self.addr_to_str(stubnet['stubnet'])}/{stubnet['len']} metric {stubnet['metric']}")
def print_lsa_network(self, area):
if ('ospf2' in area.keys()):
print(f"\tnetwork {self.addr_to_str(area['ospf2']['network'])}/{area['ospf2']['optx']}")
print(f"\t\tdr {self.addr_to_str(area['ospf2']['dr'])}")
elif ('ospf' in area.keys()):
print(f"\tnetwork [{self.addr_to_str(area['ospf']['network'])}-{area['ospf']['lsa_id']}]")
print("\t\tdistance", area['distance'])
for router in area['routers']:
print(f"\t\trouter {self.addr_to_str(router['router'])}")
def print_lsa_sum_net(self, area):
2023-12-07 10:28:44 +01:00
print(f"\t\txnetwork {self.prefix_to_str(area['net'])} metric {area['metric']}")
2023-12-06 08:40:40 +01:00
def print_lsa_sum_rt(self, area):
print(f"\t\txrouter {self.addr_to_str(area['router'])} metric {area['metric']}")
def print_lsa_external(self, area):
if('lsa_type_num' in area.keys()):
2023-12-07 10:28:44 +01:00
print(f"\t\t{area['lsa_type']} {self.prefix_to_str(area['rt_net'])} metric{area[lsa_type_num]} {area['metric']}%s%s")
2023-12-06 08:40:40 +01:00
2023-12-07 10:28:44 +01:00
print(f"\t\t{area['lsa_type']} {self.prefix_to_str(area['rt_net'])} metric {area['metric']}{area['via']}{area['tag']}")
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def print_lsa_prefix(self, area):
for prefix in area['prefixes']:
if 'metric' in prefix.keys():
2023-12-07 10:28:44 +01:00
print(f"\t\tstubnet {self.prefix_to_str(prefix['stubnet'])} metric {prefix['metric']}")
2023-12-06 08:40:40 +01:00
def print_answer(self, answer):
if ("error" in answer["show_ospf:message"].keys()):
print("error: ", answer["show_ospf:message"]["error"])
if ("not implemented" in answer["show_ospf:message"].keys()):
print("not implemented: ", answer["show_ospf:message"]["not implemented"])
for area in answer["show_ospf:message"]["areas"]:
if 'area' in area.keys():
print ("area", self.addr_to_str(area['area']))
if 'lsa_router' in area.keys():
elif 'lsa_network' in area.keys():
elif 'lsa_sum_net' in area.keys():
elif 'lsa_sum_rt' in area.keys():
elif 'lsa_external' in area.keys():
elif 'lsa_prefix' in area.keys():
if('asbrs' in area.keys()):
for asbr in area['asbrs']:
if('other_ABSRs' in asbr.keys()):
print("other ASBRs")
print("other ASBRs")
print(f"\trouter {self.addr_to_str(asbr['router'])}")
command_dictionary = {"status":0, "memory":1, "symbols":2, "ospf":3}
def get_command_class(string):
if string == "status":
return Status()
if string == "memory":
return Memory()
if string == "symbols":
return Symbols()
if string == "ospf":
return Ospf()
raise Exception(f"Command {string} not known. Expected status, memory, symbols or ospf")
def run_on_machine(dev, cmd):
ws = os.system(f"ip netns exec {dev} {cmd}")
if os.WIFEXITED(ws):
ec = os.WEXITSTATUS(ws)
ec = False
if ec != 0:
raise Exception(f"Command {cmd} exited with exit code {ws}")
arguments = sys.argv
if (len(sys.argv) <= 2):
raise Exception("Expected command, no argunents given.")
if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
raise Exception(f"only one ({sys.argv[2]}) command given, that is not implemented")
if(sys.argv[2] != "show"):
raise Exception(f"Expected 'dev show status/memory/symbols/ospf', unknown {sys.argv[2]}.")
comm = get_command_class(sys.argv[3])
command = {"command:do":{"command":comm.num, "args":[]}}
for i in range (4, len(sys.argv)):
command["command:do"]["args"].append({"arg": sys.argv[i]})
with open(os.getcwd()+"/command.cbor", "wb") as of:
cbor.dump(command, of)
run_on_machine(sys.argv[1], f"cat command.cbor | sudo socat UNIX-CONNECT:{os.getcwd()}/bird-yang.ctl STDIO > answer.cbor")
with open("answer.cbor", "br") as cbor_file:
answer = cbor.load(cbor_file)