import superagent from 'superagent'; import Logger from './utils/logger.js'; import sleep from './utils/sleep.js'; import htmlspecialchars from './utils/htmlspecialchars.js'; const logger = new Logger('remote/luogu'); const USER_AGENT = 'UniversalOJ/1.0 UOJ-Luogu-RemoteJudge/1.0 ( )'; const HTTP_ERROR_MAP = { 400: 'Bad Request', 401: 'Unauthorized', 402: 'Payment Required', 403: 'Forbidden', 404: 'Not Found', 405: 'Method Not Allowed', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 502: 'Bad Gateway', 503: 'Service Unavailable', 504: 'Gateway Timeout', }; const STATUS_MAP = [ 'Waiting', 'Judging', 'Compile Error', 'Output Limit Exceeded', 'Memory Limit Exceeded', 'Time Limit Exceeded', 'Wrong Answer', 'Runtime Error', 0, 0, 0, 'Judgement Failed', 'Accepted', 0, 'Wrong Answer', // WA ]; const LANGS_MAP = { C: { id: 'c/99/gcc', name: 'C', comment: '//', }, 'C++': { id: 'cxx/98/gcc', name: 'C++ 98', comment: '//', }, 'C++11': { id: 'cxx/11/gcc', name: 'C++ 11', comment: '//', }, Python3: { id: 'python3/c', name: 'Python 3', comment: '#', }, Java8: { id: 'java/8', name: 'Java 8', comment: '//', }, Pascal: { id: 'pascal/fpc', name: 'Pascal', comment: '//', }, }; function buildLuoguTestCaseInfoBlock(test) { const attrs = [ ['num',], ['info', STATUS_MAP[test.status]], ['time', test.time || -1], ['memory', test.memory || -1], ['score', test.score || ''], ] .map(o => `${o[0]}="${o[1]}"`) .join(' '); const desc = htmlspecialchars(test.description || ''); return `${desc}`; } export default class Luogu { account; constructor(account) { if (!account) { throw new Error('No account info provided'); } this.account = account; } get(url) { if (!url.includes('//')) { url = `${this.account.endpoint || ''}${url}`; } logger.debug('get', url, this.cookie); const req = superagent .get(url) .set('User-Agent', USER_AGENT) .auth(this.account.username, this.account.password) .set('X-Requested-With', 'S2OJ Remote Judge (OpenSource Version)'); return req; } post(url) { if (!url.includes('//')) { url = `${this.account.endpoint || ''}${url}`; } logger.debug('post', url); const req = superagent .post(url) .set('User-Agent', USER_AGENT) .auth(this.account.username, this.account.password) .set('X-Requested-With', 'S2OJ Remote Judge (OpenSource Version)'); return req; } async submitProblem(id, lang, code, submissionId, next, end) { if (code.length < 10) { await end({ error: true, status: 'Compile Error', message: 'Code too short', }); return null; } const programType = LANGS_MAP[lang] || LANGS_MAP['C++']; const comment = programType.comment; if (comment) { const msg = `S2OJ Submission #${submissionId} @ ${new Date().getTime()}`; if (typeof comment === 'string') code = `${comment} ${msg}\n${code}`; else if (comment instanceof Array) code = `${comment[0]} ${msg} ${comment[1]}\n${code}`; } const result = await'/judge/problem') .send({ pid: id, code, lang:, o2: 1, trackId: submissionId, }) .ok(status => true); if (HTTP_ERROR_MAP[result.status]) { await end({ error: true, status: 'Judgement Failed', message: `[Luogu] ${HTTP_ERROR_MAP[result.status]}.`, }); logger.error('submitProblem', result.status, HTTP_ERROR_MAP[result.status]); return null; } return result.body.requestId; } async waitForSubmission(id, next, end) { let fail = 0; let count = 0; while (count < 360 && fail < 60) { await sleep(500); count++; try { const result = await this.get(`/judge/result?id=${id}`).ok((status) => true); if (HTTP_ERROR_MAP[result.status]) { await end({ error: true, status: 'Judgement Failed', message: `[Luogu] ${HTTP_ERROR_MAP[result.status]}.`, }); logger.error('waitForSubmission', result.status, HTTP_ERROR_MAP[result.status]); return null; } const data =; if (result.status == 204) { await next({ status: '[Luogu] Waiting' }); continue; } if (result.status == 200 && !data) { return await end({ error: true, id, status: 'Judgement Failed', message: 'Failed to fetch submission details.', }); } if (data.compile && data.compile.success === false) { return await end({ error: true, id, status: 'Compile Error', message: data.compile.message, }); } if (!data.judge?.subtasks) continue; const finishedTestCases = Object.entries(data.judge.subtasks) .map(o => o[1]) .reduce( (acc, sub) => acc + Object.entries(sub.cases) .map(o => o[1]) .filter(test => test.status >= 2).length, 0 ); await next({ status: `[Luogu] Judging (${finishedTestCases} judged)`, }); if (data.status < 2) continue;'RecordID:', id, 'done'); let details = ''; details += ''; if (data.judge.subtasks.length === 1) { details += Object.entries(data.judge.subtasks[0].cases) .map(o => o[1]) .map(buildLuoguTestCaseInfoBlock) .join('\n'); } else { details += Object.entries(data.judge.subtasks) .map(o => o[1]) .map( (subtask, index) => `${Object.entries(subtask.cases) .map(o => o[1]) .map(buildLuoguTestCaseInfoBlock) .join('\n')}` ) .join('\n'); } details += ''; return await end({ id, status: STATUS_MAP[data.judge.status], score: STATUS_MAP[data.judge.status] === 'Accepted' ? 100 : // Workaround for UOJ feature Math.min(97, data.judge.score), time: data.judge.time, memory: data.judge.memory, details, }); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); fail++; } } return await end({ error: true, id, status: 'Judgement Failed', message: 'Failed to fetch submission details.', }); } async judge(id, pid, lang, code, judge_time, config, request) { const next = payload => request('/submit', { 'update-status': 1, fetch_new: 0, id, status: payload.status || (payload.test_id ? `Judging Test #${payload.test_id}` : 'Judging'), }); const end = payload => { if (payload.error) { return request('/submit', { submit: 1, fetch_new: 0, id, result: JSON.stringify({ status: 'Judged', score: 0, error: payload.status, details: payload.details || '
' + `ID = ${ || 'None'}` + `${htmlspecialchars(payload.message)}` + '
', }), judge_time, }); } return request('/submit', { submit: 1, fetch_new: 0, id, result: JSON.stringify({ status: 'Judged', score: payload.score, time: payload.time, memory: payload.memory, details: payload.details || '
' + `REMOTE_SUBMISSION_ID = ${ || 'None'}\nVERDICT = ${payload.status}` + '
', }), judge_time, }); }; try { const rid = await this.submitProblem(pid, lang, code, id, next, end); if (!rid) return; await this.waitForSubmission(rid, next, end); } catch (e) { logger.error(e); await end({ error: true, status: 'Judgement Failed', message: e.message, }); } } } export function getAccountInfoFromEnv() { const { LUOGU_API_USERNAME, LUOGU_API_PASSWORD, LUOGU_API_ENDPOINT = '' } = process.env; if (!LUOGU_API_USERNAME || !LUOGU_API_PASSWORD) return null; const account = { type: 'luogu-api', username: LUOGU_API_USERNAME, password: LUOGU_API_PASSWORD, endpoint: LUOGU_API_ENDPOINT, }; return account; }