2023-03-20 15:03:25 +08:00
< ? php
requirePHPLib ( 'form' );
requirePHPLib ( 'judger' );
if ( ! validateUInt ( $_GET [ 'id' ]) || ! ( $problem = queryProblemBrief ( $_GET [ 'id' ]))) {
become404Page ();
$problem_content = queryProblemContent ( $problem [ 'id' ]);
$contest = validateUInt ( $_GET [ 'contest_id' ]) ? queryContest ( $_GET [ 'contest_id' ]) : null ;
if ( $contest != null ) {
genMoreContestInfo ( $contest );
$problem_rank = queryContestProblemRank ( $contest , $problem );
if ( $problem_rank == null ) {
become404Page ();
} else {
$problem_letter = chr ( ord ( 'A' ) + $problem_rank - 1 );
$is_in_contest = false ;
$ban_in_contest = false ;
if ( $contest != null ) {
if ( ! hasContestPermission ( $myUser , $contest )) {
if ( $contest [ 'cur_progress' ] == CONTEST_NOT_STARTED ) {
become404Page ();
} elseif ( $contest [ 'cur_progress' ] == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS ) {
if ( $myUser == null || ! hasRegistered ( $myUser , $contest )) {
becomeMsgPage ( " <h1>比赛正在进行中</h1><p>很遗憾,您尚未报名。比赛结束后再来看吧~</p> " );
} else {
$is_in_contest = true ;
DB :: update ( " update contests_registrants set has_participated = 1 where username = ' { $myUser [ 'username' ] } ' and contest_id = { $contest [ 'id' ] } " );
} else {
$ban_in_contest = ! isProblemVisibleToUser ( $problem , $myUser );
} else {
if ( ! isProblemVisibleToUser ( $problem , $myUser )) {
become404Page ();
$submission_requirement = json_decode ( $problem [ 'submission_requirement' ], true );
$problem_extra_config = getProblemExtraConfig ( $problem );
$custom_test_requirement = getProblemCustomTestRequirement ( $problem );
if ( $custom_test_requirement && Auth :: check ()) {
$custom_test_submission = DB :: selectFirst ( " select * from custom_test_submissions where submitter = ' " . Auth :: id () . " ' and problem_id = { $problem [ 'id' ] } order by id desc limit 1 " );
$custom_test_submission_result = json_decode ( $custom_test_submission [ 'result' ], true );
if ( $custom_test_requirement && $_GET [ 'get' ] == 'custom-test-status-details' && Auth :: check ()) {
if ( $custom_test_submission == null ) {
echo json_encode ( null );
} elseif ( $custom_test_submission [ 'status' ] != 'Judged' ) {
echo json_encode ( array (
'judged' => false ,
'html' => getSubmissionStatusDetails ( $custom_test_submission )
} else {
ob_start ();
$styler = new CustomTestSubmissionDetailsStyler ();
if ( ! hasViewPermission ( $problem_extra_config [ 'view_details_type' ], $myUser , $problem , $submission )) {
$styler -> fade_all_details = true ;
echoJudgementDetails ( $custom_test_submission_result [ 'details' ], $styler , 'custom_test_details' );
$result = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
echo json_encode ( array (
'judged' => true ,
'html' => getSubmissionStatusDetails ( $custom_test_submission ),
'result' => $result
die ();
$can_use_zip_upload = true ;
foreach ( $submission_requirement as $req ) {
if ( $req [ 'type' ] == 'source code' ) {
$can_use_zip_upload = false ;
function handleUpload ( $zip_file_name , $content , $tot_size ) {
2023-03-20 18:36:19 +08:00
global $problem , $contest , $myUser , $is_in_contest , $problem_extra_config ;
2023-03-20 15:03:25 +08:00
$content [ 'config' ][] = array ( 'problem_id' , $problem [ 'id' ]);
2023-03-20 18:36:19 +08:00
if ( $problem [ 'type' ] != 'local' ) {
$content [ 'config' ][] = array ( 'problem_type' , $problem [ 'type' ]);
if ( $problem [ 'type' ] == 'luogu' ) {
$content [ 'config' ][] = array ( 'luogu_pid' , $problem_extra_config [ 'luogu_pid' ]);
2023-03-20 15:03:25 +08:00
if ( $is_in_contest && $contest [ 'extra_config' ][ " contest_type " ] != 'IOI' && ! isset ( $contest [ 'extra_config' ][ " problem_ { $problem [ 'id' ] } " ])) {
$content [ 'final_test_config' ] = $content [ 'config' ];
$content [ 'config' ][] = array ( 'test_sample_only' , 'on' );
$esc_content = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $content ));
$language = '/' ;
foreach ( $content [ 'config' ] as $row ) {
if ( strEndWith ( $row [ 0 ], '_language' )) {
$language = $row [ 1 ];
break ;
if ( $language != '/' ) {
Cookie :: set ( 'uoj_preferred_language' , $language , time () + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , '/' );
$esc_language = DB :: escape ( $language );
$result = array ();
$result [ 'status' ] = " Waiting " ;
$result_json = json_encode ( $result );
if ( $is_in_contest ) {
DB :: query ( " insert into submissions (problem_id, contest_id, submit_time, submitter, content, language, tot_size, status, result, is_hidden) values ( ${ problem['id'] } , ${ contest['id'] } , now(), ' ${ myUser['username'] } ', ' $esc_content ', ' $esc_language ', $tot_size , ' ${ result['status'] } ', ' $result_json ', 0) " );
} else {
DB :: query ( " insert into submissions (problem_id, submit_time, submitter, content, language, tot_size, status, result, is_hidden) values ( ${ problem['id'] } , now(), ' ${ myUser['username'] } ', ' $esc_content ', ' $esc_language ', $tot_size , ' ${ result['status'] } ', ' $result_json ', { $problem [ 'is_hidden' ] } ) " );
function handleCustomTestUpload ( $zip_file_name , $content , $tot_size ) {
global $problem , $contest , $myUser ;
$content [ 'config' ][] = array ( 'problem_id' , $problem [ 'id' ]);
$content [ 'config' ][] = array ( 'custom_test' , 'on' );
$esc_content = DB :: escape ( json_encode ( $content ));
$language = '/' ;
foreach ( $content [ 'config' ] as $row ) {
if ( strEndWith ( $row [ 0 ], '_language' )) {
$language = $row [ 1 ];
break ;
if ( $language != '/' ) {
Cookie :: set ( 'uoj_preferred_language' , $language , time () + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , '/' );
$esc_language = DB :: escape ( $language );
$result = array ();
$result [ 'status' ] = " Waiting " ;
$result_json = json_encode ( $result );
DB :: insert ( " insert into custom_test_submissions (problem_id, submit_time, submitter, content, status, result) values ( { $problem [ 'id' ] } , now(), ' { $myUser [ 'username' ] } ', ' $esc_content ', ' { $result [ 'status' ] } ', ' $result_json ') " );
if ( $can_use_zip_upload ) {
$zip_answer_form = newZipSubmissionForm ( 'zip_answer' ,
$submission_requirement ,
'uojRandAvaiableSubmissionFileName' ,
'handleUpload' );
$zip_answer_form -> extra_validator = function () {
global $ban_in_contest ;
if ( $ban_in_contest ) {
return '请耐心等待比赛结束后题目对所有人可见了再提交' ;
return '' ;
$zip_answer_form -> succ_href = $is_in_contest ? " /contest/ { $contest [ 'id' ] } /submissions " : '/submissions' ;
$zip_answer_form -> runAtServer ();
$answer_form = newSubmissionForm ( 'answer' ,
$submission_requirement ,
'uojRandAvaiableSubmissionFileName' ,
'handleUpload' );
$answer_form -> extra_validator = function () {
global $ban_in_contest ;
if ( $ban_in_contest ) {
return '请耐心等待比赛结束后题目对所有人可见了再提交' ;
return '' ;
$answer_form -> succ_href = $is_in_contest ? " /contest/ { $contest [ 'id' ] } /submissions " : '/submissions' ;
$answer_form -> runAtServer ();
if ( $custom_test_requirement ) {
$custom_test_form = newSubmissionForm ( 'custom_test' ,
$custom_test_requirement ,
function () {
return uojRandAvaiableFileName ( '/tmp/' );
'handleCustomTestUpload' );
$custom_test_form -> appendHTML ( <<< EOD
< div id = " div-custom_test_result " ></ div >
$custom_test_form -> succ_href = 'none' ;
$custom_test_form -> extra_validator = function () {
global $ban_in_contest , $custom_test_submission ;
if ( $ban_in_contest ) {
return '请耐心等待比赛结束后题目对所有人可见了再提交' ;
if ( $custom_test_submission && $custom_test_submission [ 'status' ] != 'Judged' ) {
return '上一个测评尚未结束' ;
return '' ;
$custom_test_form -> ctrl_enter_submit = true ;
$custom_test_form -> setAjaxSubmit ( <<< EOD
function ( response_text ) { custom_test_onsubmit ( response_text , $ ( '#div-custom_test_result' )[ 0 ], '{$_SERVER[' REQUEST_URI ']}?get=custom-test-status-details' )}
$custom_test_form -> submit_button_config [ 'text' ] = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::run' );
$custom_test_form -> runAtServer ();
< ? php
$REQUIRE_LIB [ 'mathjax' ] = '' ;
$REQUIRE_LIB [ 'shjs' ] = '' ;
< ? php echoUOJPageHeader ( HTML :: stripTags ( $problem [ 'title' ]) . ' - ' . UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::problem' )) ?>
< ? php
if ( $problem [ 'type' ] == 'luogu' ) {
$time_limit = $problem_extra_config [ 'time_limit' ];
$memory_limit = $problem_extra_config [ 'memory_limit' ];
} else {
$limit = getUOJConf ( " /var/uoj_data/ { $problem [ 'id' ] } /problem.conf " );
$time_limit = $limit [ 'time_limit' ];
$memory_limit = $limit [ 'memory_limit' ];
< div class = " row d-flex justify-content-center " >
< span class = " badge badge-secondary mr-1 " > 时间限制 :< ? = $time_limit != null ? " $time_limit s " : " N/A " ?> </span>
< span class = " badge badge-secondary mr-1 " > 空间限制 :< ? = $memory_limit != null ? " $memory_limit MB " : " N/A " ?> </span>
</ div >
< div class = " float-right " >
< ? = getClickZanBlock ( 'P' , $problem [ 'id' ], $problem [ 'zan' ]) ?>
</ div >
< ? php if ( $contest ) : ?>
< div class = " page-header row " >
< h1 class = " col-md-3 text-left " >< small >< ? = $contest [ 'name' ] ?> </small></h1>
< h1 class = " col-md-7 text-center " >< ? = $problem_letter ?> . <?= $problem['title'] ?></h1>
< div class = " col-md-2 text-right " id = " contest-countdown " ></ div >
</ div >
< a role = " button " class = " btn btn-info float-right " href = " /contest/<?= $contest['id'] ?>/problem/<?= $problem['id'] ?>/statistics " >< span class = " glyphicon glyphicon-stats " ></ span > < ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::statistics' ) ?> </a>
< ? php if ( $contest [ 'cur_progress' ] <= CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS ) : ?>
< script type = " text/javascript " >
checkContestNotice ( < ? = $contest [ 'id' ] ?> , '<?= UOJTime::$time_now_str ?>');
$ ( '#contest-countdown' ) . countdown ( < ? = $contest [ 'end_time' ] -> getTimestamp () - UOJTime :: $time_now -> getTimestamp () ?> );
</ script >
< ? php endif ?>
< ? php else : ?>
< h1 class = " page-header text-center " > #<?= $problem['id']?>. <?= $problem['title'] ?></h1>
< a role = " button " class = " btn btn-info float-right " href = " /problem/<?= $problem['id'] ?>/statistics " >< span class = " glyphicon glyphicon-stats " ></ span > < ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::statistics' ) ?> </a>
< ? php endif ?>
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs " role = " tablist " >
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link active " href = " #tab-statement " role = " tab " data - toggle = " tab " >< span class = " glyphicon glyphicon-book " ></ span > < ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::statement' ) ?> </a></li>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #tab-submit-answer " role = " tab " data - toggle = " tab " >< span class = " glyphicon glyphicon-upload " ></ span > < ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::submit' ) ?> </a></li>
< ? php if ( $custom_test_requirement ) : ?>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #tab-custom-test " role = " tab " data - toggle = " tab " >< span class = " glyphicon glyphicon-console " ></ span > < ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::custom test' ) ?> </a></li>
< ? php endif ?>
< ? php if ( hasProblemPermission ( $myUser , $problem )) : ?>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " /problem/<?= $problem['id'] ?>/manage/statement " role = " tab " >< ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::manage' ) ?> </a></li>
< ? php endif ?>
< ? php if ( $contest ) : ?>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " /contest/<?= $contest['id'] ?> " role = " tab " >< ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'contests::back to the contest' ) ?> </a></li>
< ? php endif ?>
</ ul >
< div class = " tab-content " >
< div class = " tab-pane active " id = " tab-statement " >
< article class = " top-buffer-md " >< ? = $problem_content [ 'statement' ] ?> </article>
</ div >
< div class = " tab-pane " id = " tab-submit-answer " >
< div class = " top-buffer-sm " ></ div >
< ? php if ( $can_use_zip_upload ) : ?>
< ? php $zip_answer_form -> printHTML (); ?>
< hr />
< strong >< ? = UOJLocale :: get ( 'problems::or upload files one by one' ) ?> <br /></strong>
< ? php endif ?>
< ? php $answer_form -> printHTML (); ?>
</ div >
< ? php if ( $custom_test_requirement ) : ?>
< div class = " tab-pane " id = " tab-custom-test " >
< div class = " top-buffer-sm " ></ div >
< ? php $custom_test_form -> printHTML (); ?>
</ div >
< ? php endif ?>
</ div >
< ? php echoUOJPageFooter () ?>