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synced 2025-03-24 21:47:03 +00:00
Let's welcome brand new look made by Bootstrap 4! Not only website but also our logo is being flat now. The new logo uses blue as main color, to be different from original. For us, it also shows the project has up to a new stage. We hope that the project will get better and better. BREAKING CHANGE: The path for users to place their images is renamed. Logos are saved as new names too. Users should move "pictures" to "images". Any modifications should suit the Bootstrap 4's standard.
167 lines
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167 lines
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class HTML {
public static function escape($str) {
return htmlspecialchars($str);
public static function stripTags($str) {
return strip_tags($str);
public static function avatar_addr($user, $size) {
return '//cn.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(strtolower(trim($user['email']))) . "?d=mm&s=$size";
public static function tablist($tabs_info, $cur, $type = 'nav-tabs') {
$html = '<ul class="nav '.$type.'" role="tablist">';
foreach ($tabs_info as $id => $tab) {
$html .= '<li class="nav-item"><a class="nav-link'.($cur == $id ? ' active' : '').'" href="'.$tab['url'].'" role="tab">'.$tab['name'].'</a></li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
return $html;
public static function hiddenToken() {
return '<input type="hidden" name="_token" value="'.crsf_token().'" />';
public static function div_vinput($name, $type, $label_text, $default_value) {
return '<div id="'."div-$name".'">'
. '<label for="'."input-$name".'" class="control-label">'.$label_text.'</label>'
. '<input type="'.$type.'" class="form-control" name="'.$name.'" id="'."input-$name".'" value="'.HTML::escape($default_value).'" />'
. '<span class="help-block" id="'."help-$name".'"></span>'
. '</div>';
public static function div_vtextarea($name, $label_text, $default_value) {
return '<div id="'."div-$name".'">'
. '<label for="'."input-$name".'" class="control-label">'.$label_text.'</label>'
. '<textarea class="form-control" name="'.$name.'" id="'."input-$name".'">'.HTML::escape($default_value).'</textarea>'
. '<span class="help-block" id="'."help-$name".'"></span>'
. '</div>';
public static function checkbox($name, $default_value) {
$status = $default_value ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
return '<input type="checkbox" id="'."input-$name".'" name="'.$name.'" '.$status.'/>';
public static function blog_url($username, $uri) {
switch (UOJConfig::$data['switch']['blog-domain-mode']) {
case 1:
$port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port']);
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'].'://'.blog_name_encode($username).'.'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['host'].$port;
case 2:
$port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port']);
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'].'://'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['host'].$port.'/'.blog_name_encode($username);
case 3:
$port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['port']);
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['protocol'].'://'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['host'].$port.'/blog/'.blog_name_encode($username);
$url .= $uri;
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
return HTML::escape($url);
public static function blog_list_url() {
switch (UOJConfig::$data['switch']['blog-domain-mode']) {
case 1:
case 2:
$port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['port']);
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'].'://'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['host'].$port;
case 3:
$port = ((UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['port'] == 443)) ? '' : (':'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['port']);
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['protocol'].'://'.UOJConfig::$data['web']['main']['host'].$port.'/blogs';
return HTML::escape(rtrim($url, '/'));
public static function url($uri, $config = array()) {
$config = array_merge(array(
'location' => 'main',
'params' => null
), $config);
$path = strtok($uri, '?');
$qs = strtok('?');
parse_str($qs, $param);
if ($config['params'] != null) {
$param = array_merge($param, $config['params']);
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['protocol'].'://'.UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['host'];
if ((UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['protocol'] === "http" && UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['port'] == 80) || (UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['protocol'] === "https" && UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['port'] == 443)) {
} else {
$url .= ':'.UOJConfig::$data['web'][$config['location']]['port'];
if ($param) {
$url .= $path.'?'.HTML::query_string_encode($param);
} else {
$url .= rtrim($path, '/');
return HTML::escape($url);
public static function timeanddate_url($time, $config = array()) {
$url = UOJConfig::$data['web']['blog']['protocol'].'://';
$url .= 'www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html';
$url .= '?'.'iso='.$time->format('Ymd\THi');
$url .= '&'.'p1=33';
if (isset($config['duration']) && $config['duration'] < 3600) {
$url .= '&'.'ah='.floor($config['duration'] / 60);
if ($config['duration'] % 60 != 0) {
$url .= '&'.'am='.($config['duration'] % 60);
$url = HTML::escape($url);
return $url;
public static function js_src($uri, $config = array('location' => 'main')) {
return '<script src="'.HTML::url($uri, $config).'"></script>';
public static function css_link($uri, $config = array('location' => 'main')) {
return '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.HTML::url($uri, $config).'" />';
public static function query_string_encode($q, $array_name = null) {
if (!is_array($q)) {
return false;
$r = array();
foreach ((array)$q as $k => $v) {
if ($array_name !== null) {
if(is_numeric($k)) {
$k = $array_name."[]";
} else {
$k = $array_name."[$k]";
if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) {
$r[] = self::query_string_encode($v, $k);
} else {
$r[] = urlencode($k)."=".urlencode($v);
return implode("&", $r);
public static function pruifier() {
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/app/vendor/htmlpurifier/HTMLPurifier.auto.php';
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
//$config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'HTML 4.01 Transitional');
$config->set('Cache.DefinitionImpl', null);
$def = $config->getHTMLDefinition(true);
$def->addAttribute('span', 'data-rating', 'Number');
$def->addElement('section', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
$def->addElement('nav', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
$def->addElement('article', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
$def->addElement('aside', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
$def->addElement('header', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
$def->addElement('footer', 'Block', 'Flow', 'Common');
return new HTMLPurifier($config);