mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:47:02 +00:00
Due to historical reasons, the code is in subfolder "1". With SVN removal, we place the code back and remove the annoying "1" folder.
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693 lines
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* MockJax - jQuery Plugin to Mock Ajax requests
* Version: 1.6.1
* Released:
* Home: https://github.com/jakerella/jquery-mockjax
* Author: Jonathan Sharp (http://jdsharp.com)
* License: MIT,GPL
* Copyright (c) 2014 appendTo, Jordan Kasper
* NOTE: This repository was taken over by Jordan Kasper (@jakerella) October, 2014
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL licenses.
* http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT OR http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
(function($) {
var _ajax = $.ajax,
mockHandlers = [],
mockedAjaxCalls = [],
unmockedAjaxCalls = [],
CALLBACK_REGEX = /=\?(&|$)/,
jsc = (new Date()).getTime();
// Parse the given XML string.
function parseXML(xml) {
if ( window.DOMParser == undefined && window.ActiveXObject ) {
DOMParser = function() { };
DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString = function( xmlString ) {
var doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
doc.async = 'false';
doc.loadXML( xmlString );
return doc;
try {
var xmlDoc = ( new DOMParser() ).parseFromString( xml, 'text/xml' );
if ( $.isXMLDoc( xmlDoc ) ) {
var err = $('parsererror', xmlDoc);
if ( err.length == 1 ) {
throw new Error('Error: ' + $(xmlDoc).text() );
} else {
throw new Error('Unable to parse XML');
return xmlDoc;
} catch( e ) {
var msg = ( e.name == undefined ? e : e.name + ': ' + e.message );
$(document).trigger('xmlParseError', [ msg ]);
return undefined;
// Check if the data field on the mock handler and the request match. This
// can be used to restrict a mock handler to being used only when a certain
// set of data is passed to it.
function isMockDataEqual( mock, live ) {
var identical = true;
// Test for situations where the data is a querystring (not an object)
if (typeof live === 'string') {
// Querystring may be a regex
return $.isFunction( mock.test ) ? mock.test(live) : mock == live;
$.each(mock, function(k) {
if ( live[k] === undefined ) {
identical = false;
return identical;
} else {
if ( typeof live[k] === 'object' && live[k] !== null ) {
if ( identical && $.isArray( live[k] ) ) {
identical = $.isArray( mock[k] ) && live[k].length === mock[k].length;
identical = identical && isMockDataEqual(mock[k], live[k]);
} else {
if ( mock[k] && $.isFunction( mock[k].test ) ) {
identical = identical && mock[k].test(live[k]);
} else {
identical = identical && ( mock[k] == live[k] );
return identical;
// See if a mock handler property matches the default settings
function isDefaultSetting(handler, property) {
return handler[property] === $.mockjaxSettings[property];
// Check the given handler should mock the given request
function getMockForRequest( handler, requestSettings ) {
// If the mock was registered with a function, let the function decide if we
// want to mock this request
if ( $.isFunction(handler) ) {
return handler( requestSettings );
// Inspect the URL of the request and check if the mock handler's url
// matches the url for this ajax request
if ( $.isFunction(handler.url.test) ) {
// The user provided a regex for the url, test it
if ( !handler.url.test( requestSettings.url ) ) {
return null;
} else {
// Look for a simple wildcard '*' or a direct URL match
var star = handler.url.indexOf('*');
if (handler.url !== requestSettings.url && star === -1 ||
!new RegExp(handler.url.replace(/[-[\]{}()+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\*/g, '.+')).test(requestSettings.url)) {
return null;
// Inspect the data submitted in the request (either POST body or GET query string)
if ( handler.data ) {
if ( ! requestSettings.data || !isMockDataEqual(handler.data, requestSettings.data) ) {
// They're not identical, do not mock this request
return null;
// Inspect the request type
if ( handler && handler.type &&
handler.type.toLowerCase() != requestSettings.type.toLowerCase() ) {
// The request type doesn't match (GET vs. POST)
return null;
return handler;
function parseResponseTimeOpt(responseTime) {
if ($.isArray(responseTime)) {
var min = responseTime[0];
var max = responseTime[1];
return (typeof min === 'number' && typeof max === 'number') ? Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min : null;
} else {
return (typeof responseTime === 'number') ? responseTime: null;
// Process the xhr objects send operation
function _xhrSend(mockHandler, requestSettings, origSettings) {
// This is a substitute for < 1.4 which lacks $.proxy
var process = (function(that) {
return function() {
return (function() {
// The request has returned
this.status = mockHandler.status;
this.statusText = mockHandler.statusText;
this.readyState = 1;
var finishRequest = function () {
this.readyState = 4;
var onReady;
// Copy over our mock to our xhr object before passing control back to
// jQuery's onreadystatechange callback
if ( requestSettings.dataType == 'json' && ( typeof mockHandler.responseText == 'object' ) ) {
this.responseText = JSON.stringify(mockHandler.responseText);
} else if ( requestSettings.dataType == 'xml' ) {
if ( typeof mockHandler.responseXML == 'string' ) {
this.responseXML = parseXML(mockHandler.responseXML);
//in jQuery 1.9.1+, responseXML is processed differently and relies on responseText
this.responseText = mockHandler.responseXML;
} else {
this.responseXML = mockHandler.responseXML;
} else if (typeof mockHandler.responseText === 'object' && mockHandler.responseText !== null) {
// since jQuery 1.9 responseText type has to match contentType
mockHandler.contentType = 'application/json';
this.responseText = JSON.stringify(mockHandler.responseText);
} else {
this.responseText = mockHandler.responseText;
if( typeof mockHandler.status == 'number' || typeof mockHandler.status == 'string' ) {
this.status = mockHandler.status;
if( typeof mockHandler.statusText === "string") {
this.statusText = mockHandler.statusText;
// jQuery 2.0 renamed onreadystatechange to onload
onReady = this.onreadystatechange || this.onload;
// jQuery < 1.4 doesn't have onreadystate change for xhr
if ( $.isFunction( onReady ) ) {
if( mockHandler.isTimeout) {
this.status = -1;
onReady.call( this, mockHandler.isTimeout ? 'timeout' : undefined );
} else if ( mockHandler.isTimeout ) {
// Fix for 1.3.2 timeout to keep success from firing.
this.status = -1;
// We have an executable function, call it to give
// the mock handler a chance to update it's data
if ( $.isFunction(mockHandler.response) ) {
// Wait for it to finish
if ( mockHandler.response.length === 2 ) {
mockHandler.response(origSettings, function () {
} else {
if ( mockHandler.proxy ) {
// We're proxying this request and loading in an external file instead
global: false,
url: mockHandler.proxy,
type: mockHandler.proxyType,
data: mockHandler.data,
dataType: requestSettings.dataType === "script" ? "text/plain" : requestSettings.dataType,
complete: function(xhr) {
mockHandler.responseXML = xhr.responseXML;
mockHandler.responseText = xhr.responseText;
// Don't override the handler status/statusText if it's specified by the config
if (isDefaultSetting(mockHandler, 'status')) {
mockHandler.status = xhr.status;
if (isDefaultSetting(mockHandler, 'statusText')) {
mockHandler.statusText = xhr.statusText;
this.responseTimer = setTimeout(process, parseResponseTimeOpt(mockHandler.responseTime) || 0);
} else {
// type == 'POST' || 'GET' || 'DELETE'
if ( requestSettings.async === false ) {
// TODO: Blocking delay
} else {
this.responseTimer = setTimeout(process, parseResponseTimeOpt(mockHandler.responseTime) || 50);
// Construct a mocked XHR Object
function xhr(mockHandler, requestSettings, origSettings, origHandler) {
// Extend with our default mockjax settings
mockHandler = $.extend(true, {}, $.mockjaxSettings, mockHandler);
if (typeof mockHandler.headers === 'undefined') {
mockHandler.headers = {};
if (typeof requestSettings.headers === 'undefined') {
requestSettings.headers = {};
if ( mockHandler.contentType ) {
mockHandler.headers['content-type'] = mockHandler.contentType;
return {
status: mockHandler.status,
statusText: mockHandler.statusText,
readyState: 1,
open: function() { },
send: function() {
origHandler.fired = true;
_xhrSend.call(this, mockHandler, requestSettings, origSettings);
abort: function() {
setRequestHeader: function(header, value) {
requestSettings.headers[header] = value;
getResponseHeader: function(header) {
// 'Last-modified', 'Etag', 'content-type' are all checked by jQuery
if ( mockHandler.headers && mockHandler.headers[header] ) {
// Return arbitrary headers
return mockHandler.headers[header];
} else if ( header.toLowerCase() == 'last-modified' ) {
return mockHandler.lastModified || (new Date()).toString();
} else if ( header.toLowerCase() == 'etag' ) {
return mockHandler.etag || '';
} else if ( header.toLowerCase() == 'content-type' ) {
return mockHandler.contentType || 'text/plain';
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
var headers = '';
// since jQuery 1.9 responseText type has to match contentType
if (mockHandler.contentType) {
mockHandler.headers['Content-Type'] = mockHandler.contentType;
$.each(mockHandler.headers, function(k, v) {
headers += k + ': ' + v + "\n";
return headers;
// Process a JSONP mock request.
function processJsonpMock( requestSettings, mockHandler, origSettings ) {
// Handle JSONP Parameter Callbacks, we need to replicate some of the jQuery core here
// because there isn't an easy hook for the cross domain script tag of jsonp
processJsonpUrl( requestSettings );
requestSettings.dataType = "json";
if(requestSettings.data && CALLBACK_REGEX.test(requestSettings.data) || CALLBACK_REGEX.test(requestSettings.url)) {
createJsonpCallback(requestSettings, mockHandler, origSettings);
// We need to make sure
// that a JSONP style response is executed properly
var rurl = /^(\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/,
parts = rurl.exec( requestSettings.url ),
remote = parts && (parts[1] && parts[1] !== location.protocol || parts[2] !== location.host);
requestSettings.dataType = "script";
if(requestSettings.type.toUpperCase() === "GET" && remote ) {
var newMockReturn = processJsonpRequest( requestSettings, mockHandler, origSettings );
// Check if we are supposed to return a Deferred back to the mock call, or just
// signal success
if(newMockReturn) {
return newMockReturn;
} else {
return true;
return null;
// Append the required callback parameter to the end of the request URL, for a JSONP request
function processJsonpUrl( requestSettings ) {
if ( requestSettings.type.toUpperCase() === "GET" ) {
if ( !CALLBACK_REGEX.test( requestSettings.url ) ) {
requestSettings.url += (/\?/.test( requestSettings.url ) ? "&" : "?") +
(requestSettings.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
} else if ( !requestSettings.data || !CALLBACK_REGEX.test(requestSettings.data) ) {
requestSettings.data = (requestSettings.data ? requestSettings.data + "&" : "") + (requestSettings.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
// Process a JSONP request by evaluating the mocked response text
function processJsonpRequest( requestSettings, mockHandler, origSettings ) {
// Synthesize the mock request for adding a script tag
var callbackContext = origSettings && origSettings.context || requestSettings,
newMock = null;
// If the response handler on the moock is a function, call it
if ( mockHandler.response && $.isFunction(mockHandler.response) ) {
} else {
// Evaluate the responseText javascript in a global context
if( typeof mockHandler.responseText === 'object' ) {
$.globalEval( '(' + JSON.stringify( mockHandler.responseText ) + ')');
} else {
$.globalEval( '(' + mockHandler.responseText + ')');
// Successful response
setTimeout(function() {
jsonpSuccess( requestSettings, callbackContext, mockHandler );
jsonpComplete( requestSettings, callbackContext, mockHandler );
}, parseResponseTimeOpt(mockHandler.responseTime) || 0);
// If we are running under jQuery 1.5+, return a deferred object
newMock = new $.Deferred();
if(typeof mockHandler.responseText == "object"){
newMock.resolveWith( callbackContext, [mockHandler.responseText] );
newMock.resolveWith( callbackContext, [$.parseJSON( mockHandler.responseText )] );
return newMock;
// Create the required JSONP callback function for the request
function createJsonpCallback( requestSettings, mockHandler, origSettings ) {
var callbackContext = origSettings && origSettings.context || requestSettings;
var jsonp = requestSettings.jsonpCallback || ("jsonp" + jsc++);
// Replace the =? sequence both in the query string and the data
if ( requestSettings.data ) {
requestSettings.data = (requestSettings.data + "").replace(CALLBACK_REGEX, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
requestSettings.url = requestSettings.url.replace(CALLBACK_REGEX, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
// Handle JSONP-style loading
window[ jsonp ] = window[ jsonp ] || function( tmp ) {
data = tmp;
jsonpSuccess( requestSettings, callbackContext, mockHandler );
jsonpComplete( requestSettings, callbackContext, mockHandler );
// Garbage collect
window[ jsonp ] = undefined;
try {
delete window[ jsonp ];
} catch(e) {}
if ( head ) {
head.removeChild( script );
// The JSONP request was successful
function jsonpSuccess(requestSettings, callbackContext, mockHandler) {
// If a local callback was specified, fire it and pass it the data
if ( requestSettings.success ) {
requestSettings.success.call( callbackContext, mockHandler.responseText || "", status, {} );
// Fire the global callback
if ( requestSettings.global ) {
(requestSettings.context ? $(requestSettings.context) : $.event).trigger("ajaxSuccess", [{}, requestSettings]);
// The JSONP request was completed
function jsonpComplete(requestSettings, callbackContext) {
// Process result
if ( requestSettings.complete ) {
requestSettings.complete.call( callbackContext, {} , status );
// The request was completed
if ( requestSettings.global ) {
(requestSettings.context ? $(requestSettings.context) : $.event).trigger("ajaxComplete", [{}, requestSettings]);
// Handle the global AJAX counter
if ( requestSettings.global && ! --$.active ) {
$.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
// The core $.ajax replacement.
function handleAjax( url, origSettings ) {
var mockRequest, requestSettings, mockHandler, overrideCallback;
// If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature
if ( typeof url === "object" ) {
origSettings = url;
url = undefined;
} else {
// work around to support 1.5 signature
origSettings = origSettings || {};
origSettings.url = url;
// Extend the original settings for the request
requestSettings = $.extend(true, {}, $.ajaxSettings, origSettings);
// Generic function to override callback methods for use with
// callback options (onAfterSuccess, onAfterError, onAfterComplete)
overrideCallback = function(action, mockHandler) {
var origHandler = origSettings[action.toLowerCase()];
return function() {
if ( $.isFunction(origHandler) ) {
origHandler.apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments));
mockHandler['onAfter' + action]();
// Iterate over our mock handlers (in registration order) until we find
// one that is willing to intercept the request
for(var k = 0; k < mockHandlers.length; k++) {
if ( !mockHandlers[k] ) {
mockHandler = getMockForRequest( mockHandlers[k], requestSettings );
if(!mockHandler) {
// No valid mock found for this request
// If logging is enabled, log the mock to the console
$.mockjaxSettings.log( mockHandler, requestSettings );
if ( requestSettings.dataType && requestSettings.dataType.toUpperCase() === 'JSONP' ) {
if ((mockRequest = processJsonpMock( requestSettings, mockHandler, origSettings ))) {
// This mock will handle the JSONP request
return mockRequest;
// Removed to fix #54 - keep the mocking data object intact
//mockHandler.data = requestSettings.data;
mockHandler.cache = requestSettings.cache;
mockHandler.timeout = requestSettings.timeout;
mockHandler.global = requestSettings.global;
// In the case of a timeout, we just need to ensure
// an actual jQuery timeout (That is, our reponse won't)
// return faster than the timeout setting.
if ( mockHandler.isTimeout ) {
if ( mockHandler.responseTime > 1 ) {
origSettings.timeout = mockHandler.responseTime - 1;
} else {
mockHandler.responseTime = 2;
origSettings.timeout = 1;
mockHandler.isTimeout = false;
// Set up onAfter[X] callback functions
if ( $.isFunction( mockHandler.onAfterSuccess ) ) {
origSettings.success = overrideCallback('Success', mockHandler);
if ( $.isFunction( mockHandler.onAfterError ) ) {
origSettings.error = overrideCallback('Error', mockHandler);
if ( $.isFunction( mockHandler.onAfterComplete ) ) {
origSettings.complete = overrideCallback('Complete', mockHandler);
copyUrlParameters(mockHandler, origSettings);
(function(mockHandler, requestSettings, origSettings, origHandler) {
mockRequest = _ajax.call($, $.extend(true, {}, origSettings, {
// Mock the XHR object
xhr: function() { return xhr( mockHandler, requestSettings, origSettings, origHandler ); }
})(mockHandler, requestSettings, origSettings, mockHandlers[k]);
return mockRequest;
// We don't have a mock request
if($.mockjaxSettings.throwUnmocked === true) {
throw new Error('AJAX not mocked: ' + origSettings.url);
else { // trigger a normal request
return _ajax.apply($, [origSettings]);
* Copies URL parameter values if they were captured by a regular expression
* @param {Object} mockHandler
* @param {Object} origSettings
function copyUrlParameters(mockHandler, origSettings) {
//parameters aren't captured if the URL isn't a RegExp
if (!(mockHandler.url instanceof RegExp)) {
//if no URL params were defined on the handler, don't attempt a capture
if (!mockHandler.hasOwnProperty('urlParams')) {
var captures = mockHandler.url.exec(origSettings.url);
//the whole RegExp match is always the first value in the capture results
if (captures.length === 1) {
//use handler params as keys and capture resuts as values
var i = 0,
capturesLength = captures.length,
paramsLength = mockHandler.urlParams.length,
//in case the number of params specified is less than actual captures
maxIterations = Math.min(capturesLength, paramsLength),
paramValues = {};
for (i; i < maxIterations; i++) {
var key = mockHandler.urlParams[i];
paramValues[key] = captures[i];
origSettings.urlParams = paramValues;
// Public
ajax: handleAjax
$.mockjaxSettings = {
//url: null,
//type: 'GET',
log: function( mockHandler, requestSettings ) {
if ( mockHandler.logging === false ||
( typeof mockHandler.logging === 'undefined' && $.mockjaxSettings.logging === false ) ) {
if ( window.console && console.log ) {
var message = 'MOCK ' + requestSettings.type.toUpperCase() + ': ' + requestSettings.url;
var request = $.extend({}, requestSettings);
if (typeof console.log === 'function') {
console.log(message, request);
} else {
try {
console.log( message + ' ' + JSON.stringify(request) );
} catch (e) {
logging: true,
status: 200,
statusText: "OK",
responseTime: 500,
isTimeout: false,
throwUnmocked: false,
contentType: 'text/plain',
response: '',
responseText: '',
responseXML: '',
proxy: '',
proxyType: 'GET',
lastModified: null,
etag: '',
headers: {
etag: 'IJF@H#@923uf8023hFO@I#H#',
'content-type' : 'text/plain'
$.mockjax = function(settings) {
var i = mockHandlers.length;
mockHandlers[i] = settings;
return i;
$.mockjax.clear = function(i) {
if ( arguments.length == 1 ) {
mockHandlers[i] = null;
} else {
mockHandlers = [];
mockedAjaxCalls = [];
unmockedAjaxCalls = [];
// support older, deprecated version
$.mockjaxClear = function(i) {
window.console && window.console.warn && window.console.warn( 'DEPRECATED: The $.mockjaxClear() method has been deprecated in 1.6.0. Please use $.mockjax.clear() as the older function will be removed soon!' );
$.mockjax.handler = function(i) {
if ( arguments.length == 1 ) {
return mockHandlers[i];
$.mockjax.mockedAjaxCalls = function() {
return mockedAjaxCalls;
$.mockjax.unfiredHandlers = function() {
var results = [];
for (var i=0, len=mockHandlers.length; i<len; i++) {
var handler = mockHandlers[i];
if (handler !== null && !handler.fired) {
return results;
$.mockjax.unmockedAjaxCalls = function() {
return unmockedAjaxCalls;