mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 12:50:00 +00:00
Due to historical reasons, the code is in subfolder "1". With SVN removal, we place the code back and remove the annoying "1" folder.
139 lines
5.3 KiB
139 lines
5.3 KiB
(function() {
"use strict";
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
namespace = "emacs_";
var eventCache = {};
function fakeEvent(keyName) {
var event = eventCache[key];
if (event) return event;
var ctrl, shift, alt;
var key = keyName.replace(/\w+-/g, function(type) {
if (type == "Ctrl-") ctrl = true;
else if (type == "Alt-") alt = true;
else if (type == "Shift-") shift = true;
return "";
var code;
for (var c in CodeMirror.keyNames)
if (CodeMirror.keyNames[c] == key) { code = c; break; }
if (c == null) throw new Error("Unknown key: " + key);
return eventCache[keyName] = {
type: "keydown", keyCode: code, ctrlKey: ctrl, shiftKey: shift, altKey: alt,
preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}
function sim(name, start /*, actions... */) {
var keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
testCM(name, function(cm) {
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
var cur = keys[i];
if (cur instanceof Pos) cm.setCursor(cur);
else if (cur.call) cur(cm);
else cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent(cur));
}, {keyMap: "emacs", value: start, mode: "javascript"});
function at(line, ch) { return function(cm) { eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(line, ch)); }; }
function txt(str) { return function(cm) { eq(cm.getValue(), str); }; }
sim("motionHSimple", "abc", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-B", at(0, 1));
sim("motionHMulti", "abcde",
"Ctrl-4", "Ctrl-F", at(0, 4), "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-F", at(0, 2),
"Ctrl-5", "Ctrl-B", at(0, 0));
sim("motionHWord", "abc. def ghi",
"Alt-F", at(0, 3), "Alt-F", at(0, 8),
"Ctrl-B", "Alt-B", at(0, 5), "Alt-B", at(0, 0));
sim("motionHWordMulti", "abc. def ghi ",
"Ctrl-3", "Alt-F", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-2", "Alt-B", at(0, 5),
"Ctrl--", "Alt-B", at(0, 8));
sim("motionVSimple", "a\nb\nc\n", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-P", at(1, 0));
sim("motionVMulti", "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n",
"Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-N", at(2, 0), "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-N", at(1, 1),
"Ctrl--", "Ctrl-3", "Ctrl-P", at(4, 1));
sim("killYank", "abc\ndef\nghi",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-W", "Ctrl-E", "Ctrl-Y",
sim("killRing", "abcdef",
"Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-W", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-W",
"Ctrl-Y", "Alt-Y",
sim("copyYank", "abcd",
"Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-E", "Alt-W", "Ctrl-Y",
sim("killLineSimple", "foo\nbar", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-K", txt("f\nbar"));
sim("killLineEmptyLine", "foo\n \nbar", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-K", txt("foo\nbar"));
sim("killLineMulti", "foo\nbar\nbaz",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-A", "Ctrl-Y",
sim("moveByParagraph", "abc\ndef\n\n\nhij\nklm\n\n",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-Down", at(2, 0), "Ctrl-Down", at(6, 0),
"Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-Up", at(3, 0), "Ctrl-Up", at(0, 0),
Pos(1, 2), "Ctrl-Down", at(2, 0), Pos(4, 2), "Ctrl-Up", at(3, 0));
sim("moveByParagraphMulti", "abc\n\ndef\n\nhij\n\nklm",
"Ctrl-U", "2", "Ctrl-Down", at(3, 0),
"Shift-Alt-.", "Ctrl-3", "Ctrl-Up", at(1, 0));
sim("moveBySentence", "sentence one! sentence\ntwo\n\nparagraph two",
"Alt-E", at(0, 13), "Alt-E", at(1, 3), "Ctrl-F", "Alt-A", at(0, 13));
sim("moveByExpr", "function foo(a, b) {}",
"Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 8), "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 18),
"Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 9));
sim("moveByExprMulti", "foo bar baz bug",
"Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 7),
"Ctrl--", "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 4),
"Ctrl--", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 11));
sim("delExpr", "var x = [\n a,\n b\n c\n];",
Pos(0, 8), "Ctrl-Alt-K", txt("var x = ;"), "Ctrl-/",
Pos(4, 1), "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace", txt("var x = ;"));
sim("delExprMulti", "foo bar baz",
"Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-K", txt(" baz"),
"Ctrl-/", "Ctrl-E", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace", txt("foo "));
sim("justOneSpace", "hi bye ",
Pos(0, 4), "Alt-Space", txt("hi bye "),
Pos(0, 4), "Alt-Space", txt("hi b ye "),
"Ctrl-A", "Alt-Space", "Ctrl-E", "Alt-Space", txt(" hi b ye "));
sim("openLine", "foo bar", "Alt-F", "Ctrl-O", txt("foo\n bar"))
sim("transposeChar", "abcd\ne",
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcad\ne"), at(0, 3),
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcda\ne"), at(0, 4),
"Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcde\na"), at(1, 0));
sim("manipWordCase", "foo BAR bAZ",
"Alt-C", "Alt-L", "Alt-U", txt("Foo bar BAZ"),
"Ctrl-A", "Alt-U", "Alt-L", "Alt-C", txt("FOO bar Baz"));
sim("manipWordCaseMulti", "foo Bar bAz",
"Ctrl-2", "Alt-U", txt("FOO BAR bAz"),
"Ctrl-A", "Ctrl-3", "Alt-C", txt("Foo Bar Baz"));
sim("upExpr", "foo {\n bar[];\n baz(blah);\n}",
Pos(2, 7), "Ctrl-Alt-U", at(2, 5), "Ctrl-Alt-U", at(0, 4));
sim("transposeExpr", "do foo[bar] dah",
Pos(0, 6), "Ctrl-Alt-T", txt("do [bar]foo dah"));
sim("clearMark", "abcde", Pos(0, 2), "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F",
"Ctrl-G", "Ctrl-W", txt("abcde"));
testCM("save", function(cm) {
var saved = false;
CodeMirror.commands.save = function(cm) { saved = cm.getValue(); };
is(saved, "hi");
}, {value: "hi", keyMap: "emacs"});