mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 20:07:02 +00:00
Due to historical reasons, the code is in subfolder "1". With SVN removal, we place the code back and remove the annoying "1" folder.
213 lines
7.8 KiB
213 lines
7.8 KiB
if (!authenticateJudger()) {
function submissionJudged() {
$submission = DB::selectFirst("select submitter, status, content, result, problem_id from submissions where id = {$_POST['id']}");
if ($submission == null) {
if ($submission['status'] != 'Judging' && $submission['status'] != 'Judged, Judging') {
$content = json_decode($submission['content'], true);
if (isset($content['first_test_config'])) {
$result = json_decode($submission['result'], true);
$result['final_result'] = json_decode($_POST['result'], true);
$result['final_result']['details'] = uojTextEncode($result['final_result']['details']);
$esc_result = DB::escape(json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
$content['final_test_config'] = $content['config'];
$content['config'] = $content['first_test_config'];
$esc_content = DB::escape(json_encode($content));
DB::update("update submissions set status = 'Judged', result = '$esc_result', content = '$esc_content' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
} else {
$result = json_decode($_POST['result'], true);
$result['details'] = uojTextEncode($result['details']);
$esc_result = DB::escape(json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
if (isset($result["error"])) {
DB::update("update submissions set status = '{$result['status']}', result_error = '{$result['error']}', result = '$esc_result', score = null, used_time = null, used_memory = null where id = {$_POST['id']}");
} else {
DB::update("update submissions set status = '{$result['status']}', result_error = null, result = '$esc_result', score = {$result['score']}, used_time = {$result['time']}, used_memory = {$result['memory']} where id = {$_POST['id']}");
if (isset($content['final_test_config'])) {
$content['first_test_config'] = $content['config'];
$content['config'] = $content['final_test_config'];
$esc_content = DB::escape(json_encode($content));
DB::update("update submissions set status = 'Judged, Waiting', content = '$esc_content' where id = ${_POST['id']}");
DB::update("update submissions set status_details = '' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
updateBestACSubmissions($submission['submitter'], $submission['problem_id']);
function customTestSubmissionJudged() {
$submission = DB::selectFirst("select submitter, status, content, result, problem_id from custom_test_submissions where id = {$_POST['id']}");
if ($submission == null) {
if ($submission['status'] != 'Judging') {
$content = json_decode($submission['content'], true);
$result = json_decode($_POST['result'], true);
$result['details'] = uojTextEncode($result['details']);
$esc_result = DB::escape(json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
if (isset($result["error"])) {
DB::update("update custom_test_submissions set status = '{$result['status']}', result = '$esc_result' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
} else {
DB::update("update custom_test_submissions set status = '{$result['status']}', result = '$esc_result' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
DB::update("update custom_test_submissions set status_details = '' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
function hackJudged() {
$result = json_decode($_POST['result'], true);
$esc_details = DB::escape(uojTextEncode($result['details']));
$ok = DB::update("update hacks set success = {$result['score']}, details = '$esc_details' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
if ($ok) {
list($hack_input) = DB::fetch(DB::query("select input from hacks where id = {$_POST['id']}"), MYSQLI_NUM);
if ($result['score']) {
list($problem_id) = DB::selectFirst("select problem_id from hacks where id = ${_POST['id']}", MYSQLI_NUM);
if (validateUploadedFile('hack_input') && validateUploadedFile('std_output')) {
dataAddExtraTest(queryProblemBrief($problem_id), $_FILES["hack_input"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["std_output"]["tmp_name"]);
} else {
error_log("hack successfully but received no data. id: ${_POST['id']}");
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (!validateUInt($_POST['id'])) {
die("Wow! hacker! T_T....");
if (isset($_POST['is_hack'])) {
} elseif (isset($_POST['is_custom_test'])) {
} else {
if (isset($_POST['update-status'])) {
if (!validateUInt($_POST['id'])) {
die("Wow! hacker! T_T....");
$esc_status_details = DB::escape($_POST['status']);
if (isset($_POST['is_custom_test'])) {
DB::update("update custom_test_submissions set status_details = '$esc_status_details' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
} else {
DB::update("update submissions set status_details = '$esc_status_details' where id = {$_POST['id']}");
$submission = null;
$hack = null;
function querySubmissionToJudge($status, $set_q) {
global $submission;
$submission = DB::selectFirst("select id, problem_id, content from submissions where status = '$status' order by id limit 1");
if ($submission) {
DB::update("update submissions set $set_q where id = {$submission['id']} and status = '$status'");
if (DB::affected_rows() != 1) {
$submission = null;
function queryCustomTestSubmissionToJudge() {
global $submission;
$submission = DB::selectFirst("select id, problem_id, content from custom_test_submissions where judge_time is null order by id limit 1");
if ($submission) {
DB::update("update custom_test_submissions set judge_time = now(), status = 'Judging' where id = {$submission['id']} and judge_time is null");
if (DB::affected_rows() != 1) {
$submission = null;
if ($submission) {
$submission['is_custom_test'] = '';
function queryHackToJudge() {
global $hack;
$hack = DB::selectFirst("select id, submission_id, input, input_type from hacks where judge_time is null order by id limit 1");
if ($hack) {
DB::update("update hacks set judge_time = now() where id = {$hack['id']} and judge_time is null");
if (DB::affected_rows() != 1) {
$hack = null;
function findSubmissionToJudge() {
global $submission, $hack;
querySubmissionToJudge('Waiting', "judge_time = now(), status = 'Judging'");
if ($submission) {
return true;
if ($submission) {
return true;
querySubmissionToJudge('Waiting Rejudge', "judge_time = now(), status = 'Judging'");
if ($submission) {
return true;
querySubmissionToJudge('Judged, Waiting', "status = 'Judged, Judging'");
if ($submission) {
return true;
if ($hack) {
$submission = DB::selectFirst("select id, problem_id, content from submissions where id = {$hack['submission_id']} and score = 100");
if (!$submission) {
$details = "<error>the score gained by the hacked submission is not 100.\n</error>";
$esc_details = DB::escape(uojTextEncode($details));
DB::update("update hacks set success = 0, details = '$esc_details' where id = {$hack['id']}");
return false;
return true;
return false;
if (isset($_POST['fetch_new']) && !$_POST['fetch_new']) {
die("Nothing to judge");
if (!findSubmissionToJudge()) {
die("Nothing to judge");
$submission['id'] = (int)$submission['id'];
$submission['problem_id'] = (int)$submission['problem_id'];
$submission['problem_mtime'] = filemtime("/var/uoj_data/{$submission['problem_id']}");
$submission['content'] = json_decode($submission['content']);
if ($hack) {
$submission['is_hack'] = "";
$submission['hack']['id'] = (int)$hack['id'];
$submission['hack']['input'] = $hack['input'];
$submission['hack']['input_type'] = $hack['input_type'];
echo json_encode($submission);