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synced 2025-03-18 14:07:02 +00:00
440 lines
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440 lines
11 KiB
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <filesystem>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#define UOJ_GCC "/usr/bin/gcc-11"
#define UOJ_GPLUSPLUS "/usr/bin/g++-11"
#define UOJ_PYTHON2_7 "/usr/bin/python2.7"
#define UOJ_PYTHON3 "/usr/bin/python3.10"
#define UOJ_FPC "/usr/bin/fpc"
#define UOJ_OPEN_JDK8 "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
#define UOJ_OPEN_JDK11 "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"
#define UOJ_OPEN_JDK17 "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64"
std::string escapeshellarg(int arg) {
return std::to_string(arg);
std::string escapeshellarg(const std::string &arg) {
std::string res = "'";
for (char c : arg) {
if (c == '\'') {
res += "'\\''";
} else {
res += c;
res += "'";
return res;
template <typename T>
std::ostream& spaced_out(std::ostream &out, const T &arg) {
return out << arg;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::ostream& spaced_out(std::ostream &out, const T &arg, const Args& ...rest) {
return spaced_out(out << arg << " ", rest...);
template <typename T>
std::ostream& add_spaced_out(std::ostream &out, const T &arg) {
return out << " " << arg;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::ostream& add_spaced_out(std::ostream &out, const T &arg, const Args& ...rest) {
return spaced_out(out << " " << arg, rest...);
template <typename... Args>
int execute(const Args& ...args) {
std::ostringstream sout;
spaced_out(sout, args...);
std::cerr << sout.str() << std::endl;
int status = system(sout.str().c_str());
if (status == -1 || !WIFEXITED(status)) {
return -1;
return WEXITSTATUS(status);
int executef(const char *fmt, ...) {
const int L = 1 << 10;
char cmd[L];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
int res = vsnprintf(cmd, L, fmt, ap);
if (res < 0 || res >= L) {
return -1;
res = execute(cmd);
return res;
class cannot_determine_class_name_error : std::invalid_argument {
explicit cannot_determine_class_name_error()
: std::invalid_argument("cannot determine the class name!") {}
std::string get_class_name_from_file(const std::string &fname) {
std::ifstream fin(fname);
if (!fin) {
throw cannot_determine_class_name_error();
std::string class_name;
if (!(fin >> class_name)) {
throw cannot_determine_class_name_error();
if (class_name.length() > 100) {
throw cannot_determine_class_name_error();
for (char &c : class_name) {
if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_') {
throw cannot_determine_class_name_error();
return class_name;
bool put_class_name_to_file(const std::string &fname, const std::string &class_name) {
std::ofstream fout(fname);
if (!fout) {
return false;
if (!(fout << class_name << std::endl)) {
return false;
return true;
std::map<std::string, std::string> lang_upgrade_map = {
{"Java7" , "Java8" },
{"Java14", "Java17" },
{"Python2", "Python2.7" },
std::string upgraded_lang(const std::string &lang) {
return lang_upgrade_map.count(lang) ? lang_upgrade_map[lang] : lang;
namespace runp {
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
fs::path run_path;
struct limits_t {
int time;
int memory;
int output;
int real_time;
int stack;
limits_t() = default;
limits_t(const int &_time, const int &_memory, const int &_output)
: time(_time), memory(_memory), output(_output), real_time(-1), stack(-1) {
// result type
enum RS_TYPE {
RS_AC = 0,
RS_WA = 1,
RS_RE = 2,
RS_MLE = 3,
RS_TLE = 4,
RS_OLE = 5,
RS_DGS = 6,
RS_JGF = 7
inline std::string rstype_str(RS_TYPE id) {
switch (id) {
case RS_AC: return "Accepted";
case RS_WA: return "Wrong Answer";
case RS_RE : return "Runtime Error";
case RS_MLE: return "Memory Limit Exceeded";
case RS_TLE: return "Time Limit Exceeded";
case RS_OLE: return "Output Limit Exceeded";
case RS_DGS: return "Dangerous Syscalls";
case RS_JGF: return "Judgment Failed";
default : return "Unknown Result";
inline std::string get_type_from_lang(std::string lang) {
lang = upgraded_lang(lang);
if (lang == "Python2.7") {
return "python2.7";
} else if (lang == "Python3") {
return "python3";
} else if (lang == "Java8") {
return "java8";
} else if (lang == "Java11") {
return "java11";
} else if (lang == "Java17") {
return "java17";
} else {
return "default";
struct result {
static std::string result_file_name;
RS_TYPE type;
std::string extra;
int ust, usm;
int exit_code;
result() = default;
result(RS_TYPE type, std::string extra, int ust = -1, int usm = -1, int exit_code = -1)
: type(type), extra(extra), ust(ust), usm(usm), exit_code(exit_code) {
if (this->type != RS_AC) {
this->ust = -1, this->usm = -1;
static result failed_result() {
result res;
res.type = RS_JGF;
res.ust = -1;
res.usm = -1;
return res;
static result from_file(const std::string &file_name) {
result res;
FILE *fres = fopen(file_name.c_str(), "r");
if (!fres) {
return result::failed_result();
int type;
if (fscanf(fres, "%d %d %d %d\n", &type, &res.ust, &res.usm, &res.exit_code) != 4) {
return result::failed_result();
res.type = (RS_TYPE)type;
int L = 1 << 15;
char buf[L];
while (!feof(fres)) {
int c = fread(buf, 1, L, fres);
res.extra.append(buf, c);
if (ferror(fres)) {
return result::failed_result();
return res;
[[noreturn]] void dump_and_exit() {
FILE *f;
if (result_file_name == "stdout") {
f = stdout;
} else if (result_file_name == "stderr") {
f = stderr;
} else {
f = fopen(result_file_name.c_str(), "w");
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d %d\n", this->type, this->ust, this->usm, this->exit_code);
fprintf(f, "%s\n", this->extra.c_str());
if (f != stdout && f != stderr) {
exit(this->type == RS_JGF ? 1 : 0);
std::string result::result_file_name("stdout");
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline std::ostream& add_runp_arg(std::ostream &out, const std::pair<T1, std::vector<T2>> &arg) {
for (const auto &t : arg.second) {
out << " --" << arg.first << "=" << escapeshellarg(t);
return out;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
inline std::ostream& add_runp_arg(std::ostream &out, const std::pair<T1, T2> &arg) {
return out << " --" << arg.first << "=" << escapeshellarg(arg.second);
inline std::ostream& add_runp_arg(std::ostream &out, const std::vector<std::string> &arg) {
for (const auto &t : arg) {
out << " " << escapeshellarg(t);
return out;
inline std::ostream& add_runp_arg(std::ostream &out, const std::string &arg) {
return out << " " << escapeshellarg(arg);
struct config {
std::vector<std::string> readable_file_names; // other than stdin
std::vector<std::string> writable_file_names; // other than stdout, stderr
std::string result_file_name;
std::string input_file_name;
std::string output_file_name;
std::string error_file_name = "/dev/null";
std::string type = "default";
std::string work_path;
limits_t limits;
std::string program_name;
std::vector<std::string> rest_args;
// full args (possbily with interpreter)
std::vector<std::string> full_args;
bool unsafe = false;
bool allow_proc = false;
bool need_show_trace_details = false;
config(std::string program_name = "", const std::vector<std::string> &rest_args = {})
: program_name(program_name), rest_args(rest_args) {
config &set_type(const std::string &type) {
this->type = type;
return *this;
std::string get_cmd() const {
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << escapeshellarg(run_path / "run_program");
if (this->need_show_trace_details) {
add_runp_arg(sout, "--show-trace-details");
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("res", this->result_file_name));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("in", this->input_file_name));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("out", this->output_file_name));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("err", this->error_file_name));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("type", this->type));
// limits
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("tl", this->limits.time));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("ml", this->limits.memory));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("ol", this->limits.output));
if (this->limits.real_time != -1) {
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("rtl", this->limits.real_time));
if (this->limits.stack != -1) {
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("sl", this->limits.stack));
if (this->unsafe) {
add_runp_arg(sout, "--unsafe");
if (this->allow_proc) {
add_runp_arg(sout, "--allow-proc");
if (!this->work_path.empty()) {
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("work-path", this->work_path));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("add-readable", this->readable_file_names));
add_runp_arg(sout, std::make_pair("add-writable", this->writable_file_names));
add_runp_arg(sout, this->program_name);
add_runp_arg(sout, this->rest_args);
return sout.str();
void gen_full_args() {
// assume that current_path() == work_path
full_args.insert(full_args.end(), rest_args.begin(),rest_args.end());
if (type == "java8" || type == "java11" || type == "java17") {
full_args[0] = get_class_name_from_file(fs::path(full_args[0]) / ".main_class_name");
std::string jdk;
if (type == "java8") {
jdk = UOJ_OPEN_JDK8;
} else if (type == "java11") {
jdk = UOJ_OPEN_JDK11;
} else { // if (type == "java17") {
jdk = UOJ_OPEN_JDK17;
full_args.insert(full_args.begin(), {
fs::canonical(fs::path(jdk) / "bin" / "java"), "-Xmx2048m", "-Xss1024m",
"-classpath", program_name
} else if (type == "python2.7") {
full_args.insert(full_args.begin(), {
UOJ_PYTHON2_7, "-E", "-s", "-B"
} else if (type == "python3") {
full_args.insert(full_args.begin(), {
UOJ_PYTHON3, "-I", "-B"
namespace runp::interaction {
struct pipe_config {
int from, from_fd;
int to, to_fd;
std::string saving_file_name;
pipe_config() = default;
pipe_config(int _from, int _from_fd, int _to, int _to_fd, const std::string &_saving_file_name = "")
: from(_from), from_fd(_from_fd), to(_to), to_fd(_to_fd), saving_file_name(_saving_file_name) {}
pipe_config(const std::string &str) {
if (sscanf(str.c_str(), "%d:%d-%d:%d", &from, &from_fd, &to, &to_fd) != 4) {
throw std::invalid_argument("bad init str for pipe");
struct config {
std::vector<std::string> cmds;
std::vector<pipe_config> pipes;
std::string get_cmd() const {
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << escapeshellarg(run_path / "run_interaction");
for (auto &cmd : cmds) {
sout << " " << escapeshellarg(cmd);
for (auto &pipe : pipes) {
sout << " " << "-p";
sout << " " << pipe.from << ":" << pipe.from_fd;
sout << "-" << pipe.to << ":" << pipe.to_fd;
if (!pipe.saving_file_name.empty()) {
sout << " " << "-s";
sout << " " << escapeshellarg(pipe.saving_file_name);
return sout.str();
* @return interaction return value
int run(const config &ric) {
return execute(ric.get_cmd().c_str());