2023-01-27 15:46:12 +08:00

542 lines
15 KiB

class UOJContest {
use UOJDataTrait;
public static function query($id) {
if (!isset($id) || !validateUInt($id)) {
return null;
$info = DB::selectFirst([
"select * from contests",
"where", ['id' => $id]
if (!$info) {
return null;
return new UOJContest($info);
public static function queryUpcomingContests(array $user = null, $limit = -1) {
return array_filter(array_map(fn ($x) => UOJContest::query($x['id']), DB::selectAll([
"select id from contests",
"where", [
"status" => "unfinished",
"order by start_time asc, id asc",
$limit == -1 ? "" : DB::limit($limit),
])), fn ($contest) => $contest->userCanView($user));
public static function userCanManageSomeContest(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
if (isSuperUser($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'contests.manage')) {
return true;
return DB::selectFirst([
DB::lc(), "select 1 from contests_permissions",
"where", [
'username' => $user['username']
], DB::limit(1)
]) != null;
public static function userCanCreateContest(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
return isSuperUser($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'contests.create');
public static function finalTest() {
$contest = self::info();
$res = DB::selectAll([
"select id, problem_id, content, submitter, hide_score_to_others from submissions",
"where", ["contest_id" => $contest['id']]
foreach ($res as $submission) {
$content = json_decode($submission['content'], true);
if (isset($content['final_test_config'])) {
$content['config'] = $content['final_test_config'];
if (isset($content['first_test_config'])) {
UOJSubmission::rejudgeById($submission['id'], [
'reason_text' => HTML::stripTags($contest['name']) . ' 最终测试',
'reason_url' => HTML::url(UOJContest::cur()->getUri()),
'set_q' => [
"content" => json_encode($content)
// warning: check if this command works well when the database is not MySQL
"update submissions",
"set", [
"score = hidden_score",
"hidden_score = NULL",
"hide_score_to_others = 0"
], "where", [
"contest_id" => $contest['id'],
"hide_score_to_others" => 1
$updated = [];
foreach ($res as $submission) {
$submitter = $submission['submitter'];
$pid = $submission['problem_id'];
if (isset($updated[$submitter]) && isset($updated[$submitter][$pid])) {
updateBestACSubmissions($submitter, $pid);
if (!isset($updated[$submitter])) {
$updated[$submitter] = [];
$updated[$submitter][$pid] = true;
"update contests",
"set", ["status" => 'testing'],
"where", ["id" => $contest['id']]
public static function announceOfficialResults() {
// time config
$contest = self::info();
$data = queryContestData($contest);
$n_problems = count($data['problems']);
$total_score = $n_problems * 100;
calcStandings($contest, $data, $score, $standings, ['update_contests_submissions' => true]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($standings); $i++) {
$user_link = UOJUser::getLink($standings[$i][2][0]);
$tail = $standings[$i][0] == $total_score ? ',请继续保持。' : ',请继续努力!';
$content = '<p>' . $user_link . ' 您好:</p>';
$content .= '<p>' . '您参与的比赛 <a href="/contest/' . $contest['id'] . '">' . $contest['name'] . '</a> 现已公布成绩,您的成绩为 <a class="uoj-score" data-max="' . $total_score . '">' . $standings[$i][0] . '</a>' . $tail . '</p>';
sendSystemMsg($standings[$i][2][0], '比赛成绩公布通知', $content);
"update contests_registrants",
"set", ["final_rank" => $standings[$i][3]],
"where", [
"contest_id" => $contest['id'],
"username" => $standings[$i][2][0]
"update contests",
"set", ["status" => 'finished'],
"where", ["id" => $contest['id']]
public function __construct($info) {
$this->info = $info;
public function completeInfo() {
if (isset($this->info['cur_progress'])) {
$this->info['start_time_str'] = $this->info['start_time'];
$this->info['start_time'] = new DateTime($this->info['start_time']);
$this->info['end_time_str'] = $this->info['end_time'];
$this->info['end_time'] = new DateTime($this->info['end_time']);
$this->info['extra_config'] = json_decode($this->info['extra_config'], true);
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['standings_version'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['standings_version'] = 2;
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['basic_rule'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['basic_rule'] = 'OI';
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['free_registration'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['free_registration'] = 1;
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['extra_registration'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['extra_registration'] = 1;
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['individual_or_team'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['individual_or_team'] = 'individual';
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['bonus'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['bonus'] = [];
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['submit_time_limit'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['submit_time_limit'] = [];
if (!isset($this->info['extra_config']['max_n_submissions_per_problem'])) {
$this->info['extra_config']['max_n_submissions_per_problem'] = -1;
if ($this->info['status'] == 'unfinished') {
if (UOJTime::$time_now < $this->info['start_time']) {
$this->info['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_NOT_STARTED;
} elseif (UOJTime::$time_now < $this->info['end_time']) {
$this->info['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS;
} else {
if ($this->info['extra_config']['basic_rule'] == 'IOI') {
$this->info['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_TESTING;
} else {
$this->info['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_PENDING_FINAL_TEST;
} elseif ($this->info['status'] == 'testing') {
$this->info['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_TESTING;
} elseif ($this->info['status'] == 'finished') {
$this->info['cur_progress'] = CONTEST_FINISHED;
$this->info['frozen_time'] = false;
$this->info['frozen'] = false;
if ($this->info['extra_config']['basic_rule'] == 'ACM') {
$this->info['frozen_time'] = clone $this->info['end_time'];
$frozen_min = min($this->info['last_min'] / 5, 60);
$this->info['frozen_time']->sub(new DateInterval("PT{$frozen_min}M"));
$this->info['frozen'] = $this->info['cur_progress'] < CONTEST_TESTING && UOJTime::$time_now > $this->info['frozen_time'];
public function basicRule() {
return $this->info['extra_config']['basic_rule'];
public function progress() {
return $this->info['cur_progress'];
public function maxSubmissionCountPerProblem() {
return $this->info['extra_config']['max_n_submissions_per_problem'];
public function freeRegistration() {
return $this->info['extra_config']['free_registration'];
public function allowExtraRegistration() {
return $this->info['extra_config']['extra_registration'];
public function labelForFinalTest() {
if ($this->basicRule() === 'ACM') {
$label = '揭榜';
} else {
$label = '开始最终测试';
if ($this->progress() >= CONTEST_TESTING) {
$label = '重新' . $label;
return $label;
public function queryJudgeProgress() {
if ($this->basicRule() == 'OI' && $this->progress() < CONTEST_TESTING) {
$rop = 0;
$title = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest pending final test');
} else {
$total = DB::selectCount([
"select count(*) from submissions",
"where", ["contest_id" => $this->info['id']]
$n_judged = DB::selectCount([
"select count(*) from submissions",
"where", [
"contest_id" => $this->info['id'],
"status" => 'Judged'
$rop = $total == 0 ? 100 : (int)($n_judged / $total * 100);
$title = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest final testing');
if ($this->basicRule() != 'OI' && $n_judged == $total) {
$title = UOJLocale::get('contests::contest official results to be announced');
return [
'rop' => $rop,
'title' => $title
public function queryResult($cfg = []) {
$contest_data = queryContestData($this->info, $cfg);
calcStandings($this->info, $contest_data, $score, $standings, $cfg);
return [
'standings' => $standings,
'score' => $score,
'contest_data' => $contest_data
public function managerCanSeeFinalStandingsTab(array $user = null) {
if ($this->basicRule() == 'IOI') {
return false;
return $this->progress() < CONTEST_TESTING;
public function userCanSeeProblemStatistics($user) {
return $this->userCanManage($user) || $this->progress() > CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS;
public function userCanRegister(array $user = null, $cfg = []) {
$cfg += ['ensure' => false];
if (!$user) {
$cfg['ensure'] && redirectToLogin();
return false;
if (!$this->freeRegistration()) {
$cfg['ensure'] && $this->redirectToAnnouncementBlog();
return false;
if (!UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'contests.register')) {
$cfg['ensure'] && UOJResponse::page403();
return false;
if ($this->progress() == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS && !$this->allowExtraRegistration()) {
$cfg['ensure'] && redirectTo('/contests');
return false;
if (
/* $this->userCanManage($user) || */ // 在 S2OJ 中,具有管理员权限的用户也可报名参赛。
$this->userHasRegistered($user) || $this->progress() > CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS
) {
$cfg['ensure'] && redirectTo('/contests');
return false;
if (isTmpUser($user)) {
$cfg['ensure'] && UOJResponse::message("<h1>临时账号无法报名该比赛</h1><p>换个自己注册的账号试试吧~</p>");
return false;
return true;
public function userCanView(array $user = null, $cfg = []) {
$cfg += [
'ensure' => false,
'check-register' => false
if ($this->userCanManage($user)) {
if ($this->userHasRegistered($user) && $this->progress() == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS && !$this->userHasMarkedParticipated($user)) {
$cfg['ensure'] && redirectTo($this->getUri('/confirm'));
return false;
return true;
if ($this->progress() == CONTEST_NOT_STARTED) {
$cfg['ensure'] && redirectTo($this->getUri('/register'));
return false;
} elseif ($this->progress() <= CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS) {
if ($cfg['check-register']) {
if ($user && $this->userHasRegistered($user)) {
if (!$this->userHasMarkedParticipated($user)) {
$cfg['ensure'] && redirectTo($this->getUri('/confirm'));
return false;
return true;
if ($cfg['ensure']) {
if ($this->info['extra_config']['extra_registration']) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
if (!$this->userHasRegistered($user) && !UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'contests.view')) {
$cfg['ensure'] && UOJResponse::page403();
return false;
return true;
public function userCanParticipateNow(array $user = null) {
// 在 S2OJ 中,具有管理员权限的用户在报名后也可参赛。
// if ($this->userCanManage($user)) {
// return false;
// }
return $this->progress() == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS && $user && $this->userHasRegistered($user);
public function userCanManage(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
if (isSuperUser($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'contests.manage')) {
return true;
return DB::selectFirst([
DB::lc(), "select 1 from contests_permissions",
"where", [
'username' => $user['username'],
'contest_id' => $this->info['id']
]) != null;
public function userCanStartFinalTest(array $user = null) {
return $this->userCanManage($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'contests.start_final_test');
public function userHasRegistered(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
return DB::selectFirst([
DB::lc(), "select 1 from contests_registrants",
"where", [
'username' => $user['username'],
'contest_id' => $this->info['id']
]) != null;
public function defaultProblemJudgeType() {
if ($this->basicRule() == 'OI') {
return 'sample';
} else {
return 'no-details';
public function getProblemIDs() {
return array_map(fn ($x) => $x['problem_id'], DB::selectAll([
DB::lc(), "select problem_id from contests_problems",
"where", ['contest_id' => $this->info['id']],
"order by level, problem_id"
public function hasProblem(UOJProblem $problem) {
return DB::selectFirst([
DB::lc(), "select 1 from contests_problems",
"where", [
'contest_id' => $this->info['id'],
'problem_id' => $problem->info['id']
]) != null;
public function userHasMarkedParticipated(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
return DB::selectExists([
"select 1 from contests_registrants",
"where", [
"username" => $user['username'],
"contest_id" => $this->info['id'],
"has_participated" => 1
public function markUserAsParticipated(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
return DB::update([
"update contests_registrants",
"set", ["has_participated" => 1],
"where", [
"username" => $user['username'],
"contest_id" => $this->info['id']
public function getUri($where = '') {
return "/contest/{$this->info['id']}{$where}";
public function getLink($cfg = []) {
$cfg += [
'where' => '',
'class' => '',
return HTML::tag('a', ['class' => $cfg['class'], 'href' => $this->getUri($cfg['where'])], $this->info['name']);
public function getZanBlock() {
return ClickZans::getBlock('C', $this->info['id'], $this->info['zan']);
public function redirectToAnnouncementBlog() {
$url = getContestBlogLink($this->info, '公告');
if ($url !== null) {
} else {
public function userRegister(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
"replace into contests_registrants",
"(username, contest_id, has_participated)",
"values", DB::tuple([$user['username'], $this->info['id'], 0])
return true;
public function userUnregister(array $user = null) {
if (!$user) {
return false;
"delete from contests_registrants",
"where", [
"username" => $user['username'],
"contest_id" => $this->info['id']
return true;