mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:58:44 +00:00
Due to historical reasons, the code is in subfolder "1". With SVN removal, we place the code back and remove the annoying "1" folder.
160 lines
6.6 KiB
160 lines
6.6 KiB
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
// Define search commands. Depends on dialog.js or another
// implementation of the openDialog method.
// Replace works a little oddly -- it will do the replace on the next
// Ctrl-G (or whatever is bound to findNext) press. You prevent a
// replace by making sure the match is no longer selected when hitting
// Ctrl-G.
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("./searchcursor"), require("../dialog/dialog"));
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror", "./searchcursor", "../dialog/dialog"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
function searchOverlay(query, caseInsensitive) {
if (typeof query == "string")
query = new RegExp(query.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"), caseInsensitive ? "gi" : "g");
else if (!query.global)
query = new RegExp(query.source, query.ignoreCase ? "gi" : "g");
return {token: function(stream) {
query.lastIndex = stream.pos;
var match = query.exec(stream.string);
if (match && match.index == stream.pos) {
stream.pos += match[0].length;
return "searching";
} else if (match) {
stream.pos = match.index;
} else {
function SearchState() {
this.posFrom = this.posTo = this.query = null;
this.overlay = null;
function getSearchState(cm) {
return cm.state.search || (cm.state.search = new SearchState());
function queryCaseInsensitive(query) {
return typeof query == "string" && query == query.toLowerCase();
function getSearchCursor(cm, query, pos) {
// Heuristic: if the query string is all lowercase, do a case insensitive search.
return cm.getSearchCursor(query, pos, queryCaseInsensitive(query));
function dialog(cm, text, shortText, deflt, f) {
if (cm.openDialog) cm.openDialog(text, f, {value: deflt});
else f(prompt(shortText, deflt));
function confirmDialog(cm, text, shortText, fs) {
if (cm.openConfirm) cm.openConfirm(text, fs);
else if (confirm(shortText)) fs[0]();
function parseQuery(query) {
var isRE = query.match(/^\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)$/);
if (isRE) {
query = new RegExp(isRE[1], isRE[2].indexOf("i") == -1 ? "" : "i");
if (query.test("")) query = /x^/;
} else if (query == "") {
query = /x^/;
return query;
var queryDialog =
'Search: <input type="text" style="width: 10em" class="CodeMirror-search-field"/> <span style="color: #888" class="CodeMirror-search-hint">(Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)</span>';
function doSearch(cm, rev) {
var state = getSearchState(cm);
if (state.query) return findNext(cm, rev);
dialog(cm, queryDialog, "Search for:", cm.getSelection(), function(query) {
cm.operation(function() {
if (!query || state.query) return;
state.query = parseQuery(query);
cm.removeOverlay(state.overlay, queryCaseInsensitive(state.query));
state.overlay = searchOverlay(state.query, queryCaseInsensitive(state.query));
state.posFrom = state.posTo = cm.getCursor();
findNext(cm, rev);
function findNext(cm, rev) {cm.operation(function() {
var state = getSearchState(cm);
var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state.query, rev ? state.posFrom : state.posTo);
if (!cursor.find(rev)) {
cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, state.query, rev ? CodeMirror.Pos(cm.lastLine()) : CodeMirror.Pos(cm.firstLine(), 0));
if (!cursor.find(rev)) return;
cm.setSelection(cursor.from(), cursor.to());
cm.scrollIntoView({from: cursor.from(), to: cursor.to()});
state.posFrom = cursor.from(); state.posTo = cursor.to();
function clearSearch(cm) {cm.operation(function() {
var state = getSearchState(cm);
if (!state.query) return;
state.query = null;
var replaceQueryDialog =
'Replace: <input type="text" style="width: 10em" class="CodeMirror-search-field"/> <span style="color: #888" class="CodeMirror-search-hint">(Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)</span>';
var replacementQueryDialog = 'With: <input type="text" style="width: 10em" class="CodeMirror-search-field"/>';
var doReplaceConfirm = "Replace? <button>Yes</button> <button>No</button> <button>Stop</button>";
function replace(cm, all) {
if (cm.getOption("readOnly")) return;
dialog(cm, replaceQueryDialog, "Replace:", cm.getSelection(), function(query) {
if (!query) return;
query = parseQuery(query);
dialog(cm, replacementQueryDialog, "Replace with:", "", function(text) {
if (all) {
cm.operation(function() {
for (var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, query); cursor.findNext();) {
if (typeof query != "string") {
var match = cm.getRange(cursor.from(), cursor.to()).match(query);
cursor.replace(text.replace(/\$(\d)/g, function(_, i) {return match[i];}));
} else cursor.replace(text);
} else {
var cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, query, cm.getCursor());
var advance = function() {
var start = cursor.from(), match;
if (!(match = cursor.findNext())) {
cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, query);
if (!(match = cursor.findNext()) ||
(start && cursor.from().line == start.line && cursor.from().ch == start.ch)) return;
cm.setSelection(cursor.from(), cursor.to());
cm.scrollIntoView({from: cursor.from(), to: cursor.to()});
confirmDialog(cm, doReplaceConfirm, "Replace?",
[function() {doReplace(match);}, advance]);
var doReplace = function(match) {
cursor.replace(typeof query == "string" ? text :
text.replace(/\$(\d)/g, function(_, i) {return match[i];}));
CodeMirror.commands.find = function(cm) {clearSearch(cm); doSearch(cm);};
CodeMirror.commands.findNext = doSearch;
CodeMirror.commands.findPrev = function(cm) {doSearch(cm, true);};
CodeMirror.commands.clearSearch = clearSearch;
CodeMirror.commands.replace = replace;
CodeMirror.commands.replaceAll = function(cm) {replace(cm, true);};