mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 04:58:44 +00:00
Due to historical reasons, the code is in subfolder "1". With SVN removal, we place the code back and remove the annoying "1" folder.
167 lines
5.6 KiB
167 lines
5.6 KiB
Simple linter, based on the Acorn [1] parser module
All of the existing linters either cramp my style or have huge
dependencies (Closure). So here's a very simple, non-invasive one
that only spots
- missing semicolons and trailing commas
- variables or properties that are reserved words
- assigning to a variable you didn't declare
- access to non-whitelisted globals
(use a '// declare global: foo, bar' comment to declare extra
globals in a file)
[1]: https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/
var topAllowedGlobals = Object.create(null);
("Error RegExp Number String Array Function Object Math Date undefined " +
"parseInt parseFloat Infinity NaN isNaN " +
"window document navigator prompt alert confirm console " +
"screen FileReader Worker postMessage importScripts " +
"setInterval clearInterval setTimeout clearTimeout " +
"CodeMirror " +
"test exports require module define")
.split(" ").forEach(function(n) { topAllowedGlobals[n] = true; });
var fs = require("fs"), acorn = require("./acorn.js"), walk = require("./walk.js");
var scopePasser = walk.make({
ScopeBody: function(node, prev, c) { c(node, node.scope); }
var cBlob = /^\/\/ CodeMirror, copyright \(c\) by Marijn Haverbeke and others\n\/\/ Distributed under an MIT license: http:\/\/codemirror.net\/LICENSE\n\n/;
function checkFile(fileName) {
var file = fs.readFileSync(fileName, "utf8"), notAllowed;
if (notAllowed = file.match(/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x19\uFEFF\t]|[ \t]\n/)) {
var msg;
if (notAllowed[0] == "\t") msg = "Found tab character";
else if (notAllowed[0].indexOf("\n") > -1) msg = "Trailing whitespace";
else msg = "Undesirable character " + notAllowed[0].charCodeAt(0);
var info = acorn.getLineInfo(file, notAllowed.index);
fail(msg + " at line " + info.line + ", column " + info.column, {source: fileName});
if (!cBlob.test(file))
fail("Missing license blob", {source: fileName});
var globalsSeen = Object.create(null);
try {
var parsed = acorn.parse(file, {
locations: true,
ecmaVersion: 3,
strictSemicolons: true,
allowTrailingCommas: false,
forbidReserved: "everywhere",
sourceFile: fileName
} catch (e) {
fail(e.message, {source: fileName});
var scopes = [];
walk.simple(parsed, {
ScopeBody: function(node, scope) {
node.scope = scope;
}, walk.scopeVisitor, {vars: Object.create(null)});
var ignoredGlobals = Object.create(null);
function inScope(name, scope) {
for (var cur = scope; cur; cur = cur.prev)
if (name in cur.vars) return true;
function checkLHS(node, scope) {
if (node.type == "Identifier" && !(node.name in ignoredGlobals) &&
!inScope(node.name, scope)) {
ignoredGlobals[node.name] = true;
fail("Assignment to global variable", node.loc);
walk.simple(parsed, {
UpdateExpression: function(node, scope) {checkLHS(node.argument, scope);},
AssignmentExpression: function(node, scope) {checkLHS(node.left, scope);},
Identifier: function(node, scope) {
if (node.name == "arguments") return;
// Mark used identifiers
for (var cur = scope; cur; cur = cur.prev)
if (node.name in cur.vars) {
cur.vars[node.name].used = true;
globalsSeen[node.name] = node.loc;
FunctionExpression: function(node) {
if (node.id) fail("Named function expression", node.loc);
ForStatement: function(node) {
MemberExpression: function(node) {
if (node.object.type == "Identifier" && node.object.name == "console" && !node.computed)
fail("Found console." + node.property.name, node.loc);
DebuggerStatement: function(node) {
fail("Found debugger statement", node.loc);
}, scopePasser);
function checkReusedIndex(node) {
if (!node.init || node.init.type != "VariableDeclaration") return;
var name = node.init.declarations[0].id.name;
walk.recursive(node.body, null, {
Function: function() {},
VariableDeclaration: function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++)
if (node.declarations[i].id.name == name)
fail("redefined loop variable", node.declarations[i].id.loc);
walk.base.VariableDeclaration(node, st, c);
var allowedGlobals = Object.create(topAllowedGlobals), m;
if (m = file.match(/\/\/ declare global:\s+(.*)/))
m[1].split(/,\s*/g).forEach(function(n) { allowedGlobals[n] = true; });
for (var glob in globalsSeen)
if (!(glob in allowedGlobals))
fail("Access to global variable " + glob + ". Add a '// declare global: " + glob +
"' comment or add this variable in test/lint/lint.js.", globalsSeen[glob]);
for (var i = 0; i < scopes.length; ++i) {
var scope = scopes[i];
for (var name in scope.vars) {
var info = scope.vars[name];
if (!info.used && info.type != "catch clause" && info.type != "function name" && name.charAt(0) != "_")
fail("Unused " + info.type + " " + name, info.node.loc);
var failed = false;
function fail(msg, pos) {
if (pos.start) msg += " (" + pos.start.line + ":" + pos.start.column + ")";
console.log(pos.source + ": " + msg);
failed = true;
function checkDir(dir) {
fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach(function(file) {
var fname = dir + "/" + file;
if (/\.js$/.test(file)) checkFile(fname);
else if (fs.lstatSync(fname).isDirectory()) checkDir(fname);
exports.checkDir = checkDir;
exports.checkFile = checkFile;
exports.success = function() { return !failed; };