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synced 2025-03-23 05:07:02 +00:00
Due to historical reasons, the code is in subfolder "1". With SVN removal, we place the code back and remove the annoying "1" folder.
678 lines
23 KiB
678 lines
23 KiB
* *
* Converts HTML to formatted plain text *
* *
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Jon Abernathy <jon@chuggnutt.com> *
* *
* This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* The GNU General Public License can be found at *
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. *
* *
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* Converts HTML to formatted plain text
class Html2Text
* Contains the HTML content to convert.
* @type string
protected $html;
* Contains the converted, formatted text.
* @type string
protected $text;
* Maximum width of the formatted text, in columns.
* Set this value to 0 (or less) to ignore word wrapping
* and not constrain text to a fixed-width column.
* @type integer
protected $width = 70;
* List of preg* regular expression patterns to search for,
* used in conjunction with $replace.
* @type array
* @see $replace
protected $search = array(
"/\r/", // Non-legal carriage return
"/[\n\t]+/", // Newlines and tabs
'/<head[^>]*>.*?<\/head>/i', // <head>
'/<script[^>]*>.*?<\/script>/i', // <script>s -- which strip_tags supposedly has problems with
'/<style[^>]*>.*?<\/style>/i', // <style>s -- which strip_tags supposedly has problems with
'/<p[^>]*>/i', // <P>
'/<br[^>]*>/i', // <br>
'/<i[^>]*>(.*?)<\/i>/i', // <i>
'/<em[^>]*>(.*?)<\/em>/i', // <em>
'/(<ul[^>]*>|<\/ul>)/i', // <ul> and </ul>
'/(<ol[^>]*>|<\/ol>)/i', // <ol> and </ol>
'/(<dl[^>]*>|<\/dl>)/i', // <dl> and </dl>
'/<li[^>]*>(.*?)<\/li>/i', // <li> and </li>
'/<dd[^>]*>(.*?)<\/dd>/i', // <dd> and </dd>
'/<dt[^>]*>(.*?)<\/dt>/i', // <dt> and </dt>
'/<li[^>]*>/i', // <li>
'/<hr[^>]*>/i', // <hr>
'/<div[^>]*>/i', // <div>
'/(<table[^>]*>|<\/table>)/i', // <table> and </table>
'/(<tr[^>]*>|<\/tr>)/i', // <tr> and </tr>
'/<td[^>]*>(.*?)<\/td>/i', // <td> and </td>
'/<span class="_html2text_ignore">.+?<\/span>/i' // <span class="_html2text_ignore">...</span>
* List of pattern replacements corresponding to patterns searched.
* @type array
* @see $search
protected $replace = array(
'', // Non-legal carriage return
' ', // Newlines and tabs
'', // <head>
'', // <script>s -- which strip_tags supposedly has problems with
'', // <style>s -- which strip_tags supposedly has problems with
"\n\n", // <P>
"\n", // <br>
'_\\1_', // <i>
'_\\1_', // <em>
"\n\n", // <ul> and </ul>
"\n\n", // <ol> and </ol>
"\n\n", // <dl> and </dl>
"\t* \\1\n", // <li> and </li>
" \\1\n", // <dd> and </dd>
"\t* \\1", // <dt> and </dt>
"\n\t* ", // <li>
"\n-------------------------\n", // <hr>
"<div>\n", // <div>
"\n\n", // <table> and </table>
"\n", // <tr> and </tr>
"\t\t\\1\n", // <td> and </td>
"" // <span class="_html2text_ignore">...</span>
* List of preg* regular expression patterns to search for,
* used in conjunction with $ent_replace.
* @type array
* @see $ent_replace
protected $ent_search = array(
'/&(nbsp|#160);/i', // Non-breaking space
// Double quotes
'/&(apos|rsquo|lsquo|#8216|#8217);/i', // Single quotes
'/>/i', // Greater-than
'/</i', // Less-than
'/&(copy|#169);/i', // Copyright
'/&(trade|#8482|#153);/i', // Trademark
'/&(reg|#174);/i', // Registered
'/&(mdash|#151|#8212);/i', // mdash
'/&(ndash|minus|#8211|#8722);/i', // ndash
'/&(bull|#149|#8226);/i', // Bullet
'/&(pound|#163);/i', // Pound sign
'/&(euro|#8364);/i', // Euro sign
'/&(amp|#38);/i', // Ampersand: see _converter()
'/[ ]{2,}/', // Runs of spaces, post-handling
* List of pattern replacements corresponding to patterns searched.
* @type array
* @see $ent_search
protected $ent_replace = array(
' ', // Non-breaking space
'"', // Double quotes
"'", // Single quotes
'EUR', // Euro sign. € ?
'|+|amp|+|', // Ampersand: see _converter()
' ', // Runs of spaces, post-handling
* List of preg* regular expression patterns to search for
* and replace using callback function.
* @type array
protected $callback_search = array(
'/<(a) [^>]*href=("|\')([^"\']+)\2([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/a>/i', // <a href="">
'/<(h)[123456]( [^>]*)?>(.*?)<\/h[123456]>/i', // h1 - h6
'/<(b)( [^>]*)?>(.*?)<\/b>/i', // <b>
'/<(strong)( [^>]*)?>(.*?)<\/strong>/i', // <strong>
'/<(th)( [^>]*)?>(.*?)<\/th>/i', // <th> and </th>
* List of preg* regular expression patterns to search for in PRE body,
* used in conjunction with $pre_replace.
* @type array
* @see $pre_replace
protected $pre_search = array(
'/ /',
* List of pattern replacements corresponding to patterns searched for PRE body.
* @type array
* @see $pre_search
protected $pre_replace = array(
' ',
' ',
* Temporary workspace used during PRE processing.
* @type string
protected $pre_content = '';
* Contains a list of HTML tags to allow in the resulting text.
* @type string
* @see set_allowed_tags()
protected $allowed_tags = '';
* Contains the base URL that relative links should resolve to.
* @type string
protected $url;
* Indicates whether content in the $html variable has been converted yet.
* @type boolean
* @see $html, $text
protected $_converted = false;
* Contains URL addresses from links to be rendered in plain text.
* @type array
* @see _build_link_list()
protected $_link_list = array();
* Various configuration options (able to be set in the constructor)
* @type array
protected $_options = array(
// 'none'
// 'inline' (show links inline)
// 'nextline' (show links on the next line)
// 'table' (if a table of link URLs should be listed after the text.
'do_links' => 'inline',
// Maximum width of the formatted text, in columns.
// Set this value to 0 (or less) to ignore word wrapping
// and not constrain text to a fixed-width column.
'width' => 70,
* Constructor.
* If the HTML source string (or file) is supplied, the class
* will instantiate with that source propagated, all that has
* to be done it to call get_text().
* @param string $source HTML content
* @param boolean $from_file Indicates $source is a file to pull content from
* @param array $options Set configuration options
public function __construct($source = '', $from_file = false, $options = array())
$this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options);
if (!empty($source)) {
$this->set_html($source, $from_file);
* Loads source HTML into memory, either from $source string or a file.
* @param string $source HTML content
* @param boolean $from_file Indicates $source is a file to pull content from
public function set_html($source, $from_file = false)
if ($from_file && file_exists($source)) {
$this->html = file_get_contents($source);
} else {
$this->html = $source;
$this->_converted = false;
* Returns the text, converted from HTML.
* @return string
public function get_text()
if (!$this->_converted) {
return $this->text;
* Prints the text, converted from HTML.
public function print_text()
print $this->get_text();
* Alias to print_text(), operates identically.
* @see print_text()
public function p()
print $this->get_text();
* Sets the allowed HTML tags to pass through to the resulting text.
* Tags should be in the form "<p>", with no corresponding closing tag.
* @param string $allowed_tags
public function set_allowed_tags($allowed_tags = '')
if (!empty($allowed_tags)) {
$this->allowed_tags = $allowed_tags;
* Sets a base URL to handle relative links.
* @param string $url
public function set_base_url($url = '')
if (empty($url)) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$this->url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
} else {
$this->url = '';
} else {
// Strip any trailing slashes for consistency (relative
// URLs may already start with a slash like "/file.html")
if (substr($url, -1) == '/') {
$url = substr($url, 0, -1);
$this->url = $url;
* Workhorse function that does actual conversion (calls _converter() method).
protected function _convert()
// Variables used for building the link list
$this->_link_list = array();
$text = trim(stripslashes($this->html));
// Convert HTML to TXT
// Add link list
if (!empty($this->_link_list)) {
$text .= "\n\nLinks:\n------\n";
foreach ($this->_link_list as $idx => $url) {
$text .= '[' . ($idx + 1) . '] ' . $url . "\n";
$this->text = $text;
$this->_converted = true;
* Workhorse function that does actual conversion.
* First performs custom tag replacement specified by $search and
* $replace arrays. Then strips any remaining HTML tags, reduces whitespace
* and newlines to a readable format, and word wraps the text to
* $this->_options['width'] characters.
* @param string $text Reference to HTML content string
protected function _converter(&$text)
// Convert <BLOCKQUOTE> (before PRE!)
// Convert <PRE>
// Run our defined tags search-and-replace
$text = preg_replace($this->search, $this->replace, $text);
// Run our defined tags search-and-replace with callback
$text = preg_replace_callback($this->callback_search, array($this, '_preg_callback'), $text);
// Strip any other HTML tags
$text = strip_tags($text, $this->allowed_tags);
// Run our defined entities/characters search-and-replace
$text = preg_replace($this->ent_search, $this->ent_replace, $text);
// Replace known html entities
$text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES);
// Remove unknown/unhandled entities (this cannot be done in search-and-replace block)
$text = preg_replace('/&([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,6}|#[0-9]{2,4});/', '', $text);
// Convert "|+|amp|+|" into "&", need to be done after handling of unknown entities
// This properly handles situation of "&quot;" in input string
$text = str_replace('|+|amp|+|', '&', $text);
// Bring down number of empty lines to 2 max
$text = preg_replace("/\n\s+\n/", "\n\n", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/[\n]{3,}/", "\n\n", $text);
// remove leading empty lines (can be produced by eg. P tag on the beginning)
$text = ltrim($text, "\n");
// Wrap the text to a readable format
// for PHP versions >= 4.0.2. Default width is 75
// If width is 0 or less, don't wrap the text.
if ($this->_options['width'] > 0) {
$text = wordwrap($text, $this->_options['width']);
* Helper function called by preg_replace() on link replacement.
* Maintains an internal list of links to be displayed at the end of the
* text, with numeric indices to the original point in the text they
* appeared. Also makes an effort at identifying and handling absolute
* and relative links.
* @param string $link URL of the link
* @param string $display Part of the text to associate number with
* @param null $link_override
* @return string
protected function _build_link_list($link, $display, $link_override = null)
$link_method = ($link_override) ? $link_override : $this->_options['do_links'];
if ($link_method == 'none') {
return $display;
// Ignored link types
if (preg_match('!^(javascript:|mailto:|#)!i', $link)) {
return $display;
if (preg_match('!^([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]+:)!i', $link)) {
$url = $link;
} else {
$url = $this->url;
if (substr($link, 0, 1) != '/') {
$url .= '/';
$url .= "$link";
if ($link_method == 'table') {
if (($index = array_search($url, $this->_link_list)) === false) {
$index = count($this->_link_list);
$this->_link_list[] = $url;
return $display . ' [' . ($index + 1) . ']';
} elseif ($link_method == 'nextline') {
return $display . "\n[" . $url . ']';
} else { // link_method defaults to inline
return $display . ' [' . $url . ']';
* Helper function for PRE body conversion.
* @param string $text HTML content
protected function _convert_pre(&$text)
// get the content of PRE element
while (preg_match('/<pre[^>]*>(.*)<\/pre>/ismU', $text, $matches)) {
$this->pre_content = $matches[1];
// Run our defined tags search-and-replace with callback
$this->pre_content = preg_replace_callback(
array($this, '_preg_callback'),
// convert the content
$this->pre_content = sprintf(
preg_replace($this->pre_search, $this->pre_replace, $this->pre_content)
// replace the content (use callback because content can contain $0 variable)
$text = preg_replace_callback(
array($this, '_preg_pre_callback'),
// free memory
$this->pre_content = '';
* Helper function for BLOCKQUOTE body conversion.
* @param string $text HTML content
protected function _convert_blockquotes(&$text)
if (preg_match_all('/<\/*blockquote[^>]*>/i', $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$start = 0;
$taglen = 0;
$level = 0;
$diff = 0;
foreach ($matches[0] as $m) {
if ($m[0][0] == '<' && $m[0][1] == '/') {
if ($level < 0) {
$level = 0; // malformed HTML: go to next blockquote
} elseif ($level > 0) {
// skip inner blockquote
} else {
$end = $m[1];
$len = $end - $taglen - $start;
// Get blockquote content
$body = substr($text, $start + $taglen - $diff, $len);
// Set text width
$p_width = $this->_options['width'];
if ($this->_options['width'] > 0) $this->_options['width'] -= 2;
// Convert blockquote content
$body = trim($body);
// Add citation markers and create PRE block
$body = preg_replace('/((^|\n)>*)/', '\\1> ', trim($body));
$body = '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($body) . '</pre>';
// Re-set text width
$this->_options['width'] = $p_width;
// Replace content
$text = substr($text, 0, $start - $diff)
. $body . substr($text, $end + strlen($m[0]) - $diff);
$diff = $len + $taglen + strlen($m[0]) - strlen($body);
} else {
if ($level == 0) {
$start = $m[1];
$taglen = strlen($m[0]);
* Callback function for preg_replace_callback use.
* @param array $matches PREG matches
* @return string
protected function _preg_callback($matches)
switch (strtolower($matches[1])) {
case 'b':
case 'strong':
return $this->_toupper($matches[3]);
case 'th':
return $this->_toupper("\t\t" . $matches[3] . "\n");
case 'h':
return $this->_toupper("\n\n" . $matches[3] . "\n\n");
case 'a':
// override the link method
$link_override = null;
if (preg_match('/_html2text_link_(\w+)/', $matches[4], $link_override_match)) {
$link_override = $link_override_match[1];
// Remove spaces in URL (#1487805)
$url = str_replace(' ', '', $matches[3]);
return $this->_build_link_list($url, $matches[5], $link_override);
return '';
* Callback function for preg_replace_callback use in PRE content handler.
* @param array $matches PREG matches
* @return string
protected function _preg_pre_callback(
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */
return $this->pre_content;
* Strtoupper function with HTML tags and entities handling.
* @param string $str Text to convert
* @return string Converted text
private function _toupper($str)
// string can contain HTML tags
$chunks = preg_split('/(<[^>]*>)/', $str, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// convert toupper only the text between HTML tags
foreach ($chunks as $idx => $chunk) {
if ($chunk[0] != '<') {
$chunks[$idx] = $this->_strtoupper($chunk);
return implode($chunks);
* Strtoupper multibyte wrapper function with HTML entities handling.
* Forces mb_strtoupper-call to UTF-8.
* @param string $str Text to convert
* @return string Converted text
private function _strtoupper($str)
$str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_COMPAT);
if (function_exists('mb_strtoupper'))
$str = mb_strtoupper($str, 'UTF-8');
$str = strtoupper($str);
$str = htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_COMPAT);
return $str;