
function mergeConfig(&$config, $default_config) {
	foreach ($default_config as $key => $val) {
		if (!isset($config[$key])) {
			$config[$key] = $val;
		} elseif (is_array($config[$key])) {
			mergeConfig($config[$key], $val);

function is_assoc($arr) {
	if (!is_array($arr)) {
		return false;
	foreach (array_keys($arr) as $key) {
		if (!is_int($key)) {
			return true;
	return false;

function strStartWith($str, $pre) {
	return substr($str, 0, strlen($pre)) === $pre;

function strEndWith($str, $suf) {
	return substr($str, -strlen($suf)) === $suf;

function strOmit($str, $len) {
	if (strlen($str) <= $len + 3) {
		return $str;
	} else {
		return substr($str, 0, $len) . '...';

function uojTextEncode($str, $config = array()) {
	mergeConfig($config, [
		'allow_CR' => false,
		'html_escape' => false

	$allow = array();
	for ($c = 32; $c <= 126; $c++) {
		$allow[chr($c)] = true;
	$allow["\n"] = true;
	$allow[" "] = true;
	$allow["\t"] = true;

	if ($config['allow_CR']) {
		$allow["\r"] = true;

	$len = strlen($str);
	$ok = true;
	for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
		$c = $str[$i];
		if (!isset($allow[$c])) {
			$ok = false;
	if ($ok && mb_check_encoding($str, 'utf-8')) {
		if (!$config['html_escape']) {
			return $str;
		} else {
			return HTML::escape($str);
	} else {
		$len = strlen($str);
		$res = '';
		$i = 0;
		while ($i < $len) {
			$c = $str[$i];
			if (ord($c) < 128) {
				if (isset($allow[$c])) {
					if ($config['html_escape']) {
						if ($c == '&') {
							$res .= '&amp;';
						} elseif ($c == '"') {
							$res .= '&quot;';
						} elseif ($c == '<') {
							$res .= '&lt;';
						} elseif ($c == '>') {
							$res .= '&gt;';
						} else {
							$res .= $c;
					} else {
						$res .= $c;
				} else {
					$res .= '<b>\x' . bin2hex($c) . '</b>';
			} else {
				$ok = false;
				$cur = $c;
				for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $i + 4 && $j < $len; $j++) {
					$cur .= $str[$j];
					if (mb_check_encoding($cur, 'utf-8')) {
						$ok = true;
				if ($ok) {
					$res .= $cur;
					$i = $j + 1;
				} else {
					$res .= '<b>\x' . bin2hex($c) . '</b>';
		return $res;

function base64url_encode($data) {
	return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '=');
function base64url_decode($data) {
	return base64_decode(str_pad(strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));

function blog_name_encode($name) {
	$name = str_replace('-', '_', $name);
	if (!strStartWith($name, '_') && !strEndWith($name, '_')) {
		$name = str_replace('_', '-', $name);
	$name = strtolower($name);
	return $name;
function blog_name_decode($name) {
	$name = str_replace('-', '_', $name);
	$name = strtolower($name);
	return $name;

function camelize($str, $delimiters = '-_') {
	$str = ucwords($str, $delimiters);
	foreach (str_split($delimiters) as $c) {
		$str = str_replace($c, '', $str);
	return $str;

function isSuperUser($user) {
	return $user != null && $user['usergroup'] == 'S';
function isTmpUser($user) {
	return $user != null && $user['usergroup'] == 'T';
function getProblemExtraConfig($problem) {
	$extra_config = json_decode($problem['extra_config'], true);

	$default_extra_config = array(
		'view_content_type' => 'ALL',
		'view_all_details_type' => 'ALL',
		'view_details_type' => 'ALL',
		'view_solution_type' => 'ALL',
		'submit_solution_type' => 'ALL_AFTER_AC',

	mergeConfig($extra_config, $default_extra_config);

	return $extra_config;
function getProblemSubmissionRequirement($problem) {
	return json_decode($problem['submission_requirement'], true);
function getProblemCustomTestRequirement($problem) {
	$extra_config = json_decode($problem['extra_config'], true);
	if (isset($extra_config['custom_test_requirement'])) {
		return $extra_config['custom_test_requirement'];
	} else {
		$answer = array(
			'name' => 'answer',
			'type' => 'source code',
			'file_name' => 'answer.code'
		foreach (getProblemSubmissionRequirement($problem) as $req) {
			if ($req['name'] == 'answer' && $req['type'] == 'source code' && isset($req['languages'])) {
				$answer['languages'] = $req['languages'];
		return array(
				'name' => 'input',
				'type' => 'text',
				'file_name' => 'input.txt'

function sendSystemMsg($username, $title, $content) {
		"insert into user_system_msg",
		"(receiver, title, content, send_time)",
		"values", DB::tuple([$username, $title, $content, DB::now()])

function retry_loop(callable $f, $retry = 5, $ms = 10) {
	for ($i = 0; $i < $retry; $i++) {
		$ret = $f();
		if ($ret !== false) {
			return $ret;
		usleep($ms * 1000);
	return $ret;

function getAbsoluteUrl($relativeUrl, $baseUrl) {
	// if already absolute URL 
	if (parse_url($relativeUrl, PHP_URL_SCHEME) !== null) {
		return $relativeUrl;

	// queries and anchors
	if ($relativeUrl[0] === '#' || $relativeUrl[0] === '?') {
		return $baseUrl . $relativeUrl;

	// parse base URL and convert to: $scheme, $host, $path, $query, $port, $user, $pass

	// if base URL contains a path remove non-directory elements from $path
	if (isset($path) === true) {
		$path = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $path);
	} else {
		$path = '';

	// if realtive URL starts with //
	if (substr($relativeUrl, 0, 2) === '//') {
		return $scheme . ':' . $relativeUrl;

	// if realtive URL starts with /
	if ($relativeUrl[0] === '/') {
		$path = null;

	$abs = null;

	// if realtive URL contains a user
	if (isset($user) === true) {
		$abs .= $user;

		// if realtive URL contains a password
		if (isset($pass) === true) {
			$abs .= ':' . $pass;

		$abs .= '@';

	$abs .= $host;

	// if realtive URL contains a port
	if (isset($port) === true) {
		$abs .= ':' . $port;

	$abs .= $path . '/' . $relativeUrl . (isset($query) === true ? '?' . $query : null);

	// replace // or /./ or /foo/../ with /
	$re = ['#(/\.?/)#', '#/(?!\.\.)[^/]+/\.\./#'];
	for ($n = 1; $n > 0; $abs = preg_replace($re, '/', $abs, -1, $n)) {

	// return absolute URL
	return $scheme . '://' . $abs;