
class DB {
	public static mysqli $conn;
	public static array $cache = [];
	public static bool $in_transaction = false;

	const WLOCK = "WRITE";
	const RLOCK = "READ";

	const NUM = MYSQLI_NUM;

	public static function init() {
		$server = UOJConfig::$data['database']['host'];
		$username = UOJConfig::$data['database']['username'];
		$password = UOJConfig::$data['database']['password'];
		$dbname = UOJConfig::$data['database']['database'];
		DB::$conn = new mysqli($server, $username, $password, $dbname);
		if (DB::$conn->connect_error) {
			UOJLog::error('database initialization failed: ' . DB::$conn->connect_error);
			die('There is something wrong with the database >_<... Connection failed');
		if (!DB::$conn->set_charset("utf8mb4")) {
			UOJLog::error("database initialization failed: Error loading character set utf8. " . DB::$conn->error);
			die('There is something wrong with the database >_<.... Charset utf8 not supported');

	// lc: local cache
	public static function lc() {
		return new DBUseLocalCache('');

	public static function escape($str) {
		return DB::$conn->real_escape_string($str);
	public static function raw($str) {
		return new DBRawString($str);
	public static function rawbracket($q) {
		return DB::raw(DB::bracket($q));
	public static function rawvalue($str) {
		return DB::raw(DB::value($str));
	public static function rawtuple(array $vals) {
		return DB::raw(DB::tuple($vals));
	public static function call($fun, ...$args) {
		return DB::raw("{$fun}(" . implode(',', array_map('DB::value', $args)) . ')');
	public static function now() {
		return DB::call('now');
	public static function instr($str, $substr) {
		return DB::call('instr', $str, $substr);
	public static function cast_as_json($value) {
		return DB::raw('cast(' . DB::value($value) . ' as json)');
	public static function json_set($json_doc, ...$args) {
		return DB::call('json_set', DB::raw($json_doc), ...$args);
	public static function json_insert($json_doc, ...$args) {
		return DB::call('json_insert', DB::raw($json_doc), ...$args);
	public static function json_replace($json_doc, ...$args) {
		return DB::call('json_replace', DB::raw($json_doc), ...$args);
	public static function json_remove($json_doc, ...$args) {
		return DB::call('json_remove', DB::raw($json_doc), ...$args);
	public static function json_array_append($json_doc, ...$args) {
		return DB::call('json_array_append', DB::raw($json_doc), ...$args);
	public static function json_array_insert($json_doc, ...$args) {
		return DB::call('json_array_insert', DB::raw($json_doc), ...$args);
	public static function json_unquote($json_doc) {
		return DB::call('json_unquote', DB::raw($json_doc));

	public static function table($table) {
		//return '`'.str_replace('`', '``', $table).'`';
		return $table;
	public static function fields($fields) {
		if (is_assoc($fields)) {
			$new_fields = [];
			foreach ($fields as $name => $val) {
				if (is_int($name)) {
					$new_fields[] = $val;
				} else {
					$new_fields[] = DB::field_as($val, $name);
			$fields = $new_fields;
		return implode(',', $fields);
	public static function bracketed_fields($fields) {
		return '(' . DB::fields($fields) . ')';
	public static function value($str) {
		if ($str === null) {
			return 'NULL';
		} elseif ($str === true) {
			return 'true';
		} elseif ($str === false) {
			return 'false';
		} elseif (is_int($str) || is_float($str)) {
			return $str;
		} elseif (is_string($str)) {
			return '\'' . DB::escape($str) . '\'';
		} elseif ($str instanceof DBRawString) {
			return $str->str;
		} else {
			return false;
	public static function field_as($field, $name) {
		return "{$field} as {$name}";
	public static function value_as($value, $name) {
		return DB::value($value) . " as {$name}";

	public static function if_func($conds, $val1, $val2) {
		return 'if(' . DB::conds($conds) . ',' . DB::value($val1) . ',' . DB::value($val2) . ')';

	public static function setValue($field, $val) {
		return $field . ' = ' . DB::value($val);
	public static function setValues(array $arr) {
		$all = [];
		foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
			if (is_int($key)) {
				$all[] = $val;
			} else {
				$all[] = DB::setValue($key, $val);
		return implode(', ', $all);

	public static function cond($cond) {
		if (is_array($cond)) {
			if (count($cond) == 3) {
				$lhs = $cond[0] instanceof DBRawString ? $cond[0]->str : $cond[0];
				$op = $cond[1];
				$rhs = DB::value($cond[2]);
				return $lhs . ' ' . $op . ' ' . $rhs;
			} else {
				return false;
		return $cond;
	public static function conds($conds) {
		return is_array($conds) ? DB::land($conds) : $conds;
	public static function land(array $conds) {
		if (is_assoc($conds)) {
			$new_conds = [];
			foreach ($conds as $key => $val) {
				if (is_int($key)) {
					$new_conds[] = $val;
				} else {
					if ($val !== null) {
						$new_conds[] = [$key, '=', $val];
					} else {
						$new_conds[] = [$key, 'is', $val];
			$conds = $new_conds;
		return '(' . implode(' and ', array_map('DB::cond', $conds)) . ')';
	public static function lor(array $conds) {
		if (is_assoc($conds)) {
			$new_conds = [];
			foreach ($conds as $key => $val) {
				if (is_int($key)) {
					$new_conds[] = $val;
				} else {
					if ($val !== null) {
						$new_conds[] = [$key, '=', $val];
					} else {
						$new_conds[] = [$key, 'is', $val];
			$conds = $new_conds;
		return '(' . implode(' or ', array_map('DB::cond', $conds)) . ')';
	public static function tuple(array $vals) {
		$str = '(';
		$first = true;
		foreach ($vals as $val) {
			if (!$first) {
				$str .= ',';
			} else {
				$first = false;
			$str .= DB::value($val);
		$str .= ')';
		return $str;
	public static function tuples(array $tuples) {
		$all = [];
		foreach ($tuples as $vals) {
			$all[] = DB::tuple($vals);
		return implode(', ', $all);

	public static function fetch($res, $opt = DB::ASSOC) {
		return $res->fetch_array($opt);

	public static function bracket($q) {
		return '(' . DB::query_str($q) . ')';
	public static function query_str($q) {
		if (is_array($q)) {
			$last = '';
			$qn = 0;
			$use_local_cache = false;
			foreach ($q as $val) {
				if (is_array($val)) {
					if ($last !== 'set' && $last !== "on duplicate key update") {
						$val = DB::land($val);
					} else {
						$val = DB::setValues($val);
				} elseif ($val instanceof DBUseLocalCache) {
					$use_local_cache = true;
					$val = $val->str;
				$last = $val;
				if ($val !== '') {
					$q[$qn++] = $val;
			array_splice($q, $qn);
			$q = implode(' ', $q);
			if ($use_local_cache) {
				$q = new DBUseLocalCache($q);
			return $q;
		return $q;

	public static function exists($q) {
		return 'exists ' . DB::bracket($q);

	public static function query($q) {
		return DB::$conn->query(DB::query_str($q));
	public static function update($q) {
		$ret = DB::$conn->query(DB::query_str($q));
		if ($ret === false) {
			UOJLog::error('update failed: ' . DB::$conn->error);
		return $ret;
	public static function insert($q) {
		$ret = DB::$conn->query(DB::query_str($q));
		if ($ret === false) {
			UOJLog::error('insert failed: ' . DB::$conn->error);
		return $ret;
	public static function insert_id() {
		return DB::$conn->insert_id;

	public static function delete($q) {
		$ret = DB::$conn->query(DB::query_str($q));
		if ($ret === false) {
			UOJLog::error('delete failed: ' . DB::$conn->error);
		return $ret;
	public static function select($q) {
		$q = DB::query_str($q);
		if ($q instanceof DBUseLocalCache) {
			$q = $q->str;
			$use_local_cache = true;
		} else {
			$use_local_cache = false;
		if ($use_local_cache && isset(DB::$cache[$q])) {
			$res = DB::$cache[$q];
			return $res;
		$res = DB::$conn->query($q);
		if ($use_local_cache) {
			DB::$cache[$q] = $res;
		if ($res === false) {
		return $res;
	public static function selectAll($q, $opt = DB::ASSOC) {
		$qres = DB::select($q);
		if ($qres === false) {
			return false;
		// return $qres->fetch_all($opt);   not supported

		$res = [];
		while ($row = $qres->fetch_array($opt)) {
			$res[] = $row;
		return $res;
	public static function selectFirst($q, $opt = DB::ASSOC) {
		$res = DB::select($q);
		if ($res === false) {
			return false;
		return $res->fetch_array($opt);
	public static function selectSingle($q) {
		$res = DB::select($q);
		if ($res === false) {
			return false;
		$row = $res->fetch_row();
		if (!$row) {
			return false;
		return $row[0];

	 * perform SQL query $q in the form of select count(*) from XXX where XXX;
	public static function selectCount($q) {
		$res = DB::select($q);
		if ($res === false) {
			return false;
		list($cnt) = $res->fetch_row();
		return $cnt;

	 * perform SQL query: select exists ($q);
	 * on success, returns 0 or 1
	 * on failure, returns false
	 * @return int|false
	public static function selectExists($q) {
		$res = DB::select(["select", DB::exists($q)]);
		if ($res === false) {
			return false;
		return (int)($res->fetch_row()[0]);

	public static function limit() {
		$num = func_get_args();
		if (count($num) == 1) {
			return "limit " . ((int)$num[0]);
		} elseif (count($num) == 2) {
			return "limit " . ((int)$num[0]) . "," . ((int)$num[1]);
		} else {
			return false;

	public static function for_share() {
		return "for share";
	public static function for_update() {
		return "for update";

	public static function startTransaction() {
		return DB::$conn->begin_transaction();

	public static function rollback() {
		return DB::$conn->rollback();

	public static function commit() {
		return DB::$conn->commit();

	public static function transaction($func) {
		if (DB::$in_transaction) {
			$ret = $func();
		} else {
			DB::$in_transaction = true;
			$ret = $func();
			DB::$in_transaction = false;
		return $ret;

	public static function lock($tables, $func) {
		$q = [];
		foreach ($tables as $table => $type) {
			if ($type != DB::WLOCK && $type != DB::RLOCK) {
				UOJLog::error('Unknown type: ' . $type);
				return false;
			$q[] = $table . ' ' . $type;
		$q = 'lock tables ' . implode(',', $q);

		$ret = $func();

		DB::query("unlock tables");

		return $ret;
	public static function checkTableExists($name) {
		return DB::select(["select 1 from", DB::table($name)]) !== false;

	public static function num_rows($res) {
		return $res->num_rows;
	public static function affected_rows() {
		return DB::$conn->affected_rows;