$gran; $i--) { $w[$i] = intval($secondsLeft / $d[$i][0]); $secondsLeft -= ($w[$i] * $d[$i][0]); if ($w[$i] != 0) { $return .= UOJLocale::get('time::x ' . $d[$i][1], abs($w[$i])) . " "; switch ($i) { case 6: // shows years and months if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 5; } break; case 5: // shows months and weeks if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 4; } break; case 4: // shows weeks and days if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 3; } break; case 3: // shows days and hours if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 2; } break; case 2: // shows hours and minutes if ($stopat == 0) { $stopat = 1; } break; case 1: // shows minutes and seconds if granularity is not set higher break; } if ($i === $stopat) { break; } } } $return .= ($diff > 0) ? UOJLocale::get('time::ago') : UOJLocale::get('time::left'); return $return; } ?>
Avatar of <?= $user['username'] ?>

style="color: blue"> style="color: red">

purify(HTML::parsedown()->line($user['motto'])) ?>
  • $type): ?> ,
  • Codeforces 

  • register time

  • remote_addr

  • http_x_forwarded_for

  • last_login

  • last_visited