#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ptrace.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sys/user.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <argp.h> #include <seccomp.h> #include "uoj_run.h" enum EX_CHECK_TYPE : unsigned { ECT_NONE = 0, ECT_CNT = 1, ECT_FILE_OP = 1 << 1, // it is a file operation ECT_END_AT = 1 << 2, // this file operation ends with "at" (e.g., openat) ECT_FILEAT_OP = ECT_FILE_OP | ECT_END_AT, // it is a file operation ended with "at" ECT_FILE_W = 1 << 3, // intend to write ECT_FILE_R = 1 << 4, // intend to read ECT_FILE_S = 1 << 5, // intend to stat ECT_CHECK_OPEN_FLAGS = 1 << 6, // check flags to determine whether it is to read/write (for open and openat) ECT_FILE2_W = 1 << 7, // intend to write (2nd file) ECT_FILE2_R = 1 << 8, // intend to read (2nd file) ECT_FILE2_S = 1 << 9, // intend to stat (2nd file) ECT_CLONE_THREAD = 1 << 10, // for clone(). Check that clone is making a non-suspicious thread ECT_KILL_SIG0_ALLOWED = 1 << 11, // forbid kill but killing with sig0 is allowed }; struct syscall_info { EX_CHECK_TYPE extra_check; int max_cnt; bool should_soft_ban = false; bool is_kill = false; syscall_info() : extra_check(ECT_CNT), max_cnt(0) {} syscall_info(unsigned extra_check, int max_cnt) : extra_check((EX_CHECK_TYPE)extra_check), max_cnt(max_cnt) {} static syscall_info unlimited() { return syscall_info(ECT_NONE, -1); } static syscall_info count_based(int max_cnt) { return syscall_info(ECT_CNT, max_cnt); } static syscall_info with_extra_check(unsigned extra_check, int max_cnt = -1) { if (max_cnt != -1) { extra_check |= ECT_CNT; } return syscall_info(extra_check, max_cnt); } static syscall_info kill_type_syscall(unsigned extra_check = ECT_CNT, int max_cnt = 0) { if (max_cnt != -1) { extra_check |= ECT_CNT; } syscall_info res(extra_check, max_cnt); res.is_kill = true; return res; } static syscall_info soft_ban() { syscall_info res(ECT_CNT, 0); res.should_soft_ban = true; return res; } }; #include "run_program_conf.h" namespace fs = std::filesystem; using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long int reg_val_t; #define REG_SYSCALL orig_rax #define REG_RET rax #define REG_ARG0 rdi #define REG_ARG1 rsi #define REG_ARG2 rdx #define REG_ARG3 rcx enum CHILD_PROC_FLAG : unsigned { CPF_STARTUP = 1u << 0, CPF_IGNORE_ONE_SIGSTOP = 1u << 2 }; struct rp_child_proc { pid_t pid; unsigned flags; struct user_regs_struct reg = {}; int syscall = -1; string error; bool suspicious = false; bool try_to_create_new_process = false; void set_error_for_suspicious(const string &error); void set_error_for_kill(); void soft_ban_syscall(int set_no); bool check_safe_syscall(); bool check_file_permission(const string &op, const string &fn, char mode); }; const size_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 512; const uint64_t MAX_FD_ID = 1 << 20; const string INVALID_PATH(PATH_MAX + 8, 'X'); const string EMPTY_PATH_AFTER_FD = "?empty_path_after_fd"; runp::config run_program_config; set<string> writable_file_name_set; set<string> readable_file_name_set; set<string> statable_file_name_set; set<string> soft_ban_file_name_set; syscall_info syscall_info_set[N_SYSCALL]; pid_t get_tgid_from_pid(pid_t pid) { ifstream fin("/proc/" + to_string(pid) + "/status"); string key; while (fin >> key) { if (key == "Tgid:") { pid_t tgid; if (fin >> tgid) { return tgid; } else { return -1; } } } return -1; } bool is_len_valid_path(const string &path) { return !path.empty() && path.size() <= MAX_PATH_LEN; } string path_or_len_invalid(const string &path) { return is_len_valid_path(path) ? path : INVALID_PATH; } string basename(const string &path) { if (!is_len_valid_path(path)) { return INVALID_PATH; } size_t p = path.rfind('/'); if (p == string::npos) { return path; } else { return path.substr(p + 1); // can be empty, e.g., path = "abc/" } } string dirname(const string &path) { if (!is_len_valid_path(path)) { return INVALID_PATH; } size_t p = path.rfind('/'); if (p == string::npos) { return INVALID_PATH; } else { return path.substr(0, p); // can be empty, e.g., path = "/abc" } } string realpath(const string &path) { if (!is_len_valid_path(path)) { return INVALID_PATH; } static char real[PATH_MAX + 1] = {}; if (realpath(path.c_str(), real) == NULL) { return INVALID_PATH; } return path_or_len_invalid(real); } string realpath_for_write(const string &path) { string real = realpath(path); if (!is_len_valid_path(path)) { return INVALID_PATH; } string b = basename(path); if (!is_len_valid_path(b) || b == "." || b == "..") { return INVALID_PATH; } real = realpath(dirname(path)); if (!is_len_valid_path(real)) { return INVALID_PATH; } return path_or_len_invalid(real + "/" + b); } string readlink(const string &path) { if (!is_len_valid_path(path)) { return INVALID_PATH; } static char buf[MAX_PATH_LEN + 1]; ssize_t n = readlink(path.c_str(), buf, MAX_PATH_LEN + 1); if (n > (ssize_t)MAX_PATH_LEN) { return INVALID_PATH; } else { buf[n] = '\0'; return path_or_len_invalid(buf); } } string getcwd() { char cwd[MAX_PATH_LEN + 1]; if (getcwd(cwd, MAX_PATH_LEN) == NULL) { return INVALID_PATH; } else { return path_or_len_invalid(cwd); } } string getcwdp(pid_t pid) { return realpath("/proc/" + (pid == 0 ? "self" : to_string(pid)) + "/cwd"); } string abspath(const string &path, pid_t pid, int fd = AT_FDCWD) { static int depth = 0; if (depth == 10 || !is_len_valid_path(path)) { return INVALID_PATH; } vector<string> lv; for (string cur = path; is_len_valid_path(cur); cur = dirname(cur)) { lv.push_back(basename(cur)); } reverse(lv.begin(), lv.end()); string pos; if (path[0] == '/') { pos = "/"; } else if (fd == AT_FDCWD) { pos = getcwdp(pid); } else { depth++; pos = abspath("/proc/self/fd/" + to_string(fd), pid); depth--; } if (!is_len_valid_path(pos)) { return INVALID_PATH; } struct stat stat_buf; bool reachable = true; for (auto &v : lv) { if (reachable) { if (lstat(pos.c_str(), &stat_buf) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode)) { reachable = false; } } if (reachable) { if (v == ".") { continue; } else if (v == "..") { pos = dirname(pos); if (pos.empty()) { pos = "/"; } continue; } } if (v.empty()) { continue; } if (pos.back() != '/') { pos += '/'; } pos += v; if (pos.size() > MAX_PATH_LEN) { return INVALID_PATH; } if (reachable) { string realpos; if (pos == "/proc/self") { realpos = "/proc/" + to_string(get_tgid_from_pid(pid)); } else if (pos == "/proc/thread-self") { realpos = "/proc/" + to_string(get_tgid_from_pid(pid)) + "/" + to_string(pid); } else { if (lstat(pos.c_str(), &stat_buf) < 0) { reachable = false; continue; } if (!S_ISLNK(stat_buf.st_mode)) { continue; } realpos = readlink(pos); if (!is_len_valid_path(realpos)) { return INVALID_PATH; } if (realpos[0] != '/') { realpos = dirname(pos) + "/" + realpos; } } depth++; realpos = abspath(realpos, pid); depth--; if (!is_len_valid_path(realpos)) { return INVALID_PATH; } pos = realpos; } } return path_or_len_invalid(pos); } string getfdp(pid_t pid, int fd) { if (fd == AT_FDCWD) { return getcwdp(pid); } else { return abspath("/proc/self/fd/" + to_string(fd), pid); } } inline bool is_in_set_smart(string name, const set<string> &s) { if (name.size() > MAX_PATH_LEN) { return false; } if (s.count(name)) { return true; } int level; for (level = 0; !name.empty(); name = dirname(name), level++) { if (level == 1 && s.count(name + "/*")) { return true; } if (s.count(name + "/")) { return true; } } if (level == 1 && s.count("/*")) { return true; } if (s.count("/")) { return true; } return false; } inline bool is_writable_file(string name) { if (name == "/") { return writable_file_name_set.count("system_root"); } return is_in_set_smart(name, writable_file_name_set); } inline bool is_readable_file(const string &name) { if (name == "/") { return readable_file_name_set.count("system_root"); } return is_in_set_smart(name, readable_file_name_set); } inline bool is_statable_file(const string &name) { if (name == "/") { return statable_file_name_set.count("system_root"); } return is_in_set_smart(name, statable_file_name_set); } inline bool is_soft_ban_file(const string &name) { if (name == "/") { return soft_ban_file_name_set.count("system_root"); } return is_in_set_smart(name, soft_ban_file_name_set); } void add_file_permission(const string &file_name, char mode) { if (file_name.empty()) { return; } if (mode == 'w') { writable_file_name_set.insert(file_name); } else if (mode == 'r') { readable_file_name_set.insert(file_name); } else if (mode == 's') { statable_file_name_set.insert(file_name); } if (file_name == "system_root") { return; } for (string name = dirname(file_name); !name.empty(); name = dirname(name)) { statable_file_name_set.insert(name); } } void init_conf() { const runp::config &config = run_program_config; add_file_permission(config.work_path, 'r'); add_file_permission(config.work_path + "/", 's'); if (folder_program_type_set.count(config.type)) { add_file_permission(realpath(config.program_name) + "/", 'r'); } else { add_file_permission(realpath(config.program_name), 'r'); } vector<string> loads; loads.push_back("default"); if (config.allow_proc) { loads.push_back("allow_proc"); } if (config.type != "default") { loads.push_back(config.type); } for (string type : loads) { if (allowed_syscall_list.count(type)) { for (const auto &kv : allowed_syscall_list[type]) { syscall_info_set[kv.first] = kv.second; } } if (soft_ban_file_name_list.count(type)) { for (const auto &name : soft_ban_file_name_list[type]) { soft_ban_file_name_set.insert(name); } } if (statable_file_name_list.count(type)) { for (const auto &name : statable_file_name_list[type]) { add_file_permission(name, 's'); } } if (readable_file_name_list.count(type)) { for (const auto &name : readable_file_name_list[type]) { add_file_permission(name, 'r'); } } if (writable_file_name_list.count(type)) { for (const auto &name : writable_file_name_list[type]) { add_file_permission(name, 'w'); } } } for (const auto &name : config.readable_file_names) { add_file_permission(name, 'r'); } for (const auto &name : config.writable_file_names) { add_file_permission(name, 'w'); } if (config.type == "python2.7" || config.type == "python3") { soft_ban_file_name_set.insert(dirname(realpath(config.program_name)) + "/__pycode__/"); } else if (config.type == "compiler") { add_file_permission(config.work_path + "/", 'w'); } readable_file_name_set.insert(writable_file_name_set.begin(), writable_file_name_set.end()); statable_file_name_set.insert(readable_file_name_set.begin(), readable_file_name_set.end()); } string read_string_from_addr(reg_val_t addr, pid_t pid) { int max_len = MAX_PATH_LEN + sizeof(reg_val_t); char res[max_len + 1], *ptr = res; while (ptr != res + max_len) { *(reg_val_t*)ptr = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, pid, addr, NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(reg_val_t); i++, ptr++, addr++) { if (*ptr == 0) { return res; } } } res[max_len] = 0; return res; } string read_abspath_from_addr(reg_val_t addr, pid_t pid) { string p = read_string_from_addr(addr, pid); string a = abspath(p, pid); if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "path : %s -> %s\n", p.c_str(), is_len_valid_path(a) ? a.c_str() : "INVALID!"); } return a; } string read_abspath_from_fd_and_addr(reg_val_t fd, reg_val_t addr, pid_t pid) { if (fd > MAX_FD_ID && (int)fd != AT_FDCWD) { return INVALID_PATH; } string p = read_string_from_addr(addr, pid); string a; if (p.empty()) { // this case is tricky // if p is empty, in the following cases, Linux will understand the path as the path of fd: // newfstatat + AT_EMPTY_PATH, linkat + AT_EMPTY_PATH, execveat + AT_EMPTY_PATH, readlinkat // otherwise, the syscall will return with an error // since fd is already opened, the program should have the permission to do the things listed above // (no read -> write conversion, no deletion, no chmod, etc.) // we just report this special case. the program will skip the permission check later a = EMPTY_PATH_AFTER_FD; } else { a = abspath(p, pid, (int)fd); } if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "path : %d, %s -> %s\n", (int)fd, p.c_str(), is_len_valid_path(a) ? a.c_str() : "INVALID!"); } return a; } bool set_seccomp_bpf() { scmp_filter_ctx ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_TRACE(0)); if (!ctx) { return false; } try { for (int no : supported_soft_ban_errno_list) { if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(no), SYSCALL_SOFT_BAN_MASK | no, 0) < 0) { throw system_error(); } } for (int i = 0; i < N_SYSCALL; i++) { if (syscall_info_set[i].extra_check == ECT_NONE) { if (syscall_info_set[i].should_soft_ban) { if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), i, 0) < 0) { throw system_error(); } } else { if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, i, 0) < 0) { throw system_error(); } } } } seccomp_load(ctx); } catch (system_error &e) { seccomp_release(ctx); return false; } seccomp_release(ctx); return true; } void rp_child_proc::set_error_for_suspicious(const string &error) { this->suspicious = true; this->error = "suspicious system call invoked: " + error; } void rp_child_proc::set_error_for_kill() { this->suspicious = false; reg_val_t sig = this->syscall == __NR_tgkill ? this->reg.REG_ARG2 : this->reg.REG_ARG1; this->error = "signal sent via " + syscall_name[this->syscall] + ": "; if (sig != (unsigned)sig) { this->error += "Unknown signal " + to_string(sig); } else { this->error += strsignal((int)sig); } } void rp_child_proc::soft_ban_syscall(int set_no = EPERM) { this->reg.REG_SYSCALL = SYSCALL_SOFT_BAN_MASK | set_no; ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, NULL, &this->reg); } bool rp_child_proc::check_file_permission(const string &op, const string &fn, char mode) { string real_fn; if (!fn.empty()) { real_fn = mode == 'w' ? realpath_for_write(fn) : realpath(fn); } if (!is_len_valid_path(real_fn)) { // path invalid or file not found // ban this syscall softly this->soft_ban_syscall(ENOENT); return true; } string path_proc_self = "/proc/" + to_string(get_tgid_from_pid(this->pid)); if (real_fn.compare(0, path_proc_self.size() + 1, path_proc_self + "/") == 0) { real_fn = "/proc/self" + real_fn.substr(path_proc_self.size()); } else if (real_fn == path_proc_self) { real_fn = "/proc/self"; } bool ok; switch (mode) { case 'w': ok = is_writable_file(real_fn); break; case 'r': ok = is_readable_file(real_fn); break; case 's': ok = is_statable_file(real_fn); break; default: ok = false; break; } if (ok) { return true; } if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "check file permission %s : %s\n", op.c_str(), real_fn.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "[readable]\n"); for (auto s: readable_file_name_set) { cerr << s << endl; } fprintf(stderr, "[writable]\n"); for (auto s: writable_file_name_set) { cerr << s << endl; } } if (is_soft_ban_file(real_fn)) { this->soft_ban_syscall(EACCES); return true; } else { this->set_error_for_suspicious("intended to access a file without permission: " + op); return false; } } bool rp_child_proc::check_safe_syscall() { ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, NULL, ®); int cur_instruction = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, pid, reg.rip - 2, NULL) & 0xffff; if (cur_instruction != 0x050f) { if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "informal syscall %d\n", cur_instruction); } this->set_error_for_suspicious("incorrect opcode " + to_string(cur_instruction)); return false; } if (0 > (long long int)reg.REG_SYSCALL || (long long int)reg.REG_SYSCALL >= N_SYSCALL) { this->set_error_for_suspicious(to_string(reg.REG_SYSCALL)); return false; } syscall = (int)reg.REG_SYSCALL; if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "[syscall %s]\n", syscall_name[syscall].c_str()); } this->try_to_create_new_process = syscall == __NR_fork || syscall == __NR_clone || syscall == __NR_clone3 || syscall == __NR_vfork; auto &cursc = syscall_info_set[syscall]; if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_CNT) { if (cursc.max_cnt == 0) { if (cursc.should_soft_ban) { this->soft_ban_syscall(); return true; } else { if (cursc.is_kill) { this->set_error_for_kill(); } else { this->set_error_for_suspicious(syscall_name[syscall]); } return false; } } cursc.max_cnt--; } if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_KILL_SIG0_ALLOWED) { reg_val_t sig = this->syscall == __NR_tgkill ? this->reg.REG_ARG2 : this->reg.REG_ARG1; if (sig != 0) { this->set_error_for_kill(); return false; } } if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE_OP) { string fn; if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_END_AT) { fn = read_abspath_from_fd_and_addr(reg.REG_ARG0, reg.REG_ARG1, pid); } else { fn = read_abspath_from_addr(reg.REG_ARG0, pid); } string textop = syscall_name[syscall]; char mode = 'w'; if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_CHECK_OPEN_FLAGS) { reg_val_t flags = cursc.extra_check & ECT_END_AT ? reg.REG_ARG2 : reg.REG_ARG1; switch (flags & O_ACCMODE) { case O_RDONLY: if ((flags & O_CREAT) == 0 && (flags & O_EXCL) == 0 && (flags & O_TRUNC) == 0) { textop += " (for read)"; mode = 'r'; } else { textop += " (for read & write)"; } break; case O_WRONLY: textop += " (for write)"; break; case O_RDWR: textop += " (for read & write)"; break; default: textop += " (with invalid flags)"; break; } } else if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE_S) { mode = 's'; } else if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE_R) { mode = 'r'; } else if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE_W) { mode = 'w'; } // else, error! if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "%-8s : %s\n", syscall_name[syscall].c_str(), fn.c_str()); } if (fn != EMPTY_PATH_AFTER_FD && !check_file_permission(textop, fn, mode)) { return false; } if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE2_S) { mode = 's'; } else if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE2_R) { mode = 'r'; } else if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_FILE2_W) { mode = 'w'; } else { mode = '?'; } if (mode != '?') { if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_END_AT) { fn = read_abspath_from_fd_and_addr(reg.REG_ARG2, reg.REG_ARG3, pid); } else { fn = read_abspath_from_addr(reg.REG_ARG1, pid); } if (run_program_config.need_show_trace_details) { fprintf(stderr, "%-8s : %s\n", syscall_name[syscall].c_str(), fn.c_str()); } if (fn != EMPTY_PATH_AFTER_FD && !check_file_permission(textop, fn, mode)) { return false; } } } if (cursc.extra_check & ECT_CLONE_THREAD) { reg_val_t flags = reg.REG_ARG0; if (!(flags & CLONE_THREAD)) { this->set_error_for_suspicious("intended to create a new process"); return false; } auto standard_flags = CLONE_VM | CLONE_FS | CLONE_FILES | CLONE_SIGHAND; standard_flags |= CLONE_SYSVSEM | CLONE_SETTLS |CLONE_PARENT_SETTID | CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID; if (!(flags & standard_flags)) { this->set_error_for_suspicious("intended to create a non-standard thread"); return false; } } return true; }