assertTrue(is_string($job1->getId())); $job2 = new Job(function () { return true; }); $this->assertTrue(is_string($job2->getId())); $job3 = new Job(['MyClass', 'myMethod']); $this->assertTrue(is_string($job3->getId())); } public function testShouldGenerateIdFromSignature() { $job1 = new Job('ls'); $this->assertEquals(md5('ls'), $job1->getId()); $job2 = new Job('whoami'); $this->assertNotEquals($job1->getId(), $job2->getId()); $job3 = new Job(['MyClass', 'myMethod']); $this->assertNotEquals($job1->getId(), $job3->getId()); } public function testShouldAllowCustomId() { $job = new Job('ls', [], 'aCustomId'); $this->assertNotEquals(md5('ls'), $job->getId()); $this->assertEquals('aCustomId', $job->getId()); $job2 = new Job(['MyClass', 'myMethod'], null, 'myCustomId'); $this->assertEquals('myCustomId', $job2->getId()); } public function testShouldKnowIfDue() { $job1 = new Job('ls'); $this->assertTrue($job1->isDue()); $job2 = new Job('ls'); $job2->at('* * * * *'); $this->assertTrue($job2->isDue()); $job3 = new Job('ls'); $job3->at('10 * * * *'); $this->assertTrue($job3->isDue(\DateTime::createFromFormat('i', '10'))); $this->assertFalse($job3->isDue(\DateTime::createFromFormat('i', '12'))); } public function testShouldKnowIfCanRunInBackground() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertTrue($job->canRunInBackground()); $job2 = new Job(function () { return "I can't run in background"; }); $this->assertFalse($job2->canRunInBackground()); } public function testShouldForceTheJobToRunInForeground() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertTrue($job->canRunInBackground()); $this->assertFalse($job->inForeground()->canRunInBackground()); } public function testShouldReturnCompiledJobCommand() { $job1 = new Job('ls'); $this->assertEquals('ls', $job1->inForeground()->compile()); $fn = function () { return true; }; $job2 = new Job($fn); $this->assertEquals($fn, $job2->compile()); } public function testShouldCompileWithArguments() { $job = new Job('ls', [ '-l' => null, '-arg' => 'value', ]); $this->assertEquals("ls '-l' '-arg' 'value'", $job->inForeground()->compile()); } public function testShouldCompileCommandInBackground() { $job1 = new Job('ls'); $job1->at('* * * * *'); $this->assertEquals('(ls) > /dev/null 2>&1 &', $job1->compile()); } public function testShouldRunInBackground() { // This script has a 5 seconds sleep $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); $startTime = microtime(true); $job->at('* * * * *')->run(); $endTime = microtime(true); $this->assertTrue(5 > ($endTime - $startTime)); $startTime = microtime(true); $job->at('* * * * *')->inForeground()->run(); $endTime = microtime(true); $this->assertTrue(($endTime - $startTime) >= 5); } public function testShouldRunInForegroundIfSendsEmails() { $job = new Job('ls'); $job->email(''); $this->assertFalse($job->canRunInBackground()); } public function testShouldAcceptSingleOrMultipleEmails() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertInstanceOf(Job::class, $job->email('')); $this->assertInstanceOf(Job::class, $job->email(['', ''])); } public function testShouldFailIfEmailInputIsNotStringOrArray() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $job = new Job('ls'); $job->email(1); } public function testShouldAcceptEmailConfigurationAndItShouldBeChainable() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertInstanceOf(Job::class, $job->configure([ 'email' => [], ])); } public function testShouldFailIfEmailConfigurationIsNotArray() { $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class); $job = new Job('ls'); $job->configure([ 'email' => 123, ]); } public function testShouldCreateLockFileIfOnlyOne() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); // Default temp dir $tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $lockFile = $tmpDir . '/' . $job->getId() . '.lock'; @unlink($lockFile); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($lockFile)); $job->onlyOne()->run(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($lockFile)); } public function testShouldCreateLockFilesInCustomPath() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); // Default temp dir $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $lockFile = $tmpDir . '/' . $job->getId() . '.lock'; @unlink($lockFile); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($lockFile)); $job->onlyOne($tmpDir)->run(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($lockFile)); } public function testShouldRemoveLockFileAfterRunningClosures() { $job = new Job(function () { sleep(3); }); // Default temp dir $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $lockFile = $tmpDir . '/' . $job->getId() . '.lock'; $job->onlyOne($tmpDir)->run(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($lockFile)); } public function testShouldRemoveLockFileAfterRunningCommands() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); // Default temp dir $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $lockFile = $tmpDir . '/' . $job->getId() . '.lock'; $job->onlyOne($tmpDir)->run(); sleep(1); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($lockFile)); sleep(5); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($lockFile)); } public function testShouldKnowIfOverlapping() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); $this->assertFalse($job->isOverlapping()); $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $job->onlyOne($tmpDir)->run(); sleep(1); $this->assertTrue($job->isOverlapping()); sleep(5); $this->assertFalse($job->isOverlapping()); } public function testShouldNotRunIfOverlapping() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); $this->assertFalse($job->isOverlapping()); $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $job->onlyOne($tmpDir); sleep(1); $this->assertTrue($job->run()); $this->assertFalse($job->run()); sleep(6); $this->assertTrue($job->run()); } public function testShouldRunIfOverlappingCallbackReturnsTrue() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); $this->assertFalse($job->isOverlapping()); $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $job->onlyOne($tmpDir, function ($lastExecution) { return time() - $lastExecution > 2; })->run(); // The job should not run as it is overlapping $this->assertFalse($job->run()); sleep(3); // The job should run now as the function should now return true, // while it's still being executed $lockFile = $tmpDir . '/' . $job->getId() . '.lock'; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($lockFile)); $this->assertTrue($job->run()); } public function testShouldAcceptTempDirInConfiguration() { $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../async_job.php'; $job = new Job($command); $tmpDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp'; $job->configure([ 'tempDir' => $tmpDir, ])->onlyOne()->run(); sleep(1); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($tmpDir . '/' . $job->getId() . '.lock')); } public function testWhenMethodShouldBeChainable() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertInstanceOf(Job::class, $job->when(function () { return true; })); } public function testShouldNotRunIfTruthTestFails() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertFalse($job->when(function () { return false; })->run()); $this->assertTrue($job->when(function () { return true; })->run()); } public function testShouldReturnOutputOfJobExecution() { $job1 = new Job(function () { echo 'hi'; }); $job1->run(); $this->assertEquals('hi', $job1->getOutput()); $job2 = new Job(function () { return 'hello'; }); $job2->run(); $this->assertEquals('hello', $job2->getOutput()); $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../test_job.php'; $job3 = new Job($command); $job3->inForeground()->run(); $this->assertEquals(['hi'], $job3->getOutput()); } public function testShouldRunCallbackBeforeJobExecution() { $job = new Job(function () { return 'Job for testing before function'; }); $callbackWasExecuted = false; $outputWasSet = false; $job->before(function () use ($job, &$callbackWasExecuted, &$outputWasSet) { $callbackWasExecuted = true; $outputWasSet = ! is_null($job->getOutput()); })->run(); $this->assertTrue($callbackWasExecuted); $this->assertFalse($outputWasSet); } public function testShouldRunCallbackAfterJobExecution() { $job = new Job(function () { $visitors = 1000; return 'Daily visitors: ' . $visitors; }); $jobResult = null; $job->then(function ($output) use (&$jobResult) { $jobResult = $output; })->run(); $this->assertEquals($jobResult, $job->getOutput()); $command = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../test_job.php'; $job2 = new Job($command); $job2Result = null; $job2->then(function ($output) use (&$job2Result) { $job2Result = $output; }, true)->run(); // Commands in background should return an empty string $this->assertTrue(empty($job2Result)); $job2Result = null; $job2->then(function ($output) use (&$job2Result) { $job2Result = $output; })->inForeground()->run(); $this->assertTrue(! empty($job2Result) && $job2Result === $job2->getOutput()); } public function testThenMethodShouldPassReturnCode() { $command_success = PHP_BINARY . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/../test_job.php'; $command_fail = $command_success . ' fail'; $run = function ($command) { $job = new Job($command); $testReturnCode = null; $job->then(function ($output, $returnCode) use (&$testReturnCode, &$testOutput) { $testReturnCode = $returnCode; })->run(); return $testReturnCode; }; $this->assertEquals(0, $run($command_success)); $this->assertNotEquals(0, $run($command_fail)); } public function testThenMethodShouldBeChainable() { $job = new Job('ls'); $this->assertInstanceOf(Job::class, $job->then(function () { return true; })); } public function testShouldDefaultExecutionInForegroundIfMethodThenIsDefined() { $job = new Job('ls'); $job->then(function () { return true; }); $this->assertFalse($job->canRunInBackground()); } public function testShouldAllowForcingTheJobToRunInBackgroundIfMethodThenIsDefined() { // This is a use case when you want to execute a callback every time your // job is executed, but you don't care about the output of the job $job = new Job('ls'); $job->then(function () { return true; }, true); $this->assertTrue($job->canRunInBackground()); } }