'#008000', 1000 => '#008000', 1200 => '#00c0c0', 1400 => '#00c0c0', 1600 => '#0000ff', 1800 => '#0000ff', 1900 => '#0000ff', 2000 => '#aa00aa', 2100 => '#aa00aa', 2200 => '#aa00aa', 2300 => '#ff8000', 2400 => '#ff8000', 2500 => '#ff8000', 2600 => '#ff0000', 2700 => '#ff0000', 2900 => '#ff0000', 3100 => '#aa0000', 3300 => '#aa0000', 3500 => '#aa0000', ]; public static array $categories = [ '算法基础' => [ '暴力', '枚举', '模拟', '递归与分治', '贪心', '排序', '前缀和与差分', '二分', '倍增', '构造', '打表', ], '搜索' => [ '深度优先搜索', '广度优先搜索', '双向搜索', '启发式搜索', 'A*', 'IDA*', '迭代加深', '回溯法', 'Dancing Links', ], '动态规划' => [ '记忆化搜索', '线性 DP', '背包 DP', '区间 DP', '树形 DP', '状压 DP', '数位 DP', 'DAG 上 DP', '插头 DP', '概率 DP', '单调队列优化 DP', '斜率优化 DP', '四边形不等式优化 DP', ], '计算几何' => [ 'Pick 定理', '三角剖分', '凸包', '扫描线', '旋转卡壳', '半平面交', '平面最近点对', '随机增量法', '反演变换', ], '数学' => [ '位运算', '快速幂', '高精度', '生成函数', '指数生成函数', '向量', '矩阵', '高斯消元', '线性基', '线性规划', '容斥', '组合计数', '离散对数', '单纯形算法', '概率', '置换群', '斐波那契数列', '牛顿迭代法', '数值积分', '分块打表', ], '数论' => [ '最大公约数', '分解质因数', '欧拉函数', '筛法', '欧拉定理', '费马小定理', '类欧几里得算法', '翡蜀定理', '乘法逆元', '线性同余方程', 'Meissel-Lehmer 算法', '二次剩余', 'BSGS', '原根', '卢卡斯定理', '莫比乌斯反演', '拉格朗日反演', '杜教筛', 'Powerful Number 筛', 'Min_25 筛', '洲阁筛', '连分数', 'Stern-Brocot 数与 Farey 序列', 'Pell 方程', ], '字符串' => [ '字符串哈希', '字典树', 'KMP', 'Boyer-Moore', 'Z 函数(扩展 KMP)', 'AC 自动机', '后缀数组', '后缀自动机', '后缀平衡树', '广义后缀自动机', 'Manacher', '回文树', '序列自动机', '最小表示法', 'Lyndon 分解', ], '图论' => [ '拓扑排序', '最短路', 'K 短路', '同余最短路', '虚树', '树分治', '动态树分治', '树哈希', '树上启发式合并', 'AHU 算法', '矩阵树定理', '最小生成树', '最小树形图', '最小直径生成树', '斯坦纳树', '拆点', '差分约束', '强连通分量', '双连通分量', '割点与桥', '圆方树', '2-SAT', '欧拉图', '哈密顿图', '最小环', '平面图', '网络流', '最大流', '最小割', '费用流', '上下界网络流', 'Stoer-Wagner 算法', '二分图', '二分图最大匹配', '二分图最大权匹配', '一般图最大匹配', '一般图最大权匹配', 'Prufer 序列', 'LGV 引理', '弦图', ], '组合数学' => [ '排列组合', '卡特兰数', '斯特林数', '贝尔数', '伯努利数', '康托展开', '容斥原理', '抽屉原理', '欧拉数', ], '数据结构' => [ '栈', '队列', '链表', '哈希表', '并查集', '二叉堆', '配对堆', '树状数组', '线段树', '平衡树', '左偏树', '块状数组', '块状链表', '树分块', 'Sqrt Tree', '可持久化数据结构', '单调栈', '单调队列', 'ST 表', '树套树', '李超线段树', '区间最值操作与区间历史最值', '划分树', '跳表', 'K-D Tree', '珂朵莉树', '动态树', '析合树', ], '多项式' => [ '拉格朗日插值', '快速傅里叶变换', '快速数论变换', '快速沃尔什变换', '多项式求逆', '多项式开方', '多项式除法与取模', '多项式对数函数与指数函数', '多项式牛顿迭代', '多项式多点求值与快速插值', '多项式三角函数', '多项式反三角函数', '常系数齐次线性递推', ], '博弈论' => [ '不平等博弈', 'SG 函数', 'Nim 游戏', 'Anti-Nim', '纳什均衡', ], '杂项' => [ '构造', '离散化', 'CDQ 分治', '整体二分', '分块', '莫队', '分数规划', '随机化', '模拟退火', '爬山法', '悬线法', '编译原理', '复杂度分析', '语义分析', '底层优化', ], ]; public static function query($id) { if (!isset($id) || !validateUInt($id)) { return null; } $info = DB::selectFirst([ "select * from problems", "where", ['id' => $id] ]); if (!$info) { return null; } return new UOJProblem($info); } public static function upgradeToContestProblem() { return (new UOJContestProblem(self::cur()->info, UOJContest::cur()))->setAsCur()->valid(); } public static function userCanManageSomeProblem(array $user = null) { if (!$user) { return false; } if (isSuperUser($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'problems.manage')) { return true; } return DB::selectFirst([ DB::lc(), "select 1 from problems_permissions", "where", [ 'username' => $user['username'] ], DB::limit(1) ]) != null || DB::selectFirst([ DB::lc(), "select 1 from problems", "where", [ "uploader" => $user['username'], ], DB::limit(1), ]) != null; } public static function userCanCreateProblem(array $user = null) { if (!$user) { return false; } return isSuperUser($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'problems.create'); } public function __construct($info) { $this->info = $info; } public function getTitle(array $cfg = []) { $cfg += [ 'with' => 'id', 'simplify' => false ]; $title = $this->info['title']; if ($cfg['simplify']) { $title = trim($title); $title = mb_ereg_replace('^(\[[^\]]*\]|【[^】]*】)', '', $title); $title = trim($title); } if ($cfg['with'] == 'id') { return "#{$this->info['id']}. {$title}"; } else { return $title; } } public function getUri($where = '') { return "/problem/{$this->info['id']}{$where}"; } public function getLink(array $cfg = []) { return HTML::link($this->getUri(), $this->getTitle($cfg), ['escape' => false]); } public function getAttachmentUri() { return '/download/problem/' . $this->info['id'] . '/attachment.zip'; } public function getMainDataUri() { return '/download/problem/' . $this->info['id'] . '/data.zip'; } public function getUploaderLink() { return UOJUser::getLink($this->info['uploader'] ?: "root"); } public function getProviderLink() { if ($this->info['type'] == 'local') { return HTML::tag('a', ['href' => HTML::url('/')], UOJConfig::$data['profile']['oj-name-short']); } $remote_oj = $this->getExtraConfig('remote_online_judge'); $remote_id = $this->getExtraConfig('remote_problem_id'); if (!$remote_oj || !array_key_exists($remote_oj, UOJRemoteProblem::$providers)) { return 'Error'; } $provider = UOJRemoteProblem::$providers[$remote_oj]; return HTML::tag('a', [ 'href' => UOJRemoteProblem::getProblemRemoteUrl($remote_oj, $remote_id), 'target' => '_blank' ], $provider['name']); } public function getDifficultyHTML() { $difficulty = (int)$this->info['difficulty']; $difficulty_text = in_array($difficulty, static::$difficulty) ? $difficulty : '?'; $difficulty_color = in_array($difficulty, static::$difficulty) ? static::$difficulty_color[$difficulty] : '#7e7e7e'; return HTML::tag('span', ['class' => 'uoj-difficulty', 'style' => "color: $difficulty_color"], $difficulty_text); } public function findInContests() { $res = DB::selectAll([ "select contest_id from contests_problems", "where", ['problem_id' => $this->info['id']] ]); $cps = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $cp = new UOJContestProblem($this->info, UOJContest::query($row['contest_id'])); if ($cp->valid()) { $cps[] = $cp; } } return $cps; } public function userCanClickZan(array $user = null) { if ($this->userCanView($user)) { return true; } foreach ($this->findInContests() as $cp) { if ($cp->userCanClickZan($user)) { return true; } } return false; } public function getZanBlock() { return ClickZans::getBlock('P', $this->info['id'], $this->info['zan']); } public function getSubmissionRequirement() { return json_decode($this->info['submission_requirement'], true); } public function getExtraConfig($key = null) { $extra_config = json_decode($this->info['extra_config'], true); $extra_config += [ 'view_content_type' => 'ALL', 'view_all_details_type' => 'ALL', 'view_details_type' => 'ALL', 'view_solution_type' => 'ALL', 'submit_solution_type' => 'ALL_AFTER_AC', 'need_to_review_hack' => false, 'add_hack_as' => 'ex_test', ]; return $key === null ? $extra_config : $extra_config[$key]; } public function getCustomTestRequirement() { if ($this->info['type'] == 'remote') { return []; } $extra_config = json_decode($this->info['extra_config'], true); if (isset($extra_config['custom_test_requirement'])) { return $extra_config['custom_test_requirement']; } $answer = [ 'name' => 'answer', 'type' => 'source code', 'file_name' => 'answer.code' ]; foreach ($this->getSubmissionRequirement() as $req) { if ($req['name'] == 'answer' && $req['type'] == 'source code' && isset($req['languages'])) { $answer['languages'] = $req['languages']; } } return [ $answer, [ 'name' => 'input', 'type' => 'text', 'file_name' => 'input.txt' ] ]; } public function userCanView(array $user = null, array $cfg = []) { $cfg += ['ensure' => false]; if ($this->info['is_hidden'] && !$this->userCanManage($user)) { $cfg['ensure'] && UOJResponse::page404(); return false; } if (!UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'problems.view')) { $cfg['ensure'] && UOJResponse::page403(); return false; } return true; } /** * Get a SQL cause to determine whether a user can view a problem * Need to be consistent with the member function userCanView */ public static function sqlForUserCanView(array $user = null) { if (isSuperUser($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'problems.manage')) { return "(1)"; } elseif (UOJProblem::userCanManageSomeProblem($user)) { return DB::lor([ "problems.is_hidden" => false, DB::land([ "problems.is_hidden" => true, DB::lor([ [ "problems.id", "in", DB::rawbracket([ "select problem_id from problems_permissions", "where", ["username" => $user['username']] ]) ], [ "problems.id", "in", DB::rawbracket([ "select problem_id from problems", "where", ["uploader" => $user['username']] ]) ], ]) ]) ]); } else { return "(problems.is_hidden = false)"; } } public function isUserOwnProblem(array $user = null) { if (!$user) { return false; } return $user['username'] === $this->info['uploader']; } public function userPermissionCodeCheck(array $user = null, $perm_code) { switch ($perm_code) { case 'ALL': return true; case 'ALL_AFTER_AC': return $this->userHasAC($user); case 'NONE': return false; default: return null; } } public function userCanUploadSubmissionViaZip(array $user = null) { foreach ($this->getSubmissionRequirement() as $req) { if ($req['type'] == 'source code') { return false; } } return true; } public function userCanDownloadAttachments(array $user = null) { if ($this->userCanView($user)) { return true; } foreach ($this->findInContests() as $cp) { if ($cp->userCanDownloadAttachments($user)) { return true; } } return false; } public function userCanManage(array $user = null) { if (!$user) { return false; } if (isSuperUser($user) || $this->isUserOwnProblem($user) || UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'problems.manage')) { return true; } return DB::selectFirst([ DB::lc(), "select 1 from problems_permissions", "where", [ 'username' => $user['username'], 'problem_id' => $this->info['id'] ] ]) != null; } public function userCanDownloadTestData(array $user = null) { if ($this->userCanManage($user)) { return true; } if (!UOJUser::checkPermission($user, 'problems.download_testdata')) { return false; } foreach ($this->findInContests() as $cp) { if ($cp->contest->userHasRegistered($user) && $cp->contest->progress() == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS) { return false; } } return true; } public function preHackCheck(array $user = null) { return $this->info['hackable'] && (!$user || $this->userCanView($user)); } public function needToReviewHack() { return $this->getExtraConfig('need_to_review_hack'); } public function userHasAC(array $user = null) { if (!$user) { return false; } return DB::selectFirst([ DB::lc(), "select 1 from best_ac_submissions", "where", [ 'submitter' => $user['username'], 'problem_id' => $this->info['id'] ] ]) != null; } public function preSubmitCheck() { return true; } public function additionalSubmissionComponentsCannotBeSeenByUser(array $user = null, UOJSubmission $submission) { foreach ($this->findInContests() as $cp) { if ($cp->contest->userHasRegistered($user) && $cp->contest->progress() == CONTEST_IN_PROGRESS) { if ($submission->userIsSubmitter($user)) { if ($cp->contest->getJudgeTypeInContest() == 'no-details') { return ['low_level_details']; } else { return []; } } else { return ['content', 'high_level_details', 'low_level_details']; } } } return []; } public function getDataFolderPath() { return "/var/uoj_data/{$this->info['id']}"; } public function getDataZipPath() { return "/var/uoj_data/{$this->info['id']}.zip"; } public function getDataFilePath($name = '') { // return "zip://{$this->getDataZipPath()}#{$this->info['id']}/$name"; return "{$this->getDataFolderPath()}/$name"; } public function getProblemConfArray(string $where = 'data') { if ($where === 'data') { return getUOJConf($this->getDataFilePath('problem.conf')); } else { return null; } } public function getProblemConf(string $where = 'data') { if ($where === 'data') { return UOJProblemConf::getFromFile($this->getDataFilePath('problem.conf')); } else { return null; } } public function getNonTraditionalJudgeType() { $conf = $this->getProblemConf(); if (!($conf instanceof UOJProblemConf)) { return false; } return $conf->getNonTraditionalJudgeType(); } } UOJProblem::$table_for_content = 'problems_contents'; UOJProblem::$key_for_content = 'id'; UOJProblem::$fields_for_content = ['*']; UOJProblem::$table_for_tags = 'problems_tags'; UOJProblem::$key_for_tags = 'problem_id';