'题目', 'problem list' => '题单', 'all problems' => '总题库', 'template problems' => '模板题库', 'remote problems' => '远程题库', 'add new' => '添加新题', 'add new list' => '添加新题单', 'my problem' => '我的题目', 'title' => '标题', 'total' => '总题数', 'ac' => 'AC', 'submit' => '提交', 'ac ratio' => 'AC 率', 'show tags' => '显示标签', 'show statistics' => '显示提交情况', 'statement' => '描述', 'custom test' => '自定义测试', 'manage' => '管理', 'submissions statistics' => '统计提交情况', 'statistics' => '统计', 'solutions' => '题解', 'problem source' => '题目来源', 'run' => '运行', 'source code' => '源代码', 'text file' => '文本文件', 'zip file upload introduction' => function ($str) { return "请上传你要提交的文件,并命名为 {$str}。如果你提交了 zip 压缩包,我们会为你自动解压。"; }, 'or upload files one by one' => '或者逐个上传:', 'accepted submissions' => '满分提交', 'fastest' => '最快', 'shortest' => '最短', 'score distribution' => '得分分布', 'prefix sum of score distribution' => '前缀和', 'suffix sum of score distribution' => '后缀和', 'submitter' => '提交者', 'hacker' => 'Hacker', 'owner' => 'Owner', 'result' => '结果', 'used time' => '用时', 'used memory' => '内存', 'language' => '语言', 'file size' => '文件大小', 'submit time' => '提交时间', 'judge time' => '测评时间', 'problem id' => '题目ID', 'submission' => '提交记录', 'hack' => 'Hack', 'submission id' => '提交记录ID', 'my submissions' => '我的提交记录', 'hacks by me' => '我的Hack记录', 'hacks to me' => '我的被Hack记录', 'difficulty' => '难度', 'show difficulty' => '显示难度', 'tags' => '标签', 'historical score' => '历史分数', 'uploader' => '上传者', 'time limit' => '时间限制', 'memory limit' => '内存限制', 'attachments' => '附件', 'test data' => '测试数据', 'attachments download' => '附件下载', 'resources' => '相关资源', 'cannot submit' => '当前题目未配置 submission_requirement,暂时无法提交。', 'the problem was used in the following contest' => '该题目被以下比赛使用', ];