#!/bin/bash genRandStr(){ cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [:alnum:] | head -c $1 } #Set some vars _database_password_=root _judger_socket_port_=2333 _judger_socket_password_=$(genRandStr 32) _main_judger_password_=$(genRandStr 32) _svn_ourroot_password_=$(genRandStr 32) _svn_certroot_password_=$(genRandStr 32) getAptPackage(){ echo -e "\n\n==> Getting environment packages" #Set MySQL root password debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server-5.7 mysql-server/root_password password $_database_password_" && debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server-5.7 mysql-server/root_password_again password $_database_password_" #Update apt sources and install apt-get update -y apt install -y vim ntp zip unzip curl wget subversion apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-mysql cmake fp-compiler re2c libv8-dev libyaml-dev python python3 python-requests #Install PHP extensions echo -e "\n\n" | pecl install v8js-0.1.3 yaml-1.3.1 } getOracleJDK(){ echo -e "\n\n==> Getting JDK runtime files" #Add judger user useradd -m local_main_judger && usermod -a -G www-data local_main_judger #Get newest jdk dist file JDK_MIRROR_LINK=http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/funtoo/distfiles/oracle-java/ JDK_CNMIRROR_LINK=http://funtoo.neu.edu.cn/funtoo/distfiles/oracle-java/ curl -s ${JDK_MIRROR_LINK} | grep -oP '>jdk-[7,8].*-linux-x64.tar' | sed -e 's/[\",>]//g' -e 's/-linux-x64.tar//g' >jdkdist.list wget ${JDK_MIRROR_LINK}$(sed -n '1p' jdkdist.list)-linux-x64.tar.gz && wget ${JDK_MIRROR_LINK}$(sed -n '2p' jdkdist.list)-linux-x64.tar.gz #Change jdk version to faq.php sed -i -e "s/jdk-7u76/$(sed -n '1p' jdkdist.list)/g" -e "s/jdk-8u31/$(sed -n '2p' jdkdist.list)/g" ../../uoj/1/app/controllers/faq.php #Move jdk file to judge user root chown local_main_judger jdkdist.list jdk-*-linux-x64.tar.gz mv jdkdist.list jdk-*-linux-x64.tar.gz /home/local_main_judger/ } setLAMPConf(){ echo -e "\n\n==> Setting LAMP configs" #Set Apache UOJ site conf cat >/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-uoj.conf < #ServerName local_uoj.ac ServerAdmin vfleaking@163.com DocumentRoot /var/www/uoj #LogLevel info ssl:warn ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/uoj_error.log CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/uoj_access.log combined XSendFile On XSendFilePath /var/uoj_data XSendFilePath /var/www/uoj/app/storage XSendFilePath /home/local_main_judger/judge_client/uoj_judger/include UOJEOF #Enable modules and make UOJ site conf enabled a2ensite 000-uoj.conf && a2dissite 000-default.conf a2enmod rewrite headers && sed -i -e '166s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf #Create UOJ session save dir and make PHP extensions available mkdir --mode=733 /var/lib/php5/uoj && chmod +t /var/lib/php5/uoj sed -i -e '866a\extension=v8js.so\nextension=yaml.so' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini #Set MySQL user directory and connection config usermod -d /var/lib/mysql/ mysql sed -i -e "108a\init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci'\ninit_connect='SET NAMES utf8'\ncharacter-set-server=utf8\ncollation-server=utf8_unicode_ci\nskip-character-set-client-handshake" -e "117a\default-character-set=utf8" /etc/mysql/my.cnf } setSVNServe(){ echo -e "\n\n==> Setting SVN server" #Make SVN work dir mkdir /var/svn && svnserve -d -r /var/svn mkdir /var/svn/problem && chown www-data /var/svn/problem -R svnadmin create /var/svn/uoj && svnadmin create /var/svn/judge_client #Set SVN server config file and password db sed -i -e 's/# store-plaintext-passwords = no/store-plaintext-passwords = yes/g' /etc/subversion/servers sed -i -e 's/# anon-access/anon-access/g' -e 's/# auth-access/auth-access/g' -e 's/# password-db/password-db/g' /var/svn/uoj/conf/svnserve.conf rm -r /var/svn/judge_client/conf/passwd && ln -s /var/svn/uoj/conf/passwd /var/svn/judge_client/conf/passwd cat /var/svn/uoj/conf/svnserve.conf >/var/svn/judge_client/conf/svnserve.conf cat >/var/svn/uoj/conf/passwd </var/svn/uoj/hooks/post-commit </var/svn/judge_client/hooks/post-commit </var/svn/problem/new_problem.sh <\$path/conf/svnserve.conf <\$path/conf/passwd <\$path/hooks/post-commit </var/svn/problem/post-commit.sh < Setting web files" #Commit web source file svn co svn:// --username root --password $_svn_certroot_password_ mv ../../uoj/1 uoj/1 && cd uoj svn add 1 && svn ci -m "Installtion commit" --username root --password $_svn_certroot_password_ cd .. && rm uoj /var/www/uoj -r #Set webroot path ln -s /var/svn/uoj/cur/uoj/1 /var/www/uoj chown www-data /var/www/uoj/app/storage -R #Set web config file php -a < Setting judge_client files" #Commit judge_client source file svn co svn:// --username root --password $_svn_certroot_password_ mv ../../judge_client/1 judge_client/1 && cd judge_client svn add 1 && svn ci -m "Installation commit" --username root --password $_svn_certroot_password_ cd .. && rm judge_client -r #Set uoj_data path mkdir /var/uoj_data chown www-data /var/uoj_data -R && chgrp www-data /var/uoj_data -R #Compile judge_client and set runtime su local_main_judger <uoj_judger/include/uoj_work_path.h make mkdir ~/judge_client/uoj_judger/run/runtime && cd ~/judge_client/uoj_judger/run/runtime mv ~/jdkdist.list ~/jdk-*-linux-x64.tar.gz . tar -xzf jdk-7*-linux-x64.tar.gz && tar -xzf jdk-8*-linux-x64.tar.gz mv jdk1.7* jdk1.7.0_latest && mv jdk1.8* jdk1.8.0_latest EOD #Set judge_client config file cat >/home/local_main_judger/judge_client/.conf.json < Ending progress and start service" #Using cli upgrade to latest php /var/www/uoj/app/cli.php upgrade:latest #Start services service ntp restart service mysql restart service apache2 restart su local_main_judger -c '~/judge_client/judge_client start' #Set SetupDone flag file echo 'Congratulations!' > /var/svn/.UOJSetupDone echo -e "\n\n***Installation complete. Enjoy!***" } if [ "$1" == "-e" ] ;then echo 'Setting UOJ System bundle environment...' getAptPackage getOracleJDK setLAMPConf elif [ "$1" == "-c" ] ;then echo 'Configuring UOJ System bundle...' setSVNServe setWebConf setJudgeConf endUpProgress else echo 'Installing UOJ System bundle...' getAptPackage getOracleJDK setLAMPConf setSVNServe setWebConf setJudgeConf endUpProgress fi