[ 'name' => '基本信息', 'url' => "/list/{$list['id']}/edit/profile", ], 'problems' => [ 'name' => '题目管理', 'url' => "/list/{$list['id']}/edit/problems", ], 'assignments' => [ 'name' => '对应作业', 'url' => "/list/{$list['id']}/edit/assignments", ] ]; if (!isset($tabs_info[$cur_tab])) { become404Page(); } if ($cur_tab == 'profile') { $list_tags = queryProblemListTags($list_id); $update_profile_form = new UOJForm('update_profile'); $update_profile_form->addVInput('name', 'text', '标题', $list['title'], function($title, &$vdata) { if ($title == '') { return '标题不能为空'; } if (strlen($title) > 100) { return '标题过长'; } $title = HTML::escape($title); if ($title === '') { return '无效编码'; } $vdata['title'] = $title; return ''; }, null ); $update_profile_form->addVCheckboxes('is_hidden', [ '0' => '公开', '1' => '隐藏', ], '可见性', $list['is_hidden']); $update_profile_form->addVInput('tags', 'text', '标签(多个标签用逗号隔开)', implode(', ', $list_tags), function($tags_str, &$vdata) { $tags_str = str_replace(',', ',', $tags_str); $tags_raw = explode(',', $tags_str); $tags = []; if (count($tags_raw) > 10) { return '不能存在超过 10 个标签'; } foreach ($tags_raw as $tag) { $tag = HTML::escape(trim($tag)); if (strlen($tag) == 0) { continue; } if (strlen($tag) > 30) { return '标签 “' . $tag .'” 太长'; } if (in_array($tag, $tags, true)) { return '标签 “' . $tag .'” 重复出现'; } $tags[] = $tag; } $vdata['tags'] = $tags; return ''; }, null); $update_profile_form->addVTextArea('description', '描述', $list['description'], function($description, &$vdata) { if (strlen($description) > 3000) { return '描述过长'; } $vdata['description'] = $description; return ''; }, null); $update_profile_form->handle = function($vdata) use ($list, $list_tags) { $esc_title = DB::escape($vdata['title']); $is_hidden = $_POST['is_hidden']; $esc_description = DB::escape($vdata['description']); DB::update("UPDATE `lists` SET `title` = '$esc_title', `is_hidden` = '$is_hidden', `description` = '$esc_description' WHERE id = {$list['id']}"); if ($vdata['tags'] !== $list_tags) { DB::delete("DELETE FROM `lists_tags` WHERE `list_id` = {$list['id']}"); foreach ($vdata['tags'] as $tag) { $esc_tag = DB::escape($tag); DB::insert("INSERT INTO `lists_tags` (list_id, tag) VALUES ({$list['id']}, '$esc_tag')"); } } dieWithJsonData(['status' => 'success', 'message' => '修改成功']); }; $update_profile_form->setAjaxSubmit(<<submit_button_config['margin_class'] = 'mt-3'; $update_profile_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '更新'; $update_profile_form->runAtServer(); } elseif ($cur_tab == 'problems') { if (isset($_POST['submit-remove_problem']) && $_POST['submit-remove_problem'] == 'remove_problem') { crsf_defend(); $problem_id = $_POST['problem_id']; if (!validateUInt($problem_id)) { dieWithAlert('题目 ID 不合法'); } if (!queryProblemBrief($problem_id)) { dieWithAlert('题目不存在'); } if (!queryProblemInList($list['id'], $problem_id)) { dieWithAlert('题目不在题单中'); } DB::delete("DELETE FROM lists_problems WHERE problem_id = {$problem_id} AND list_id = {$list['id']}"); dieWithAlert('移除成功!'); } $n_problems = DB::selectCount("SELECT count(*) FROM `lists_problems` WHERE `list_id` = {$list['id']}"); $add_new_problem_form = new UOJForm('add_new_problem'); $add_new_problem_form->addVInput('problem_id', 'text', '题目 ID', '', function ($problem_id, &$vdata) use ($list) { if (!validateUInt($problem_id)) { return 'ID 不合法'; } if (!queryProblemBrief($problem_id)) { return '题目不存在'; } if (queryProblemInList($list['id'], $problem_id)) { return '该题目已经在题单中'; } $vdata['problem_id'] = $problem_id; return ''; }, null ); $add_new_problem_form->submit_button_config['margin_class'] = 'mt-3'; $add_new_problem_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '添加'; $add_new_problem_form->handle = function($vdata) use ($list) { DB::insert("INSERT INTO `lists_problems` (`list_id`, `problem_id`) values ({$list['id']}, {$vdata['problem_id']})"); dieWithJsonData(['status' => 'success', 'message' => '已将题目 #' . $vdata['problem_id'] . ' 添加到题单 #' . $list['id'] .' 中']); }; $add_new_problem_form->setAjaxSubmit(<<runAtServer(); } elseif ($cur_tab == 'assignments') { if (isset($_POST['submit-remove_assignment']) && $_POST['submit-remove_assignment'] == 'remove_assignment') { crsf_defend(); $group_id = $_POST['group_id']; if (!validateUInt($group_id)) { dieWithAlert('小组 ID 不合法。'); } if (!queryGroup($group_id)) { dieWithAlert('小组不存在。'); } if (!queryAssignmentByGroupListID($group_id, $list['id'])) { dieWithAlert('该小组并未将本题单布置为作业。'); } DB::delete("DELETE FROM groups_assignments WHERE group_id = {$group_id} AND list_id = {$list['id']}"); dieWithAlert('移除成功!'); } $add_new_assignment_form = new UOJForm('add_new_assignment'); $add_new_assignment_form->addVInput('new_assignment_group_id', 'text', '小组 ID', '', function ($group_id, &$vdata) use ($list) { if (!validateUInt($group_id)) { return '小组 ID 不合法'; } if (!($list = queryGroup($group_id))) { return '小组不存在'; } if ($list['is_hidden'] != 0) { return '题单是隐藏的'; } if (queryAssignmentByGroupListID($group_id, $list['id'])) { return '该题单已经是这个小组的作业'; } $vdata['group_id'] = $group_id; return ''; }, null ); $default_end_time = new DateTime(); $default_end_time->setTime(22, 30, 0); $default_end_time->add(new DateInterval("P7D")); $add_new_assignment_form->addVInput('new_assignment_end_time', 'text', '截止时间', $default_end_time->format('Y-m-d H:i'), function ($end_time, &$vdata) { try { $vdata['end_time'] = new DateTime($end_time); } catch (Exception $e) { return '无效时间格式'; } return ''; }, null ); $add_new_assignment_form->handle = function(&$vdata) use ($list) { $esc_end_time = DB::escape($vdata['end_time']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); DB::insert("insert into groups_assignments (group_id, list_id, end_time) values ({$vdata['group_id']}, '{$list['id']}', '{$esc_end_time}')"); dieWithJsonData([ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => '题单 #' . $list['id'] . ' 已经被添加到小组 #' . $vdata['group_id'] . ' 的作业列表中,结束时间为 ' . $vdata['end_time']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '。' ]); }; $add_new_assignment_form->submit_button_config['margin_class'] = 'mt-3'; $add_new_assignment_form->submit_button_config['text'] = '添加'; $add_new_assignment_form->setAjaxSubmit(<<runAtServer(); $hidden_time = new DateTime(); $hidden_time->sub(new DateInterval('P7D')); } ?>

(ID: #) 管理

printHTML() ?>
  • 隐藏的题单无法被普通用户查看。
  • 题单描述支持 Markdown 语法。
ID 标题 操作 EOD, function ($row) { echo ''; echo '', $row['id'], ''; echo '', getProblemLink($row); if ($row['is_hidden']) { echo ' ', UOJLocale::get('hidden'), ' '; } echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; }, [ 'page_len' => 20, 'div_classes' => ['table-responsive'], 'table_classes' => ['table', 'align-middle'], 'print_after_table' => function() use ($n_problems) { echo '
共 ', $n_problems,' 道题目
'; }, ] ); ?>
printHTML() ?>
  • 隐藏的题目添加进题单后无法被普通用户查看。
  • 如当前题单已经被设置为某个小组的作业,则作业也会一并更新。
小组 ID 名称 状态 结束时间 操作 EOD, function($row) use ($list, $hidden_time) { $group = queryGroup($row['group_id']); $end_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['end_time']); echo ''; echo '', $group['id'], ''; echo '', '', HTML::escape($group['title']), '', ''; if ($end_time < $hidden_time) { echo '已隐藏'; } elseif ($end_time < UOJTime::$time_now) { echo '已结束'; } else { echo '进行中'; } echo '', $end_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ''; echo ''; echo ' 排行榜 '; echo '
' . '' . '' . '' . '
'; echo ''; echo ''; }, [ 'page_len' => 20, 'div_classes' => ['table-responsive'], 'table_classes' => ['table', 'align-middle'], ] ); ?>
printHTML() ?>
  • 请为学生预留合理的完成作业的时间。
  • 排行榜将在作业结束后停止更新。
  • 如需延长结束时间请删除后再次添加,排行数据不会丢失。
  • 作业结束七天后将会自动在小组主页中隐藏,但仍可直接通过 URL 访问。